func main() { fm := flag.String("fm", "featurematrix.afm", "AFM formated feature matrix containing data.") blacklist := flag.String("blacklist", "", "A list of feature id's to exclude from the set of predictors.") targetname := flag.String("target", "", "The row header of the target in the feature matrix.") train := flag.String("train", "", "Format string for training fms.") test := flag.String("test", "", "Format string for testing fms.") // var zipoutput bool // flag.BoolVar(&zipoutput, "zip", false, "Output ziped files.") var unstratified bool flag.BoolVar(&unstratified, "unstratified", false, "Force unstratified sampeling of categorical target.") var writelibsvm bool flag.BoolVar(&writelibsvm, "writelibsvm", false, "Output libsvm.") var writearff bool flag.BoolVar(&writearff, "writearff", false, "Output arff.") var writeall bool flag.BoolVar(&writeall, "writeall", false, "Output all three formats.") var folds int flag.IntVar(&folds, "folds", 5, "Number of folds to generate.") var maxcats int flag.IntVar(&maxcats, "maxcats", -1, "Maximum number of categories to allow in a feature.") var impute bool flag.BoolVar(&impute, "impute", false, "Impute missing values to feature mean/mode.") var onehot bool flag.BoolVar(&onehot, "onehot", false, "Do one hot encoding of categorical features to boolean true false.") var num bool flag.BoolVar(&num, "num", false, "Do one hot encoding of categorical features to numerical features.") flag.Parse() //Parse Data data, err := CloudForest.LoadAFM(*fm) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } blacklisted := 0 blacklistis := make([]bool, len(data.Data)) if *blacklist != "" { fmt.Printf("Loading blacklist from: %v\n", *blacklist) blackfile, err := os.Open(*blacklist) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } tsv := csv.NewReader(blackfile) tsv.Comma = '\t' for { id, err := tsv.Read() if err == io.EOF { break } else if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if id[0] == *targetname { continue } i, ok := data.Map[id[0]] if !ok { fmt.Printf("Ignoring blacklist feature not found in data: %v\n", id[0]) continue } if !blacklistis[i] { blacklisted += 1 blacklistis[i] = true } } blackfile.Close() } newdata := make([]CloudForest.Feature, 0, len(data.Data)-blacklisted) newmap := make(map[string]int, len(data.Data)-blacklisted) for i, f := range data.Data { if !blacklistis[i] && (maxcats == -1 || f.NCats() <= maxcats) { newmap[f.GetName()] = len(newdata) newdata = append(newdata, f) } } data.Data = newdata data.Map = newmap if impute { fmt.Println("Imputing missing values to feature mean/mode.") data.ImputeMissing() } if onehot { fmt.Println("OneHot encoding.") data.OneHot() } if num { fmt.Println("Numerical OneHot encoding.") data = data.EncodeToNum() } foldis := make([][]int, 0, folds) foldsize := len(data.CaseLabels) / folds fmt.Printf("%v cases, foldsize %v\n", len(data.CaseLabels), foldsize) for i := 0; i < folds; i++ { foldis = append(foldis, make([]int, 0, foldsize)) } var targetf CloudForest.Feature //find the target feature fmt.Printf("Target : %v\n", *targetname) targeti, ok := data.Map[*targetname] if !ok { fmt.Println("Target not found in data, doing unstratified sampeling.") unstratified = true } if ok { targetf = data.Data[targeti] switch targetf.(type) { case *CloudForest.DenseNumFeature: unstratified = true } } if unstratified { ncases := len(data.CaseLabels) cases := make([]int, ncases, ncases) for i := 0; i < ncases; i++ { cases[i] = i } CloudForest.SampleFirstN(&cases, nil, len(cases), 0) for j := 0; j < folds; j++ { for k := j * foldsize; k < (j+1)*foldsize; k++ { foldis[j] = append(foldis[j], cases[k]) } } } else { //sample folds stratified by case fmt.Printf("Stratifying by %v classes.\n", targetf.(*CloudForest.DenseCatFeature).NCats()) bSampler := CloudForest.NewBalancedSampler(targetf.(*CloudForest.DenseCatFeature)) fmt.Printf("Stratifying by %v classes.\n", len(bSampler.Cases)) var samples []int for i := 0; i < len(bSampler.Cases); i++ { fmt.Printf("%v cases in class %v.\n", len(bSampler.Cases[i]), i) //shuffle in place CloudForest.SampleFirstN(&bSampler.Cases[i], &samples, len(bSampler.Cases[i]), 0) stratFoldSize := len(bSampler.Cases[i]) / folds for j := 0; j < folds; j++ { for k := j * stratFoldSize; k < (j+1)*stratFoldSize; k++ { foldis[j] = append(foldis[j], bSampler.Cases[i][k]) } } } } encode := false for _, f := range data.Data { if f.NCats() > 0 { encode = true } } encoded := data if encode && (writelibsvm || writeall) { encoded = data.EncodeToNum() } trainis := make([]int, 0, foldsize*(folds-1)) //Write training and testing matrixes for i := 0; i < folds; i++ { trainfn := fmt.Sprintf(*train, i) testfn := fmt.Sprintf(*test, i) trainis = trainis[0:0] for j := 0; j < folds; j++ { if i != j { trainis = append(trainis, foldis[j]...) } } if writearff || writeall { trainW, testW := openfiles(trainfn+".arff", testfn+".arff") CloudForest.WriteArffCases(data, foldis[i], *targetname, testW) CloudForest.WriteArffCases(data, trainis, *targetname, trainW) } if ((!writelibsvm) && (!writearff)) || writeall { trainW, testW := openfiles(trainfn, testfn) data.WriteCases(testW, foldis[i]) data.WriteCases(trainW, trainis) } if writelibsvm || writeall { trainW, testW := openfiles(trainfn+".libsvm", testfn+".libsvm") CloudForest.WriteLibSvmCases(encoded, foldis[i], *targetname, testW) CloudForest.WriteLibSvmCases(encoded, trainis, *targetname, trainW) } fmt.Printf("Wrote fold %v. %v testing cases and %v training cases.\n", i, len(foldis[i]), len(trainis)) } }
func main() { fm := flag.String("train", "featurematrix.afm", "AFM formated feature matrix containing training data.") rf := flag.String("rfpred", "", "File name to output predictor forest in sf format.") targetname := flag.String("target", "", "The row header of the target in the feature matrix.") imp := flag.String("importance", "", "File name to output importance.") costs := flag.String("cost", "", "For categorical targets, a json string to float map of the cost of falsely identifying each category.") dentropy := flag.String("dentropy", "", "Class disutilities for disutility entropy.") adacosts := flag.String("adacost", "", "Json costs for cost sentive AdaBoost.") rfweights := flag.String("rfweights", "", "For categorical targets, a json string to float map of the weights to use for each category in Weighted RF.") blacklist := flag.String("blacklist", "", "A list of feature id's to exclude from the set of predictors.") var nCores int flag.IntVar(&nCores, "nCores", 1, "The number of cores to use.") var StringnSamples string flag.StringVar(&StringnSamples, "nSamples", "0", "The number of cases to sample (with replacement) for each tree as a count (ex: 10) or portion of total (ex: .5). If <=0 set to total number of cases.") var StringmTry string flag.StringVar(&StringmTry, "mTry", "0", "Number of candidate features for each split as a count (ex: 10) or portion of total (ex: .5). Ceil(sqrt(nFeatures)) if <=0.") var StringleafSize string flag.StringVar(&StringleafSize, "leafSize", "0", "The minimum number of cases on a leaf node. If <=0 will be inferred to 1 for classification 4 for regression.") var shuffleRE string flag.StringVar(&shuffleRE, "shuffleRE", "", "A regular expression to identify features that should be shuffled.") var blockRE string flag.StringVar(&blockRE, "blockRE", "", "A regular expression to identify features that should be filtered out.") var includeRE string flag.StringVar(&includeRE, "includeRE", "", "Filter features that DON'T match this RE.") var nTrees int flag.IntVar(&nTrees, "nTrees", 100, "Number of trees to grow in the predictor.") var ace int flag.IntVar(&ace, "ace", 0, "Number ace permutations to do. Output ace style importance and p values.") var cutoff float64 flag.Float64Var(&cutoff, "cutoff", 0.0, "P-value cutoff to apply to features for last forest after ACE.") var nContrasts int flag.IntVar(&nContrasts, "nContrasts", 0, "The number of randomized artificial contrast features to include in the feature matrix.") var cpuprofile = flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile to file") var contrastAll bool flag.BoolVar(&contrastAll, "contrastall", false, "Include a shuffled artificial contrast copy of every feature.") var impute bool flag.BoolVar(&impute, "impute", false, "Impute missing values to feature mean/mode before growth.") var extra bool flag.BoolVar(&extra, "extra", false, "Grow Extra Random Trees (supports learning from numerical variables only).") var splitmissing bool flag.BoolVar(&splitmissing, "splitmissing", false, "Split missing values onto a third branch at each node (experimental).") var l1 bool flag.BoolVar(&l1, "l1", false, "Use l1 norm regression (target must be numeric).") var density bool flag.BoolVar(&density, "density", false, "Build density estimating trees instead of classification/regression trees.") var vet bool flag.BoolVar(&vet, "vet", false, "Penalize potential splitter impurity decrease by subtracting the best split of a permuted target.") var NP bool flag.BoolVar(&NP, "NP", false, "Do approximate Neyman-Pearson classification.") var NP_pos string flag.StringVar(&NP_pos, "NP_pos", "1", "Class label to constrain percision in NP classification.") var NP_a float64 flag.Float64Var(&NP_a, "NP_a", 0.1, "Constraint on percision in NP classification [0,1]") var NP_k float64 flag.Float64Var(&NP_k, "NP_k", 100, "Weight of constraint in NP classification [0,Inf+)") var evaloob bool flag.BoolVar(&evaloob, "evaloob", false, "Evaluate potential splitting features on OOB cases after finding split value in bag.") var force bool flag.BoolVar(&force, "force", false, "Force at least one non constant feature to be tested for each split.") var entropy bool flag.BoolVar(&entropy, "entropy", false, "Use entropy minimizing classification (target must be categorical).") var oob bool flag.BoolVar(&oob, "oob", false, "Calculate and report oob error.") var jungle bool flag.BoolVar(&jungle, "jungle", false, "Grow unserializable and experimental decision jungle with node recombination.") var caseoob string flag.StringVar(&caseoob, "oobpreds", "", "Calculate and report oob predictions in the file specified.") var progress bool flag.BoolVar(&progress, "progress", false, "Report tree number and running oob error.") var adaboost bool flag.BoolVar(&adaboost, "adaboost", false, "Use Adaptive boosting for regression/classification.") var gradboost float64 flag.Float64Var(&gradboost, "gbt", 0.0, "Use gradient boosting with the specified learning rate.") var multiboost bool flag.BoolVar(&multiboost, "multiboost", false, "Allow multi-threaded boosting which may have unexpected results. (highly experimental)") var nobag bool flag.BoolVar(&nobag, "nobag", false, "Don't bag samples for each tree.") var balance bool flag.BoolVar(&balance, "balance", false, "Balance bagging of samples by target class for unbalanced classification.") var balanceby string flag.StringVar(&balanceby, "balanceby", "", "Roughly balanced bag the target within each class of this feature.") var ordinal bool flag.BoolVar(&ordinal, "ordinal", false, "Use ordinal regression (target must be numeric).") var permutate bool flag.BoolVar(&permutate, "permute", false, "Permute the target feature (to establish random predictive power).") var dotest bool flag.BoolVar(&dotest, "selftest", false, "Test the forest on the data and report accuracy.") var testfm string flag.StringVar(&testfm, "test", "", "Data to test the model on.") var noseed bool flag.BoolVar(&noseed, "noseed", false, "Don't seed the random number generator from time.") flag.Parse() nForest := 1 if !noseed { rand.Seed(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()) } if testfm != "" { dotest = true } if multiboost { fmt.Println("MULTIBOOST!!!!1!!!!1!!11 (things may break).") } var boostMutex sync.Mutex boost := (adaboost || gradboost != 0.0) if boost && !multiboost { nCores = 1 } if nCores > 1 { runtime.GOMAXPROCS(nCores) } fmt.Printf("Threads : %v\n", nCores) fmt.Printf("nTrees : %v\n", nTrees) //Parse Data fmt.Printf("Loading data from: %v\n", *fm) data, err := CloudForest.LoadAFM(*fm) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if *cpuprofile != "" { f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } pprof.StartCPUProfile(f) defer pprof.StopCPUProfile() } if nContrasts > 0 { fmt.Printf("Adding %v Random Contrasts\n", nContrasts) data.AddContrasts(nContrasts) } if contrastAll { fmt.Printf("Adding Random Contrasts for All Features.\n") data.ContrastAll() } blacklisted := 0 blacklistis := make([]bool, len(data.Data)) if *blacklist != "" { fmt.Printf("Loading blacklist from: %v\n", *blacklist) blackfile, err := os.Open(*blacklist) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } tsv := csv.NewReader(blackfile) tsv.Comma = '\t' for { id, err := tsv.Read() if err == io.EOF { break } else if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } i, ok := data.Map[id[0]] if !ok { fmt.Printf("Ignoring blacklist feature not found in data: %v\n", id[0]) continue } if !blacklistis[i] { blacklisted += 1 blacklistis[i] = true } } blackfile.Close() } //find the target feature fmt.Printf("Target : %v\n", *targetname) targeti, ok := data.Map[*targetname] if !ok { log.Fatal("Target not found in data.") } if blockRE != "" { re := regexp.MustCompile(blockRE) for i, feature := range data.Data { if targeti != i && re.MatchString(feature.GetName()) { if blacklistis[i] == false { blacklisted += 1 blacklistis[i] = true } } } } if includeRE != "" { re := regexp.MustCompile(includeRE) for i, feature := range data.Data { if targeti != i && !re.MatchString(feature.GetName()) { if blacklistis[i] == false { blacklisted += 1 blacklistis[i] = true } } } } nFeatures := len(data.Data) - blacklisted - 1 fmt.Printf("Non Target Features : %v\n", nFeatures) mTry := CloudForest.ParseAsIntOrFractionOfTotal(StringmTry, nFeatures) if mTry <= 0 { mTry = int(math.Ceil(math.Sqrt(float64(nFeatures)))) } fmt.Printf("mTry : %v\n", mTry) if impute { fmt.Println("Imputing missing values to feature mean/mode.") data.ImputeMissing() } if permutate { fmt.Println("Permuting target feature.") data.Data[targeti].Shuffle() } if shuffleRE != "" { re := regexp.MustCompile(shuffleRE) shuffled := 0 for i, feature := range data.Data { if targeti != i && re.MatchString(feature.GetName()) { data.Data[i].Shuffle() shuffled += 1 } } fmt.Printf("Shuffled %v features matching %v\n", shuffled, shuffleRE) } targetf := data.Data[targeti] unboostedTarget := targetf.Copy() var bSampler CloudForest.Bagger if balance { bSampler = CloudForest.NewBalancedSampler(targetf.(*CloudForest.DenseCatFeature)) } if balanceby != "" { bSampler = CloudForest.NewSecondaryBalancedSampler(targetf.(*CloudForest.DenseCatFeature), data.Data[data.Map[balanceby]].(*CloudForest.DenseCatFeature)) balance = true } nNonMissing := 0 for i := 0; i < targetf.Length(); i++ { if !targetf.IsMissing(i) { nNonMissing += 1 } } fmt.Printf("non-missing cases: %v\n", nNonMissing) leafSize := CloudForest.ParseAsIntOrFractionOfTotal(StringleafSize, nNonMissing) if leafSize <= 0 { if boost { leafSize = nNonMissing / 3 } else if targetf.NCats() == 0 { //regression leafSize = 4 } else { //classification leafSize = 1 } } fmt.Printf("leafSize : %v\n", leafSize) //infer nSamples and mTry from data if they are 0 nSamples := CloudForest.ParseAsIntOrFractionOfTotal(StringnSamples, nNonMissing) if nSamples <= 0 { nSamples = nNonMissing } fmt.Printf("nSamples : %v\n", nSamples) if progress { oob = true } if caseoob != "" { oob = true } var oobVotes CloudForest.VoteTallyer if oob { fmt.Println("Recording oob error.") if targetf.NCats() == 0 { //regression oobVotes = CloudForest.NewNumBallotBox(data.Data[0].Length()) } else { //classification oobVotes = CloudForest.NewCatBallotBox(data.Data[0].Length()) } } //****** Set up Target for Alternative Impurity if needed *******// var target CloudForest.Target if density { fmt.Println("Estimating Density.") target = &CloudForest.DensityTarget{&data.Data, nSamples} } else { switch targetf.(type) { case CloudForest.NumFeature: fmt.Println("Performing regression.") if l1 { fmt.Println("Using l1/absolute deviance error.") targetf = &CloudForest.L1Target{targetf.(CloudForest.NumFeature)} } if ordinal { fmt.Println("Using Ordinal (mode) prediction.") targetf = CloudForest.NewOrdinalTarget(targetf.(CloudForest.NumFeature)) } switch { case gradboost != 0.0: fmt.Println("Using Gradient Boosting.") targetf = &CloudForest.GradBoostTarget{targetf.(CloudForest.NumFeature), gradboost} case adaboost: fmt.Println("Using Numeric Adaptive Boosting.") targetf = CloudForest.NewNumAdaBoostTarget(targetf.(CloudForest.NumFeature)) } target = targetf case CloudForest.CatFeature: fmt.Printf("Performing classification with %v categories.\n", targetf.NCats()) switch { case NP: fmt.Printf("Performing Approximate Neyman-Pearson Classification with constrained false \"%v\".\n", NP_pos) fmt.Printf("False %v constraint: %v, constraint weight: %v.\n", NP_pos, NP_a, NP_k) targetf = CloudForest.NewNPTarget(targetf.(CloudForest.CatFeature), NP_pos, NP_a, NP_k) case *costs != "": fmt.Println("Using misclassification costs: ", *costs) costmap := make(map[string]float64) err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(*costs), &costmap) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } regTarg := CloudForest.NewRegretTarget(targetf.(CloudForest.CatFeature)) regTarg.SetCosts(costmap) targetf = regTarg case *dentropy != "": fmt.Println("Using entropy with disutilities: ", *dentropy) costmap := make(map[string]float64) err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(*dentropy), &costmap) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } deTarg := CloudForest.NewDEntropyTarget(targetf.(CloudForest.CatFeature)) deTarg.SetCosts(costmap) targetf = deTarg case *adacosts != "": fmt.Println("Using cost sensative AdaBoost costs: ", *adacosts) costmap := make(map[string]float64) err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(*adacosts), &costmap) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } actarget := CloudForest.NewAdaCostTarget(targetf.(CloudForest.CatFeature)) actarget.SetCosts(costmap) targetf = actarget case *rfweights != "": fmt.Println("Using rf weights: ", *rfweights) weightmap := make(map[string]float64) err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(*rfweights), &weightmap) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } wrfTarget := CloudForest.NewWRFTarget(targetf.(CloudForest.CatFeature), weightmap) targetf = wrfTarget case entropy: fmt.Println("Using entropy minimization.") targetf = &CloudForest.EntropyTarget{targetf.(CloudForest.CatFeature)} case boost: fmt.Println("Using Adaptive Boosting.") targetf = CloudForest.NewAdaBoostTarget(targetf.(CloudForest.CatFeature)) } target = targetf } } var forestwriter *CloudForest.ForestWriter if *rf != "" { forestfile, err := os.Create(*rf) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer forestfile.Close() forestwriter = CloudForest.NewForestWriter(forestfile) } //****************** Setup For ACE ********************************// var aceImps [][]float64 firstace := len(data.Data) if ace > 0 { fmt.Printf("Performing ACE analysis with %v forests/permutations.\n", ace) data.ContrastAll() for i := 0; i < firstace; i++ { blacklistis = append(blacklistis, blacklistis[i]) } blacklistis[targeti+firstace] = true aceImps = make([][]float64, len(data.Data)) for i := 0; i < len(data.Data); i++ { aceImps[i] = make([]float64, ace) } nForest = ace if cutoff > 0 { nForest++ } } //****************** Needed Collections and vars ******************// var trees []*CloudForest.Tree trees = make([]*CloudForest.Tree, 0, nTrees) var imppnt *[]*CloudForest.RunningMean var mmdpnt *[]*CloudForest.RunningMean if *imp != "" { fmt.Println("Recording Importance Scores.") imppnt = CloudForest.NewRunningMeans(len(data.Data)) mmdpnt = CloudForest.NewRunningMeans(len(data.Data)) } else if ace > 0 { imppnt = CloudForest.NewRunningMeans(len(data.Data)) } //****************** Good Stuff Stars Here ;) ******************// trainingStart := time.Now() for foresti := 0; foresti < nForest; foresti++ { var treesStarted, treesFinished int treesStarted = nCores var recordingTree sync.Mutex var waitGroup sync.WaitGroup waitGroup.Add(nCores) treechan := make(chan *CloudForest.Tree, 0) //fmt.Println("forest ", foresti) //Grow a single forest on nCores for core := 0; core < nCores; core++ { grow := func() { weight := -1.0 canidates := make([]int, 0, len(data.Data)) for i := 0; i < len(data.Data); i++ { if i != targeti && !blacklistis[i] { canidates = append(canidates, i) } } tree := CloudForest.NewTree() tree.Target = *targetname cases := make([]int, 0, nSamples) oobcases := make([]int, 0, nSamples) if nobag { for i := 0; i < nSamples; i++ { if !targetf.IsMissing(i) { cases = append(cases, i) } } } var depthUsed *[]int if mmdpnt != nil { du := make([]int, len(data.Data)) depthUsed = &du } allocs := CloudForest.NewBestSplitAllocs(nSamples, targetf) for { nCases := data.Data[0].Length() //sample nCases case with replacement if !nobag { cases = cases[0:0] if balance { bSampler.Sample(&cases, nSamples) } else { for j := 0; len(cases) < nSamples; j++ { r := rand.Intn(nCases) if !targetf.IsMissing(r) { cases = append(cases, r) } } } } if nobag && nSamples != nCases { cases = cases[0:0] for i := 0; i < nSamples; i++ { if !targetf.IsMissing(i) { cases = append(cases, i) } } CloudForest.SampleFirstN(&cases, nil, nCases, 0) } if oob || evaloob { ibcases := make([]bool, nCases) for _, v := range cases { ibcases[v] = true } oobcases = oobcases[0:0] for i, v := range ibcases { if !v { oobcases = append(oobcases, i) } } } if jungle { tree.GrowJungle(data, target, cases, canidates, oobcases, mTry, leafSize, splitmissing, force, vet, evaloob, extra, imppnt, depthUsed, allocs) } else { tree.Grow(data, target, cases, canidates, oobcases, mTry, leafSize, splitmissing, force, vet, evaloob, extra, imppnt, depthUsed, allocs) } if mmdpnt != nil { for i, v := range *depthUsed { if v != 0 { (*mmdpnt)[i].Add(float64(v)) (*depthUsed)[i] = 0 } } } if boost { boostMutex.Lock() weight = targetf.(CloudForest.BoostingTarget).Boost(tree.Partition(data)) boostMutex.Unlock() if weight == math.Inf(1) { fmt.Printf("Boosting Reached Weight of %v\n", weight) close(treechan) break } tree.Weight = weight } if oob && foresti == nForest-1 { tree.VoteCases(data, oobVotes, oobcases) } ////////////// Lock mutext to ouput tree //////// if nCores > 1 { recordingTree.Lock() } if forestwriter != nil && foresti == nForest-1 { forestwriter.WriteTree(tree, treesStarted) } if dotest && foresti == nForest-1 { trees = append(trees, tree) if treesStarted < nTrees-1 { //newtree := new(CloudForest.Tree) tree = CloudForest.NewTree() tree.Target = *targetname } } if progress { treesFinished++ fmt.Printf("Model oob error after tree %v : %v\n", treesFinished, oobVotes.TallyError(unboostedTarget)) } if treesStarted < nTrees { treesStarted++ } else { if nCores > 1 { recordingTree.Unlock() waitGroup.Done() } break } if nCores > 1 { recordingTree.Unlock() } //////// Unlock ////////////////////////// // treechan <- tree // tree = <-treechan } } if nCores > 1 { go grow() } else { grow() } } if nCores > 1 { waitGroup.Wait() } // for i := 0; i < nTrees; i++ { // tree := <-treechan // if tree == nil { // break // } // if forestwriter != nil && foresti == nForest-1 { // forestwriter.WriteTree(tree, i) // } // if dotest && foresti == nForest-1 { // trees = append(trees, tree) // if i < nTrees-1 { // //newtree := new(CloudForest.Tree) // treechan <- CloudForest.NewTree() // } // } else { // if i < nTrees-1 { // treechan <- tree // } // } // if progress { // fmt.Printf("Model oob error after tree %v : %v\n", i, oobVotes.TallyError(unboostedTarget)) // } // } //Single forest growth is over. //Record importance scores from this forest for ace if ace > 0 && (cutoff == 0.0 || foresti < nForest-1) { if foresti < nForest-1 { fmt.Printf("Finished ACE forest %v.\n", foresti) } //Record Importance scores for i := 0; i < len(data.Data); i++ { mean, count := (*imppnt)[i].Read() aceImps[i][foresti] = mean * float64(count) / float64(nTrees) } //Reset importance scores imppnt = CloudForest.NewRunningMeans(len(data.Data)) //Reshuffle contrast features for i := firstace; i < len(data.Data); i++ { if !blacklistis[i] { data.Data[i].Shuffle() } } if cutoff > 0 && foresti == nForest-2 { sigcount := 0 for i := range blacklistis { if i < firstace && !blacklistis[i] { p, _, _, m := stats.Ttest(&aceImps[i], &aceImps[i+firstace]) if p < cutoff && m > 0.0 && i != targeti { blacklistis[i] = false sigcount++ } else { blacklistis[i] = true } } if i >= firstace { blacklistis[i] = true } } mTry = CloudForest.ParseAsIntOrFractionOfTotal(StringmTry, sigcount) if mTry <= 0 { mTry = int(math.Ceil(math.Sqrt(float64(sigcount)))) } fmt.Printf("Growing non-ACE forest with %v features with p-value < %v.\nmTry: %v\n", sigcount, cutoff, mTry) } } } trainingEnd := time.Now() fmt.Printf("Total training time (seconds): %v\n", trainingEnd.Sub(trainingStart).Seconds()) if oob { fmt.Printf("Out of Bag Error : %v\n", oobVotes.TallyError(unboostedTarget)) } if caseoob != "" { caseoobfile, err := os.Create(caseoob) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer caseoobfile.Close() for i := 0; i < unboostedTarget.Length(); i++ { fmt.Fprintf(caseoobfile, "%v\t%v\t%v\n", data.CaseLabels[i], oobVotes.Tally(i), unboostedTarget.GetStr(i)) } } if *imp != "" { impfile, err := os.Create(*imp) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer impfile.Close() if ace > 0 { for i := 0; i < firstace; i++ { p, _, _, m := stats.Ttest(&aceImps[i], &aceImps[i+firstace]) fmt.Fprintf(impfile, "%v\t%v\t%v\t%v\n", *targetname, data.Data[i].GetName(), p, m) } } else { //Write standard importance file for i, v := range *imppnt { mean, count := v.Read() meanMinDepth, treeCount := (*mmdpnt)[i].Read() fmt.Fprintf(impfile, "%v\t%v\t%v\t%v\t%v\t%v\t%v\n", data.Data[i].GetName(), mean, count, mean*float64(count)/float64(nTrees), mean*float64(count)/float64(treeCount), treeCount, meanMinDepth) } } } if dotest { var bb CloudForest.VoteTallyer testdata := data testtarget := unboostedTarget if testfm != "" { var err error testdata, err = CloudForest.LoadAFM(testfm) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } targeti, ok = testdata.Map[*targetname] if !ok { log.Fatal("Target not found in test data.") } testtarget = testdata.Data[targeti] for _, tree := range trees { tree.StripCodes() } } if unboostedTarget.NCats() == 0 { //regression bb = CloudForest.NewNumBallotBox(testdata.Data[0].Length()) } else { //classification bb = CloudForest.NewCatBallotBox(testdata.Data[0].Length()) } for _, tree := range trees { tree.Vote(testdata, bb) } fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", bb.TallyError(testtarget)) if testtarget.NCats() != 0 { falsesbypred := make([]int, testtarget.NCats()) predtotals := make([]int, testtarget.NCats()) truebytrue := make([]int, testtarget.NCats()) truetotals := make([]int, testtarget.NCats()) correct := 0 nas := 0 length := testtarget.Length() for i := 0; i < length; i++ { truei := testtarget.(*CloudForest.DenseCatFeature).Geti(i) truetotals[truei]++ pred := bb.Tally(i) if pred == "NA" { nas++ } else { predi := testtarget.(*CloudForest.DenseCatFeature).CatToNum(pred) predtotals[predi]++ if pred == testtarget.GetStr(i) { correct++ truebytrue[truei]++ } else { falsesbypred[predi]++ } } } fmt.Printf("Classified: %v / %v = %v\n", correct, length, float64(correct)/float64(length)) for i, v := range testtarget.(*CloudForest.DenseCatFeature).Back { fmt.Printf("Label %v Percision (Actuall/Predicted): %v / %v = %v\n", v, falsesbypred[i], predtotals[i], float64(falsesbypred[i])/float64(predtotals[i])) falses := truetotals[i] - truebytrue[i] fmt.Printf("Label %v Missed/Actuall Rate: %v / %v = %v\n", v, falses, truetotals[i], float64(falses)/float64(truetotals[i])) } if nas != 0 { fmt.Printf("Couldn't predict %v cases due to missing values.\n", nas) } } } }
func main() { fm := flag.String("fm", "featurematrix.afm", "AFM formated feature matrix containing data.") targetname := flag.String("target", "", "The row header of the target in the feature matrix.") train := flag.String("train", "", "Format string for training fms.") test := flag.String("test", "", "Format string for testing fms.") // var zipoutput bool // flag.BoolVar(&zipoutput, "zip", false, "Output ziped files.") var unstratified bool flag.BoolVar(&unstratified, "unstratified", false, "Force unstratified sampeling of categorical target.") var writelibsvm bool flag.BoolVar(&writelibsvm, "writelibsvm", false, "Output libsvm.") var writearff bool flag.BoolVar(&writearff, "writearff", false, "Output arff.") var writeall bool flag.BoolVar(&writeall, "writeall", false, "Output all three formats.") var folds int flag.IntVar(&folds, "folds", 5, "Number of folds to generate.") flag.Parse() //Parse Data data, err := CloudForest.LoadAFM(*fm) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } foldis := make([][]int, 0, folds) foldsize := len(data.CaseLabels) / folds fmt.Printf("%v cases, foldsize %v\n", len(data.CaseLabels), foldsize) for i := 0; i < folds; i++ { foldis = append(foldis, make([]int, 0, foldsize)) } var targetf CloudForest.Feature //find the target feature fmt.Printf("Target : %v\n", *targetname) targeti, ok := data.Map[*targetname] if !ok { fmt.Println("Target not found in data, doing unstratified sampeling.") unstratified = true } if ok { targetf = data.Data[targeti] switch targetf.(type) { case *CloudForest.DenseNumFeature: unstratified = true } } if unstratified { ncases := len(data.CaseLabels) cases := make([]int, ncases, ncases) for i := 0; i < ncases; i++ { cases[i] = i } CloudForest.SampleFirstN(&cases, nil, len(cases), 0) for j := 0; j < folds; j++ { for k := j * foldsize; k < (j+1)*foldsize; k++ { foldis[j] = append(foldis[j], cases[k]) } } } else { //sample folds stratified by case fmt.Printf("Stratifying by %v classes.\n", targetf.(*CloudForest.DenseCatFeature).NCats()) bSampler := CloudForest.NewBalancedSampler(targetf.(*CloudForest.DenseCatFeature)) fmt.Printf("Stratifying by %v classes.\n", len(bSampler.Cases)) var samples []int for i := 0; i < len(bSampler.Cases); i++ { fmt.Printf("%v cases in class %v.\n", len(bSampler.Cases[i]), i) //shuffle in place CloudForest.SampleFirstN(&bSampler.Cases[i], &samples, len(bSampler.Cases[i]), 0) stratFoldSize := len(bSampler.Cases[i]) / folds for j := 0; j < folds; j++ { for k := j * stratFoldSize; k < (j+1)*stratFoldSize; k++ { foldis[j] = append(foldis[j], bSampler.Cases[i][k]) } } } } trainis := make([]int, 0, foldsize*(folds-1)) //Write training and testing matrixes for i := 0; i < folds; i++ { trainfn := fmt.Sprintf(*train, i) testfn := fmt.Sprintf(*test, i) trainis = trainis[0:0] for j := 0; j < folds; j++ { if i != j { trainis = append(trainis, foldis[j]...) } } if writearff || writeall { trainW, testW := openfiles(trainfn+".arff", testfn+".arff") CloudForest.WriteArffCases(data, foldis[i], *targetname, testW) CloudForest.WriteArffCases(data, trainis, *targetname, trainW) } if ((!writelibsvm) && (!writearff)) || writeall { trainW, testW := openfiles(trainfn, testfn) data.WriteCases(testW, foldis[i]) data.WriteCases(trainW, trainis) } if writelibsvm || writeall { trainW, testW := openfiles(trainfn+".libsvm", testfn+".libsvm") CloudForest.WriteLibSvmCases(data, foldis[i], *targetname, testW) CloudForest.WriteLibSvmCases(data, trainis, *targetname, trainW) } fmt.Printf("Wrote fold %v. %v testing cases and %v training cases.\n", i, len(foldis[i]), len(trainis)) } }