func TestUserGroupParsing(t *testing.T) { Convey("Given a cloud-config file containing users and/or groups", t, func() { configFile := filepath.Join(testConfigDirectory, "usergroups.yaml") Convey("It should parse the users and groups", func() { c, err := cloudconfig.Parse(configFile) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(c.Groups, ShouldEqual, "") }) }) }
func TestSSHKeyParsing(t *testing.T) { Convey("Given a cloud-config file containing SSH-key directives", t, func() { configFile := filepath.Join(testConfigDirectory, "sshkeys.yaml") Convey("It should parse the ssh keys", func() { c, err := cloudconfig.Parse(configFile) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(c.AuthorizedKeys[0], ShouldConsistOf, []byte("ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAGEA3FSyQwBI6Z+nCSjUUk8EEAnnkhXlukKoUPND/RRClWz2s5TCzIkd3Ou5+Cyz71X0XmazM3l5WgeErvtIwQMyT1KjNoMhoJMrJnWqQPOt5Q8zWd9qG7PBl9+eiH5qV7NZ mykey@host")) //So(c.SSHKeyPairs[1].Public, ShouldEqual, []byte()) }) }) }
func TestRunCmdParsing(t *testing.T) { Convey("Given a cloud-config file with runcmd directive", t, func() { configFile := filepath.Join(testConfigDirectory, "runcmd.yaml") Convey("It should parse the execute statements", func() { conf, err := cloudconfig.Parse(configFile) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(conf.Commands, ShouldConsistOf, "ls -l /", "sh -xc \"echo $(date) ': hello world!'\"", "sh -c echo \"=========hello world'=========\"", "ls -l /root", "wget -O /tmp/index.html", ) }) }) }
func main() { // TODO: Build Meaningful Loggers flag.Parse() // cloudconfig if flags.cloudConfig != "" { cloudConfigContext, err := cloudconfig.Parse(flags.cloudConfig) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("fatal error config file: %v", err)) } } metadataDigest := metadata.Get(10 * time.Second) conf := datasrc.Merge(metadataDigest, cloudConfigContext) StartContextualization() // usergroups idm := identity.Manager{Exec: sys.DefaultExecutor} for _, grp := range conf.Groups { if err := idm.CreateGroup(grp); err != nil { panic(err) } } for _, usr := range conf.Users { if err := idm.CreateUser(usr); err != nil { panic(err) } } for _, grp := range conf.Groups { for _, usr := range grp { if err := idm.AddUserToGroup(grp, usr); err != nil { panic(err) } } } // ssh_keys if err := ssh.InitializeFor("root"); err != nil { panic(err) } ssh.AuthorizeSSHKey(f, conf.AuthorizedKeys...) // write_files for _, f := range conf.Files { file.New(f.Name, file.Contents(f.Data), file.Uid(0), file.Gid(0), file.Permissions(f.Perms)) } // run_cmd for _, cmd := range conf.Commands { sys.Execute(cmd) } if err := FinalizeContextualization(); err != nil { panic(err) } }