コード例 #1
ファイル: confown.go プロジェクト: sqp/godock
// Init will try to load the own config data from the file, and create it if missing.
func Init(log cdtype.Logger, file string, e error) error {
	if e != nil {
		return e

	// Create file if needed.
	if !files.IsExist(file) {
		source := globals.DirShareData(GuiFilename)
		e := files.CopyFile(source, file, os.FileMode(0644))
		if e != nil {
			return e
		log.Info("created config file", file)

	// Create our user settings
	Settings = ConfigSettings{
		File: file,
		log:  log,
	return Settings.Load()
コード例 #2
ファイル: maindock.go プロジェクト: sqp/godock
// Init is the first step to initialize the dock.
func (settings *DockSettings) Init() {
	confdir := cdglobal.ConfigDirDock(settings.UserDefinedDataDir)
	settings.isFirstLaunch = !files.IsExist(confdir) // TODO: need test is dir.

	hidden := loadHidden(confdir)

	settings.isNewVersion = hidden.LastVersion != globals.Version()
	settings.sessionWasUsed = hidden.SessionWasUsed

	// //\___________________ build the command line used to respawn, and check if we have been launched from another life.

	// mute all output messages if CD is not launched from a terminal
	// if (getenv("TERM") == NULL)  /// why not isatty(stdout) ?...
	// 	g_set_print_handler(PrintMuteFunc);

	gldi.DbusGThreadInit() // it's a wrapper: it will use dbus_threads_init_default ();


	//\___________________ C dock log.
	if settings.Verbosity != "" {

	if settings.ForceColor {

	//\___________________ delay the startup if specified.
	if settings.Delay > 0 {
		<-time.After(time.Duration(settings.Delay) * time.Second)

	//\___________________ initialize libgldi.

	var rendering gldi.RenderingMethod
	switch {
	case settings.ForceOpenGL:
		rendering = gldi.RenderingOpenGL

	case settings.ForceCairo:
		rendering = gldi.RenderingCairo

		rendering = gldi.RenderingDefault

	//\___________________ set custom user options.

	if settings.KeepAbove {

	if settings.NoSticky {

	if settings.MetacityWorkaround {

	env := DesktopEnvironment(settings.Env)
	if env != gldi.DeskEnvUnknown {

	if settings.IndirectOpenGL {

	if settings.ThemeServer == "" {
		settings.ThemeServer = cdglobal.DownloadServerURL
	gldi.SetPaths(confdir, // will later be available as DirDockData  (g_cCairoDockDataDir)

	about.Img = globals.DirShareData(cdglobal.ConfigDirDockImages, cdglobal.FileCairoDockLogo)

	//\___________________ Check that OpenGL is safely usable, if not ask the user what to do.

	// Unsafe OpenGL requires to be confirmed to use (need forced in conf or user validation).
	if settings.AskBackend || (gldi.GLBackendIsUsed() && !gldi.GLBackendIsSafe() && !settings.ForceOpenGL && !settings.IndirectOpenGL) {
		if settings.AskBackend || hidden.DefaultBackend == "" { // no backend defined.
		} else if hidden.DefaultBackend != "opengl" { // disable opengl if unused, revert to cairo.

	// Remove excluded applets.
	for _, name := range settings.Exclude {

	//\___________________ load plug-ins (must be done after everything is initialized).
	if !settings.SafeMode {
		err := gldi.ModulesNewFromDirectory("")
		log.Err(err, "no module will be available")

		if settings.ModulesDir != "" {
			err := gldi.ModulesNewFromDirectory(settings.ModulesDir)
			log.Err(err, "no additionnal module will be available")
コード例 #3
ファイル: uptoshare.go プロジェクト: sqp/godock
func (up *Uploader) uploadOne(data string) Links {
	var fileType FileType
	var filePath string
	var isFile bool

	// File reference from desktop drop. Some cleaning to do.
	if strings.HasPrefix(data, "file://") {
		data = FileNameFromURI(data)

	// Get full file path if needed.
	abs, e := filepath.Abs(data)
	if e == nil && files.IsExist(abs) {
		data = abs

	// Test file and get type.
	clean := filepath.Clean(data)
	switch {
	case files.IsExist(clean): // use input as file location.
		isFile = true
		filePath = clean
		fileType = getFileType(filePath)
		if fileType == FileTypeUnknown {
			up.Log.NewWarn(filePath, "file type unknown, uploaded as 'file'")
			fileType = FileTypeFile

	default: // use input as text as default/fallback.
		fileType = FileTypeText

	up.Log.Debug("file upload", "type:", fileType, "path:", filePath)

	// Get the sender for the type.
	sender := up.getSender(&fileType)
	if sender == nil {
		return linkWarn("nothing to do with " + filePath)

	// Get the data reader.
	var rdr io.Reader
	var size int64
	if isFile {
		var close func() error
		rdr, size, close, e = files.Reader(data)
		if e != nil {
			return linkErr(e, "open file:"+data)
		defer func() { up.Log.Err(close(), "file close") }()

	} else {
		rdr = strings.NewReader(data)
		size = int64(len(data))

	// And try to send.
	list := sender.Send(rdr, size, filePath)

	if len(list) == 0 {
		return linkWarn("upload: nothing returned for " + filePath)

	// Should be a valid link. Add common info.
	list["file"] = filePath
	list["type"] = strconv.Itoa(int(fileType))
	list["date"] = time.Now().Format("20060102 15:04:05") // Time isn't used for now. Just display something readable. "YMD H:M:S"
	return list
コード例 #4
ファイル: maindock.go プロジェクト: sqp/godock
// Start starts the dock theme and apply last settings.
func (settings *DockSettings) Start() {
	//\___________________ handle crashes.
	// if (! bTesting)
	// 	_cairo_dock_set_signal_interception ();

	//\___________________ handle terminate signals to quit properly (especially when the system shuts down).
	// signal (SIGTERM, _cairo_dock_quit);  // Term // kill -15 (system)
	// signal (SIGHUP,  _cairo_dock_quit);  // sent to a process when its controlling terminal is closed

	//\___________________ Disable modules that have crashed
	//\___________________ maintenance mode -> show the main config panel.

	// Copy the default theme if needed.
	if !files.IsExist(globals.ConfigFile()) {

	// The first time the Cairo-Dock session is used but not the first time the dock is launched: propose to use the Default-Panel theme
	// s_bCDSessionLaunched => settings.sessionWasUsed

	gldi.CurrentThemeLoad() // was moved before registration when I had some problems with refresh on start. Removed here for now.

	//\___________________ lock mode.

	if settings.Locked {
		println("Cairo-Dock will be locked.") // was cd_warning (so it was set just before Verbosity). TODO: improve
		// As the config window shouldn't be opened, those settings won't change.
		globals.FullLock = true

	if !settings.SafeMode && gldi.ModulesGetNb() <= 1 { // 1 including Help.

	if settings.isNewVersion { // update the version in the file.
		updateHiddenFile("last version", globals.Version())

		// If any operation must be done on the user theme (like activating
		// a module by default, or disabling an option), it should be done
		// here once (when CAIRO_DOCK_VERSION matches the new version).

	//\___________________ display the changelog in case of a new version.

	if settings.isFirstLaunch { // first launch => set up config
		time.AfterFunc(4*time.Second, firstLaunchSetup)

	} else if settings.isNewVersion { // new version -> changelog (if it's the first launch, useless to display what's new, we already have the Welcome message).
		// In case something has changed in Compiz/Gtk/others, we also run the script on a new version of the dock.
		time.AfterFunc(4*time.Second, firstLaunchSetup)

	// else if (cExcludeModule != NULL && ! bMaintenance && s_iNbCrashes > 1) {
	// 	gchar *cMessage;
	// 	if (s_iNbCrashes == 2) // <=> second crash: display a dialogue
	// 		cMessage = g_strdup_printf (_("The module '%s' may have encountered a problem.\nIt has been restored successfully, but if it happens again, please report it at http://glx-dock.org"), cExcludeModule);
	// 	else // since the 3th crash: the applet has been disabled
	// 		cMessage = g_strdup_printf (_("The module '%s' has been deactivated because it may have caused some problems.\nYou can reactivate it, if it happens again thanks to report it at http://glx-dock.org"), cExcludeModule);

	// 	GldiModule *pModule = gldi_module_get (cExcludeModule);
	// 	Icon *icon = gldi_icons_get_any_without_dialog ();
	// 	gldi_dialog_show_temporary_with_icon (cMessage, icon, CAIRO_CONTAINER (g_pMainDock), 15000., (pModule ? pModule->pVisitCard->cIconFilePath : NULL));
	// 	g_free (cMessage);
	// }

	// if (! bTesting)
	// 	g_timeout_add_seconds (5, _cairo_dock_successful_launch, GINT_TO_POINTER (bFirstLaunch));