コード例 #1
ファイル: peer.go プロジェクト: srderson/fabric
func (p *PeerImpl) ensureConnected() {
	touchPeriod := viper.GetDuration("peer.discovery.touchPeriod")
	touchMaxNodes := viper.GetInt("peer.discovery.touchMaxNodes")
	tickChan := time.NewTicker(touchPeriod).C
	peerLogger.Debugf("Starting Peer reconnect service (touch service), with period = %s", touchPeriod)
	for {
		// Simply loop and check if need to reconnect
		peersMsg, err := p.GetPeers()
		if err != nil {
			peerLogger.Errorf("Error in touch service: %s", err.Error())
		allNodes := p.discHelper.GetAllNodes() // these will always be returned in random order
		if len(peersMsg.Peers) < len(allNodes) {
			peerLogger.Warning("Touch service indicates dropped connections, attempting to reconnect...")
			delta := util.FindMissingElements(allNodes, getPeerAddresses(peersMsg))
			if len(delta) > touchMaxNodes {
				delta = delta[:touchMaxNodes]
		} else {
			peerLogger.Debug("Touch service indicates no dropped connections")
		peerLogger.Debugf("Connected to: %v", getPeerAddresses(peersMsg))
		peerLogger.Debugf("Discovery knows about: %v", allNodes)

コード例 #2
ファイル: init.go プロジェクト: tikiatua/buzz-wire
// initialize the configuration
func initConfiguration() {

	// try to load some configuration information from the config file
	viper.SetDefault("mode", MODE_PI)
	viper.SetDefault("timeout", 5*time.Second)
	viper.SetDefault("debounceContact", 1000*time.Millisecond)
	viper.SetDefault("startNumber", "1")

	err := viper.ReadInConfig()
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Fatal error config file: %s \n", err))

	// read configuration from file or use default
	Timeout = viper.GetDuration("timeout")
	DebounceContact = viper.GetDuration("debounceContact")
	Mode = viper.GetString("mode")
	StartNumberOfID = viper.GetString("startNumber")

	// create a new lock for concurrent access
	Mutex = &sync.RWMutex{}

	// initialize the game state

	// initialize our communication channels
	// note: the contactChannel is debounced to handle continuous triggering of the contact
	contactChannel = make(chan bool)
	contactChannelDebounced = debounceContactChannel(DebounceContact, contactChannel)

	// we need a signal channel to communicate events to the webserver
	signalChannel = make(chan string, 100)

	// handle start events
	startChannel = make(chan bool)

	// handle finish events
	finishChannel = make(chan StopReason)

	// parse all existing results
	idsInUse, _ = parseExistingStudyResults()

コード例 #3
ファイル: handler.go プロジェクト: masterDev1985/obc-peer
// start starts the Peer server function
func (d *Handler) start() error {
	discPeriod := viper.GetDuration("peer.discovery.period")
	tickChan := time.NewTicker(discPeriod).C
	peerLogger.Debug("Starting Peer discovery service")
	for {
		select {
		case <-tickChan:
			if err := d.ChatStream.Send(&pb.OpenchainMessage{Type: pb.OpenchainMessage_DISC_GET_PEERS}); err != nil {
				peerLogger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error sending %s during handler discovery tick: %s", pb.OpenchainMessage_DISC_GET_PEERS, err))
			// // TODO: For testing only, remove eventually.  Test the blocks transfer functionality.
			// syncBlocksChannel, _ := d.GetBlocks(&pb.SyncBlockRange{Start: 0, End: 0})
			// go func() {
			// 	for {
			// 		// peerLogger.Debug("Sleeping for 1 second...")
			// 		// time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
			// 		// peerLogger.Debug("Waking up and pulling from sync channel")
			// 		syncBlocks, ok := <-syncBlocksChannel
			// 		if !ok {
			// 			// Channel was closed
			// 			peerLogger.Debug("Channel closed for SyncBlocks")
			// 			break
			// 		} else {
			// 			peerLogger.Debug("Received SyncBlocks on channel with Range from %d to %d", syncBlocks.Range.Start, syncBlocks.Range.End)
			// 		}
			// 	}
			// }()

			// // TODO: For testing only, remove eventually.  Test the State Snapshot functionality
			// syncStateSnapshotChannel, _ := d.GetStateSnapshot()
			// go func() {
			// 	for {
			// 		// peerLogger.Debug("Sleeping for 1 second...")
			// 		// time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
			// 		// peerLogger.Debug("Waking up and pulling from sync channel")
			// 		syncStateSnapshot, ok := <-syncStateSnapshotChannel
			// 		if !ok {
			// 			// Channel was closed
			// 			peerLogger.Debug("Channel closed for SyncStateSnapshot")
			// 			break
			// 		} else {
			// 			peerLogger.Debug("Received SyncStateSnapshot on channel with block = %d, correlationId = %d, sequence = %d, len delta = %d", syncStateSnapshot.BlockNumber, syncStateSnapshot.Request.CorrelationId, syncStateSnapshot.Sequence, len(syncStateSnapshot.Delta))
			// 		}
			// 	}
			// }()

		case <-d.doneChan:
			peerLogger.Debug("Stopping discovery service")
			return nil
コード例 #4
ファイル: handler.go プロジェクト: Colearo/fabric
// start starts the Peer server function
func (d *Handler) start() error {
	discPeriod := viper.GetDuration("peer.discovery.period")
	tickChan := time.NewTicker(discPeriod).C
	peerLogger.Debug("Starting Peer discovery service")
	for {
		select {
		case <-tickChan:
			if err := d.SendMessage(&pb.Message{Type: pb.Message_DISC_GET_PEERS}); err != nil {
				peerLogger.Errorf("Error sending %s during handler discovery tick: %s", pb.Message_DISC_GET_PEERS, err)
		case <-d.doneChan:
			peerLogger.Debug("Stopping discovery service")
			return nil
コード例 #5
ファイル: tweelack.go プロジェクト: Aorioli/tweelack
func main() {
	log.SetPrefix("TWEELACK ")


	err := viper.ReadInConfig()
	if err != nil {

	twitterConsumerKey := viper.GetString("twitter.consumer.key")
	if len(twitterConsumerKey) == 0 {
		log.Fatalln("Twitter consumer key required")
	twitterConsumerSecret := viper.GetString("twitter.consumer.secret")
	if len(twitterConsumerSecret) == 0 {
		log.Fatalln("Twitter consumer secret required")
	twitterTokenValue := viper.GetString("twitter.token.value")
	if len(twitterTokenValue) == 0 {
		log.Fatalln("Twitter token value required")
	twitterTokenSecret := viper.GetString("twitter.token.secret")
	if len(twitterTokenSecret) == 0 {
		log.Fatalln("Twitter token secret required")
	if TwitterHandle = viper.GetString("twitter.handle"); len(TwitterHandle) == 0 {
		log.Fatalln("Twitter handle required")
	if TweetCount = viper.GetInt("twitter.count"); TweetCount == 0 {
		TweetCount = 1
	if TwitterTimeout = viper.GetDuration("twitter.timeout"); TwitterTimeout == 0 {
		TwitterTimeout = 1
	TwitterHashtag = viper.GetString("twitter.hashtag")

	slackToken := viper.GetString("slack.token")
	if len(slackToken) == 0 {
		log.Fatalln("Slack token required")

	if SlackChannel = viper.GetString("slack.channel"); len(SlackChannel) == 0 {
		SlackChannel = "general"

	if Purpose = viper.GetString("slack.purpose"); len(Purpose) == 0 {
		Purpose = "post"

	SlackMessageParameters = slack.NewPostMessageParameters()
	SlackMessageParameters.AsUser = viper.GetBool("slack.parameters.as_user")
	SlackMessageParameters.Username = viper.GetString("slack.parameters.username")
	SlackMessageParameters.IconURL = viper.GetString("slack.parameters.icon.url")
	SlackMessageParameters.IconEmoji = viper.GetString("slack.parameters.icon.emoji")

	TwitterApi = anaconda.NewTwitterApi(twitterTokenValue, twitterTokenSecret)
	SlackApi = slack.New(slackToken)

	UrlValues = url.Values{}
	UrlValues.Set("screen_name", TwitterHandle)
	UrlValues.Set("exclude_replies", "true")
	UrlValues.Set("include_rts", "false")

	if channels, err := SlackApi.GetChannels(true); err == nil {
		for _, channel := range channels {
			if channel.Name == SlackChannel {
				SlackChannel = channel.ID

コード例 #6
ファイル: dungbeetle.go プロジェクト: project8/swarm
func main() {

	// user needs help
	var needHelp bool

	// configuration file
	var configFile string

	// set up flag to point at conf, parse arguments and then verify
		"Display this dialog")
		"JSON configuration file")

	if needHelp {

	fmt.Println("                                         ...~.+=:,.I+...                        ")
	fmt.Println("                                   ... .+$7II?I?IZ7$??+~?I~..                   ")
	fmt.Println("                               .,.:M=.MINI++I7I??????7I$7I=+7~...               ")
	fmt.Println("                              O7+8.IOIII??7+I+7Z?7$I?I?I+??+$??O?.              ")
	fmt.Println("                          ..8MMMM8I??+?+=I?+I?=7++:7???I?==++??$?+?.            ")
	fmt.Println("                        :MMMMM.:~+?I=++$I++???=+??I==~+++?~I=7+=+~?7.           ")
	fmt.Println("                       MMM..++I~?I?$I$$??+?+~$I++=I?7==++I++I+=?+=~=~.          ")
	fmt.Println("                     .MM..~.7?~==~I+?7=II=8~?++?~?=7+$~?$D?=~7?+?+~=I:.         ")
	fmt.Println("                    .MM.?~~$7+=~?=:+?7I=???I7II?7I++DZ?+=+7===+=??=~+?+.        ")
	fmt.Println("                   .MM..NZ?M87+??+7?++?7=I$I7=+=IMMMMD=+$~=?++?:??=~+77I.       ")
	fmt.Println("                    MMNMMMMMMMMMN$Z++7I7+=+++==MMMI~~+I=?+=?++I+=I?=I7$$?:      ")
	fmt.Println("                  .MMMMMMMMMMMMMM8I+++77++?:?MMM::?~=I?+??II?=+?+=?I++I?Z=      ")
	fmt.Println("                 IDMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM$I?I$7==NMM=++~~=7+=I???7I??8I$+I+?I?I$??.    ")
	fmt.Println("               .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMOI7?II~MMM+=7=+~7:+$?+II7I?+~I?++I??I??+I..   ")
	fmt.Println("              .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMD==:+~NMM+=+?:=+?+~=8=++?$7+I?7+=+?II$?+==.   ")
	fmt.Println("             .MMMMMMMMMMMMDMMMMMMM8I?:MMM+?+~$,=:??7==???Z?7II$7II7??7++=7:I.   ")
	fmt.Println("             MMMMMMMMMMMM8NMMMMDMMNMMMM??78~:,+=??~:~II?~+II?II7+I+??7I7=ZI=~.  ")
	fmt.Println("             MMMMMMMMMMMNNNMMMMNMM$?II==?=?+:==++?I++==+II$I=77I??II?II8$??7I~  ")
	fmt.Println("            $M7M8MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM+?~~==+$~~7:$I+7I??~+++=?7I=?$??I?$III?7?I$7Z  ")
	fmt.Println("            NDMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM7???$$I?+III787+?7?????==+++?~??I?8ZI77I?I77?. ")
	fmt.Println("           NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMD==??=:~77?I=?77?7+I=?I7=I?~+??77~??+IIZ$7$7$7. ")
	fmt.Println("          ZMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM8??+=,=I?IZ+++=7?I+?II???+?+?7?=?I$+IZ$O7$ZI7=. ")
	fmt.Println("          MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM8MMMDIZ7+++?~?+MMMII$?~7II=I?I7ZI=7$?II7$77I$7I7Z  ")
	fmt.Println("         .NMMMMMMMMDMMMMMMMMMOMO=77?=+++?MMMI=$+III??+IOO+?I?I=???ZI?I7I7$ZZZ?. ")
	fmt.Println("           DMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNMMMM7?++$~+OMMMO~II?777III?I$Z=?I7I7?+II+I7II7787O.  ")
	fmt.Println("           .8MMMMMMMMMMMMN7NMMZ+I=~~IOMMOD/?O=7$7+$7?777I+?I+I?I7Z?7?7I7$8OZ.   ")
	fmt.Println("       . ..$MMNMMMMMMMMMMMMMNM7+7MMMMMNO+++I??IO77II+8$I?I=+?+I7?+?Z$I7I$$7~,   ")
	fmt.Println("       .NNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMIMMMMMMZM+?7+?+I+++7ZI7$777??I7I7II777$D8I?+II7Z,.   ")
	fmt.Println("     .MMMMMMMMMMMMMNMMMMI+~,==?~~7~+++7II7=?II$?IZI7+?II?=IO7?I=+?7Z7O??$D.     ")
	fmt.Println(".MMNMMM MMMMMMMMMNDMMNMMMZ+~==~::?~I$?I~~II78=7?77?I?II=7??I$II?II$$IZ7$$.      ")
	fmt.Println(" .O    NMMMMMMMMMMD..~NMMM.7=,+~~+?7I?=$+I$7II7I7IIII888$Z$I?II7ZI$7II+$~       ")
	fmt.Println("      .~NMNMMMMMDZ.   ..MMM.+~=+==+Z7777$7Z77I?7Z$II77ZII$O7I+II?7+7I+~I        ")
	fmt.Println("         .MM$=. .M    .:NMM~.=+?II$III7IIIII$Z?+$O$$?I77777III77I?7?++:         ")
	fmt.Println("           8NN.  MM  .ZMMM$ .:????8887+7III7O$$+Z$$$7Z$O77I??+$=????=           ")
	fmt.Println("          .MM:.  MM. .DMM.    ..7+~==?+7$88$$OIOID$7I77???+$7===+I              ")
	fmt.Println("            ,M.  +M,  .M,.       .~:~,~~=7$Z87I7II7Z7I$I=~~=+=?..               ")
	fmt.Println("           ,MMZ,.       7.         Z~I+:?++==~7Z:7~=7OZ=+++,                    ")
	fmt.Println("            .MMMMM,                    ..~:... .......                          ")
	fmt.Println("           .D?.  ?,                                                             ")
	fmt.Println("                                                                                ")

	// defult configuration
	viper.SetDefault("log-level", "INFO")
	viper.SetDefault("maximum-age", "1h")
	viper.SetDefault("wait-interval", "10m")

	// load config
	if configFile != "" {
		if parseErr := viper.ReadInConfig(); parseErr != nil {
			logging.Log.Criticalf("%v", parseErr)
		logging.Log.Notice("Config file loaded")
	logging.Log.Infof("Log level: %v", viper.GetString("log-level"))

	maxAge := viper.GetDuration("maximum-age")
	waitInterval := viper.GetDuration("wait-interval")

	rootDirs := viper.GetStringSlice("root-dirs")
	if len(rootDirs) == 0 {
		logging.Log.Critical("No root directories were provided")

	// Clean up and check the root directories
	for rdInd, rootDir := range rootDirs {
		rootDirAbs, rdErr := filepath.Abs(filepath.Clean(rootDir))
		if rdErr != nil {
			logging.Log.Criticalf("Unable to get absolute form of the root directory <%s>", rootDir)

		// Do a couple checks on the root directory
		rootDirInfo, statErr := os.Stat(rootDirAbs)
		if statErr != nil {
			logging.Log.Criticalf("Unable to \"Stat\" the root directory <%s>", rootDirAbs)
		if !rootDirInfo.IsDir() {
			logging.Log.Criticalf("Root directory <%s> is not a directory", rootDirAbs)

		rootDirs[rdInd] = rootDirAbs

	logging.Log.Notice("Watching for stale directories.  Use ctrl-c to exit")

	for {
		// Loop over the contents of rootDirs
		// We don't apply processDir() directly to the rootDirs because we don't want to delete rootDir if it's empty
		for _, rootDir := range rootDirs {
			logging.Log.Debugf("Processing directory <%s>", rootDir)

			dirContents, readDirErr := ioutil.ReadDir(rootDir)
			if readDirErr != nil {
				logging.Log.Criticalf("Unable to read directory <%s>", rootDir)

			exitOnErrors := false

			for _, fileInfo := range dirContents {
				logging.Log.Debugf("Directory <%s> is not empty; processing contents", rootDir)
				if fileInfo.IsDir() {
					if procErr := processDir(fileInfo, rootDir, maxAge); procErr != nil {
						logging.Log.Errorf("An error occurred while processing directory <%s>: %v", fileInfo.Name(), procErr)
						exitOnErrors = true
				} // else it's a file; ignore it
			logging.Log.Debugf("Finished processing <%s>", rootDir)

			if exitOnErrors == true {
				logging.Log.Critical("Exiting due to directory-processing errors")

		// Wait the specified amount of time before running again

	logging.Log.Notice("DungBeetle says: \"My job here is done\"")
コード例 #7
ファイル: configuration.go プロジェクト: Ritsyy/almighty-core
// GetPostgresConnectionRetrySleep returns the number of seconds (as set via default, config file, or environment variable)
// to wait before trying to connect again
func GetPostgresConnectionRetrySleep() time.Duration {
	return viper.GetDuration(varPostgresConnectionRetrySleep)
コード例 #8
ファイル: handler.go プロジェクト: yoshiharay/fabric
// NewPeerHandler returns a new Peer handler
// Is instance of HandlerFactory
func NewPeerHandler(coord MessageHandlerCoordinator, stream ChatStream, initiatedStream bool) (MessageHandler, error) {

	d := &Handler{
		ChatStream:      stream,
		initiatedStream: initiatedStream,
		Coordinator:     coord,
	d.doneChan = make(chan struct{})

	if dur := viper.GetDuration("peer.sync.state.snapshot.writeTimeout"); dur == 0 {
		d.syncSnapshotTimeout = DefaultSyncSnapshotTimeout
	} else {
		d.syncSnapshotTimeout = dur

	d.snapshotRequestHandler = newSyncStateSnapshotRequestHandler()
	d.syncStateDeltasRequestHandler = newSyncStateDeltasHandler()
	d.syncBlocksRequestHandler = newSyncBlocksRequestHandler()
	d.FSM = fsm.NewFSM(
			{Name: pb.Message_DISC_HELLO.String(), Src: []string{"created"}, Dst: "established"},
			{Name: pb.Message_DISC_GET_PEERS.String(), Src: []string{"established"}, Dst: "established"},
			{Name: pb.Message_DISC_PEERS.String(), Src: []string{"established"}, Dst: "established"},
			{Name: pb.Message_SYNC_BLOCK_ADDED.String(), Src: []string{"established"}, Dst: "established"},
			{Name: pb.Message_SYNC_GET_BLOCKS.String(), Src: []string{"established"}, Dst: "established"},
			{Name: pb.Message_SYNC_BLOCKS.String(), Src: []string{"established"}, Dst: "established"},
			{Name: pb.Message_SYNC_STATE_GET_SNAPSHOT.String(), Src: []string{"established"}, Dst: "established"},
			{Name: pb.Message_SYNC_STATE_SNAPSHOT.String(), Src: []string{"established"}, Dst: "established"},
			{Name: pb.Message_SYNC_STATE_GET_DELTAS.String(), Src: []string{"established"}, Dst: "established"},
			{Name: pb.Message_SYNC_STATE_DELTAS.String(), Src: []string{"established"}, Dst: "established"},
			"enter_state":                                           func(e *fsm.Event) { d.enterState(e) },
			"before_" + pb.Message_DISC_HELLO.String():              func(e *fsm.Event) { d.beforeHello(e) },
			"before_" + pb.Message_DISC_GET_PEERS.String():          func(e *fsm.Event) { d.beforeGetPeers(e) },
			"before_" + pb.Message_DISC_PEERS.String():              func(e *fsm.Event) { d.beforePeers(e) },
			"before_" + pb.Message_SYNC_BLOCK_ADDED.String():        func(e *fsm.Event) { d.beforeBlockAdded(e) },
			"before_" + pb.Message_SYNC_GET_BLOCKS.String():         func(e *fsm.Event) { d.beforeSyncGetBlocks(e) },
			"before_" + pb.Message_SYNC_BLOCKS.String():             func(e *fsm.Event) { d.beforeSyncBlocks(e) },
			"before_" + pb.Message_SYNC_STATE_GET_SNAPSHOT.String(): func(e *fsm.Event) { d.beforeSyncStateGetSnapshot(e) },
			"before_" + pb.Message_SYNC_STATE_SNAPSHOT.String():     func(e *fsm.Event) { d.beforeSyncStateSnapshot(e) },
			"before_" + pb.Message_SYNC_STATE_GET_DELTAS.String():   func(e *fsm.Event) { d.beforeSyncStateGetDeltas(e) },
			"before_" + pb.Message_SYNC_STATE_DELTAS.String():       func(e *fsm.Event) { d.beforeSyncStateDeltas(e) },

	// If the stream was initiated from this Peer, send an Initial HELLO message
	if d.initiatedStream {
		// Send intiial Hello
		helloMessage, err := d.Coordinator.NewOpenchainDiscoveryHello()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error getting new HelloMessage: %s", err)
		if err := d.SendMessage(helloMessage); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error creating new Peer Handler, error returned sending %s: %s", pb.Message_DISC_HELLO, err)

	return d, nil
コード例 #9
ファイル: diopsid.go プロジェクト: project8/swarm
func main() {

	// user needs help
	var needHelp bool

	// configuration file
	var configFile string

	// set up flag to point at conf, parse arguments and then verify
		"Display this dialog")
		"JSON configuration file")

	if needHelp {

	// defult configuration
	viper.SetDefault("log-level", "INFO")
	viper.SetDefault("broker", "localhost")
	viper.SetDefault("wait-interval", "1m")
	viper.SetDefault("subscribe-queue", "diopsid-queue")
	viper.SetDefault("alerts-queue", "disk_status.machinename")

	// load config
	if configFile != "" {
		if parseErr := viper.ReadInConfig(); parseErr != nil {
			logging.Log.Criticalf("%v", parseErr)
		logging.Log.Notice("Config file loaded")
	logging.Log.Infof("Log level: %v", viper.GetString("log-level"))

	wheretolook := viper.GetStringSlice("where-to-look")
	if len(wheretolook) == 0 {
		logging.Log.Critical("No directories were provided")

	// computername := viper.GetString("computer-name")
	// computername,e := os.Hostname()
	// if e != nil {
	// 	logging.Log.Criticalf("Couldn't get the hostname")
	// 	return
	// }
	broker := viper.GetString("broker")
	queueName := viper.GetString("subscribe-queue")
	alertsQueueName := viper.GetString("alerts-queue")
	waitInterval := viper.GetDuration("wait-interval")

	// check authentication for desired username
	if authErr := authentication.Load(); authErr != nil {
		logging.Log.Criticalf("Error in loading authenticators: %v", authErr)

	if !authentication.AmqpAvailable() {
		logging.Log.Critical("Authentication for AMQP is not available")

	amqpUser := authentication.AmqpUsername()
	amqpPassword := authentication.AmqpPassword()
	url := "amqp://" + amqpUser + ":" + amqpPassword + "@" + broker

	service := dripline.StartService(url, queueName)
	if service == nil {
		logging.Log.Critical("AMQP service did not start")
	logging.Log.Info("AMQP service started")

	// add .# to the queue name for the subscription
	// the queue name does not have to be the same as the queue where to send the alerts!
	// it is better to define a proper queueName in the config file to prevent
	// conflict between services subscribing to the same queue (which is not allowed!)
	subscriptionKey := queueName + ".#"
	if subscribeErr := service.SubscribeToAlerts(subscriptionKey); subscribeErr != nil {
		logging.Log.Criticalf("Could not subscribe to alerts at <%v>: %v", subscriptionKey, subscribeErr)

	if msiErr := fillMasterSenderInfo(); msiErr != nil {
		logging.Log.Criticalf("Could not fill out master sender info: %v", MasterSenderInfo)

	for {
		for _, dir := range wheretolook {
			alert := dripline.PrepareAlert(alertsQueueName, "application/json", MasterSenderInfo)
			disk := DiskUsage(dir)
			var payload map[string]interface{}
			payload = make(map[string]interface{})
			payload["directory"] = dir
			payload["all"] = float64(disk.All) / float64(GB)
			payload["used"] = float64(disk.Used) / float64(GB)
			alert.Message.Payload = payload

			e := service.SendAlert(alert)
			logging.Log.Infof("Alert sent: [%s] All: %.2f GB Used: %.2f GB", dir, float64(disk.All)/float64(GB), float64(disk.Used)/float64(GB))
			if e != nil {
				logging.Log.Errorf("Could not send the alert: %v", e)
		logging.Log.Infof("Sleeping now")