// Print current Haxe date and time using the Haxe "target".Lib.println() API if one exists func main() { dateNow := _haxeapi.XDate_now() sDate := dateNow.XtoString() fTime := dateNow.XgetTime() sTime := _haxeapi.XStd_string(fTime) s := tardisgolib.Platform() + " says it is " + sDate + "; timstamp= " + sTime switch tardisgolib.Platform() { case "neko": _haxeapi.Nneko_Lib_println(s) case "cpp": _haxeapi.Pcpp_Lib_println(s) case "php": _haxeapi.Hphp_Lib_println(s) default: // print using the built-in trace-style println() for other platforms println(s) } }
func main() { println("Start test running in: " + tardisgolib.Platform()) testManyGoroutines() testChanSelect() tourfib() testCaseSensitivity() testInit() testConst() testUTF() testFloat() testMultiRet() testAppend() testStruct() testHeader() testCopy() testInFuncPtr() testCallBy() testMap() testNamed() testFuncPtr() testIntOverflow() testSlices() testChan() testComplex() testUTF8() testString() testClosure() testVariadic(42) testVariadic(40, 2) testVariadic(42, -5, 3, 2) testInterface() testInterfaceMethods() testStrconv() testTour64() testUintDiv32() testUintDiv64() testDefer() aGrWG.Wait() TEQint32(tardisgolib.CPos()+" testManyGoroutines() sync/atomic counter:", aGrCtr, 0) if tardisgolib.Host() == "haxe" { TEQ(tardisgolib.CPos(), int(tardisgolib.HAXE("42;")), int(42)) TEQ(tardisgolib.CPos(), string(tardisgolib.HAXE("'test';")), "test") TEQ(tardisgolib.CPos()+"Num Haxe GR post-wait", tardisgolib.NumGoroutine(), 1) } else { TEQ(tardisgolib.CPos()+"Num Haxe GR post-wait", tardisgolib.NumGoroutine(), 2) } println("End test running in: " + tardisgolib.Platform()) println("再见!Previous two chinese characters should say goodbye! (testing unicode output)") println() }
// Print tardisgo web site LICENSE in the simplest way possible // (this particular formulation does not work for JavaScript, C# or Flash) func main() { s := string(_haxeapi.Xhaxe_Http_requestUrl("http://tardisgo.github.io/LICENSE")) switch tardisgolib.Platform() { case "neko": _haxeapi.Nneko_Lib_println(s) case "cpp": _haxeapi.Pcpp_Lib_println(s) case "php": _haxeapi.Hphp_Lib_println(s) default: // print using the built-in trace-style println() for other platforms println(s) } }