// checkShard verifies the Shard operations work correctly func checkShard(t *testing.T, ts topo.Impl) { ctx := context.Background() tts := topo.Server{Impl: ts} if err := ts.CreateKeyspace(ctx, "test_keyspace", &topodatapb.Keyspace{}); err != nil { t.Fatalf("CreateKeyspace: %v", err) } shard := &topodatapb.Shard{ KeyRange: newKeyRange("b0-c0"), } if err := ts.CreateShard(ctx, "test_keyspace", "b0-c0", shard); err != nil { t.Fatalf("CreateShard: %v", err) } if err := ts.CreateShard(ctx, "test_keyspace", "b0-c0", shard); err != topo.ErrNodeExists { t.Errorf("CreateShard called second time, got: %v", err) } // Delete shard and see if we can re-create it. if err := ts.DeleteShard(ctx, "test_keyspace", "b0-c0"); err != nil { t.Fatalf("DeleteShard: %v", err) } if err := ts.CreateShard(ctx, "test_keyspace", "b0-c0", shard); err != nil { t.Fatalf("CreateShard: %v", err) } // Delete ALL shards. if err := ts.DeleteKeyspaceShards(ctx, "test_keyspace"); err != nil { t.Fatalf("DeleteKeyspaceShards: %v", err) } if err := ts.CreateShard(ctx, "test_keyspace", "b0-c0", shard); err != nil { t.Fatalf("CreateShard: %v", err) } if _, _, err := ts.GetShard(ctx, "test_keyspace", "666"); err != topo.ErrNoNode { t.Errorf("GetShard(666): %v", err) } shard, version, err := ts.GetShard(ctx, "test_keyspace", "b0-c0") if err != nil { t.Errorf("GetShard: %v", err) } if want := newKeyRange("b0-c0"); !key.KeyRangeEqual(shard.KeyRange, want) { t.Errorf("shard.KeyRange: want %v, got %v", want, shard.KeyRange) } master := &topodatapb.TabletAlias{Cell: "ny", Uid: 1} shard.MasterAlias = master shard.KeyRange = newKeyRange("b0-c0") shard.ServedTypes = []*topodatapb.Shard_ServedType{ { TabletType: topodatapb.TabletType_MASTER, }, { TabletType: topodatapb.TabletType_REPLICA, Cells: []string{"c1"}, }, { TabletType: topodatapb.TabletType_RDONLY, }, } shard.SourceShards = []*topodatapb.Shard_SourceShard{ { Uid: 1, Keyspace: "source_ks", Shard: "b8-c0", KeyRange: newKeyRange("b8-c0"), Tables: []string{"table1", "table2"}, }, } shard.TabletControls = []*topodatapb.Shard_TabletControl{ { TabletType: topodatapb.TabletType_MASTER, Cells: []string{"c1", "c2"}, BlacklistedTables: []string{"black1", "black2"}, }, { TabletType: topodatapb.TabletType_REPLICA, DisableQueryService: true, }, } if _, err := ts.UpdateShard(ctx, "test_keyspace", "b0-c0", shard, version); err != nil { t.Errorf("UpdateShard: %v", err) } other := &topodatapb.TabletAlias{Cell: "ny", Uid: 82873} _, err = tts.UpdateShardFields(ctx, "test_keyspace", "b0-c0", func(si *topo.ShardInfo) error { si.MasterAlias = other return nil }) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("UpdateShardFields error: %v", err) } s, _, err := ts.GetShard(ctx, "test_keyspace", "b0-c0") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("GetShard: %v", err) } if *s.MasterAlias != *other { t.Fatalf("shard.MasterAlias = %v, want %v", s.MasterAlias, other) } // unconditional shard update _, err = ts.UpdateShard(ctx, "test_keyspace", "b0-c0", shard, -1) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("UpdateShard(-1) error: %v", err) } updatedShard, _, err := ts.GetShard(ctx, "test_keyspace", "b0-c0") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("GetShard: %v", err) } if eq, err := shardEqual(shard, updatedShard); err != nil { t.Errorf("cannot compare shards: %v", err) } else if !eq { t.Errorf("put and got shards are not identical:\n%#v\n%#v", shard, updatedShard) } // test GetShardNames shards, err := ts.GetShardNames(ctx, "test_keyspace") if err != nil { t.Errorf("GetShardNames: %v", err) } if len(shards) != 1 || shards[0] != "b0-c0" { t.Errorf(`GetShardNames: want [ "b0-c0" ], got %v`, shards) } if _, err := ts.GetShardNames(ctx, "test_keyspace666"); err != topo.ErrNoNode { t.Errorf("GetShardNames(666): %v", err) } // test ValidateShard if err := ts.ValidateShard(ctx, "test_keyspace", "b0-c0"); err != nil { t.Errorf("ValidateShard(test_keyspace, b0-c0) failed: %v", err) } }