コード例 #1
ファイル: lanchat.go プロジェクト: thecloakproject/lanchat
// RemoteConnHandler continuously reads an encrypted message from a remote user
// (sent from his/her LanChat client), decrypts it, then prints it to the
// terminal. Called by RemoteTCPServer, which is used when *ActAsServer == true,
// and TCPBridge, which is used when *ActAsServer == false.
func RemoteConnHandler(conn net.Conn) {
	// New user connected; add their connection to routing table
	connList.AddRemote <- conn

	// Close conn and remove it from the routing table when we're done
	// here
	defer func() {
		connList.DeleteRemote <- conn

	// Create new cipher.Block
	decBlock, err := aes.NewCipher([]byte(SharedSecret))
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error creating AES cipher for decryption: %v\n", err)
	ciphertext := make([]byte, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE)
	for {
		n, err := conn.Read(ciphertext)
		if err != nil {
			if err == io.EOF {
				// TODO: os.Exit(1) when disconnecting from _the_ server
			log.Printf("Error reading message from remote conn %s: %v\n",
				conn.RemoteAddr(), err)
		if DEBUG {
			log.Printf("ciphertext[:n] == %v\n", ciphertext[:n])
		// Send message to other remote users
		go func() {
			connList.WriteToRemotes <- &types.Cipherstore{conn, ciphertext[:n]}

		// Decrypt
		plaintext, err := crypt.AESDecryptBytes(decBlock, ciphertext[:n])
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("Error decrypting '%v' ('%s'): %v\n",
				ciphertext[:n], ciphertext[:n], err)
		// Print to screen of the form `[timestamp] remoteIP: Message`
		now := time.Now().Format(time.Kitchen)
		fmt.Printf("[%s] %s: %s\n", now, conn.RemoteAddr(), plaintext)
コード例 #2
func main() {
	msg := []byte("This is 18+ chars!")
	fmt.Printf("msg ==    %s\n", msg)

	// Encrypt
	encBlock, err := aes.NewCipher(PASSPHRASE)
	fun.MaybeFatalAt("aes.NewCipher", err)

	// See https://github.com/thecloakproject/utils/blob/master/crypt/aes.go
	cipher, err := crypt.AESEncryptBytes(encBlock, msg)
	fun.MaybeFatalAt("AESEncryptBytes", err)

	fmt.Printf("cipher == %v\n", cipher)

	// Decrypt
	decBlock, err := aes.NewCipher(PASSPHRASE)
	fun.MaybeFatalAt("aes.NewCipher", err)

	// See https://github.com/thecloakproject/utils/blob/master/crypt/aes.go
	plain, err := crypt.AESDecryptBytes(decBlock, cipher)
	fun.MaybeFatalAt("AESDecryptBytes", err)

	fmt.Printf("plain ==  %s\n", plain)
	msgPadded := utils.PadBytes(msg, decBlock.BlockSize())

	// Check for equality
	fmt.Printf("\nThey match? %v!\n", bytes.Equal(msgPadded, plain))

	// Check for equality in other ways
	msgUnpadded := strings.TrimSpace(string(msgPadded))
	match := (msgUnpadded == string(plain))
	fmt.Printf("\nDo their trimmed versions match? %v!\n", match)
	if match {
		fmt.Printf("They both equal '%s'\n", msgUnpadded)

	// Here's how to remove those ugly trailing nulls
	fmt.Printf("Cleanest-looking version: '%s'\n",
		strings.TrimRight(string(plain), "\x00"))