コード例 #1
ファイル: test.go プロジェクト: henrylee2cn/tardisgo
func loc(l string) string {
	_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(2)
	if !ok {
		return "???"
	return file + ":" + hx.CallString("", "Std.string", 1, line) + " " + l
コード例 #2
ファイル: runtime.go プロジェクト: joao-parana/tardisgo
func (f *Func) FileLine(pc uintptr) (file string, line int) {
	//FileLine returns the file name and line number of the source code corresponding to the program counter pc. The result will not be accurate if pc is not a program counter within f.
	detail := hx.CallString("", "Go.CPos", 1, pc)
	if len(detail) == 0 {
		return "", 0
	if detail[0] == '(' { // error return
		return "", 0
	if detail[0:5] == "near " {
		detail = detail[5:]
	for i, c := range detail {
		if c == ':' {
			file = detail[:i]
			x := hx.CallIface("", "int", "Std.parseInt", 1, detail[i+1:])
			if x == nil {
				return "", 0
			line = x.(int)
			return file, line
	// should never get here
	return "", 0
コード例 #3
ファイル: tgorpc.go プロジェクト: tardisgo/tgoremote
// interfaceToDynamic - limited runtime conversion of Go->Haxe types
// TODO consider making public
func interfaceToDynamic(a interface{}) uintptr {
	//fmt.Printf("DEBUG interfaceToDynamic a= %v:%T\n", a, a)
	if a == nil {
		return hx.Null()
	switch a.(type) {
	case []interface{}:
		//println("DEBUG []interface{}")
		ret := hx.New("", "Array<Dynamic>", 0)
		for _, aa := range a.([]interface{}) {
			//fmt.Printf("DEBUG aa= %v:%T\n", aa, aa)
			val := interfaceToDynamic(aa)
			//fmt.Println("DEBUG val=" + hx.CallString("", "Std.string", 1, val))
			hx.Code("", "_a.param(0).val.push(_a.param(1).val);", ret, val)
		return ret
	case bool, string, int, float64:
		return hx.CodeDynamic("", "_a.param(0).val;", a)
	case []byte:
		return hx.CodeDynamic("", "Slice.toBytes(cast(_a.param(0).val,Slice));", a)
		panic("Unhandled Go interface{} to Haxe Dynamic: " + hx.CallString("", "Std.string", 1, a))
	return hx.Null()
コード例 #4
ファイル: tgorpc.go プロジェクト: tardisgo/tgoremote
// dynamicToInterface - limited runtime conversion of Haxe->Go types
// with URL un-escaping of strings
// TODO consider making public
func dynamicToInterface(dyn uintptr) interface{} {
	switch {
	case hx.CodeBool("", "Std.is(_a.param(0).val,Array);", dyn):
		l := hx.CodeInt("", "_a.param(0).val.length;", dyn)
		ret := make([]interface{}, l)
		for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
			ret[i] =
					"_a.param(0).val[_a.param(1).val];", dyn, i))
		return ret
	case hx.IsNull(dyn):
		return nil
	case hx.CodeBool("", "Std.is(_a.param(0).val,Bool);", dyn):
		return hx.CodeBool("", "_a.param(0).val;", dyn)
	case hx.CodeBool("", "Std.is(_a.param(0).val,Int);", dyn):
		return hx.CodeInt("", "_a.param(0).val;", dyn)
	case hx.CodeBool("", "Std.is(_a.param(0).val,Float);", dyn):
		return hx.CodeFloat("", "_a.param(0).val;", dyn)
	case hx.CodeBool("", "Std.is(_a.param(0).val,String);", dyn):
		return hx.CodeString("", "_a.param(0).val;", dyn)
	case hx.CodeBool("", "Std.is(_a.param(0).val,haxe.io.Bytes);", dyn):
		return hx.CodeIface("", "[]byte",
			"Slice.fromBytes(_a.param(0).val);", dyn)
		panic("unhandled haxe Dynamic to Go interface{} :" +
			hx.CallString("", "Std.string", 1, dyn))
	return nil
コード例 #5
ファイル: fmt.go プロジェクト: joao-parana/tardisgo
func Sprint(a ...interface{}) string {
	ret := ""
	for i := range a {
		ret += hx.CallString("", "Std.string", 1, a[i])
		ret += " "
	return ret
コード例 #6
func naclSeek(fd int, off *int64, whence int) (err error) {
	//_, _, e1 := Syscall(sys_lseek, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(off)), uintptr(whence))
	//if e1 != 0 {
	//	err = e1
	panic("syscall.naclSeek(" + hx.CallString("", "Std.string", 1, fd) + ")")
コード例 #7
func naclFstat(fd int, stat *Stat_t) (err error) {
	//_, _, e1 := Syscall(sys_fstat, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0)
	//if e1 != 0 {
	//	err = e1
	panic("syscall.naclFstat(" + hx.CallString("", "Std.string", 1, fd) + ")")
コード例 #8
func naclClose(fd int) (err error) {
	//_, _, e1 := Syscall(sys_close, uintptr(fd), 0, 0)
	//if e1 != 0 {
	//	err = e1
	panic("syscall.naclClose(" + hx.CallString("", "Std.string", 1, fd) + ")")
コード例 #9
ファイル: fd_nacl_haxe.go プロジェクト: joao-parana/tardisgo
// implemented in package runtime, to add time header on playground
func naclWrite(fd int, b []byte) int {
	switch fd {
	case 1, 2: // stdout,stderr
		hx.Call("", "Console.naclWrite", 1, string(b))
		return len(b)
		panic("syscall.naclWrite(" + hx.CallString("", "Std.string", 1, fd) + "," + string(b) + ")")
		return 0
コード例 #10
ファイル: runtime.go プロジェクト: joao-parana/tardisgo
func Stack(buf []byte, all bool) int {
	// TODO: use the all flag!
	s := hx.CallString("", "Scheduler.stackDump", 0)
	if len(s) > len(buf) {
		return 0
	for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
		buf[i] = s[i]
	return len(s)
コード例 #11
func naclRead(fd int, b []byte) (n int, err error) {
	//var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
	//if len(b) > 0 {
	//	_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])
	//} else {
	//	_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
	//r0, _, e1 := Syscall(sys_read, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)))
	//n = int(r0)
	//if e1 != 0 {
	//	err = e1
	if fd == 0 {
		panic("syscall.naclRead(stdin," + hx.CallString("", "Std.string", 1, len(b)) + ")")
	panic("syscall.naclRead(" + hx.CallString("", "Std.string", 1, fd) + "," +
		hx.CallString("", "Std.string", 1, len(b)) + ")")
コード例 #12
func Exit(code int) (err error) {
	//_, _, e1 := Syscall(sys_exit, uintptr(code), 0, 0)
	//if e1 != 0 {
	//	err = e1
	hx.Call("(cpp || cs || java || macro || neko || php || python)", "Sys.exit", 1, code)
	if code == 0 {
		hx.Code("js", "untyped __js__('process.exit(0)');") // only works on Node
	} else { // all non-zero values return as 1
		hx.Code("js", "untyped __js__('process.exit(1)');") // only works on Node
	panic("syscall.Exit(" + hx.CallString("", "Std.string", 1, code) + ")")
コード例 #13
ファイル: runtime.go プロジェクト: joao-parana/tardisgo

func init() {

// Haxe specific
func UnzipTestFS() { // this will be overwritten by the compiler
	println("DEBUG runtime:UnzipTestFS()")

// Constant values

const Compiler = "gc" //"TARDISgo" // this is checked by the proper runtime, so might need to be "gc"

var GOARCH string = hx.CallString("", "Go.Platform", 0)

const GOOS string = "nacl" // of course it is only an emulation of nacl...

var MemProfileRate int = 512 * 1024 // TODO not currently used


type BlockProfileRecord struct {
	Count  int64
	Cycles int64

func BlockProfile(p []BlockProfileRecord) (n int, ok bool) {
コード例 #14
ファイル: tgorpc.go プロジェクト: tardisgo/tgoremote
func (c Conn) Go(serviceMethod string, args, reply interface{}, done chan *Call) *Call {
	call := &Call{
		ServiceMethod: serviceMethod,
		Args:          args,
		Reply:         reply,
		Error:         nil,
		Done:          done,
	hx.Meth("", c.conn, "TgoConnect", "setErrorHandler", 1, func(e uintptr) {
		call.Error = errors.New(hx.CallString("", "Std.string", 1, e))
		done <- call
	//fmt.Printf("DEBUG args=%v:%T\n", args, args)
	var networkOut bytes.Buffer
	enc := gob.NewEncoder(&networkOut)
	err := enc.Encode(args)
	if err != nil {
		call.Error = err
		done <- call
		return call
	var networkOut2 bytes.Buffer
	enc2 := gob.NewEncoder(&networkOut2)
	err = enc2.Encode(reply)
	if err != nil {
		call.Error = err
		done <- call
		return call

	ifa := []interface{}{serviceMethod,

	//fmt.Printf("DEBUG ifa %#v:%T\n", ifa, ifa)

	haxeArgs := interfaceToDynamic(ifa)
	//fmt.Println("DEBUG haxe ifa", hx.CallString("", "Std.string", 1, haxeArgs))

	hx.Meth("", c.conn, "TgoConnect", "call", 2, haxeArgs, func(r uintptr) {
		c.mutex.Unlock() // another call can begin before processing what's below
		//hx.Call("", "trace", 1, r)
		rA, ok := dynamicToInterface(r).([]interface{})
		if !ok {
			call.Error = errors.New("returned value not an []interface{} in tgocall")
		} else {
			errMsg, ok := rA[1].(string)
			if !ok {
				call.Error = errors.New("returned error message not a string in tgocall")
			} else {
				if errMsg != "" {
					call.Error = errors.New(errMsg)
				} else {
					back64, ok := rA[0].(string)
					//println("back64: " + back64)
					if !ok {
						call.Error = errors.New("returned encoded data not a string in tgocall")
					} else {
						backBuf, err64 := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(back64)
						if err64 != nil {
							//println("DEBUG TgoConnect returned base64 string " +
							//	back64 + " has error " + err64.Error())
							call.Error = err64
						} else {
							networkBack := bytes.NewBuffer(backBuf)
							dec := gob.NewDecoder(networkBack)
							err = dec.Decode(call.Reply)
							if err != nil {
								call.Error = err
		done <- call
	return call