func Example() { var config = uuid.StateSaverConfig{SaveReport: true, SaveSchedule: 30 * time.Minute} uuid.SetupFileSystemStateSaver(config) u1 := uuid.NewV1() fmt.Printf("version %d variant %x: %s\n", u1.Version(), u1.Variant(), u1) uP, _ := uuid.Parse("6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8") u3 := uuid.NewV3(uP, uuid.Name("test")) u4 := uuid.NewV4() fmt.Printf("version %d variant %x: %s\n", u4.Version(), u4.Variant(), u4) u5 := uuid.NewV5(uuid.NamespaceURL, uuid.Name("test")) if uuid.Equal(u1, u3) { fmt.Printf("Will never happen") } fmt.Printf(uuid.Formatter(u5, uuid.CurlyHyphen)) uuid.SwitchFormat(uuid.BracketHyphen) }
func (c *UserController) Register() { // get c.setupView("user/register") if c.Ctx.Input.Method() == "POST" { flash := beego.NewFlash() valid := validation.Validation{} firstname := c.GetString("firstname") lastname := c.GetString("lastname") username := c.GetString("username") email := c.GetString("email") password := c.GetString("password") passwordConfirm := c.GetString("password_confirm") // password validation valid.Required(passwordConfirm, "password_confirm") r, err := regexp.Compile(strings.Join([]string{"^", password, "$"}, "")) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("There is a problem with your regexp.") return } valid.Match(passwordConfirm, r, "password_confirm") config := uuid.StateSaverConfig{SaveReport: true, SaveSchedule: 30 * time.Minute} uuid.SetupFileSystemStateSaver(config) u1 := uuid.NewV4() user := &models.AuthUser{ Firstname: firstname, Lastname: lastname, Username: username, Email: email, Password: password, Reg_key: u1.String(), } b, err := valid.Valid(user) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } if !b { errormap := []string{} for _, err := range valid.Errors { errormap = append(errormap, "Validation failed on "+err.Key+": "+err.Message+"\n") } flash.Error("Invalid data!") flash.Store(&c.Controller) c.Data["Errors"] = errormap fmt.Println(errormap) return } hash, hashErr := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(password), 1) if hashErr != nil { c.Abort("401") } user.Password = string(hash) o := orm.NewOrm() o.Using("default") if created, id, err := o.ReadOrCreate(user, "Username"); err == nil { if created { fmt.Println("New user registered. Id:", id) flash.Notice("Welcome, " + username + "!") flash.Store(&c.Controller) link := "http://*****:*****", "Start Go") msg.SetHeader("To", email) msg.SetHeader("Subject", "Account Verification for Start Go") msg.SetBody("text/html", "To verify your account, please click on the link: <a href=\""+link+"\">"+link+"</a>") m := gomail.NewMailer(host, "youremail@mail", "yourpassword", port) if errMail := m.Send(msg); errMail != nil { fmt.Println("Email was not sent!") fmt.Println(errMail) } return } else { flash.Error("Invalid data!") flash.Store(&c.Controller) errormap := []string{} errormap = append(errormap, "User already exist") c.Data["Errors"] = errormap return } } } }
func ExampleSetupFileSystemStateSaver() { var config = uuid.StateSaverConfig{SaveReport: true, SaveSchedule: 30 * time.Minute} uuid.SetupFileSystemStateSaver(config) u1 := uuid.NewV1() fmt.Printf("version %d variant %x: %s\n", u1.Version(), u1.Variant(), u1) }