コード例 #1
ファイル: model.go プロジェクト: samertm/githubstreaks
// CreateCommit creates a commit c for u in the database.
func CreateCommit(u User, c GitHubCommitRepo) error {
	debug.Printf("Creating commit %v for user %s", c, u.Login)
	if c.Author == nil || u.Login != *c.Author.Login {
		// Ignore the commit if the commit has no GitHub
		// author, or the author does not match u.
		return nil
	tx, err := db.DB.Beginx()
	if err != nil {
		return wrapError(err)
	if c.Message == nil {
		c.Message = github.String("")
	b := &db.Binder{}
	query := `
INSERT INTO commit(sha, uid, author_date, repo_name, message, additions, deletions)
  VALUES (` +
		b.Bind(*c.SHA, u.UID, *c.Commit.Author.Date,
			c.RepoName, *c.Commit.Message, *c.Stats.Additions, *c.Stats.Deletions) +
	if _, err := tx.Exec(query, b.Items...); err != nil {
		// Ignore if we've seen this commit.
		if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "duplicate key value violates unique constraint") {
			return nil
		return wrapError(err)
	for _, f := range c.Files {
		b := &db.Binder{}
		// For empty files, Patch is nil.
		if f.Patch == nil {
			f.Patch = github.String("")
		query := `
INSERT INTO commit_file(commit_sha, filename, status, additions, deletions, patch)
  VALUES (` +
			b.Bind(*c.SHA, *f.Filename, *f.Status, *f.Additions, *f.Deletions, *f.Patch) +
		if _, err := tx.Exec(query, b.Items...); err != nil {
			return wrapError(err)
	if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
		return wrapError(err)
	return nil
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.go プロジェクト: samertm/githubstreaks
func serveGitHubCallback(c web.C, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
	a := NewApp(c)
	state := r.FormValue("state")
	if state != oauthStateString {
		return errors.Errorf("invalid oauth state, expected '%s', got '%s'\n", oauthStateString, state)

	code := r.FormValue("code")
	token, err := oauthConf.Exchange(oauth2.NoContext, code)
	if err != nil {
		return wrapErrorf(err, "oauthConf.Exchange() failed")

	oauthClient := oauthConf.Client(oauth2.NoContext, token)
	client := github.NewClient(oauthClient)
	ghUser, _, err := client.Users.Get("")
	if err != nil {
		return wrapErrorf(err, "client.Users.Get() failed")
	debug.Printf("Logged in as GitHub user: %s\n", *ghUser.Login)
	// Save user to DB.
	user, err := GetCreateUser(*ghUser.Login)
	if err != nil {
		return wrapErrorf(err, "error saving user to the database")
	a.Session.Values[UIDSessionKey] = user.UID
	if err := a.Session.Save(r, w); err != nil {
		return wrapErrorf(err, "error saving session")
	var q redirectQuery
	if err := SchemaDecoder.Decode(&q, r.URL.Query()); err != nil {
		return wrapError(err)
	if q.Redirect != "" {
		u, err := url.QueryUnescape(q.Redirect)
		if err != nil {
			return wrapError(err)
		return &HTTPRedirect{To: u, Code: http.StatusSeeOther}
	return &HTTPRedirect{To: "/", Code: http.StatusSeeOther}