コード例 #1
ファイル: summon.go プロジェクト: FlyingCar/haunts
func (a *SummonAction) HandleInput(group gui.EventGroup, g *game.Game) (bool, game.ActionExec) {
	cursor := group.Events[0].Key.Cursor()
	if cursor != nil {
		bx, by := g.GetViewer().WindowToBoard(cursor.Point())
		bx += 0.5
		by += 0.5
		if bx < 0 {
		if by < 0 {
		a.cx = int(bx)
		a.cy = int(by)

	if found, event := group.FindEvent(gin.MouseLButton); found && event.Type == gin.Press {
		if g.IsCellOccupied(a.cx, a.cy) {
			return true, nil
		if a.Personal_los && !a.ent.HasLos(a.cx, a.cy, 1, 1) {
			return true, nil
		if a.ent.Stats.ApCur() >= a.Ap {
			var exec summonExec
			exec.SetBasicData(a.ent, a)
			exec.Pos = a.ent.Game().ToVertex(a.cx, a.cy)
			return true, &exec
		return true, nil
	return false, nil
コード例 #2
ファイル: summon.go プロジェクト: FlyingCar/haunts
func (a *SummonAction) Maintain(dt int64, g *game.Game, ae game.ActionExec) game.MaintenanceStatus {
	if ae != nil {
		exec := ae.(*summonExec)
		ent := g.EntityById(exec.Ent)
		if ent == nil {
			base.Error().Printf("Got a summon action without a valid entity.")
			return game.Complete
		a.ent = ent
		_, a.cx, a.cy = a.ent.Game().FromVertex(exec.Pos)
		a.ent.Stats.ApplyDamage(-a.Ap, 0, status.Unspecified)
		a.spawn = game.MakeEntity(a.Ent_name, a.ent.Game())
		if a.Current_ammo > 0 {
	if a.ent.Sprite().State() == "ready" {
		a.ent.TurnToFace(a.cx, a.cy)
		a.ent.Game().SpawnEntity(a.spawn, a.cx, a.cy)
		return game.Complete
	return game.InProgress
コード例 #3
ファイル: aoe_attack.go プロジェクト: FlyingCar/haunts
func (a *AoeAttack) getTargetsAt(g *game.Game, tx, ty int) []*game.Entity {
	x := tx - (a.Diameter+1)/2
	y := ty - (a.Diameter+1)/2
	x2 := tx + a.Diameter/2
	y2 := ty + a.Diameter/2

	// If the diameter is even we need to run los from all four positions
	// around the center of the aoe.
	num_centers := 1
	if a.Diameter%2 == 0 {
		num_centers = 4

	var targets []*game.Entity
	for i := 0; i < num_centers; i++ {
		// If num_centers is 4 then this will calculate the los for all four
		// positions around the center
		g.DetermineLos(tx+i%2, ty+i/2, a.Diameter, grid[i])
	for _, ent := range g.Ents {
		entx, enty := ent.Pos()
		has_los := false
		for i := 0; i < num_centers; i++ {
			has_los = has_los || grid[i][entx][enty]
		if has_los && entx >= x && entx < x2 && enty >= y && enty < y2 {
			targets = append(targets, ent)
	algorithm.Choose2(&targets, func(e *game.Entity) bool {
		return e.Stats != nil

	return targets
コード例 #4
ファイル: move.go プロジェクト: hilerchyn/haunts
func (a *Move) Prep(ent *game.Entity, g *game.Game) bool {
	a.ent = ent
	fx, fy := g.GetViewer().WindowToBoard(gin.In().GetCursor("Mouse").Point())
	a.findPath(ent, int(fx), int(fy))
	a.threshold = a.ent.Stats.ApCur()
	return true
コード例 #5
ファイル: interact.go プロジェクト: RickDakan/haunts
func (a *Interact) HandleInput(group gui.EventGroup, g *game.Game) (bool, game.ActionExec) {
	if found, event := group.FindEvent(gin.MouseLButton); found && event.Type == gin.Press {
		bx, by := g.GetViewer().WindowToBoard(gin.In().GetCursor("Mouse").Point())
		room_num := a.ent.CurrentRoom()
		room := g.House.Floors[0].Rooms[room_num]
		for door_num, door := range room.Doors {
			rect := makeRectForDoor(room, door)
			if rect.Contains(float64(bx), float64(by)) {
				var exec interactExec
				exec.Toggle_door = true
				exec.SetBasicData(a.ent, a)
				exec.Room = room_num
				exec.Door = door_num
				return true, &exec
	target := g.HoveredEnt()
	if target == nil {
		return false, nil
	if found, event := group.FindEvent(gin.MouseLButton); found && event.Type == gin.Press {
		for i := range a.targets {
			if a.targets[i] == target && distBetweenEnts(a.ent, target) <= a.Range {
				var exec interactExec
				exec.SetBasicData(a.ent, a)
				exec.Target = target.Id
				return true, &exec
		return true, nil
	return false, nil
コード例 #6
ファイル: aoe_attack.go プロジェクト: FlyingCar/haunts
func (a *AoeAttack) Maintain(dt int64, g *game.Game, ae game.ActionExec) game.MaintenanceStatus {
	if ae != nil {
		a.exec = ae.(*aoeExec)
		a.targets = a.getTargetsAt(g, a.exec.X, a.exec.Y)
		if a.Current_ammo > 0 {
		a.ent = g.EntityById(ae.EntityId())
		if !a.ent.HasLos(a.exec.X, a.exec.Y, 1, 1) {
			base.Error().Printf("Entity %d tried to target position (%d, %d) with an aoe but doesn't have los to it: %v", a.ent.Id, a.exec.X, a.exec.Y, a.exec)
			return game.Complete
		if a.Ap > a.ent.Stats.ApCur() {
			base.Error().Printf("Got an aoe attack that required more ap than available: %v", a.exec)
			return game.Complete
		a.ent.Stats.ApplyDamage(-a.Ap, 0, status.Unspecified)

		// Track this information for the ais - the attacking ent will only
		// remember one ent that it hit, but that's ok
		for _, target := range a.targets {
			if target.Side() != a.ent.Side() {
				target.Info.LastEntThatAttackedMe = a.ent.Id
				a.ent.Info.LastEntThatIAttacked = target.Id
	if a.ent.Sprite().State() != "ready" {
		return game.InProgress
	for _, target := range a.targets {
		if target.Stats.HpCur() > 0 && target.Sprite().State() != "ready" {
			return game.InProgress
	a.ent.TurnToFace(a.exec.X, a.exec.Y)
	for _, target := range a.targets {
	for _, target := range a.targets {
		if g.DoAttack(a.ent, target, a.Strength, a.Kind) {
			for _, name := range a.Conditions {
			target.Stats.ApplyDamage(0, -a.Damage, a.Kind)
			if target.Stats.HpCur() <= 0 {
				target.Sprite().CommandN([]string{"defend", "killed"})
			} else {
				target.Sprite().CommandN([]string{"defend", "damaged"})
		} else {
			target.Sprite().CommandN([]string{"defend", "undamaged"})
	return game.Complete
コード例 #7
ファイル: summon.go プロジェクト: FlyingCar/haunts
func (exec summonExec) Push(L *lua.State, g *game.Game) {
	exec.BasicActionExec.Push(L, g)
	if L.IsNil(-1) {
	_, x, y := g.FromVertex(exec.Pos)
	game.LuaPushPoint(L, x, y)
コード例 #8
ファイル: aoe_attack.go プロジェクト: FlyingCar/haunts
func (a *AoeAttack) Prep(ent *game.Entity, g *game.Game) bool {
	if !a.Preppable(ent, g) {
		return false
	a.ent = ent
	bx, by := g.GetViewer().WindowToBoard(gin.In().GetCursor("Mouse").Point())
	a.tx = int(bx)
	a.ty = int(by)
	return true
コード例 #9
ファイル: move.go プロジェクト: hilerchyn/haunts
func (a *Move) Maintain(dt int64, g *game.Game, ae game.ActionExec) game.MaintenanceStatus {
	if ae != nil {
		exec := ae.(*moveExec)
		a.ent = g.EntityById(ae.EntityId())
		if len(exec.Path) == 0 {
			base.Error().Printf("Got a move exec with a path length of 0: %v", exec)
			return game.Complete
		a.cost = exec.measureCost(a.ent, g)
		if a.cost > a.ent.Stats.ApCur() {
			base.Error().Printf("Got a move that required more ap than available: %v", exec)
			base.Error().Printf("Path: %v", exec.Path)
			return game.Complete
		if a.cost == -1 {
			base.Error().Printf("Got a move that followed an invalid path: %v", exec)
			base.Error().Printf("Path: %v", exec.Path)
			if a.ent == nil {
				base.Error().Printf("ENT was Nil!")
			} else {
				x, y := a.ent.Pos()
				v := g.ToVertex(x, y)
				base.Error().Printf("Ent pos: (%d, %d) -> (%d)", x, y, v)
			return game.Complete
		algorithm.Map2(exec.Path, &a.path, func(v int) [2]int {
			_, x, y := g.FromVertex(v)
			return [2]int{x, y}
		base.Log().Printf("Path Validated: %v", exec)
		a.ent.Stats.ApplyDamage(-a.cost, 0, status.Unspecified)
		src := g.ToVertex(a.ent.Pos())
		graph := g.Graph(a.ent.Side(), true, nil)
		a.drawPath(a.ent, g, graph, src)
	// Do stuff
	factor := float32(math.Pow(2, a.ent.Walking_speed))
	dist := a.ent.DoAdvance(factor*float32(dt)/200, a.path[0][0], a.path[0][1])
	for dist > 0 {
		if len(a.path) == 1 {
			a.ent.DoAdvance(0, 0, 0)
			a.ent.Info.RoomsExplored[a.ent.CurrentRoom()] = true
			a.ent = nil
			return game.Complete
		a.path = a.path[1:]
		a.ent.Info.RoomsExplored[a.ent.CurrentRoom()] = true
		dist = a.ent.DoAdvance(dist, a.path[0][0], a.path[0][1])
	return game.InProgress
コード例 #10
ファイル: move.go プロジェクト: hilerchyn/haunts
func (exec *moveExec) measureCost(ent *game.Entity, g *game.Game) int {
	if len(exec.Path) == 0 {
		base.Error().Printf("Zero length path")
		return -1
	if g.ToVertex(ent.Pos()) != exec.Path[0] {
		base.Error().Printf("Path doesn't begin at ent's position, %d != %d", g.ToVertex(ent.Pos()), exec.Path[0])
		return -1
	graph := g.Graph(ent.Side(), true, nil)
	v := g.ToVertex(ent.Pos())
	cost := 0
	for _, step := range exec.Path[1:] {
		dsts, costs := graph.Adjacent(v)
		ok := false
		prev := v
		base.Log().Printf("Adj(%d):", v)
		for j := range dsts {
			base.Log().Printf("Node %d", dsts[j])
			if dsts[j] == step {
				cost += int(costs[j])
				v = dsts[j]
				ok = true
		base.Log().Printf("%d -> %d: %t", prev, v, ok)
		if !ok {
			return -1
	return cost
コード例 #11
ファイル: move.go プロジェクト: hilerchyn/haunts
func (exec *moveExec) Push(L *lua.State, g *game.Game) {
	exec.BasicActionExec.Push(L, g)
	if L.IsNil(-1) {
	for i := range exec.Path {
		L.PushInteger(i + 1)
		_, x, y := g.FromVertex(exec.Path[i])
		game.LuaPushPoint(L, x, y)
コード例 #12
ファイル: interact.go プロジェクト: RickDakan/haunts
func (exec interactExec) Push(L *lua.State, g *game.Game) {
	exec.BasicActionExec.Push(L, g)
	if L.IsNil(-1) {
	L.PushString("Toggle Door")
	if exec.Toggle_door {
		game.LuaPushDoor(L, g, exec.getDoor(g))
	} else {
		game.LuaPushEntity(L, g.EntityById(exec.Target))
コード例 #13
ファイル: aoe_attack.go プロジェクト: FlyingCar/haunts
func (a *AoeAttack) HandleInput(group gui.EventGroup, g *game.Game) (bool, game.ActionExec) {
	cursor := group.Events[0].Key.Cursor()
	if cursor != nil && cursor.Name() == "Mouse" {
		bx, by := g.GetViewer().WindowToBoard(cursor.Point())
		a.tx = int(bx)
		a.ty = int(by)
	if found, event := group.FindEvent(gin.MouseLButton); found && event.Type == gin.Press {
		ex, ey := a.ent.Pos()
		if dist(ex, ey, a.tx, a.ty) <= a.Range && a.ent.HasLos(a.tx, a.ty, 1, 1) {
			var exec aoeExec
			exec.SetBasicData(a.ent, a)
			exec.X, exec.Y = a.tx, a.ty
			return true, &exec
		} else {
			return true, nil
		return true, nil
	return false, nil
コード例 #14
ファイル: move.go プロジェクト: hilerchyn/haunts
func (a *Move) HandleInput(group gui.EventGroup, g *game.Game) (bool, game.ActionExec) {
	cursor := group.Events[0].Key.Cursor()
	if cursor != nil {
		fx, fy := g.GetViewer().WindowToBoard(cursor.Point())
		a.findPath(a.ent, int(fx), int(fy))
	if found, _ := group.FindEvent(gin.MouseLButton); found {
		if len(a.path) > 0 {
			if a.cost <= a.ent.Stats.ApCur() {
				var exec moveExec
				exec.SetBasicData(a.ent, a)
				algorithm.Map2(a.path, &exec.Path, func(v [2]int) int {
					return g.ToVertex(v[0], v[1])
				return true, &exec
			return true, nil
		} else {
			return false, nil
	return false, nil
コード例 #15
ファイル: move.go プロジェクト: hilerchyn/haunts
func (a *Move) drawPath(ent *game.Entity, g *game.Game, graph algorithm.Graph, src int) {
	if path_tex != nil {
		pix := path_tex.Pix()
		for i := range pix {
			for j := range pix[i] {
				pix[i][j] = 0
		current := 0.0
		for i := 1; i < len(a.path); i++ {
			src := g.ToVertex(a.path[i-1][0], a.path[i-1][1])
			dst := g.ToVertex(a.path[i][0], a.path[i][1])
			v, cost := graph.Adjacent(src)
			for j := range v {
				if v[j] == dst {
					current += cost[j]
			pix[a.path[i][1]][a.path[i][0]] += byte(current)
コード例 #16
ファイル: interact.go プロジェクト: RickDakan/haunts
func (a *Interact) Maintain(dt int64, g *game.Game, ae game.ActionExec) game.MaintenanceStatus {
	if ae != nil {
		exec := ae.(*interactExec)
		a.ent = g.EntityById(ae.EntityId())
		if (exec.Target != 0) == (exec.Toggle_door) {
			base.Error().Printf("Got an interact that tried to target a door and an entity: %v", exec)
			return game.Complete
		if exec.Target != 0 {
			target := g.EntityById(exec.Target)
			if target == nil {
				base.Error().Printf("Tried to interact with an entity that doesn't exist: %v", exec)
				return game.Complete
			if target.ObjectEnt == nil {
				base.Error().Printf("Tried to interact with an entity that wasn't an object: %v", exec)
				return game.Complete
			if target.Sprite().State() != "ready" {
				base.Error().Printf("Tried to interact with an object that wasn't in its ready state: %v", exec)
				return game.Complete
			if distBetweenEnts(a.ent, target) > a.Range {
				base.Error().Printf("Tried to interact with an object that was out of range: %v", exec)
				return game.Complete
			x, y := target.Pos()
			dx, dy := target.Dims()
			if !a.ent.HasLos(x, y, dx, dy) {
				base.Error().Printf("Tried to interact with an object without having los: %v", exec)
				return game.Complete
			a.ent.Stats.ApplyDamage(-a.Ap, 0, status.Unspecified)
			return game.Complete
		} else {
			// We're interacting with a door here
			if exec.Floor < 0 || exec.Floor >= len(g.House.Floors) {
				base.Error().Printf("Specified an unknown floor %v", exec)
				return game.Complete
			floor := g.House.Floors[exec.Floor]
			if exec.Room < 0 || exec.Room >= len(floor.Rooms) {
				base.Error().Printf("Specified an unknown room %v", exec)
				return game.Complete
			room := floor.Rooms[exec.Room]
			if exec.Door < 0 || exec.Door >= len(room.Doors) {
				base.Error().Printf("Specified an unknown door %v", exec)
				return game.Complete
			door := room.Doors[exec.Door]

			x, y := a.ent.Pos()
			dx, dy := a.ent.Dims()
			ent_rect := makeIntFrect(x, y, x+dx, y+dy)
			if !ent_rect.Overlaps(makeRectForDoor(room, door)) {
				base.Error().Printf("Tried to open a door that was out of range: %v", exec)
				return game.Complete

			_, other_door := floor.FindMatchingDoor(room, door)
			if other_door != nil {
				// if door.IsOpened() {
				//   sound.PlaySound(door.Open_sound)
				// } else {
				//   sound.PlaySound(door.Shut_sound)
				// }
				a.ent.Stats.ApplyDamage(-a.Ap, 0, status.Unspecified)
			} else {
				base.Error().Printf("Couldn't find matching door: %v", exec)
				return game.Complete
	return game.Complete