func init() { jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelTrace) jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelInfo) log.Println("initing config ...") viper.SetConfigName("zookeeper-helper") viper.AddConfigPath("./") viper.AddConfigPath("$HOME/.omega/") viper.AddConfigPath("/etc/omega/") viper.SetConfigType("yaml") if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err != nil { log.Panicln("can't read config file:", err) } initDefault() if err := viper.Unmarshal(&pairs); err != nil { log.Panicln("can't covert to config pairs: ", err) } if !pairs.Debugging { jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelError) jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelError) } log.Printf("initialized config pairs: %+v\n", pairs) }
func (c *Config) SetLogFile(s string) { if c.verbose { jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelDebug) jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelInfo) } else { jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelWarn) jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelError) } jww.SetLogFile(s) }
func TestCheckExcuse(t *testing.T) { if testing.Verbose() { log.SetLogThreshold(log.LevelInfo) log.SetStdoutThreshold(log.LevelInfo) } createEmptyGitRepo(t) runCheckP(t, "foobar", true, "foo,5") // Increase on "barfoo" prefix is okay runCheckP(t, "barfoo", true, "foo,6") t.Logf("Running check command p: %s w: %t i: %s", "foobar", false, "foo,6") errCode := Check("foobar", 0, false, "csv", false, strings.NewReader("foo,6")) if errCode != 50 { t.Fatalf("Check command passed unexpectedly!") } writeExcuse(t, "foobar", "foo", "PROD's down right now, I'll clean foo up later") runCheckP(t, "foobar", true, "foo,6") t.Logf("Running check command p: %s w: %t i: %s", "barfoo", false, "foo,7") errCode = Check("barfoo", 0, false, "csv", false, strings.NewReader("foo,7")) if errCode != 50 { t.Fatalf("Check command passed unexpectedly!") } }
func TestCheckWithCheckstyleInput(t *testing.T) { if testing.Verbose() { log.SetLogThreshold(log.LevelInfo) log.SetStdoutThreshold(log.LevelInfo) } if checkStyleFileErr != nil { t.Fatalf("Failure opening test data", checkStyleFileErr) } createEmptyGitRepo(t) t.Logf("Running check command p: %s w: %t i: %s", "jshint", true, checkStyleFile) errCode := Check("jshint", 0, true, "checkstyle", false, checkStyleFile) if errCode != 0 { t.Fatalf("Check command failed! Error code: %d", errCode) } t.Logf("Running check command p: %s w: %t i: %s", "jshint", false, "errors,951") errCode = Check("jshint", 0, false, "csv", false, strings.NewReader("errors,951")) if errCode != 50 { t.Fatalf("Check command passed unexpectedly!") } }
func TestDump(t *testing.T) { if testing.Verbose() { log.SetLogThreshold(log.LevelInfo) log.SetStdoutThreshold(log.LevelInfo) } repo := createEmptyGitRepo(t) runCheckP(t, "foo", true, "foo,5") runCommand(t, repo, exec.Command("git", "add", createFile(t, repo, "bar.txt").Name())) runCommand(t, repo, exec.Command("git", "commit", "-m", "Third Commit")) runCheckP(t, "foo", true, "foo,4") dump := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(runDump(t, "foo").Bytes())) dump.Scan() checkString(t, "foo,4,4", dump.Text()) dump.Scan() checkString(t, "foo,5,5", dump.Text()) if len(runDump(t, "bar").Bytes()) > 0 { t.Fatalf("Should be no data under prefix bar") } }
func TestZeroMissing(t *testing.T) { if testing.Verbose() { log.SetLogThreshold(log.LevelInfo) log.SetStdoutThreshold(log.LevelInfo) } createEmptyGitRepo(t) runCheck(t, true, "foo,5") t.Logf("Running check command w: %t i: %s", false, "") errCode := Check("", 0, true, "csv", false, strings.NewReader("")) if errCode != 50 { t.Fatalf("Check command passed unexpectedly!") } t.Logf("Running check command zero on missing w: %t i: %s", false, "") errCode = Check("", 0, true, "csv", false, strings.NewReader("")) if errCode != 0 { t.Fatalf("Check command failed unexpectedly!") } }
func TestCheckSlackPercent(t *testing.T) { if testing.Verbose() { log.SetLogThreshold(log.LevelInfo) log.SetStdoutThreshold(log.LevelInfo) } createEmptyGitRepo(t) slack := 20.0 usePercents := true runCheckPS(t, "pageweight", slack, usePercents, true, "gzippedjs,100") runCheckPS(t, "pageweight", slack, usePercents, false, "gzippedjs,101") t.Logf("Running check command p: %s w: %t i: %s", "pageweight", false, "gzippedjs,120") errCode := Check("pageweight", slack, usePercents, false, "csv", false, strings.NewReader("gzippedjs,120")) if errCode != 0 { t.Fatalf("Check command failed unexpectedly!") } t.Logf("Running check command p: %s w: %t i: %s", "pageweight", false, "gzippedjs,121") errCode = Check("pageweight", slack, usePercents, false, "csv", false, strings.NewReader("gzippedjs,121")) if errCode != 50 { t.Fatalf("Check command passed unexpectedly!") } }
// InitializeConfig reads in config file and ENV variables if set. func InitializeConfig(subCmdVs ...*cobra.Command) error { viper.SetConfigType("json") viper.SetConfigName("grasshopper") // name of config file (without extension) // viper.AddConfigPath("/etc/grasshopper.d/") // path to look for the config file // viper.AddConfigPath("$HOME/.grasshopper.d") // call multiple times to add many search paths viper.AddConfigPath(".") // optionally look for config in the working directory // read config from storage err := viper.ReadInConfig() if err != nil { jww.WARN.Printf("Unable to read Config file. %#v I will fall back to my defaults...", err) err = nil // we just skip this error } // set some sane defaults viper.SetDefault("Verbose", false) viper.SetDefault("Quiet", false) viper.SetDefault("Log", true) viper.SetDefault("Experimental", true) if grasshopperCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("verbose").Changed { viper.Set("Verbose", Verbose) } if viper.GetBool("verbose") { jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelTrace) jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelTrace) } return err }
func init() { GrasshopperCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&Verbose, "verbose", "v", false, "verbose output") GrasshopperCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&Quiet, "quiet", "q", false, "quiet output") GrasshopperCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&Log, "log", "l", true, "write logging output to file") GrasshopperCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&Experimental, "experimental", "x", true, "write experimental output to stdout") grasshopperCmdV = GrasshopperCmd viper.BindPFlag("verbose", GrasshopperCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("verbose")) viper.BindPFlag("quiet", GrasshopperCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("quiet")) viper.BindPFlag("log", GrasshopperCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("log")) viper.BindPFlag("experimental", GrasshopperCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("experimental")) if Log { jww.SetLogFile("grasshopper.log") } if Quiet { jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelWarn) } if Verbose { jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelTrace) jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelTrace) } }
// initialize logging... func initLogging(configuration *Configuration) { log.SetLogFile(configuration.LogFile) threshold := configuration.LogThreshold if threshold == "TRACE" { log.SetLogThreshold(log.LevelTrace) log.SetStdoutThreshold(log.LevelTrace) } else if threshold == "DEBUG" { log.SetLogThreshold(log.LevelDebug) log.SetStdoutThreshold(log.LevelDebug) } else if threshold == "INFO" { log.SetLogThreshold(log.LevelInfo) log.SetStdoutThreshold(log.LevelInfo) } else if threshold == "WARN" { log.SetLogThreshold(log.LevelWarn) log.SetStdoutThreshold(log.LevelWarn) } else if threshold == "ERROR" { log.SetLogThreshold(log.LevelError) log.SetStdoutThreshold(log.LevelError) } else if threshold == "CRITICAL" { log.SetLogThreshold(log.LevelCritical) log.SetStdoutThreshold(log.LevelCritical) } else if threshold == "FATAL" { log.SetLogThreshold(log.LevelFatal) log.SetStdoutThreshold(log.LevelFatal) } }
//FetchFunction is the function that downloads all Nulecule container images func FetchFunction(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { if Verbose { jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelTrace) jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelInfo) } if len(args) < 1 { cmd.Usage() jww.FATAL.Println("URL to be fetched is missing") } jww.INFO.Printf("fetching: %q", strings.Join(args, " ")) }
func printIndexList(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { InitializeConfig() if Verbose { jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelTrace) jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelInfo) } nuleculeLibraryIndexZip, err := getNuleculeLibraryIndexfromGithubAsZIP() if err != nil { jww.FATAL.Println(err) return } w := new(tabwriter.Writer) w.Init(os.Stdout, 26, 8, 2, '\t', 0) fmt.Fprintln(w, "This is the Nulecule Library Index") fmt.Fprintln(w, "Application Name\tAppID\tVersion") // Iterate through the files in the archive for _, item := range nuleculeLibraryIndexZip.File { if item.FileInfo().IsDir() { continue } // if the file is a Nulecule, getit! if item.FileInfo().Name() == "Nulecule" { jww.DEBUG.Printf("Found a Nulecule, size of it's description is %d\n", item.FileInfo().Size()) rc, err := item.Open() if err != nil { jww.FATAL.Println(err) return } defer rc.Close() // get the Nulecules content nuci, parseError := nulecule.Parse(rc) if parseError != nil { jww.INFO.Println(parseError, " This may be due to unsupported (by Grasshopper) artifact inheritance.") continue } fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%s\t%s\n", nuci.Metadata.Name, nuci.AppID, nuci.Metadata.AppVersion) } w.Flush() } }
// InitializeConfig initializes a config file with sensible default configuration flags. func InitializeConfig() { if Quiet { jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelWarn) } viper.SetConfigName("grasshopper") // name of config file (without extension) viper.AddConfigPath("/etc/grasshopper.d/") // path to look for the config file viper.AddConfigPath("$HOME/.grasshopper.d") // call multiple times to add many search paths viper.AddConfigPath(".") // optionally look for config in the working directory // read config from storage err := viper.ReadInConfig() // FIXME if err != nil { jww.WARN.Println("Unable to locate Config file. I will fall back to my defaults...") } // default settings viper.SetDefault("Verbose", false) viper.SetDefault("Quiet", false) viper.SetDefault("DryRun", false) viper.SetDefault("DoLog", true) viper.SetDefault("Experimental", true) // bind config to command flags if grasshopperCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("verbose").Changed { viper.Set("Verbose", Verbose) } if grasshopperCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("quiet").Changed { viper.Set("Quiet", Quiet) } if grasshopperCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("log").Changed { viper.Set("DoLog", DoLog) } if grasshopperCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("experimental").Changed { viper.Set("Experimental", Experimental) } if DoLog { jww.SetLogFile("grasshopper.log") } if Verbose { jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelTrace) jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelTrace) } }
//Execute adds all child commands to the root command GrasshopperCmd and sets flags appropriately. func Execute() { if Verbose { jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelTrace) jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelInfo) } if DoLog { jww.SetLogFile("grasshopper.log") } jww.DEBUG.Println("Gentlemen, start your engines!!") GrasshopperCmd.SuggestionsMinimumDistance = 1 //add child commands to the root command. GrasshopperCmd.AddCommand(versionCmd) // FIXME unsupported bashAutogenerateCmd // GrasshopperCmd.AddCommand(bashAutogenerateCmd) GrasshopperCmd.AddCommand(IndexCmd) GrasshopperCmd.AddCommand(FetchCmd) GrasshopperCmd.AddCommand(InstallCmd) GrasshopperCmd.AddCommand(RunCmd) GrasshopperCmd.AddCommand(StopCmd) GrasshopperCmd.AddCommand(UninstallCmd) GrasshopperCmd.AddCommand(CleanCmd) /* FIxME this is nice, but we need a better one! manHeader := &cobra.GenManHeader{ Title: "grasshopper", Section: "1", } out := new(bytes.Buffer) GrasshopperCmd.GenMan(manHeader, out) fmt.Println(out.String()) */ if err := GrasshopperCmd.Execute(); err != nil { // the err is already logged by Cobra os.Exit(-1) } }
func TestCheckExcuse(t *testing.T) { if testing.Verbose() { log.SetLogThreshold(log.LevelInfo) log.SetStdoutThreshold(log.LevelInfo) } repo := createEmptyGitRepo(t) runCheckP(t, "foobar", true, "foo,5") // Increase on "barfoo" prefix is okay runCheckP(t, "barfoo", true, "foo,6") t.Logf("Running check command p: %s w: %t i: %s", "foobar", false, "foo,6") errCode := Check("foobar", 0, false, false, "csv", false, strings.NewReader("foo,6")) if errCode != 50 { t.Fatalf("Check command passed unexpectedly!") } writeExcuse(t, "foobar", "foo", "PROD's down right now, I'll clean foo up later") runCheckP(t, "foobar", true, "foo,6") t.Logf("Running check command p: %s w: %t i: %s", "barfoo", false, "foo,7") errCode = Check("barfoo", 0, false, false, "csv", false, strings.NewReader("foo,7")) if errCode != 50 { t.Fatalf("Check command passed unexpectedly!") } runCommand(t, repo, exec.Command("git", "add", createFile(t, repo, "test2.txt").Name())) runCommand(t, repo, exec.Command("git", "commit", "-m", "Third Commit")) runCheckP(t, "foobar", true, "foo,6") runCommand(t, repo, exec.Command("git", "add", createFile(t, repo, "test3.txt").Name())) runCommand(t, repo, exec.Command("git", "commit", "-m", "Fourth Commit")) runCheckP(t, "foobar", true, "foo,6") }
func TestCheckPrefix(t *testing.T) { if testing.Verbose() { log.SetLogThreshold(log.LevelInfo) log.SetStdoutThreshold(log.LevelInfo) } createEmptyGitRepo(t) runCheckP(t, "foobar", true, "foo,5") // Running a check against a different prefix should still work runCheckP(t, "barfoo", true, "foo,6") t.Logf("Running check command p: %s w: %t i: %s", "foobar", false, "foo,6") errCode := Check("foobar", 0, false, "csv", false, strings.NewReader("foo,6")) if errCode != 50 { t.Fatalf("Check command passed unexpectedly!") } }
// InitializeConfig initializes a config file with sensible default configuration flags. func InitializeConfig() { viper.SetConfigFile(CfgFile) viper.AddConfigPath(Source) err := viper.ReadInConfig() if err != nil { jww.ERROR.Println("Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new site. Run `hugo help new` for details") } viper.RegisterAlias("taxonomies", "indexes") viper.SetDefault("Watch", false) viper.SetDefault("MetaDataFormat", "toml") viper.SetDefault("DisableRSS", false) viper.SetDefault("DisableSitemap", false) viper.SetDefault("ContentDir", "content") viper.SetDefault("LayoutDir", "layouts") viper.SetDefault("StaticDir", "static") viper.SetDefault("ArchetypeDir", "archetypes") viper.SetDefault("PublishDir", "public") viper.SetDefault("DefaultLayout", "post") viper.SetDefault("BuildDrafts", false) viper.SetDefault("BuildFuture", false) viper.SetDefault("UglyUrls", false) viper.SetDefault("Verbose", false) viper.SetDefault("CanonifyUrls", false) viper.SetDefault("Indexes", map[string]string{"tag": "tags", "category": "categories"}) viper.SetDefault("Permalinks", make(hugolib.PermalinkOverrides, 0)) viper.SetDefault("Sitemap", hugolib.Sitemap{Priority: -1}) viper.SetDefault("PygmentsStyle", "monokai") viper.SetDefault("DefaultExtension", "html") viper.SetDefault("PygmentsUseClasses", false) viper.SetDefault("DisableLiveReload", false) viper.SetDefault("PluralizeListTitles", true) viper.SetDefault("FootnoteAnchorPrefix", "") viper.SetDefault("FootnoteReturnLinkContents", "") viper.SetDefault("NewContentEditor", "") viper.SetDefault("Paginate", 10) viper.SetDefault("PaginatePath", "page") viper.SetDefault("Blackfriday", new(helpers.Blackfriday)) if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("buildDrafts").Changed { viper.Set("BuildDrafts", Draft) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("buildFuture").Changed { viper.Set("BuildFuture", Future) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("uglyUrls").Changed { viper.Set("UglyUrls", UglyUrls) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("disableRSS").Changed { viper.Set("DisableRSS", DisableRSS) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("disableSitemap").Changed { viper.Set("DisableSitemap", DisableSitemap) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("verbose").Changed { viper.Set("Verbose", Verbose) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("pluralizeListTitles").Changed { viper.Set("PluralizeListTitles", PluralizeListTitles) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("editor").Changed { viper.Set("NewContentEditor", Editor) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("logFile").Changed { viper.Set("LogFile", LogFile) } if BaseUrl != "" { if !strings.HasSuffix(BaseUrl, "/") { BaseUrl = BaseUrl + "/" } viper.Set("BaseUrl", BaseUrl) } if Theme != "" { viper.Set("theme", Theme) } if Destination != "" { viper.Set("PublishDir", Destination) } if Source != "" { viper.Set("WorkingDir", Source) } else { dir, _ := os.Getwd() viper.Set("WorkingDir", dir) } if VerboseLog || Logging || (viper.IsSet("LogFile") && viper.GetString("LogFile") != "") { if viper.IsSet("LogFile") && viper.GetString("LogFile") != "" { jww.SetLogFile(viper.GetString("LogFile")) } else { jww.UseTempLogFile("hugo") } } else { jww.DiscardLogging() } if viper.GetBool("verbose") { jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelInfo) } if VerboseLog { jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelInfo) } jww.INFO.Println("Using config file:", viper.ConfigFileUsed()) }
// InitializeConfig initializes a config file with sensible default configuration flags. func InitializeConfig() { viper.SetConfigFile(CfgFile) if Source == "" { viper.AddConfigPath(".") } else { viper.AddConfigPath(Source) } err := viper.ReadInConfig() if err != nil { jww.ERROR.Println("Unable to locate Config file.") } LoadDefaultSettings() if hugoCMSCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("disableRSS").Changed { viper.Set("DisableRSS", DisableRSS) } if hugoCMSCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("disableSitemap").Changed { viper.Set("DisableSitemap", DisableSitemap) } if hugoCMSCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("verbose").Changed { viper.Set("Verbose", Verbose) } if hugoCMSCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("pluralizeListTitles").Changed { viper.Set("PluralizeListTitles", PluralizeListTitles) } if hugoCMSCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("preserveTaxonomyNames").Changed { viper.Set("PreserveTaxonomyNames", PreserveTaxonomyNames) } if hugoCMSCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("editor").Changed { viper.Set("NewContentEditor", Editor) } if hugoCMSCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("logFile").Changed { viper.Set("LogFile", LogFile) } if BaseURL != "" { if !strings.HasSuffix(BaseURL, "/") { BaseURL = BaseURL + "/" } viper.Set("BaseURL", BaseURL) } if !viper.GetBool("RelativeURLs") && viper.GetString("BaseURL") == "" { jww.ERROR.Println("No 'baseurl' set in configuration or as a flag. Features like page menus will not work without one.") } if Theme != "" { viper.Set("theme", Theme) } if Destination != "" { viper.Set("PublishDir", Destination) } if Source != "" { viper.Set("WorkingDir", Source) } else { dir, _ := os.Getwd() viper.Set("WorkingDir", dir) } if hugoCMSCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("ignoreCache").Changed { viper.Set("IgnoreCache", IgnoreCache) } if CacheDir != "" { if helpers.FilePathSeparator != CacheDir[len(CacheDir)-1:] { CacheDir = CacheDir + helpers.FilePathSeparator } isDir, err := helpers.DirExists(CacheDir, hugofs.SourceFs) utils.CheckErr(err) if isDir == false { mkdir(CacheDir) } viper.Set("CacheDir", CacheDir) } else { viper.Set("CacheDir", helpers.GetTempDir("hugo_cache", hugofs.SourceFs)) } if VerboseLog || Logging || (viper.IsSet("LogFile") && viper.GetString("LogFile") != "") { if viper.IsSet("LogFile") && viper.GetString("LogFile") != "" { jww.SetLogFile(viper.GetString("LogFile")) } else { jww.UseTempLogFile("hugo") } } else { jww.DiscardLogging() } if viper.GetBool("verbose") { jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelInfo) } if VerboseLog { jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelInfo) } }
func main() { flgVerbose := flag.Bool("verbose", false, "Output additional debugging information to both STDOUT and the log file") flgPortNum := flag.Int("port", 8777, "The port to run the HTTP server on.") // 8777 = "WM" flgConfigPath := flag.String("conf", "weathermoss-conf.json", "Path to the config JSON file") flgVersion := flag.Bool("version", false, "Show version information and quit.") flag.Parse() if *flgVersion { fmt.Println("Weathermoss version", version) os.Exit(0) } // Note at this point only WARN or above is actually logged to file, and ERROR or above to console. jww.SetLogFile("weathermoss.log") // Set extra logging if the command line flag was set if *flgVerbose { jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelDebug) jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelInfo) jww.INFO.Println("Verbose debug level set.") } else { // Set custom default logging verbosity. jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelWarn) jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelError) } // Read config file appconf, err := getConfigFromFile(*flgConfigPath) if err != nil { jww.FATAL.Println("Configuration Error:", err) os.Exit(1) } // Set up something to handle ctrl-c/kill cleanup! c := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt) signal.Notify(c, syscall.SIGTERM) go func() { <-c fmt.Println("") // TODO: Graceful cleanup http's listenAndServe runner? // TODO: Any other cleanup needed? fmt.Println("Cleaned up and shut down.") os.Exit(0) }() jww.DEBUG.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Connecting to db: %s:%s@tcp(%s:%s)/%s?parseTime=true", appconf.DB.Username, appconf.DB.Password, appconf.DB.Host, appconf.DB.Port, appconf.DB.Database)) db, err := sql.Open("mysql", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@tcp(%s:%s)/%s?parseTime=true", appconf.DB.Username, appconf.DB.Password, appconf.DB.Host, appconf.DB.Port, appconf.DB.Database)) if err != nil { jww.FATAL.Println("Failed to open database. Error was:", err) os.Exit(1) } if err := db.Ping(); err != nil { jww.FATAL.Println("Failed to open database. Error was:", err) os.Exit(1) } // Somewhat arbitrary. TODO: Tune as necessary. db.SetMaxIdleConns(500) db.SetMaxOpenConns(1000) // Set up the HTTP router, followed by all the routes router := bone.New() // Redirect static resources, and then handle the static resources (/gui/) routes with the static asset file router.Handle("/", http.HandlerFunc(func(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { http.Redirect(response, request, "gui/", 302) })) router.Get("/gui/", http.StripPrefix("/gui/", http.FileServer(&assetfs.AssetFS{Asset: Asset, AssetDir: AssetDir, Prefix: ""}))) router.GetFunc("/api", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.Write([]byte("Welcome to Weathermoss")) }) // Define the API (JSON) routes api := api.NewApiHandlers(db) router.GetFunc("/api/current", api.Current) router.GetFunc("/api/ws", api.WsCombinedHandler) router.GetFunc("/api/ws/10min", api.WsTenMinuteHandler) router.GetFunc("/api/ws/15sec", api.WsFifteenSecHandler) // Start the HTTP server fmt.Println("Starting API server on port", *flgPortNum, ". Press Ctrl-C to quit.") http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", *flgPortNum), router) }
func main() { var write bool var verbose bool var prefix string var slack int var inputType string var versionCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "version", Short: "Print the version number", Long: `All software has versions.`, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { fmt.Printf("git-ratchet version: %s\n", GitTag) }, } var checkCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "check", Short: "Checks the values passed in against the most recent stored values.", Long: `Checks the values passed in against the most recent stored values. The most recent stored values are found by walking up the commit graph and looking at the git-notes stored.`, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { if verbose { log.SetLogThreshold(log.LevelInfo) log.SetStdoutThreshold(log.LevelInfo) } err := ratchet.Check(prefix, slack, write, inputType, os.Stdin) if err != 0 { os.Exit(err) } }, } checkCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&write, "write", "w", false, "write values if no increase is detected. only use on your CI server.") checkCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&slack, "slack", "s", 0, "slack value, increase within the range of the slack is acceptable.") checkCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&inputType, "inputType", "i", "csv", "input type. csv and checkstyle available.") var measure string var excuse string var excuseCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "excuse", Short: "Write an excuse for a measurement increase.", Long: `Write an excuse for a measurement increase. This will allow the check command to pass.`, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { if verbose { log.SetLogThreshold(log.LevelInfo) log.SetStdoutThreshold(log.LevelInfo) } os.Exit(ratchet.Excuse(prefix, measure, excuse)) }, } excuseCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&measure, "name", "n", "", "names of the measures to excuse, comma separated list.") excuseCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&excuse, "excuse", "e", "", "excuse for the measure rising.") var dumpCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "dump", Short: "Dump a CSV file containing the measurement data over time.", Long: `Dump a CSV file containing the measurement data over time.`, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { if verbose { log.SetLogThreshold(log.LevelInfo) log.SetStdoutThreshold(log.LevelInfo) } err := ratchet.Dump(prefix, os.Stdout) if err != 0 { os.Exit(err) } }, } var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{Use: "git-ratchet"} rootCmd.AddCommand(checkCmd, excuseCmd, dumpCmd, versionCmd) rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&verbose, "verbose", "v", false, "increase logging verbosity.") rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&prefix, "prefix", "p", "master", "prefix the ratchet notes. useful for storing multiple sets of values in the same repo.") rootCmd.Execute() }
func main() { flgVerbose := flag.Bool("verbose", false, "Output additional debugging information to both STDOUT and the log file") flgWriteConf := flag.Bool("writeconf", false, "Write out configuration file to be imported into app_rpt.conf and exit") flag.Parse() // Note at this point only WARN or above is actually logged to file, and ERROR or above to console. jww.SetLogFile("allstarhelper.log") if *flgVerbose { jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelDebug) jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelInfo) } else { // Set default logging verbosity. jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelWarn) jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelError) } jww.INFO.Println("Starting run at", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")) // Read config file appconf, err := getConfigFromFile() if err != nil { jww.FATAL.Println("Configuration Error:", err) os.Exit(0) } // Before we do anything make sure output directory exists err = os.MkdirAll(appconf.Settings.RelativeOutputDir, 0711) if err != nil { jww.FATAL.Println("could not create output directory. Permissions issue?") os.Exit(0) } if *flgWriteConf { // write out the allstarhelper_cmdTree.conf file writeOutputConfFileForConfiguration(appconf) return } // Dispatch a thread to handle each of the gauges from the conf file gaugeDone := make(chan bool) for _, gaugeConf := range appconf.USGSRiver.Gauges { jww.DEBUG.Println("Dispatching Handler gauge for conf:", gaugeConf) go func(curConf USGSGaugeConf) { gaugeId := strconv.Itoa(curConf.Id) gaugeRes := getTextForGauge(&curConf, &appconf) // Not copying appConf as we never change it... TODO: Make actually thread safe. writeOutputTextFile(appconf.Settings.RelativeOutputDir, gaugeId, gaugeRes) // We wrote the txt file for reference, but we're going to go ahead and just output directly to wave now. writeOutputAudioFile(appconf.Settings.RelativeOutputDir, gaugeId, gaugeRes, "slt") // Now we have to convert the file. Because Asterisk. convertOutputAudioFileForAsterisk(appconf.Settings.RelativeOutputDir, gaugeId) // Let function that spun up the goroutine know that one of the threads is done gaugeDone <- true }(gaugeConf) } // Dispatch a thread to handle each of the wxunderground stations from the conf file wxunderStationDone := make(chan bool) for _, wxunderStationConf := range appconf.WXUnderground.Stations { jww.DEBUG.Println("Dispatching Handler for WXUnderground station for conf:", wxunderStationConf) go func(curConf WXUndergroundStationConf) { stationRes := getTextForWXUnderStation(&curConf, &appconf) // Not copying appConf as we never change it... TODO: Make actually thread safe. writeOutputTextFile(appconf.Settings.RelativeOutputDir, curConf.Id, stationRes) // We wrote the txt file for reference, but we're going to go ahead and just output directly to wave now. writeOutputAudioFile(appconf.Settings.RelativeOutputDir, curConf.Id, stationRes, "slt") // Now we have to convert the file. Because Asterisk. convertOutputAudioFileForAsterisk(appconf.Settings.RelativeOutputDir, curConf.Id) // Let function that spun up the goroutine know that one of the threads is done wxunderStationDone <- true }(wxunderStationConf) } // wait until all gauges and stations are done processing before we exit for _ = range appconf.USGSRiver.Gauges { <-gaugeDone } for _ = range appconf.WXUnderground.Stations { <-wxunderStationDone } jww.INFO.Println("Done creating all files, exiting at", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")) }
func InitializeConfig() { viper.SetConfigFile(CfgFile) viper.AddConfigPath(Source) err := viper.ReadInConfig() if err != nil { jww.ERROR.Println("Config not found... using only defaults, stuff may not work") } viper.RegisterAlias("taxonomies", "indexes") viper.SetDefault("Watch", false) viper.SetDefault("MetaDataFormat", "toml") viper.SetDefault("DisableRSS", false) viper.SetDefault("DisableSitemap", false) viper.SetDefault("ContentDir", "content") viper.SetDefault("LayoutDir", "layouts") viper.SetDefault("StaticDir", "static") viper.SetDefault("ArchetypeDir", "archetypes") viper.SetDefault("PublishDir", "public") viper.SetDefault("DefaultLayout", "post") viper.SetDefault("BuildDrafts", false) viper.SetDefault("BuildFuture", false) viper.SetDefault("UglyUrls", false) viper.SetDefault("Verbose", false) viper.SetDefault("CanonifyUrls", false) viper.SetDefault("Indexes", map[string]string{"tag": "tags", "category": "categories"}) viper.SetDefault("Permalinks", make(hugolib.PermalinkOverrides, 0)) viper.SetDefault("Sitemap", hugolib.Sitemap{Priority: -1}) viper.SetDefault("PygmentsStyle", "monokai") viper.SetDefault("PygmentsUseClasses", false) viper.SetDefault("DisableLiveReload", false) viper.SetDefault("PluralizeListTitles", true) if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("buildDrafts").Changed { viper.Set("BuildDrafts", Draft) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("buildFuture").Changed { viper.Set("BuildFuture", Future) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("uglyUrls").Changed { viper.Set("UglyUrls", UglyUrls) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("disableRSS").Changed { viper.Set("DisableRSS", DisableRSS) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("disableSitemap").Changed { viper.Set("DisableSitemap", DisableSitemap) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("verbose").Changed { viper.Set("Verbose", Verbose) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("pluralizeListTitles").Changed { viper.Set("PluralizeListTitles", PluralizeListTitles) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("logFile").Changed { viper.Set("LogFile", LogFile) } if BaseUrl != "" { if !strings.HasSuffix(BaseUrl, "/") { BaseUrl = BaseUrl + "/" } viper.Set("BaseUrl", BaseUrl) } if Theme != "" { viper.Set("theme", Theme) } if Destination != "" { viper.Set("PublishDir", Destination) } if Source != "" { viper.Set("WorkingDir", Source) } else { dir, _ := helpers.FindCWD() viper.Set("WorkingDir", dir) } if VerboseLog || Logging || (viper.IsSet("LogFile") && viper.GetString("LogFile") != "") { if viper.IsSet("LogFile") && viper.GetString("LogFile") != "" { jww.SetLogFile(viper.GetString("LogFile")) } else { jww.UseTempLogFile("hugo") } } else { jww.DiscardLogging() } if viper.GetBool("verbose") { jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelInfo) } if VerboseLog { jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelInfo) } jww.INFO.Println("Using config file:", viper.ConfigFileUsed()) }
// InitializeConfig initializes a config file with sensible default configuration flags. func InitializeConfig(subCmdVs ...*cobra.Command) error { if err := hugolib.LoadGlobalConfig(source, cfgFile); err != nil { return err } for _, cmdV := range append([]*cobra.Command{hugoCmdV}, subCmdVs...) { if flagChanged(cmdV.PersistentFlags(), "verbose") { viper.Set("verbose", verbose) } if flagChanged(cmdV.PersistentFlags(), "logFile") { viper.Set("logFile", logFile) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "cleanDestinationDir") { viper.Set("cleanDestinationDir", cleanDestination) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "buildDrafts") { viper.Set("buildDrafts", draft) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "buildFuture") { viper.Set("buildFuture", future) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "buildExpired") { viper.Set("buildExpired", expired) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "uglyURLs") { viper.Set("uglyURLs", uglyURLs) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "canonifyURLs") { viper.Set("canonifyURLs", canonifyURLs) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "disable404") { viper.Set("disable404", disable404) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "disableRSS") { viper.Set("disableRSS", disableRSS) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "disableSitemap") { viper.Set("disableSitemap", disableSitemap) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "enableRobotsTXT") { viper.Set("enableRobotsTXT", enableRobotsTXT) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "pluralizeListTitles") { viper.Set("pluralizeListTitles", pluralizeListTitles) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "preserveTaxonomyNames") { viper.Set("preserveTaxonomyNames", preserveTaxonomyNames) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "ignoreCache") { viper.Set("ignoreCache", ignoreCache) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "forceSyncStatic") { viper.Set("forceSyncStatic", forceSync) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "noTimes") { viper.Set("noTimes", noTimes) } } if baseURL != "" { if !strings.HasSuffix(baseURL, "/") { baseURL = baseURL + "/" } viper.Set("baseURL", baseURL) } if !viper.GetBool("relativeURLs") && viper.GetString("baseURL") == "" { jww.ERROR.Println("No 'baseurl' set in configuration or as a flag. Features like page menus will not work without one.") } if theme != "" { viper.Set("theme", theme) } if destination != "" { viper.Set("publishDir", destination) } var dir string if source != "" { dir, _ = filepath.Abs(source) } else { dir, _ = os.Getwd() } viper.Set("workingDir", dir) if contentDir != "" { viper.Set("contentDir", contentDir) } if layoutDir != "" { viper.Set("layoutDir", layoutDir) } if cacheDir != "" { viper.Set("cacheDir", cacheDir) } cacheDir = viper.GetString("cacheDir") if cacheDir != "" { if helpers.FilePathSeparator != cacheDir[len(cacheDir)-1:] { cacheDir = cacheDir + helpers.FilePathSeparator } isDir, err := helpers.DirExists(cacheDir, hugofs.Source()) utils.CheckErr(err) if isDir == false { mkdir(cacheDir) } viper.Set("cacheDir", cacheDir) } else { viper.Set("cacheDir", helpers.GetTempDir("hugo_cache", hugofs.Source())) } if verboseLog || logging || (viper.IsSet("logFile") && viper.GetString("logFile") != "") { if viper.IsSet("logFile") && viper.GetString("logFile") != "" { jww.SetLogFile(viper.GetString("logFile")) } else { jww.UseTempLogFile("hugo") } } else { jww.DiscardLogging() } if quiet { jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelError) } else if viper.GetBool("verbose") { jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelInfo) } if verboseLog { jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelInfo) } jww.INFO.Println("Using config file:", viper.ConfigFileUsed()) // Init file systems. This may be changed at a later point. hugofs.InitDefaultFs() themeDir := helpers.GetThemeDir() if themeDir != "" { if _, err := hugofs.Source().Stat(themeDir); os.IsNotExist(err) { return newSystemError("Unable to find theme Directory:", themeDir) } } themeVersionMismatch, minVersion := isThemeVsHugoVersionMismatch() if themeVersionMismatch { jww.ERROR.Printf("Current theme does not support Hugo version %s. Minimum version required is %s\n", helpers.HugoReleaseVersion(), minVersion) } return nil }
// InitializeConfig initializes a config file with sensible default configuration flags. func InitializeConfig() { viper.SetConfigFile(CfgFile) viper.AddConfigPath(Source) err := viper.ReadInConfig() if err != nil { jww.ERROR.Println("Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new site. Run `hugo help new` for details") } viper.RegisterAlias("indexes", "taxonomies") viper.SetDefault("Watch", false) viper.SetDefault("MetaDataFormat", "toml") viper.SetDefault("DisableRSS", false) viper.SetDefault("DisableSitemap", false) viper.SetDefault("ContentDir", "content") viper.SetDefault("LayoutDir", "layouts") viper.SetDefault("StaticDir", "static") viper.SetDefault("ArchetypeDir", "archetypes") viper.SetDefault("PublishDir", "public") viper.SetDefault("DataDir", "data") viper.SetDefault("DefaultLayout", "post") viper.SetDefault("BuildDrafts", false) viper.SetDefault("BuildFuture", false) viper.SetDefault("UglyURLs", false) viper.SetDefault("Verbose", false) viper.SetDefault("IgnoreCache", false) viper.SetDefault("CanonifyURLs", false) viper.SetDefault("Taxonomies", map[string]string{"tag": "tags", "category": "categories"}) viper.SetDefault("Permalinks", make(hugolib.PermalinkOverrides, 0)) viper.SetDefault("Sitemap", hugolib.Sitemap{Priority: -1}) viper.SetDefault("PygmentsStyle", "monokai") viper.SetDefault("DefaultExtension", "html") viper.SetDefault("PygmentsUseClasses", false) viper.SetDefault("DisableLiveReload", false) viper.SetDefault("PluralizeListTitles", true) viper.SetDefault("FootnoteAnchorPrefix", "") viper.SetDefault("FootnoteReturnLinkContents", "") viper.SetDefault("NewContentEditor", "") viper.SetDefault("Paginate", 10) viper.SetDefault("PaginatePath", "page") viper.SetDefault("Blackfriday", helpers.NewBlackfriday()) if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("buildDrafts").Changed { viper.Set("BuildDrafts", Draft) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("buildFuture").Changed { viper.Set("BuildFuture", Future) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("uglyUrls").Changed { viper.Set("UglyURLs", UglyURLs) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("disableRSS").Changed { viper.Set("DisableRSS", DisableRSS) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("disableSitemap").Changed { viper.Set("DisableSitemap", DisableSitemap) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("verbose").Changed { viper.Set("Verbose", Verbose) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("pluralizeListTitles").Changed { viper.Set("PluralizeListTitles", PluralizeListTitles) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("editor").Changed { viper.Set("NewContentEditor", Editor) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("logFile").Changed { viper.Set("LogFile", LogFile) } if BaseURL != "" { if !strings.HasSuffix(BaseURL, "/") { BaseURL = BaseURL + "/" } viper.Set("BaseURL", BaseURL) } if viper.GetString("BaseURL") == "" { jww.ERROR.Println("No 'baseurl' set in configuration or as a flag. Features like page menus will not work without one.") } if Theme != "" { viper.Set("theme", Theme) } if Destination != "" { viper.Set("PublishDir", Destination) } if Source != "" { viper.Set("WorkingDir", Source) } else { dir, _ := os.Getwd() viper.Set("WorkingDir", dir) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("ignoreCache").Changed { viper.Set("IgnoreCache", IgnoreCache) } if CacheDir != "" { if helpers.FilePathSeparator != CacheDir[len(CacheDir)-1:] { CacheDir = CacheDir + helpers.FilePathSeparator } isDir, err := helpers.DirExists(CacheDir, hugofs.SourceFs) utils.CheckErr(err) if isDir == false { mkdir(CacheDir) } viper.Set("CacheDir", CacheDir) } else { viper.Set("CacheDir", helpers.GetTempDir("hugo_cache", hugofs.SourceFs)) } if VerboseLog || Logging || (viper.IsSet("LogFile") && viper.GetString("LogFile") != "") { if viper.IsSet("LogFile") && viper.GetString("LogFile") != "" { jww.SetLogFile(viper.GetString("LogFile")) } else { jww.UseTempLogFile("hugo") } } else { jww.DiscardLogging() } if viper.GetBool("verbose") { jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelInfo) } if VerboseLog { jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelInfo) } jww.INFO.Println("Using config file:", viper.ConfigFileUsed()) }
func importFromJekyll(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelTrace) jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelWarn) if len(args) < 2 { return newUserError(`Import from Jekyll requires two paths, e.g. ` + "`hugo import jekyll jekyll_root_path target_path`.") } jekyllRoot, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Clean(args[0])) if err != nil { return newUserError("Path error:", args[0]) } targetDir, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Clean(args[1])) if err != nil { return newUserError("Path error:", args[1]) } jww.INFO.Println("Import Jekyll from:", jekyllRoot, "to:", targetDir) if strings.HasPrefix(filepath.Dir(targetDir), jekyllRoot) { return newUserError("Target path should not be inside the Jekyll root, aborting.") } forceImport, _ := cmd.Flags().GetBool("force") if err := createSiteFromJekyll(jekyllRoot, targetDir, forceImport); err != nil { return newUserError(err) } fmt.Println("Importing...") fileCount := 0 callback := func(path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error { if err != nil { return err } if fi.IsDir() { return nil } relPath, err := filepath.Rel(jekyllRoot, path) if err != nil { return newUserError("Get rel path error:", path) } relPath = filepath.ToSlash(relPath) draft := false switch { case strings.HasPrefix(relPath, "_posts/"): relPath = "content/post" + relPath[len("_posts"):] case strings.HasPrefix(relPath, "_drafts/"): relPath = "content/draft" + relPath[len("_drafts"):] draft = true default: return nil } fileCount++ return convertJekyllPost(path, relPath, targetDir, draft) } err = helpers.SymbolicWalk(hugofs.Os(), jekyllRoot, callback) if err != nil { return err } fmt.Println("Congratulations!", fileCount, "post(s) imported!") fmt.Println("Now, start Hugo by yourself:\n" + "$ git clone " + args[1] + "/themes/herring-cove") fmt.Println("$ cd " + args[1] + "\n$ hugo server --theme=herring-cove") return nil }
func InitializeConfig() { viper.SetConfigName(CfgFile) viper.AddConfigPath(Source) viper.ReadInConfig() viper.SetDefault("ContentDir", "content") viper.SetDefault("LayoutDir", "layouts") viper.SetDefault("StaticDir", "static") viper.SetDefault("PublishDir", "public") viper.SetDefault("DefaultLayout", "post") viper.SetDefault("BuildDrafts", false) viper.SetDefault("UglyUrls", false) viper.SetDefault("Verbose", false) viper.SetDefault("CanonifyUrls", false) viper.SetDefault("Indexes", map[string]string{"tag": "tags", "category": "categories"}) viper.SetDefault("Permalinks", make(hugolib.PermalinkOverrides, 0)) if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("build-drafts").Changed { viper.Set("BuildDrafts", Draft) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("uglyurls").Changed { viper.Set("UglyUrls", UglyUrls) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("verbose").Changed { viper.Set("Verbose", Verbose) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("logfile").Changed { viper.Set("LogFile", LogFile) } if BaseUrl != "" { if !strings.HasSuffix(BaseUrl, "/") { BaseUrl = BaseUrl + "/" } viper.Set("BaseUrl", BaseUrl) } if Destination != "" { viper.Set("PublishDir", Destination) } if Source != "" { viper.Set("WorkingDir", Source) } else { dir, _ := helpers.FindCWD() viper.Set("WorkingDir", dir) } if VerboseLog || Logging || (viper.IsSet("LogFile") && viper.GetString("LogFile") != "") { if viper.IsSet("LogFile") && viper.GetString("LogFile") != "" { jww.SetLogFile(viper.GetString("LogFile")) } else { jww.UseTempLogFile("hugo") } } else { jww.DiscardLogging() } if viper.GetBool("verbose") { jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelDebug) } if VerboseLog { jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelDebug) } jww.INFO.Println("Using config file:", viper.ConfigFileUsed()) }
func importFromJekyll(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelTrace) jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelWarn) if len(args) < 2 { jww.ERROR.Println(`Import from Jekyll requires two paths, e.g. ` + "`hugo import jekyll jekyll_root_path target_path`.") return } jekyllRoot, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Clean(args[0])) if err != nil { jww.ERROR.Println("Path error:", args[0]) return } targetDir, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Clean(args[1])) if err != nil { jww.ERROR.Println("Path error:", args[1]) return } createSiteFromJekyll(jekyllRoot, targetDir) jww.INFO.Println("Import Jekyll from:", jekyllRoot, "to:", targetDir) fmt.Println("Importing...") fileCount := 0 callback := func(path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error { if err != nil { return err } if fi.IsDir() { return nil } relPath, err := filepath.Rel(jekyllRoot, path) if err != nil { jww.ERROR.Println("Get rel path error:", path) return err } relPath = filepath.ToSlash(relPath) var draft bool = false switch { case strings.HasPrefix(relPath, "_posts/"): relPath = "content/post" + relPath[len("_posts"):] case strings.HasPrefix(relPath, "_drafts/"): relPath = "content/draft" + relPath[len("_drafts"):] draft = true default: return nil } fileCount++ return convertJekyllPost(path, relPath, targetDir, draft) } err = filepath.Walk(jekyllRoot, callback) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } else { fmt.Println("Congratulations!", fileCount, "posts imported!") fmt.Println("Now, start Hugo by yourself: \n" + "$ git clone " + args[1] + "/themes/herring-cove") fmt.Println("$ cd " + args[1] + "\n$ hugo server -w --theme=herring-cove") } }
// InitializeConfig initializes a config file with sensible default configuration flags. func InitializeConfig() { viper.SetConfigFile(CfgFile) viper.AddConfigPath(Source) err := viper.ReadInConfig() if err != nil { jww.ERROR.Println("Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new site. Run `hugo help new` for details") } viper.RegisterAlias("indexes", "taxonomies") LoadDefaultSettings() if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("buildDrafts").Changed { viper.Set("BuildDrafts", Draft) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("buildFuture").Changed { viper.Set("BuildFuture", Future) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("uglyUrls").Changed { viper.Set("UglyURLs", UglyURLs) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("disableRSS").Changed { viper.Set("DisableRSS", DisableRSS) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("disableSitemap").Changed { viper.Set("DisableSitemap", DisableSitemap) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("verbose").Changed { viper.Set("Verbose", Verbose) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("pluralizeListTitles").Changed { viper.Set("PluralizeListTitles", PluralizeListTitles) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("preserveTaxonomyNames").Changed { viper.Set("PreserveTaxonomyNames", PreserveTaxonomyNames) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("editor").Changed { viper.Set("NewContentEditor", Editor) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("logFile").Changed { viper.Set("LogFile", LogFile) } if BaseURL != "" { if !strings.HasSuffix(BaseURL, "/") { BaseURL = BaseURL + "/" } viper.Set("BaseURL", BaseURL) } if !viper.GetBool("RelativeURLs") && viper.GetString("BaseURL") == "" { jww.ERROR.Println("No 'baseurl' set in configuration or as a flag. Features like page menus will not work without one.") } if Theme != "" { viper.Set("theme", Theme) } if Destination != "" { viper.Set("PublishDir", Destination) } if Source != "" { viper.Set("WorkingDir", Source) } else { dir, _ := os.Getwd() viper.Set("WorkingDir", dir) } if hugoCmdV.PersistentFlags().Lookup("ignoreCache").Changed { viper.Set("IgnoreCache", IgnoreCache) } if CacheDir != "" { if helpers.FilePathSeparator != CacheDir[len(CacheDir)-1:] { CacheDir = CacheDir + helpers.FilePathSeparator } isDir, err := helpers.DirExists(CacheDir, hugofs.SourceFs) utils.CheckErr(err) if isDir == false { mkdir(CacheDir) } viper.Set("CacheDir", CacheDir) } else { viper.Set("CacheDir", helpers.GetTempDir("hugo_cache", hugofs.SourceFs)) } if VerboseLog || Logging || (viper.IsSet("LogFile") && viper.GetString("LogFile") != "") { if viper.IsSet("LogFile") && viper.GetString("LogFile") != "" { jww.SetLogFile(viper.GetString("LogFile")) } else { jww.UseTempLogFile("hugo") } } else { jww.DiscardLogging() } if viper.GetBool("verbose") { jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelInfo) } if VerboseLog { jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelInfo) } jww.INFO.Println("Using config file:", viper.ConfigFileUsed()) themeDir := helpers.GetThemeDir() if themeDir != "" { if _, err := os.Stat(themeDir); os.IsNotExist(err) { jww.FATAL.Fatalln("Unable to find theme Directory:", themeDir) } } themeVersionMismatch, minVersion := helpers.IsThemeVsHugoVersionMismatch() if themeVersionMismatch { jww.ERROR.Printf("Current theme does not support Hugo version %s. Minimum version required is %s\n", helpers.HugoReleaseVersion(), minVersion) } }
// InitializeConfig initializes a config file with sensible default configuration flags. // A Hugo command that calls initCoreCommonFlags() can pass itself // as an argument to have its command-line flags processed here. func InitializeConfig(subCmdVs ...*cobra.Command) error { viper.SetConfigFile(cfgFile) // See if source == "" { viper.AddConfigPath(".") } else { viper.AddConfigPath(source) } err := viper.ReadInConfig() if err != nil { if _, ok := err.(viper.ConfigParseError); ok { return newSystemError(err) } else { return newSystemErrorF("Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new site.\n Run `hugo help new` for details. (%s)\n", err) } } viper.RegisterAlias("indexes", "taxonomies") LoadDefaultSettings() for _, cmdV := range append([]*cobra.Command{hugoCmdV}, subCmdVs...) { if flagChanged(cmdV.PersistentFlags(), "verbose") { viper.Set("Verbose", verbose) } if flagChanged(cmdV.PersistentFlags(), "logFile") { viper.Set("LogFile", logFile) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "cleanDestinationDir") { viper.Set("cleanDestinationDir", cleanDestination) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "buildDrafts") { viper.Set("BuildDrafts", draft) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "buildFuture") { viper.Set("BuildFuture", future) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "uglyURLs") { viper.Set("UglyURLs", uglyURLs) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "canonifyURLs") { viper.Set("CanonifyURLs", canonifyURLs) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "disableRSS") { viper.Set("DisableRSS", disableRSS) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "disableSitemap") { viper.Set("DisableSitemap", disableSitemap) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "disableRobotsTXT") { viper.Set("DisableRobotsTXT", disableRobotsTXT) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "pluralizeListTitles") { viper.Set("PluralizeListTitles", pluralizeListTitles) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "preserveTaxonomyNames") { viper.Set("PreserveTaxonomyNames", preserveTaxonomyNames) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "ignoreCache") { viper.Set("IgnoreCache", ignoreCache) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "forceSyncStatic") { viper.Set("ForceSyncStatic", forceSync) } if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "noTimes") { viper.Set("NoTimes", noTimes) } } if baseURL != "" { if !strings.HasSuffix(baseURL, "/") { baseURL = baseURL + "/" } viper.Set("BaseURL", baseURL) } if !viper.GetBool("RelativeURLs") && viper.GetString("BaseURL") == "" { jww.ERROR.Println("No 'baseurl' set in configuration or as a flag. Features like page menus will not work without one.") } if theme != "" { viper.Set("theme", theme) } if destination != "" { viper.Set("PublishDir", destination) } if source != "" { dir, _ := filepath.Abs(source) viper.Set("WorkingDir", dir) } else { dir, _ := os.Getwd() viper.Set("WorkingDir", dir) } if contentDir != "" { viper.Set("ContentDir", contentDir) } if layoutDir != "" { viper.Set("LayoutDir", layoutDir) } if cacheDir != "" { if helpers.FilePathSeparator != cacheDir[len(cacheDir)-1:] { cacheDir = cacheDir + helpers.FilePathSeparator } isDir, err := helpers.DirExists(cacheDir, hugofs.SourceFs) utils.CheckErr(err) if isDir == false { mkdir(cacheDir) } viper.Set("CacheDir", cacheDir) } else { viper.Set("CacheDir", helpers.GetTempDir("hugo_cache", hugofs.SourceFs)) } if verboseLog || logging || (viper.IsSet("LogFile") && viper.GetString("LogFile") != "") { if viper.IsSet("LogFile") && viper.GetString("LogFile") != "" { jww.SetLogFile(viper.GetString("LogFile")) } else { jww.UseTempLogFile("hugo") } } else { jww.DiscardLogging() } if viper.GetBool("verbose") { jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelInfo) } if verboseLog { jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelInfo) } jww.INFO.Println("Using config file:", viper.ConfigFileUsed()) themeDir := helpers.GetThemeDir() if themeDir != "" { if _, err := os.Stat(themeDir); os.IsNotExist(err) { return newSystemError("Unable to find theme Directory:", themeDir) } } themeVersionMismatch, minVersion := isThemeVsHugoVersionMismatch() if themeVersionMismatch { jww.ERROR.Printf("Current theme does not support Hugo version %s. Minimum version required is %s\n", helpers.HugoReleaseVersion(), minVersion) } return nil }
var indexListCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "list", Short: "List all applications", Long: `List all applications in the Nulecule Library Index.`, Run: printIndexList, } var indexInfoCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "info APPNAME", Short: "show info of APPNAME", Long: `Show detailed info of APPNAME in the Nulecule Library Index.`, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { InitializeConfig() if Verbose { jww.SetLogThreshold(jww.LevelTrace) jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelInfo) } if len(args) < 1 { cmd.Usage() jww.FATAL.Println("APPNAME is required") } nuleculeLibraryIndexZip, err := getNuleculeLibraryIndexfromGithubAsZIP() if err != nil { jww.FATAL.Println(err) return } w := new(tabwriter.Writer)