コード例 #1
ファイル: delete.go プロジェクト: ttysteale/kubernetes-api
// BeforeDelete tests whether the object can be gracefully deleted. If graceful is set the object
// should be gracefully deleted, if gracefulPending is set the object has already been gracefully deleted
// (and the provided grace period is longer than the time to deletion), and an error is returned if the
// condition cannot be checked or the gracePeriodSeconds is invalid. The options argument may be updated with
// default values if graceful is true.
func BeforeDelete(strategy RESTDeleteStrategy, ctx api.Context, obj runtime.Object, options *api.DeleteOptions) (graceful, gracefulPending bool, err error) {
	objectMeta, gvk, kerr := objectMetaAndKind(strategy, obj)
	if kerr != nil {
		return false, false, kerr
	// Checking the Preconditions here to fail early. They'll be enforced later on when we actually do the deletion, too.
	if options.Preconditions != nil && options.Preconditions.UID != nil && *options.Preconditions.UID != objectMeta.UID {
		return false, false, errors.NewConflict(unversioned.GroupResource{Group: gvk.Group, Resource: gvk.Kind}, objectMeta.Name, fmt.Errorf("the UID in the precondition (%s) does not match the UID in record (%s). The object might have been deleted and then recreated", *options.Preconditions.UID, objectMeta.UID))
	gracefulStrategy, ok := strategy.(RESTGracefulDeleteStrategy)
	if !ok {
		return false, false, nil
	// if the object is already being deleted
	if objectMeta.DeletionTimestamp != nil {
		// if we are already being deleted, we may only shorten the deletion grace period
		// this means the object was gracefully deleted previously but deletionGracePeriodSeconds was not set,
		// so we force deletion immediately
		if objectMeta.DeletionGracePeriodSeconds == nil {
			return false, false, nil
		// only a shorter grace period may be provided by a user
		if options.GracePeriodSeconds != nil {
			period := int64(*options.GracePeriodSeconds)
			if period > *objectMeta.DeletionGracePeriodSeconds {
				return false, true, nil
			now := unversioned.NewTime(unversioned.Now().Add(time.Second * time.Duration(*options.GracePeriodSeconds)))
			objectMeta.DeletionTimestamp = &now
			objectMeta.DeletionGracePeriodSeconds = &period
			options.GracePeriodSeconds = &period
			return true, false, nil
		// graceful deletion is pending, do nothing
		options.GracePeriodSeconds = objectMeta.DeletionGracePeriodSeconds
		return false, true, nil

	if !gracefulStrategy.CheckGracefulDelete(obj, options) {
		return false, false, nil
	now := unversioned.NewTime(unversioned.Now().Add(time.Second * time.Duration(*options.GracePeriodSeconds)))
	objectMeta.DeletionTimestamp = &now
	objectMeta.DeletionGracePeriodSeconds = options.GracePeriodSeconds
	return true, false, nil
コード例 #2
ファイル: summary.go プロジェクト: ttysteale/kubernetes-api
func (sb *summaryBuilder) containerInfoV2ToStats(
	name string,
	info *cadvisorapiv2.ContainerInfo) stats.ContainerStats {
	cStats := stats.ContainerStats{
		StartTime: unversioned.NewTime(info.Spec.CreationTime),
		Name:      name,
	cstat, found := sb.latestContainerStats(info)
	if !found {
		return cStats
	if info.Spec.HasCpu {
		cpuStats := stats.CPUStats{
			Time: unversioned.NewTime(cstat.Timestamp),
		if cstat.CpuInst != nil {
			cpuStats.UsageNanoCores = &cstat.CpuInst.Usage.Total
		if cstat.Cpu != nil {
			cpuStats.UsageCoreNanoSeconds = &cstat.Cpu.Usage.Total
		cStats.CPU = &cpuStats
	if info.Spec.HasMemory {
		pageFaults := cstat.Memory.ContainerData.Pgfault
		majorPageFaults := cstat.Memory.ContainerData.Pgmajfault
		cStats.Memory = &stats.MemoryStats{
			Time:            unversioned.NewTime(cstat.Timestamp),
			UsageBytes:      &cstat.Memory.Usage,
			WorkingSetBytes: &cstat.Memory.WorkingSet,
			RSSBytes:        &cstat.Memory.RSS,
			PageFaults:      &pageFaults,
			MajorPageFaults: &majorPageFaults,
		// availableBytes = memory  limit (if known) - workingset
		if !isMemoryUnlimited(info.Spec.Memory.Limit) {
			availableBytes := info.Spec.Memory.Limit - cstat.Memory.WorkingSet
			cStats.Memory.AvailableBytes = &availableBytes

	sb.containerInfoV2FsStats(info, &cStats)
	cStats.UserDefinedMetrics = sb.containerInfoV2ToUserDefinedMetrics(info)
	return cStats
コード例 #3
ファイル: summary.go プロジェクト: ttysteale/kubernetes-api
func (sb *summaryBuilder) containerInfoV2ToUserDefinedMetrics(info *cadvisorapiv2.ContainerInfo) []stats.UserDefinedMetric {
	type specVal struct {
		ref     stats.UserDefinedMetricDescriptor
		valType cadvisorapiv1.DataType
		time    time.Time
		value   float64
	udmMap := map[string]*specVal{}
	for _, spec := range info.Spec.CustomMetrics {
		udmMap[spec.Name] = &specVal{
			ref: stats.UserDefinedMetricDescriptor{
				Name:  spec.Name,
				Type:  stats.UserDefinedMetricType(spec.Type),
				Units: spec.Units,
			valType: spec.Format,
	for _, stat := range info.Stats {
		for name, values := range stat.CustomMetrics {
			specVal, ok := udmMap[name]
			if !ok {
				glog.Warningf("spec for custom metric %q is missing from cAdvisor output. Spec: %+v, Metrics: %+v", name, info.Spec, stat.CustomMetrics)
			for _, value := range values {
				// Pick the most recent value
				if value.Timestamp.Before(specVal.time) {
				specVal.time = value.Timestamp
				specVal.value = value.FloatValue
				if specVal.valType == cadvisorapiv1.IntType {
					specVal.value = float64(value.IntValue)
	var udm []stats.UserDefinedMetric
	for _, specVal := range udmMap {
		udm = append(udm, stats.UserDefinedMetric{
			UserDefinedMetricDescriptor: specVal.ref,
			Time:  unversioned.NewTime(specVal.time),
			Value: specVal.value,
	return udm
コード例 #4
func newPod(now time.Time, ready bool, beforeSec int) api.Pod {
	conditionStatus := api.ConditionFalse
	if ready {
		conditionStatus = api.ConditionTrue
	return api.Pod{
		Status: api.PodStatus{
			Conditions: []api.PodCondition{
					Type:               api.PodReady,
					LastTransitionTime: unversioned.NewTime(now.Add(-1 * time.Duration(beforeSec) * time.Second)),
					Status:             conditionStatus,
コード例 #5
ファイル: summary.go プロジェクト: ttysteale/kubernetes-api
// buildSummaryPods aggregates and returns the container stats in cinfos by the Pod managing the container.
// Containers not managed by a Pod are omitted.
func (sb *summaryBuilder) buildSummaryPods() []stats.PodStats {
	// Map each container to a pod and update the PodStats with container data
	podToStats := map[stats.PodReference]*stats.PodStats{}
	for key, cinfo := range sb.infos {
		// on systemd using devicemapper each mount into the container has an associated cgroup.
		// we ignore them to ensure we do not get duplicate entries in our summary.
		// for details on .mount units: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/systemd.mount.5.html
		if strings.HasSuffix(key, ".mount") {
		// Build the Pod key if this container is managed by a Pod
		if !sb.isPodManagedContainer(&cinfo) {
		ref := sb.buildPodRef(&cinfo)

		// Lookup the PodStats for the pod using the PodRef.  If none exists, initialize a new entry.
		podStats, found := podToStats[ref]
		if !found {
			podStats = &stats.PodStats{PodRef: ref}
			podToStats[ref] = podStats

		// Update the PodStats entry with the stats from the container by adding it to stats.Containers
		containerName := types.GetContainerName(cinfo.Spec.Labels)
		if containerName == leaky.PodInfraContainerName {
			// Special case for infrastructure container which is hidden from the user and has network stats
			podStats.Network = sb.containerInfoV2ToNetworkStats("pod:"+ref.Namespace+"_"+ref.Name, &cinfo)
			podStats.StartTime = unversioned.NewTime(cinfo.Spec.CreationTime)
		} else {
			podStats.Containers = append(podStats.Containers, sb.containerInfoV2ToStats(containerName, &cinfo))

	// Add each PodStats to the result
	result := make([]stats.PodStats, 0, len(podToStats))
	for _, podStats := range podToStats {
		// Lookup the volume stats for each pod
		podUID := kubetypes.UID(podStats.PodRef.UID)
		if vstats, found := sb.fsResourceAnalyzer.GetPodVolumeStats(podUID); found {
			podStats.VolumeStats = vstats.Volumes
		result = append(result, *podStats)
	return result
コード例 #6
func TestNewStatusPreservesPodStartTime(t *testing.T) {
	syncer := newTestManager(&fake.Clientset{})
	pod := &api.Pod{
		ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
			UID:       "12345678",
			Name:      "foo",
			Namespace: "new",
		Status: api.PodStatus{},
	now := unversioned.Now()
	startTime := unversioned.NewTime(now.Time.Add(-1 * time.Minute))
	pod.Status.StartTime = &startTime
	syncer.SetPodStatus(pod, getRandomPodStatus())

	status := expectPodStatus(t, syncer, pod)
	if !status.StartTime.Time.Equal(startTime.Time) {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected start time, expected %v, actual %v", startTime, status.StartTime)
コード例 #7
ファイル: summary.go プロジェクト: ttysteale/kubernetes-api
func (sb *summaryBuilder) containerInfoV2ToNetworkStats(name string, info *cadvisorapiv2.ContainerInfo) *stats.NetworkStats {
	if !info.Spec.HasNetwork {
		return nil
	cstat, found := sb.latestContainerStats(info)
	if !found {
		return nil
	for _, inter := range cstat.Network.Interfaces {
		if inter.Name == network.DefaultInterfaceName {
			return &stats.NetworkStats{
				Time:     unversioned.NewTime(cstat.Timestamp),
				RxBytes:  &inter.RxBytes,
				RxErrors: &inter.RxErrors,
				TxBytes:  &inter.TxBytes,
				TxErrors: &inter.TxErrors,
	glog.Warningf("Missing default interface %q for %s", network.DefaultInterfaceName, name)
	return nil
コード例 #8
func TestSortableEvents(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	list := SortableEvents([]api.Event{
			Source:         api.EventSource{Component: "kubelet"},
			Message:        "Item 1",
			FirstTimestamp: unversioned.NewTime(time.Date(2014, time.January, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)),
			LastTimestamp:  unversioned.NewTime(time.Date(2014, time.January, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)),
			Count:          1,
			Type:           api.EventTypeNormal,
			Source:         api.EventSource{Component: "scheduler"},
			Message:        "Item 2",
			FirstTimestamp: unversioned.NewTime(time.Date(1987, time.June, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)),
			LastTimestamp:  unversioned.NewTime(time.Date(1987, time.June, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)),
			Count:          1,
			Type:           api.EventTypeNormal,
			Source:         api.EventSource{Component: "kubelet"},
			Message:        "Item 3",
			FirstTimestamp: unversioned.NewTime(time.Date(2002, time.December, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)),
			LastTimestamp:  unversioned.NewTime(time.Date(2002, time.December, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)),
			Count:          1,
			Type:           api.EventTypeNormal,

	// Act

	// Assert
	if list[0].Message != "Item 2" ||
		list[1].Message != "Item 3" ||
		list[2].Message != "Item 1" {
		t.Fatal("List is not sorted by time. List: ", list)
コード例 #9
// TestEventCorrelator validates proper counting, aggregation of events
func TestEventCorrelator(t *testing.T) {
	firstEvent := makeEvent("first", "i am first", makeObjectReference("Pod", "my-pod", "my-ns"))
	duplicateEvent := makeEvent("duplicate", "me again", makeObjectReference("Pod", "my-pod", "my-ns"))
	uniqueEvent := makeEvent("unique", "snowflake", makeObjectReference("Pod", "my-pod", "my-ns"))
	similarEvent := makeEvent("similar", "similar message", makeObjectReference("Pod", "my-pod", "my-ns"))
	aggregateEvent := makeEvent(similarEvent.Reason, EventAggregatorByReasonMessageFunc(&similarEvent), similarEvent.InvolvedObject)
	scenario := map[string]struct {
		previousEvents  []api.Event
		newEvent        api.Event
		expectedEvent   api.Event
		intervalSeconds int
		"create-a-single-event": {
			previousEvents:  []api.Event{},
			newEvent:        firstEvent,
			expectedEvent:   setCount(firstEvent, 1),
			intervalSeconds: 5,
		"the-same-event-should-just-count": {
			previousEvents:  makeEvents(1, duplicateEvent),
			newEvent:        duplicateEvent,
			expectedEvent:   setCount(duplicateEvent, 2),
			intervalSeconds: 5,
		"the-same-event-should-just-count-even-if-more-than-aggregate": {
			previousEvents:  makeEvents(defaultAggregateMaxEvents, duplicateEvent),
			newEvent:        duplicateEvent,
			expectedEvent:   setCount(duplicateEvent, defaultAggregateMaxEvents+1),
			intervalSeconds: 5,
		"create-many-unique-events": {
			previousEvents:  makeUniqueEvents(30),
			newEvent:        uniqueEvent,
			expectedEvent:   setCount(uniqueEvent, 1),
			intervalSeconds: 5,
		"similar-events-should-aggregate-event": {
			previousEvents:  makeSimilarEvents(defaultAggregateMaxEvents-1, similarEvent, similarEvent.Message),
			newEvent:        similarEvent,
			expectedEvent:   setCount(aggregateEvent, 1),
			intervalSeconds: 5,
		"similar-events-many-times-should-count-the-aggregate": {
			previousEvents:  makeSimilarEvents(defaultAggregateMaxEvents, similarEvent, similarEvent.Message),
			newEvent:        similarEvent,
			expectedEvent:   setCount(aggregateEvent, 2),
			intervalSeconds: 5,
		"similar-events-whose-interval-is-greater-than-aggregate-interval-do-not-aggregate": {
			previousEvents:  makeSimilarEvents(defaultAggregateMaxEvents-1, similarEvent, similarEvent.Message),
			newEvent:        similarEvent,
			expectedEvent:   setCount(similarEvent, 1),
			intervalSeconds: defaultAggregateIntervalInSeconds,

	for testScenario, testInput := range scenario {
		eventInterval := time.Duration(testInput.intervalSeconds) * time.Second
		clock := util.IntervalClock{Time: time.Now(), Duration: eventInterval}
		correlator := NewEventCorrelator(&clock)
		for i := range testInput.previousEvents {
			event := testInput.previousEvents[i]
			now := unversioned.NewTime(clock.Now())
			event.FirstTimestamp = now
			event.LastTimestamp = now
			result, err := correlator.EventCorrelate(&event)
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("scenario %v: unexpected error playing back prevEvents %v", testScenario, err)

		// update the input to current clock value
		now := unversioned.NewTime(clock.Now())
		testInput.newEvent.FirstTimestamp = now
		testInput.newEvent.LastTimestamp = now
		result, err := correlator.EventCorrelate(&testInput.newEvent)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("scenario %v: unexpected error correlating input event %v", testScenario, err)

		_, err = validateEvent(testScenario, result.Event, &testInput.expectedEvent, t)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("scenario %v: unexpected error validating result %v", testScenario, err)