コード例 #1
// TestListWorkItemType tests if we can find the work item types
// "person" and "animal" in the list of work item types
func (s *workItemTypeSuite) TestListWorkItemType() {
	defer cleaner.DeleteCreatedEntities(s.DB)()

	// Create the work item type first and try to read it back in
	_, witAnimal := s.createWorkItemTypeAnimal()
	require.NotNil(s.T(), witAnimal)
	_, witPerson := s.createWorkItemTypePerson()
	require.NotNil(s.T(), witPerson)

	// Fetch a single work item type
	// Paging in the format <start>,<limit>"
	page := "0,-1"
	_, witCollection := test.ListWorkitemtypeOK(s.T(), nil, nil, s.typeCtrl, &page)

	require.NotNil(s.T(), witCollection)
	require.Nil(s.T(), witCollection.Validate())

	// Check the number of found work item types
	require.Condition(s.T(), func() bool {
		return (len(witCollection) >= 2)
	}, "At least two work item types must exist (animal and person), but only %d exist.", len(witCollection))

	// Search for the work item types that must exist at minimum
	toBeFound := 2
	for i := 0; i < len(witCollection) && toBeFound > 0; i++ {
		if witCollection[i].Name == "person" || witCollection[i].Name == "animal" {
			s.T().Log("Found work item type in collection: ", witCollection[i].Name)
	require.Exactly(s.T(), 0, toBeFound, "Not all required work item types (animal and person) where found.")
コード例 #2
// TestListWorkItemLinkTypeOK tests if we can find the work item link types
// "test-bug-blocker" and "test-related" in the list of work item link types
func (s *workItemLinkTypeSuite) TestListWorkItemLinkTypeOK() {
	bugBlockerPayload := s.createDemoLinkType("test-bug-blocker")
	_, bugBlockerType := test.CreateWorkItemLinkTypeCreated(s.T(), nil, nil, s.linkTypeCtrl, bugBlockerPayload)
	require.NotNil(s.T(), bugBlockerType)

	relatedPayload := CreateWorkItemLinkType("test-related", workitem.SystemBug, workitem.SystemBug, bugBlockerType.Data.Relationships.LinkCategory.Data.ID)
	_, relatedType := test.CreateWorkItemLinkTypeCreated(s.T(), nil, nil, s.linkTypeCtrl, relatedPayload)
	require.NotNil(s.T(), relatedType)

	// Fetch a single work item link type
	_, linkTypeCollection := test.ListWorkItemLinkTypeOK(s.T(), nil, nil, s.linkTypeCtrl)
	require.NotNil(s.T(), linkTypeCollection)
	require.Nil(s.T(), linkTypeCollection.Validate())
	// Check the number of found work item link types
	require.NotNil(s.T(), linkTypeCollection.Data)
	require.Condition(s.T(), func() bool {
		return (len(linkTypeCollection.Data) >= 2)
	}, "At least two work item link types must exist (bug-blocker and related), but only %d exist.", len(linkTypeCollection.Data))
	// Search for the work item types that must exist at minimum
	toBeFound := 2
	for i := 0; i < len(linkTypeCollection.Data) && toBeFound > 0; i++ {
		if *linkTypeCollection.Data[i].Attributes.Name == "test-bug-blocker" || *linkTypeCollection.Data[i].Attributes.Name == "test-related" {
			s.T().Log("Found work item link type in collection: ", *linkTypeCollection.Data[i].Attributes.Name)
	require.Exactly(s.T(), 0, toBeFound, "Not all required work item link types (bug-blocker and related) where found.")

	// Check that the link categories are included in the response in the "included" array
	require.Len(s.T(), linkTypeCollection.Included, 1, "The work item link type should include it's work item link category.")
	categoryData, ok := linkTypeCollection.Included[0].(*app.WorkItemLinkCategoryData)
	require.True(s.T(), ok)
	require.Equal(s.T(), "test-user", *categoryData.Attributes.Name, "The work item link type's category should have the name 'test-user'.")
コード例 #3
func (s *workItemLinkSuite) TestCreateAndDeleteWorkItemLink() {
	createPayload := CreateWorkItemLink(s.bug1ID, s.bug2ID, s.bugBlockerLinkTypeID)
	_, workItemLink := test.CreateWorkItemLinkCreated(s.T(), nil, nil, s.workItemLinkCtrl, createPayload)
	require.NotNil(s.T(), workItemLink)

	// Test if related resources are included in the response
	toBeFound := 2
	for i := 0; i < len(workItemLink.Included) && toBeFound > 0; i++ {
		switch v := workItemLink.Included[i].(type) {
		case *app.WorkItemLinkCategoryData:
			if *v.ID == s.userLinkCategoryID {
				s.T().Log("Found work item link category in \"included\" element: ", *v.ID)
		case *app.WorkItemLinkTypeData:
			if *v.ID == s.bugBlockerLinkTypeID {
				s.T().Log("Found work item link type in \"included\" element: ", *v.ID)
		// TODO(kwk): Check for source WI (once #559 is merged)
		// TODO(kwk): Check for target WI (once #559 is merged)
		// case *app.WorkItemData:
		// TODO(kwk): Check for WITs (once #559 is merged)
		// case *app.WorkItemTypeData:
			s.T().Errorf("Object of unknown type included in work item link list response: %T", workItemLink.Included[i])
	require.Exactly(s.T(), 0, toBeFound, "Not all required included elements where found.")

	_ = test.DeleteWorkItemLinkOK(s.T(), nil, nil, s.workItemLinkCtrl, *workItemLink.Data.ID)
コード例 #4
// TestListWorkItemLinkCategoryOK tests if we can find the work item link categories
// "test-system" and "test-user" in the list of work item link categories
func (s *workItemLinkCategorySuite) TestListWorkItemLinkCategoryOK() {
	_, linkCatSystem := s.createWorkItemLinkCategorySystem()
	require.NotNil(s.T(), linkCatSystem)
	_, linkCatUser := s.createWorkItemLinkCategoryUser()
	require.NotNil(s.T(), linkCatUser)

	// Fetch a single work item link category
	_, linkCatCollection := test.ListWorkItemLinkCategoryOK(s.T(), nil, nil, s.linkCatCtrl)

	require.NotNil(s.T(), linkCatCollection)
	require.Nil(s.T(), linkCatCollection.Validate())

	// Check the number of found work item link categories
	require.NotNil(s.T(), linkCatCollection.Data)
	require.Condition(s.T(), func() bool {
		return (len(linkCatCollection.Data) >= 2)
	}, "At least two work item link categories must exist (system and user), but only %d exist.", len(linkCatCollection.Data))

	// Search for the work item types that must exist at minimum
	toBeFound := 2
	for i := 0; i < len(linkCatCollection.Data) && toBeFound > 0; i++ {
		if *linkCatCollection.Data[i].Attributes.Name == "test-system" || *linkCatCollection.Data[i].Attributes.Name == "test-user" {
			s.T().Log("Found work item link category in collection: ", *linkCatCollection.Data[i].Attributes.Name)
	require.Exactly(s.T(), 0, toBeFound, "Not all required work item link categories (system and user) where found.")
コード例 #5
// validateSomeLinks validates that workItemLink1 and workItemLink2 are in the
// linkCollection and that all resources are included
func (s *workItemLinkSuite) validateSomeLinks(linkCollection *app.WorkItemLinkList, workItemLink1, workItemLink2 *app.WorkItemLinkSingle) {
	require.NotNil(s.T(), linkCollection)
	require.Nil(s.T(), linkCollection.Validate())
	// Check the number of found work item links
	require.NotNil(s.T(), linkCollection.Data)
	require.Condition(s.T(), func() bool {
		return (len(linkCollection.Data) >= 2)
	}, "At least two work item links must exist (%s and %s), but only %d exist.", *workItemLink1.Data.ID, *workItemLink2.Data.ID, len(linkCollection.Data))
	// Search for the work item types that must exist at minimum
	toBeFound := 2
	for i := 0; i < len(linkCollection.Data) && toBeFound > 0; i++ {
		actualLink := *linkCollection.Data[i]
		var expectedLink *app.WorkItemLinkData

		switch *actualLink.ID {
		case *workItemLink1.Data.ID:
			expectedLink = workItemLink1.Data
		case *workItemLink2.Data.ID:
			expectedLink = workItemLink2.Data

		if expectedLink != nil {
			s.T().Log("Found work item link in collection: ", *expectedLink.ID)

			// Check JSONAPI "type"" field (should be "workitemlinks")
			require.Equal(s.T(), expectedLink.Type, actualLink.Type)

			// Check work item link type
			require.Equal(s.T(), expectedLink.Relationships.LinkType.Data.ID, actualLink.Relationships.LinkType.Data.ID)
			require.Equal(s.T(), expectedLink.Relationships.LinkType.Data.Type, actualLink.Relationships.LinkType.Data.Type)

			// Check source type
			require.Equal(s.T(), expectedLink.Relationships.Source.Data.ID, actualLink.Relationships.Source.Data.ID, "Wrong source ID for the link")
			require.Equal(s.T(), expectedLink.Relationships.Source.Data.Type, actualLink.Relationships.Source.Data.Type, "Wrong source JSONAPI type for the link")

			// Check target type
			require.Equal(s.T(), expectedLink.Relationships.Target.Data.ID, actualLink.Relationships.Target.Data.ID, "Wrong target ID for the link")
			require.Equal(s.T(), expectedLink.Relationships.Target.Data.Type, actualLink.Relationships.Target.Data.Type, "Wrong target JSONAPI type for the link")
	require.Exactly(s.T(), 0, toBeFound, "Not all required work item links (%s and %s) where found.", *workItemLink1.Data.ID, *workItemLink2.Data.ID)

	toBeFound = 5 // 1 x link category, 1 x link type, 3 x work items
	for i := 0; i < len(linkCollection.Included) && toBeFound > 0; i++ {
		switch v := linkCollection.Included[i].(type) {
		case *app.WorkItemLinkCategoryData:
			if *v.ID == s.userLinkCategoryID {
				s.T().Log("Found work item link category in \"included\" element: ", *v.ID)
		case *app.WorkItemLinkTypeData:
			if *v.ID == s.bugBlockerLinkTypeID {
				s.T().Log("Found work item link type in \"included\" element: ", *v.ID)
		case *app.WorkItem2:
			wid, err := strconv.ParseUint(*v.ID, 10, 64)
			require.Nil(s.T(), err)
			if wid == s.bug1ID || wid == s.bug2ID || wid == s.bug3ID {
				s.T().Log("Found work item in \"included\" element: ", *v.ID)
		// TODO(kwk): Check for WITs (once #559 is merged)
		// case *app.WorkItemTypeData:
			s.T().Errorf("Object of unknown type included in work item link list response: %T", linkCollection.Included[i])
	require.Exactly(s.T(), 0, toBeFound, "Not all required included elements where found.")