コード例 #1
ファイル: container.go プロジェクト: CNDonny/scope
// Render produces a container graph where the the latest metadata contains the
// container image name, if found.
func (r containerWithImageNameRenderer) Render(rpt report.Report, dct Decorator) report.Nodes {
	containers := r.Renderer.Render(rpt, dct)
	images := SelectContainerImage.Render(rpt, dct)

	outputs := report.Nodes{}
	for id, c := range containers {
		outputs[id] = c
		imageID, ok := c.Latest.Lookup(docker.ImageID)
		if !ok {
		image, ok := images[report.MakeContainerImageNodeID(imageID)]
		if !ok {
		imageName, ok := image.Latest.Lookup(docker.ImageName)
		if !ok {
		imageNameWithoutVersion := docker.ImageNameWithoutVersion(imageName)
		imageNodeID := report.MakeContainerImageNodeID(imageNameWithoutVersion)

		output := c.Copy()
		output = propagateLatest(docker.ImageName, image, output)
		output = propagateLatest(docker.ImageLabelPrefix+"works.weave.role", image, output)
		output.Parents = output.Parents.
			Add(report.ContainerImage, report.MakeStringSet(imageNodeID))
		outputs[id] = output
	return outputs
コード例 #2
ファイル: mapping.go プロジェクト: pauloheck/scope
// MapContainer2ContainerImage maps container RenderableNodes to container
// image RenderableNodes.
// If this function is given a node without a docker_image_id
// (including other pseudo nodes), it will produce an "Uncontained"
// pseudo node.
// Otherwise, this function will produce a node with the correct ID
// format for a container, but without any Major or Minor labels.
// It does not have enough info to do that, and the resulting graph
// must be merged with a container graph to get that info.
func MapContainer2ContainerImage(n RenderableNode, _ report.Networks) RenderableNodes {
	// Propogate all pseudo nodes
	if n.Pseudo {
		return RenderableNodes{n.ID: n}

	// Otherwise, if some some reason the container doesn't have a image_id
	// (maybe slightly out of sync reports), just drop it
	imageID, ok := n.Node.Latest.Lookup(docker.ImageID)
	if !ok {
		return RenderableNodes{}

	// Add container id key to the counters, which will later be counted to produce the minor label
	id := MakeContainerImageID(imageID)
	result := NewDerivedNode(id, n.WithParents(report.EmptySets))
	result.Node.Counters = result.Node.Counters.Add(ContainersKey, 1)

	// Add the container as a child of the new image node
	result.Children = result.Children.Add(n.Node)

	result.Node.Topology = "container_image"
	result.Node.ID = report.MakeContainerImageNodeID(imageID)
	return RenderableNodes{id: result}
コード例 #3
ファイル: reporter_test.go プロジェクト: pauloheck/scope
func TestReporter(t *testing.T) {
	containerImageNodeID := report.MakeContainerImageNodeID("baz")
	rpt, err := docker.NewReporter(mockRegistryInstance, "host1", nil).Report()
	if err != nil {

	// Reporter should add a container
		containerNodeID := report.MakeContainerNodeID("ping")
		node, ok := rpt.Container.Nodes[containerNodeID]
		if !ok {
			t.Fatalf("Expected report to have container image %q, but not found", containerNodeID)

		for k, want := range map[string]string{
			docker.ContainerID:   "ping",
			docker.ContainerName: "pong",
			docker.ImageID:       "baz",
		} {
			if have, ok := node.Latest.Lookup(k); !ok || have != want {
				t.Errorf("Expected container %s latest %q: %q, got %q", containerNodeID, k, want, have)

		// container should have controls
		if len(rpt.Container.Controls) == 0 {
			t.Errorf("Container should have some controls")

		// container should have the image as a parent
		if parents, ok := node.Parents.Lookup(report.ContainerImage); !ok || !parents.Contains(containerImageNodeID) {
			t.Errorf("Expected container %s to have parent container image %q, got %q", containerNodeID, containerImageNodeID, parents)

	// Reporter should add a container image
		node, ok := rpt.ContainerImage.Nodes[containerImageNodeID]
		if !ok {
			t.Fatalf("Expected report to have container image %q, but not found", containerImageNodeID)

		for k, want := range map[string]string{
			docker.ImageID:   "baz",
			docker.ImageName: "bang",
		} {
			if have, ok := node.Latest.Lookup(k); !ok || have != want {
				t.Errorf("Expected container image %s latest %q: %q, got %q", containerImageNodeID, k, want, have)

		// container image should have no controls
		if len(rpt.ContainerImage.Controls) != 0 {
			t.Errorf("Container images should not have any controls")
コード例 #4
ファイル: tagger.go プロジェクト: CNDonny/scope
func (t *Tagger) tag(tree process.Tree, topology *report.Topology) {
	for nodeID, node := range topology.Nodes {
		pidStr, ok := node.Latest.Lookup(process.PID)
		if !ok {

		pid, err := strconv.ParseUint(pidStr, 10, 64)
		if err != nil {

		var (
			c         Container
			candidate = int(pid)

		t.registry.LockedPIDLookup(func(lookup func(int) Container) {
			for {
				c = lookup(candidate)
				if c != nil {

				candidate, err = tree.GetParent(candidate)
				if err != nil {

		if c == nil || ContainerIsStopped(c) || c.PID() == 1 {

		node := report.MakeNodeWith(nodeID, map[string]string{
			ContainerID: c.ID(),
			Add(report.Container, report.MakeStringSet(report.MakeContainerNodeID(c.ID()))),

		// If we can work out the image name, add a parent tag for it
		image, ok := t.registry.GetContainerImage(c.Image())
		if ok && len(image.RepoTags) > 0 {
			imageName := ImageNameWithoutVersion(image.RepoTags[0])
			node = node.WithParents(report.EmptySets.
				Add(report.ContainerImage, report.MakeStringSet(report.MakeContainerImageNodeID(imageName))),

コード例 #5
ファイル: container.go プロジェクト: pauloheck/scope
func (c *container) GetNode(hostID string, localAddrs []net.IP) report.Node {
	defer c.RUnlock()

	ips := append(c.container.NetworkSettings.SecondaryIPAddresses, c.container.NetworkSettings.IPAddress)
	// Treat all Docker IPs as local scoped.
	ipsWithScopes := []string{}
	for _, ip := range ips {
		ipsWithScopes = append(ipsWithScopes, report.MakeScopedAddressNodeID(hostID, ip))

	state := c.State()

	result := report.MakeNodeWith(map[string]string{
		ContainerID:       c.ID(),
		ContainerName:     strings.TrimPrefix(c.container.Name, "/"),
		ContainerCreated:  c.container.Created.Format(time.RFC822),
		ContainerCommand:  c.container.Path + " " + strings.Join(c.container.Args, " "),
		ImageID:           c.container.Image,
		ContainerHostname: c.Hostname(),
		ContainerState:    state,
		Add(ContainerPorts, c.ports(localAddrs)).
		Add(ContainerIPs, report.MakeStringSet(ips...)).
		Add(ContainerIPsWithScopes, report.MakeStringSet(ipsWithScopes...)),
		Add(report.ContainerImage, report.MakeStringSet(report.MakeContainerImageNodeID(c.container.Image))),

	if c.container.State.Paused {
		result = result.WithControls(UnpauseContainer)
	} else if c.container.State.Running {
		uptime := (mtime.Now().Sub(c.container.State.StartedAt) / time.Second) * time.Second
		result = result.WithLatests(map[string]string{
			ContainerUptime:       uptime.String(),
			ContainerRestartCount: strconv.Itoa(c.container.RestartCount),
		result = result.WithControls(
			RestartContainer, StopContainer, PauseContainer, AttachContainer, ExecContainer,
	} else {
		result = result.WithControls(StartContainer)

	result = AddLabels(result, c.container.Config.Labels)
	result = result.WithMetrics(c.metrics())
	return result
コード例 #6
ファイル: container.go プロジェクト: CNDonny/scope
func (c *container) getBaseNode() report.Node {
	result := report.MakeNodeWith(report.MakeContainerNodeID(c.ID()), map[string]string{
		ContainerID:       c.ID(),
		ContainerCreated:  c.container.Created.Format(time.RFC822),
		ContainerCommand:  c.container.Path + " " + strings.Join(c.container.Args, " "),
		ImageID:           c.Image(),
		ContainerHostname: c.Hostname(),
		Add(report.ContainerImage, report.MakeStringSet(report.MakeContainerImageNodeID(c.Image()))),
	result = result.AddTable(LabelPrefix, c.container.Config.Labels)
	result = result.AddTable(EnvPrefix, c.env())
	return result
コード例 #7
ファイル: tagger_test.go プロジェクト: pauloheck/scope
func TestTagger(t *testing.T) {
	defer mtime.NowReset()

	oldProcessTree := docker.NewProcessTreeStub
	defer func() { docker.NewProcessTreeStub = oldProcessTree }()

	docker.NewProcessTreeStub = func(_ process.Walker) (process.Tree, error) {
		return &mockProcessTree{map[int]int{3: 2}}, nil

	var (
		pid1NodeID = report.MakeProcessNodeID("somehost.com", "2")
		pid2NodeID = report.MakeProcessNodeID("somehost.com", "3")

	input := report.MakeReport()
	input.Process.AddNode(pid1NodeID, report.MakeNodeWith(map[string]string{process.PID: "2"}))
	input.Process.AddNode(pid2NodeID, report.MakeNodeWith(map[string]string{process.PID: "3"}))

	have, err := docker.NewTagger(mockRegistryInstance, nil).Tag(input)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("%v", err)

	// Processes should be tagged with their container ID, and parents
	for _, nodeID := range []string{pid1NodeID, pid2NodeID} {
		node, ok := have.Process.Nodes[nodeID]
		if !ok {
			t.Errorf("Expected process node %s, but not found", nodeID)

		// node should have the container id added
		if have, ok := node.Latest.Lookup(docker.ContainerID); !ok || have != "ping" {
			t.Errorf("Expected process node %s to have container id %q, got %q", nodeID, "ping", have)

		// node should have the container as a parent
		if have, ok := node.Parents.Lookup(report.Container); !ok || !have.Contains(report.MakeContainerNodeID("ping")) {
			t.Errorf("Expected process node %s to have container %q as a parent, got %q", nodeID, "ping", have)

		// node should have the container image as a parent
		if have, ok := node.Parents.Lookup(report.ContainerImage); !ok || !have.Contains(report.MakeContainerImageNodeID("baz")) {
			t.Errorf("Expected process node %s to have container image %q as a parent, got %q", nodeID, "baz", have)
コード例 #8
ファイル: reporter.go プロジェクト: rnd-ua/scope
func (r *Reporter) containerImageTopology() report.Topology {
	result := report.MakeTopology()

	r.registry.WalkImages(func(image *docker_client.APIImages) {
		nmd := report.MakeNodeWith(map[string]string{
			ImageID: image.ID,
		AddLabels(nmd, image.Labels)

		if len(image.RepoTags) > 0 {
			nmd.Metadata[ImageName] = image.RepoTags[0]

		nodeID := report.MakeContainerImageNodeID(image.ID)
		result.AddNode(nodeID, nmd)

	return result
コード例 #9
ファイル: tagger.go プロジェクト: pauloheck/scope
func (t *Tagger) tag(tree process.Tree, topology *report.Topology) {
	for nodeID, node := range topology.Nodes {
		pidStr, ok := node.Latest.Lookup(process.PID)
		if !ok {

		pid, err := strconv.ParseUint(pidStr, 10, 64)
		if err != nil {

		var (
			c         Container
			candidate = int(pid)

		t.registry.LockedPIDLookup(func(lookup func(int) Container) {
			for {
				c = lookup(candidate)
				if c != nil {

				candidate, err = tree.GetParent(candidate)
				if err != nil {

		if c == nil || c.State() == StateStopped || c.PID() == 1 {

		topology.AddNode(nodeID, report.MakeNodeWith(map[string]string{
			ContainerID: c.ID(),
			Add(report.Container, report.MakeStringSet(report.MakeContainerNodeID(c.ID()))).
			Add(report.ContainerImage, report.MakeStringSet(report.MakeContainerImageNodeID(c.Image()))),
コード例 #10
ファイル: reporter.go プロジェクト: pauloheck/scope
func (r *Reporter) containerImageTopology() report.Topology {
	result := report.MakeTopology()

	r.registry.WalkImages(func(image *docker_client.APIImages) {
		node := report.MakeNodeWith(map[string]string{
			ImageID: image.ID,
		node = AddLabels(node, image.Labels)

		if len(image.RepoTags) > 0 {
			node = node.WithLatests(map[string]string{ImageName: image.RepoTags[0]})

		nodeID := report.MakeContainerImageNodeID(image.ID)
		result.AddNode(nodeID, node)

	return result
コード例 #11
ファイル: container.go プロジェクト: CNDonny/scope
// MapContainer2ContainerImage maps container Nodes to container
// image Nodes.
// If this function is given a node without a docker_image_id
// (including other pseudo nodes), it will produce an "Uncontained"
// pseudo node.
// Otherwise, this function will produce a node with the correct ID
// format for a container, but without any Major or Minor labels.
// It does not have enough info to do that, and the resulting graph
// must be merged with a container graph to get that info.
func MapContainer2ContainerImage(n report.Node, _ report.Networks) report.Nodes {
	// Propagate all pseudo nodes
	if n.Topology == Pseudo {
		return report.Nodes{n.ID: n}

	// Otherwise, if some some reason the container doesn't have a image_id
	// (maybe slightly out of sync reports), just drop it
	imageID, timestamp, ok := n.Latest.LookupEntry(docker.ImageID)
	if !ok {
		return report.Nodes{}

	// Add container id key to the counters, which will later be counted to produce the minor label
	id := report.MakeContainerImageNodeID(imageID)
	result := NewDerivedNode(id, n).WithTopology(report.ContainerImage)
	result.Latest = result.Latest.Set(docker.ImageID, timestamp, imageID)
	result.Counters = result.Counters.Add(n.Topology, 1)
	return report.Nodes{id: result}
コード例 #12
ファイル: container.go プロジェクト: CNDonny/scope
// MapContainerImage2Name ignores image versions
func MapContainerImage2Name(n report.Node, _ report.Networks) report.Nodes {
	// Propagate all pseudo nodes
	if n.Topology == Pseudo {
		return report.Nodes{n.ID: n}

	imageName, ok := n.Latest.Lookup(docker.ImageName)
	if !ok {
		return report.Nodes{}

	imageNameWithoutVersion := docker.ImageNameWithoutVersion(imageName)
	output := n.Copy()
	output.ID = report.MakeContainerImageNodeID(imageNameWithoutVersion)

	if imageID, ok := report.ParseContainerImageNodeID(n.ID); ok {
		output.Sets = output.Sets.Add(docker.ImageID, report.EmptyStringSet.Add(imageID))

	return report.Nodes{output.ID: output}
コード例 #13
ファイル: tagger_test.go プロジェクト: rnd-ua/scope
func TestTagger(t *testing.T) {
	oldProcessTree := docker.NewProcessTreeStub
	defer func() { docker.NewProcessTreeStub = oldProcessTree }()

	docker.NewProcessTreeStub = func(_ process.Walker) (process.Tree, error) {
		return &mockProcessTree{map[int]int{3: 2}}, nil

	var (
		pid1NodeID = report.MakeProcessNodeID("somehost.com", "2")
		pid2NodeID = report.MakeProcessNodeID("somehost.com", "3")
		wantNode   = report.MakeNodeWith(map[string]string{
			docker.ContainerID: "ping",
			report.Container:      report.MakeStringSet(report.MakeContainerNodeID("ping")),
			report.ContainerImage: report.MakeStringSet(report.MakeContainerImageNodeID("baz")),

	input := report.MakeReport()
	input.Process.AddNode(pid1NodeID, report.MakeNodeWith(map[string]string{process.PID: "2"}))
	input.Process.AddNode(pid2NodeID, report.MakeNodeWith(map[string]string{process.PID: "3"}))

	want := report.MakeReport()
	want.Process.AddNode(pid1NodeID, report.MakeNodeWith(map[string]string{process.PID: "2"}).Merge(wantNode))
	want.Process.AddNode(pid2NodeID, report.MakeNodeWith(map[string]string{process.PID: "3"}).Merge(wantNode))

	tagger := docker.NewTagger(mockRegistryInstance, nil)
	have, err := tagger.Tag(input)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("%v", err)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Errorf("%s", test.Diff(want, have))
コード例 #14
ファイル: report_fixture.go プロジェクト: rnd-ua/scope
	NonContainerNodeID   = report.MakeEndpointNodeID(ServerHostID, ServerIP, NonContainerClientPort)
	GoogleEndpointNodeID = report.MakeEndpointNodeID(ServerHostID, GoogleIP, GooglePort)

	ClientProcess1NodeID      = report.MakeProcessNodeID(ClientHostID, Client1PID)
	ClientProcess2NodeID      = report.MakeProcessNodeID(ClientHostID, Client2PID)
	ServerProcessNodeID       = report.MakeProcessNodeID(ServerHostID, ServerPID)
	NonContainerProcessNodeID = report.MakeProcessNodeID(ServerHostID, NonContainerPID)

	ClientContainerID     = "a1b2c3d4e5"
	ServerContainerID     = "5e4d3c2b1a"
	ClientContainerNodeID = report.MakeContainerNodeID(ClientContainerID)
	ServerContainerNodeID = report.MakeContainerNodeID(ServerContainerID)

	ClientContainerImageID     = "imageid123"
	ServerContainerImageID     = "imageid456"
	ClientContainerImageNodeID = report.MakeContainerImageNodeID(ClientContainerImageID)
	ServerContainerImageNodeID = report.MakeContainerImageNodeID(ServerContainerImageID)
	ClientContainerImageName   = "image/client"
	ServerContainerImageName   = "image/server"

	ClientAddressNodeID   = report.MakeAddressNodeID(ClientHostID, ClientIP)
	ServerAddressNodeID   = report.MakeAddressNodeID(ServerHostID, ServerIP)
	UnknownAddress1NodeID = report.MakeAddressNodeID(ServerHostID, UnknownClient1IP)
	UnknownAddress2NodeID = report.MakeAddressNodeID(ServerHostID, UnknownClient2IP)
	UnknownAddress3NodeID = report.MakeAddressNodeID(ServerHostID, UnknownClient3IP)
	RandomAddressNodeID   = report.MakeAddressNodeID(ServerHostID, RandomClientIP) // this should become an internet node

	KubernetesNamespace = "ping"
	ClientPodID         = "ping/pong-a"
	ServerPodID         = "ping/pong-b"
	ClientPodNodeID     = report.MakePodNodeID(KubernetesNamespace, "pong-a")
コード例 #15
ファイル: container.go プロジェクト: rnd-ua/scope
func (c *container) GetNode(hostID string, localAddrs []net.IP) report.Node {
	defer c.RUnlock()

	ips := append(c.container.NetworkSettings.SecondaryIPAddresses, c.container.NetworkSettings.IPAddress)
	// Treat all Docker IPs as local scoped.
	ipsWithScopes := []string{}
	for _, ip := range ips {
		ipsWithScopes = append(ipsWithScopes, report.MakeScopedAddressNodeID(hostID, ip))

	state := c.State()

	result := report.MakeNodeWith(map[string]string{
		ContainerID:       c.ID(),
		ContainerName:     strings.TrimPrefix(c.container.Name, "/"),
		ContainerCreated:  c.container.Created.Format(time.RFC822),
		ContainerCommand:  c.container.Path + " " + strings.Join(c.container.Args, " "),
		ImageID:           c.container.Image,
		ContainerHostname: c.Hostname(),
		ContainerPorts:         c.ports(localAddrs),
		ContainerIPs:           report.MakeStringSet(ips...),
		ContainerIPsWithScopes: report.MakeStringSet(ipsWithScopes...),
		ContainerState, mtime.Now(), state,
		report.ContainerImage: report.MakeStringSet(report.MakeContainerImageNodeID(c.container.Image)),

	if c.container.State.Paused {
		result = result.WithControls(UnpauseContainer)
	} else if c.container.State.Running {
		result = result.WithControls(
			RestartContainer, StopContainer, PauseContainer, AttachContainer, ExecContainer,
	} else {
		result = result.WithControls(StartContainer)

	AddLabels(result, c.container.Config.Labels)

	if c.latestStats == nil {
		return result

	result = result.WithMetadata(map[string]string{
		MemoryMaxUsage: strconv.FormatUint(c.latestStats.MemoryStats.MaxUsage, 10),
		MemoryUsage:    strconv.FormatUint(c.latestStats.MemoryStats.Usage, 10),
		MemoryFailcnt:  strconv.FormatUint(c.latestStats.MemoryStats.Failcnt, 10),
		MemoryLimit:    strconv.FormatUint(c.latestStats.MemoryStats.Limit, 10),

		//		CPUPercpuUsage:       strconv.FormatUint(stats.CPUStats.CPUUsage.PercpuUsage, 10),
		CPUUsageInUsermode:   strconv.FormatUint(c.latestStats.CPUStats.CPUUsage.UsageInUsermode, 10),
		CPUTotalUsage:        strconv.FormatUint(c.latestStats.CPUStats.CPUUsage.TotalUsage, 10),
		CPUUsageInKernelmode: strconv.FormatUint(c.latestStats.CPUStats.CPUUsage.UsageInKernelmode, 10),
		CPUSystemCPUUsage:    strconv.FormatUint(c.latestStats.CPUStats.SystemCPUUsage, 10),
	return result
コード例 #16
ファイル: container_test.go プロジェクト: pauloheck/scope
func TestContainer(t *testing.T) {

	oldDialStub, oldNewClientConnStub := docker.DialStub, docker.NewClientConnStub
	defer func() { docker.DialStub, docker.NewClientConnStub = oldDialStub, oldNewClientConnStub }()

	docker.DialStub = func(network, address string) (net.Conn, error) {
		return nil, nil

	reader, writer := io.Pipe()
	connection := &mockConnection{reader}

	docker.NewClientConnStub = func(c net.Conn, r *bufio.Reader) docker.ClientConn {
		return connection

	c := docker.NewContainer(container1)
	err := c.StartGatheringStats()
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("%v", err)
	defer c.StopGatheringStats()

	now := time.Unix(12345, 67890).UTC()
	defer mtime.NowReset()

	// Send some stats to the docker container
	stats := &client.Stats{}
	stats.Read = now
	stats.MemoryStats.Usage = 12345
	if err = json.NewEncoder(writer).Encode(&stats); err != nil {

	// Now see if we go them
	uptime := (now.Sub(startTime) / time.Second) * time.Second
	want := report.MakeNode().WithLatests(map[string]string{
		"docker_container_command": " ",
		"docker_container_created": "01 Jan 01 00:00 UTC",
		"docker_container_id":      "ping",
		"docker_container_name":    "pong",
		"docker_image_id":          "baz",
		"docker_label_foo1":        "bar1",
		"docker_label_foo2":        "bar2",
		"docker_container_state":   "running",
		"docker_container_uptime":  uptime.String(),
		Add("docker_container_ports", report.MakeStringSet(">80/tcp", "81/tcp")).
		Add("docker_container_ips", report.MakeStringSet("")).
		Add("docker_container_ips_with_scopes", report.MakeStringSet("scope;")),
		docker.RestartContainer, docker.StopContainer, docker.PauseContainer,
		docker.AttachContainer, docker.ExecContainer,
		"docker_cpu_total_usage": report.MakeMetric(),
		"docker_memory_usage":    report.MakeMetric().Add(now, 12345),
		Add(report.ContainerImage, report.MakeStringSet(report.MakeContainerImageNodeID("baz"))),

	test.Poll(t, 100*time.Millisecond, want, func() interface{} {
		node := c.GetNode("scope", []net.IP{})
		node.Latest.ForEach(func(k, v string) {
			if v == "0" || v == "" {
				node.Latest = node.Latest.Delete(k)
		return node

	if c.Image() != "baz" {
		t.Errorf("%s != baz", c.Image())
	if c.PID() != 2 {
		t.Errorf("%d != 2", c.PID())
	if have := docker.ExtractContainerIPs(c.GetNode("", []net.IP{})); !reflect.DeepEqual(have, []string{""}) {
		t.Errorf("%v != %v", have, []string{""})
コード例 #17
ファイル: reporter_test.go プロジェクト: rnd-ua/scope
func TestReporter(t *testing.T) {
	want := report.MakeReport()
	want.Container = report.Topology{
		Nodes: report.Nodes{
			report.MakeContainerNodeID("ping"): report.MakeNodeWith(map[string]string{
				docker.ContainerID:   "ping",
				docker.ContainerName: "pong",
				docker.ImageID:       "baz",
		Controls: report.Controls{
			docker.RestartContainer: report.Control{
				ID:    docker.RestartContainer,
				Human: "Restart",
				Icon:  "fa-repeat",
			docker.StartContainer: report.Control{
				ID:    docker.StartContainer,
				Human: "Start",
				Icon:  "fa-play",
			docker.StopContainer: report.Control{
				ID:    docker.StopContainer,
				Human: "Stop",
				Icon:  "fa-stop",
			docker.PauseContainer: report.Control{
				ID:    docker.PauseContainer,
				Human: "Pause",
				Icon:  "fa-pause",
			docker.UnpauseContainer: report.Control{
				ID:    docker.UnpauseContainer,
				Human: "Unpause",
				Icon:  "fa-play",
			docker.AttachContainer: report.Control{
				ID:    docker.AttachContainer,
				Human: "Attach",
				Icon:  "fa-desktop",
			docker.ExecContainer: report.Control{
				ID:    docker.ExecContainer,
				Human: "Exec /bin/sh",
				Icon:  "fa-terminal",
	want.ContainerImage = report.Topology{
		Nodes: report.Nodes{
			report.MakeContainerImageNodeID("baz"): report.MakeNodeWith(map[string]string{
				docker.ImageID:   "baz",
				docker.ImageName: "bang",
		Controls: report.Controls{},

	reporter := docker.NewReporter(mockRegistryInstance, "host1", nil)
	have, _ := reporter.Report()
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Errorf("%s", test.Diff(want, have))