func ExampleCommunication() { ports, err := serial.GetPortsList() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if len(ports) == 0 { log.Fatal("No serial ports found!") } for _, port := range ports { fmt.Printf("Found port: %v\n", port) } mode := &serial.Mode{ BaudRate: 9600, Parity: serial.PARITY_NONE, DataBits: 8, StopBits: serial.STOPBITS_ONE, } port, err := serial.OpenPort(ports[0], mode) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } n, err := port.Write([]byte("10,20,30\n\r")) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Printf("Sent %v bytes\n", n) buff := make([]byte, 100) for { n, err := port.Read(buff) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) break } if n == 0 { fmt.Println("\nEOF") break } fmt.Printf("%v", string(buff[:n])) } }
func appMain(driver gxui.Driver) { theme := flags.CreateTheme(driver) layout := theme.CreateLinearLayout() layout.SetSizeMode(gxui.Fill) addLabel := func(text string) { label := theme.CreateLabel() label.SetText(text) layout.AddChild(label) } addLabel("1. Fetch certificates from websites") addLabel("Insert IP or domain name here and press 'Fetch' button") urlTextBox := theme.CreateTextBox() urlTextBox.SetDesiredWidth(300) fetchButton := theme.CreateButton() fetchButton.SetText("Fetch") fetchButton.SetVisible(false) { lineLayout := theme.CreateLinearLayout() lineLayout.SetDirection(gxui.LeftToRight) lineLayout.AddChild(urlTextBox) lineLayout.AddChild(fetchButton) layout.AddChild(lineLayout) } statusLabel := theme.CreateLabel() statusLabel.SetMultiline(true) statusLabel.SetText("") layout.AddChild(statusLabel) certListAdapter := gxui.CreateDefaultAdapter() certList := theme.CreateList() certList.SetAdapter(certListAdapter) removeButton := theme.CreateButton() removeButton.SetText("Remove") { lineLayout := theme.CreateLinearLayout() lineLayout.SetDirection(gxui.LeftToRight) lineLayout.AddChild(certList) lineLayout.AddChild(removeButton) layout.AddChild(lineLayout) } addLabel("2. Select programmer serial port") portListAdapter := gxui.CreateDefaultAdapter() portList := theme.CreateList() portList.SetAdapter(portListAdapter) refreshButton := theme.CreateButton() refreshButton.SetText("Refresh List") { lineLayout := theme.CreateLinearLayout() lineLayout.SetDirection(gxui.LeftToRight) lineLayout.AddChild(portList) lineLayout.AddChild(refreshButton) layout.AddChild(lineLayout) } addLabel("3. Upload certificate to WiFi module") uploadButton := theme.CreateButton() uploadButton.SetText("Upload certificates") layout.AddChild(uploadButton) progressStatus := theme.CreateLabel() layout.AddChild(progressStatus) progressBar := theme.CreateProgressBar() size := math.MaxSize size.H = 20 progressBar.SetDesiredSize(size) layout.AddChild(progressBar) // Business logic portSelected := false updateUploadButton := func() { visible := portSelected && certListAdapter.Count() > 0 uploadButton.SetVisible(visible) } updateUploadButton() updateDownloadedCerts := func() { certListAdapter.SetItems(downloadedCerts) updateUploadButton() } downloadCert := func() { if uploading { return } url := urlTextBox.Text() if strings.Index(url, ":") == -1 { url += ":443" } data, err := certificates.EntryForAddress(url) if err != nil { log.Println("Error downloading certificate. " + err.Error()) statusLabel.SetText("Error downloading certificate. " + err.Error()) return } else { statusLabel.SetText("Download successful") } cert := &Cert{ Label: url, Data: data, } downloadedCerts = append(downloadedCerts, cert) urlTextBox.SetText("") updateDownloadedCerts() } urlTextBox.OnTextChanged(func([]gxui.TextBoxEdit) { isEmpty := (urlTextBox.Text() == "") fetchButton.SetVisible(!isEmpty) }) urlTextBox.OnKeyPress(func(event gxui.KeyboardEvent) { char := event.Key if char == gxui.KeyEnter || char == gxui.KeyKpEnter { isEmpty := (urlTextBox.Text() == "") if !isEmpty { downloadCert() } } }) fetchButton.OnClick(func(gxui.MouseEvent) { downloadCert() }) removeButton.OnClick(func(gxui.MouseEvent) { if uploading { return } selected := certList.Selected() i := certList.Adapter().ItemIndex(selected) downloadedCerts = append(downloadedCerts[:i], downloadedCerts[i+1:]...) updateDownloadedCerts() removeButton.SetVisible(false) }) certList.OnSelectionChanged(func(gxui.AdapterItem) { removeButton.SetVisible(true) }) removeButton.SetVisible(false) refreshPortList := func() { if uploading { return } if list, err := serial.GetPortsList(); err != nil { log.Println("Error fetching serial ports" + err.Error()) } else { portListAdapter.SetItems(list) } } refreshPortList() refreshButton.OnClick(func(gxui.MouseEvent) { refreshPortList() portSelected = false updateUploadButton() }) portList.OnSelectionChanged(func(gxui.AdapterItem) { portSelected = true updateUploadButton() }) updateProgress := func(msg string, percent int) { time.Sleep(time.Second) driver.CallSync(func() { if percent == -1 { progressStatus.SetColor(gxui.Red) progressBar.SetVisible(false) } else if percent == 100 { progressStatus.SetColor(gxui.Green) progressBar.SetVisible(false) } else { progressStatus.SetColor(gxui.White) progressBar.SetProgress(percent) progressBar.SetVisible(true) } progressStatus.SetText(msg) }) } progressBar.SetVisible(false) uploadButton.OnClick(func(gxui.MouseEvent) { if uploading { return } port := portList.Selected().(string) uploading = true go uploadCertificates(port, driver, updateProgress) log.Println(port) }) updateDownloadedCerts() window := theme.CreateWindow(800, 600, "Linear layout") window.SetTitle("WINC1500 SSL Certificate updater") window.SetScale(flags.DefaultScaleFactor) window.AddChild(layout) window.OnClose(driver.Terminate) window.SetPadding(math.Spacing{L: 10, T: 10, R: 10, B: 10}) window.Relayout() }