func main() { //Profiling // go func() { // log.Println(http.ListenAndServe(":6060", nil)) // }() var ( config *app.Config ) envParser := env_parser.NewEnvParser() envParser.Name(appName) envParser.Separator("_") envSrc := app.Envs{} envParseError := envParser.Map(&envSrc) app.Chk(envParseError) app.PrintWelcome() switch envSrc.Mode { case app.MODE_DEV: logr.Level = logrus.InfoLevel case app.MODE_PROD: logr.Level = logrus.WarnLevel case app.MODE_DEBUG: logr.Level = logrus.DebugLevel } config = app.NewConfig(envSrc.AssetsUrl, envSrc.UploadPath) logFile, fileError := os.OpenFile(envSrc.LogPath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0660) defer logFile.Close() if fileError == nil { logr.Out = logFile } else { fmt.Println("invalid log file; \n, Error : ", fileError, "\nopting standard output..") } redisService, reErr := services.NewRedis(envSrc.RedisUrl) reErr = reErr sqlConnectionStringFormat := "%s:%s@tcp(%s:%s)/%s" sqlConnectionString := fmt.Sprintf(sqlConnectionStringFormat, envSrc.MysqlUser, envSrc.MysqlPassword, envSrc.MysqlHost, envSrc.MysqlPort, envSrc.MysqlDbName) mySqlService := services.NewMySQL(sqlConnectionString, 10) //TODO check baseHandler := handlers.NewBaseHandler(logr, config) userHandler := handlers.NewUserHandler(baseHandler, redisService, mySqlService) reqHandler := handlers.NewRequestHandler(baseHandler, redisService, mySqlService) goji.Post("/register", baseHandler.Route(userHandler.DoRegistration)) goji.Post("/login", baseHandler.Route(userHandler.DoLogin)) goji.Get("/bloodReq", baseHandler.Route(reqHandler.RemoveBloodRequest)) goji.Post("/bloodReq", baseHandler.Route(reqHandler.MakeBloodRequest)) goji.Delete("/bloodReq", baseHandler.Route(reqHandler.RemoveBloodRequest)) goji.NotFound(baseHandler.NotFound) goji.Serve() }
func main() { http.HandleFunc(template.STATIC_URL, template.StaticHandler) goji.Get("/", Home) goji.Get("/about", About) goji.NotFound(NotFound) goji.Serve() }
func main() { goji.Use(config) goji.Use(database) goji.Get("/", handlers.Root) goji.Get("/authorize", handlers.Authorize) goji.Get("/connected", handlers.Connected) goji.Get("/callback", handlers.Callback) goji.Post("/subscriber", handlers.Subscriber) goji.NotFound(handlers.NotFound) goji.Serve() }
func main() { // Add routes to the global handler goji.Get("/", Root) // Fully backwards compatible with net/http's Handlers goji.Get("/greets", http.RedirectHandler("/", 301)) // Use your favorite HTTP verbs goji.Post("/greets", NewGreet) // Use Sinatra-style patterns in your URLs goji.Get("/users/:name", GetUser) // Goji also supports regular expressions with named capture groups. goji.Get(regexp.MustCompile(`^/greets/(?P<id>\d+)$`), GetGreet) // Middleware can be used to inject behavior into your app. The // middleware for this application are defined in middleware.go, but you // can put them wherever you like. goji.Use(PlainText) // If the patterns ends with "/*", the path is treated as a prefix, and // can be used to implement sub-routes. admin := web.New() goji.Handle("/admin/*", admin) // The standard SubRouter middleware helps make writing sub-routers // easy. Ordinarily, Goji does not manipulate the request's URL.Path, // meaning you'd have to repeat "/admin/" in each of the following // routes. This middleware allows you to cut down on the repetition by // eliminating the shared, already-matched prefix. admin.Use(middleware.SubRouter) // You can also easily attach extra middleware to sub-routers that are // not present on the parent router. This one, for instance, presents a // password prompt to users of the admin endpoints. admin.Use(SuperSecure) admin.Get("/", AdminRoot) admin.Get("/finances", AdminFinances) // Goji's routing, like Sinatra's, is exact: no effort is made to // normalize trailing slashes. goji.Get("/admin", http.RedirectHandler("/admin/", 301)) // Use a custom 404 handler goji.NotFound(NotFound) // Sometimes requests take a long time. goji.Get("/waitforit", WaitForIt) // Call Serve() at the bottom of your main() function, and it'll take // care of everything else for you, including binding to a socket (with // automatic support for systemd and Einhorn) and supporting graceful // shutdown on SIGINT. Serve() is appropriate for both development and // production. goji.Serve() }
func main() { goji.Get("/", index) goji.Get("/assets/*", http.FileServer(http.Dir("./dist"))) goji.Get("/api/todos", todos) goji.Post("/api/todos", newTodo) goji.Put("/api/todos/:id", putTodo) goji.Delete("/api/todos/:id", delTodo) goji.NotFound(index) goji.Serve() }
func StartServer(blog *Blog) { // Routes goji.Get("/", IndexHandler) goji.Get("/articles", AllArticlesHandler) goji.Get("/article/:id", ArticleHandler) goji.Get("/:page", PageHandler) goji.Get("/assets/*", http.FileServer(http.Dir("public"))) goji.NotFound(NotFoundHandler) // Start Goji goji.Serve() }
func main() { // Add routes to the global handler goji.Get("/", Root) // Fully backwards compatible with net/http's Handlers goji.Get("/greets", http.RedirectHandler("/", 301)) // Use your favorite HTTP verbs goji.Post("/greets", NewGreet) // Use Sinatra-style patterns in your URLs goji.Get("/users/:name", GetUser) // Goji also supports regular expressions with named capture groups. goji.Get(regexp.MustCompile(`^/greets/(?P<id>\d+)$`), GetGreet) // Middleware can be used to inject behavior into your app. The // middleware for this application are defined in middleware.go, but you // can put them wherever you like. goji.Use(PlainText) // If the last character of a pattern is an asterisk, the path is // treated as a prefix, and can be used to implement sub-routes. // Sub-routes can be used to set custom middleware on sub-applications. // Goji's interfaces are completely composable. admin := web.New() goji.Handle("/admin/*", admin) admin.Use(SuperSecure) // Goji's routing, like Sinatra's, is exact: no effort is made to // normalize trailing slashes. goji.Get("/admin", http.RedirectHandler("/admin/", 301)) // Set up admin routes. Note that sub-routes do *not* mutate the path in // any way, so we need to supply full ("/admin/" prefixed) paths. admin.Get("/admin/", AdminRoot) admin.Get("/admin/finances", AdminFinances) // Use a custom 404 handler goji.NotFound(NotFound) // Sometimes requests take a long time. goji.Get("/waitforit", WaitForIt) // Call Serve() at the bottom of your main() function, and it'll take // care of everything else for you, including binding to a socket (with // automatic support for systemd and Einhorn) and supporting graceful // shutdown on SIGINT. Serve() is appropriate for both development and // production. goji.Serve() }
func main() { /* -- Router -- */ // Top goji.Get("/", Root) // User list goji.Get("/user_list/:offset/:limit", UserList) // Comment List goji.Get("/comment_list/:offset/:limit", CommentList) // Comment goji.Post("/coment", Comment) goji.NotFound(NotFound) goji.Serve() }
func main() { //Profiling // go func() { // log.Println(http.ListenAndServe(":6060", nil)) // }() var ( mode string mysqlHost string redisHost string assetsUrl string config *app.Config errors []string ) flag.StringVar(&mode, "mode", "dev", "dev|debug|prod") flag.StringVar(&assetsUrl, "assets-url", "", "http://static.assets.url") flag.StringVar(&mysqlHost, "mysql-host", "", "") flag.StringVar(&redisHost, "redis-host", "", "") app.EnvParse(appName) if assetsUrl == "" { errors = append(errors, "assets-url") } if mysqlHost == "" { errors = append(errors, "mysql-host") } if redisHost == "" { errors = append(errors, "redis-host") } app.PrintWelcome() app.ParseErrors(errors) logr.Level = app.GetLogrMode(mode) config = app.NewConfig(assetsUrl) mysql := services.NewMySQL(mysqlHost, 100) bH := handlers.NewBaseHandler(logr, config, templates, cookieHandler) adminH := handlers.NewAdminHandler(bH, mysql) dashH := handlers.NewDashboardHandler(bH, mysql) bloodbankH := handlers.NewBloodBankHandler(bH, mysql) donorsH := handlers.NewDonorHandler(bH, mysql) requestsH := handlers.NewRequestHandler(bH, mysql) goji.Get("/login/", http.RedirectHandler("/login", 301)) goji.Get("/login", bH.Route(adminH.ShowLogin)) goji.Post("/login", bH.Route(adminH.DoLogin)) goji.NotFound(bH.NotFound) admin := web.New() goji.Handle("/*", admin) admin.NotFound(bH.NotFound) admin.Use(middleware.NewAuth(cookieHandler)) admin.Get("/", bH.Route(dashH.ShowDashboard)) admin.Get("/administrators", bH.Route(adminH.ShowAdmins)) admin.Get("/bloodbanks", bH.Route(bloodbankH.FetchBloodBanks)) admin.Get("/donors", bH.Route(donorsH.FetchDonors)) admin.Get("/requests", bH.Route(requestsH.FetchRequests)) admin.Get("/logout", bH.Route(adminH.DoLogout)) goji.Serve() }
func setup() { goji.Use(ContentSecurityPolicy(CSPOptions{ policy: Config.contentSecurityPolicy, frame: Config.xFrameOptions, })) if Config.noLogs { goji.Abandon(middleware.Logger) } // make directories if needed err := os.MkdirAll(Config.filesDir, 0755) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Could not create files directory:", err) } err = os.MkdirAll(Config.metaDir, 0700) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Could not create metadata directory:", err) } // ensure siteURL ends wth '/' if lastChar := Config.siteURL[len(Config.siteURL)-1:]; lastChar != "/" { Config.siteURL = Config.siteURL + "/" } // Template setup p2l, err := NewPongo2TemplatesLoader() if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error: could not load templates", err) } TemplateSet := pongo2.NewSet("templates", p2l) TemplateSet.Globals["sitename"] = Config.siteName err = populateTemplatesMap(TemplateSet, Templates) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error: could not load templates", err) } staticBox = rice.MustFindBox("static") timeStarted = time.Now() timeStartedStr = strconv.FormatInt(timeStarted.Unix(), 10) // Routing setup nameRe := regexp.MustCompile(`^/(?P<name>[a-z0-9-\.]+)$`) selifRe := regexp.MustCompile(`^/selif/(?P<name>[a-z0-9-\.]+)$`) selifIndexRe := regexp.MustCompile(`^/selif/$`) torrentRe := regexp.MustCompile(`^/(?P<name>[a-z0-9-\.]+)/torrent$`) goji.Get("/", indexHandler) goji.Get("/paste/", pasteHandler) goji.Get("/paste", http.RedirectHandler("/paste/", 301)) if Config.remoteUploads { goji.Get("/upload", uploadRemote) goji.Get("/upload/", uploadRemote) } goji.Post("/upload", uploadPostHandler) goji.Post("/upload/", uploadPostHandler) goji.Put("/upload", uploadPutHandler) goji.Put("/upload/:name", uploadPutHandler) goji.Delete("/:name", deleteHandler) goji.Get("/static/*", staticHandler) goji.Get("/favicon.ico", staticHandler) goji.Get("/robots.txt", staticHandler) goji.Get(nameRe, fileDisplayHandler) goji.Get(selifRe, fileServeHandler) goji.Get(selifIndexRe, unauthorizedHandler) goji.Get(torrentRe, fileTorrentHandler) goji.NotFound(notFoundHandler) }
func (s *Server) Init() { cl = make(chan bool) i404, err := ioutil.ReadFile("templates/static/assets/img/404.jpg") if err != nil { panic(err) } //cookie store s.Store = sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte(s.Config.Secret)) s.Store.Options = &sessions.Options{ Path: "/", Domain: "", MaxAge: 86400 * 7, } s.Cache = NewCache(s.Config.CacheSize*1024*1024, s.Config.CacheFree*1024*1024, true) s.Cache.Start() stats = &statwrap{} go s.watcher() rc := NewReleasesController(s.DB, s.Config, s.Cache) lc := NewLogsController(s.DB) goji.Use(gzip.GzipHandler) goji.Use(s.ServerMiddleWare) goji.Use(s.AuthMiddleWare) goji.Get("/assets/404.jpg", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.Header().Add("content-type", "image/jpeg") w.Write(i404) }) goji.Get("/assets/*", http.FileServer(http.Dir("templates/static"))) goji.Get("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { http.ServeFile(w, r, "templates/index.html") }) goji.Get("/logs", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { http.ServeFile(w, r, "templates/logs.html") }) goji.Get("/stats", s.GetStats) goji.Get("/stats/free", s.Force) goji.Get("/db/release/:id/", rc.GetRelease) goji.Get("/db/release/:id/link", rc.GetReleaseLink) goji.Get("/db/release/:id/nzb", rc.GetReleaseNzb) goji.Get("/db/release/:id/image", rc.GetReleaseImage) goji.Get("/db/release/:id/thank", rc.ThankRelease) goji.Get("/db/releases/", rc.GetReleases) goji.Get("/db/tags/", s.GetTags) goji.Get("/db/logs/", lc.GetLogs) goji.Get("/login", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { http.ServeFile(w, r, "templates/login.html") }) goji.Get("/login/:key", s.Login) if *webdebug { goji.Handle("/debug/pprof/", pprof.Index) goji.Handle("/debug/pprof/cmdline", pprof.Cmdline) goji.Handle("/debug/pprof/profile", pprof.Profile) goji.Handle("/debug/pprof/symbol", pprof.Symbol) goji.Handle("/debug/pprof/block", pprof.Handler("block").ServeHTTP) goji.Handle("/debug/pprof/heap", pprof.Handler("heap").ServeHTTP) goji.Handle("/debug/pprof/goroutine", pprof.Handler("goroutine").ServeHTTP) goji.Handle("/debug/pprof/threadcreate", pprof.Handler("threadcreate").ServeHTTP) } goji.NotFound(NotFound) goji.Abandon(middleware.Logger) addr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", s.Config.Host, s.Config.Port) log.WithField("tag", TAG).Infof("listening on %s", addr) serv = manners.NewServer() serv.InnerServer = http.Server{ Addr: addr, Handler: goji.DefaultMux, ReadTimeout: 10 * time.Second, WriteTimeout: 10 * time.Second, MaxHeaderBytes: 1 << 20, } err = serv.ListenAndServe(addr, goji.DefaultMux) if err != nil { panic(err) } log.WithField("tag", TAG).Info("closing") }
func err() { // custom 404 g.NotFound(notFound) }
func (ctr *Controller) RouteNotFound(rt *Route) { goji.NotFound(handlerWrap(rt)) }