コード例 #1
ファイル: main.go プロジェクト: kleopatra999/skia-buildbot
func main() {
	out, err := util.SSH(*cmd, util.Slaves, *timeout)
	if err != nil {
	if *printOutput {
		for k, v := range out {
			fmt.Printf("\n=====%s=====\n%s\n", k, v)
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.go プロジェクト: Tiger66639/skia-buildbot
func main() {
	defer common.LogPanic()

	// Send start email.
	emailsArr := util.ParseEmails(*emails)
	emailsArr = append(emailsArr, util.CtAdmins...)
	if len(emailsArr) == 0 {
		glog.Error("At least one email address must be specified")
	skutil.LogErr(frontend.UpdateWebappTaskSetStarted(&admin_tasks.RecreateWebpageArchivesUpdateVars{}, *gaeTaskID))
	skutil.LogErr(util.SendTaskStartEmail(emailsArr, "Capture archives", util.GetMasterLogLink(*runID), ""))
	// Ensure webapp is updated and completion email is sent even if task fails.
	defer updateWebappTask()
	defer sendEmail(emailsArr)
	// Cleanup tmp files after the run.
	defer util.CleanTmpDir()
	// Finish with glog flush and how long the task took.
	defer util.TimeTrack(time.Now(), "Capture archives on Workers")
	defer glog.Flush()

	if *pagesetType == "" {
		glog.Error("Must specify --pageset_type")
	if *chromiumBuild == "" {
		glog.Error("Must specify --chromium_build")

	cmd := []string{
		fmt.Sprintf("cd %s;", util.CtTreeDir),
		"git pull;",
		"make all;",
		// The main command that runs capture_archives on all workers.
		fmt.Sprintf("DISPLAY=:0 capture_archives --worker_num=%s --log_dir=%s --log_id=%s --pageset_type=%s --chromium_build=%s;", util.WORKER_NUM_KEYWORD, util.GLogDir, *runID, *pagesetType, *chromiumBuild),

	_, err := util.SSH(strings.Join(cmd, " "), util.Slaves, util.CAPTURE_ARCHIVES_TIMEOUT)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Error while running cmd %s: %s", cmd, err)
	*taskCompletedSuccessfully = true
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.go プロジェクト: kleopatra999/skia-buildbot
func main() {

	// Send start email.
	emailsArr := util.ParseEmails(*emails)
	emailsArr = append(emailsArr, util.CtAdmins...)
	if len(emailsArr) == 0 {
		glog.Error("At least one email address must be specified")
	skutil.LogErr(frontend.UpdateWebappTaskSetStarted(&frontend.RecreatePageSetsUpdateVars{}, *gaeTaskID))
	skutil.LogErr(util.SendTaskStartEmail(emailsArr, "Creating pagesets"))
	// Ensure webapp is updated and completion email is sent even if task fails.
	defer updateWebappTask()
	defer sendEmail(emailsArr)
	// Cleanup tmp files after the run.
	defer util.CleanTmpDir()
	// Finish with glog flush and how long the task took.
	defer util.TimeTrack(time.Now(), "Creating Pagesets on Workers")
	defer glog.Flush()

	if *pagesetType == "" {
		glog.Error("Must specify --pageset_type")

	cmd := []string{
		fmt.Sprintf("cd %s;", util.CtTreeDir),
		"git pull;",
		"make all;",
		// The main command that runs create_pagesets on all workers.
		fmt.Sprintf("create_pagesets --worker_num=%s --log_dir=%s --pageset_type=%s;", util.WORKER_NUM_KEYWORD, util.GLogDir, *pagesetType),

	// Setting a 4 hour timeout since it may take a while to upload page sets to
	// Google Storage when doing 10k page sets per worker.
	if _, err := util.SSH(strings.Join(cmd, " "), util.Slaves, 4*time.Hour); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Error while running cmd %s: %s", cmd, err)
	*taskCompletedSuccessfully = true
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.go プロジェクト: saltmueller/skia-buildbot
func main() {
	defer common.LogPanic()

	// Send start email.
	emailsArr := util.ParseEmails(*emails)
	emailsArr = append(emailsArr, util.CtAdmins...)
	if len(emailsArr) == 0 {
		glog.Error("At least one email address must be specified")
	skutil.LogErr(frontend.UpdateWebappTaskSetStarted(&admin_tasks.RecreatePageSetsUpdateVars{}, *gaeTaskID))
	skutil.LogErr(util.SendTaskStartEmail(emailsArr, "Creating pagesets", util.GetMasterLogLink(*runID), ""))
	// Ensure webapp is updated and completion email is sent even if task fails.
	defer updateWebappTask()
	defer sendEmail(emailsArr)
	if !*master_common.Local {
		// Cleanup tmp files after the run.
		defer util.CleanTmpDir()
	// Finish with glog flush and how long the task took.
	defer util.TimeTrack(time.Now(), "Creating Pagesets on Workers")
	defer glog.Flush()

	if *pagesetType == "" {
		glog.Error("Must specify --pageset_type")

	cmd := append(master_common.WorkerSetupCmds(),
		// The main command that runs create_pagesets on all workers.
			"create_pagesets --worker_num=%s --log_dir=%s --log_id=%s --pageset_type=%s --local=%t;",
			util.WORKER_NUM_KEYWORD, util.GLogDir, *runID, *pagesetType, *master_common.Local))

	_, err := util.SSH(strings.Join(cmd, " "), util.Slaves, util.CREATE_PAGESETS_TIMEOUT)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Error while running cmd %s: %s", cmd, err)
	*taskCompletedSuccessfully = true
コード例 #5
ファイル: main.go プロジェクト: kleopatra999/skia-buildbot
func main() {

	// Send start email.
	emailsArr := util.ParseEmails(*emails)
	emailsArr = append(emailsArr, util.CtAdmins...)
	if len(emailsArr) == 0 {
		glog.Error("At least one email address must be specified")
	skutil.LogErr(frontend.UpdateWebappTaskSetStarted(&frontend.ChromiumPerfUpdateVars{}, *gaeTaskID))
	skutil.LogErr(util.SendTaskStartEmail(emailsArr, "Chromium perf"))
	// Ensure webapp is updated and email is sent even if task fails.
	defer updateWebappTask()
	defer sendEmail(emailsArr)
	// Cleanup dirs after run completes.
	defer skutil.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(util.StorageDir, util.ChromiumPerfRunsDir))
	defer skutil.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(util.StorageDir, util.BenchmarkRunsDir))
	// Cleanup tmp files after the run.
	defer util.CleanTmpDir()
	// Finish with glog flush and how long the task took.
	defer util.TimeTrack(time.Now(), "Running chromium perf task on workers")
	defer glog.Flush()

	if *pagesetType == "" {
		glog.Error("Must specify --pageset_type")
	if *benchmarkName == "" {
		glog.Error("Must specify --benchmark_name")
	if *runID == "" {
		glog.Error("Must specify --run_id")

	// Instantiate GsUtil object.
	gs, err := util.NewGsUtil(nil)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Could not instantiate gsutil object: %s", err)
	remoteOutputDir := filepath.Join(util.ChromiumPerfRunsDir, *runID)

	// Copy the patches to Google Storage.
	skiaPatchName := *runID + ".skia.patch"
	blinkPatchName := *runID + ".blink.patch"
	chromiumPatchName := *runID + ".chromium.patch"
	for _, patchName := range []string{skiaPatchName, blinkPatchName, chromiumPatchName} {
		if err := gs.UploadFile(patchName, os.TempDir(), remoteOutputDir); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Could not upload %s to %s: %s", patchName, remoteOutputDir, err)
	skiaPatchLink = util.GS_HTTP_LINK + filepath.Join(util.GS_BUCKET_NAME, remoteOutputDir, skiaPatchName)
	blinkPatchLink = util.GS_HTTP_LINK + filepath.Join(util.GS_BUCKET_NAME, remoteOutputDir, blinkPatchName)
	chromiumPatchLink = util.GS_HTTP_LINK + filepath.Join(util.GS_BUCKET_NAME, remoteOutputDir, chromiumPatchName)

	// Create the two required chromium builds (with patch and without the patch).
	chromiumHash, skiaHash, err := util.CreateChromiumBuild(*runID, *targetPlatform, "", "", true)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Could not create chromium build: %s", err)

	// Reboot all workers to start from a clean slate.

	// Run the run_chromium_perf script on all workers.
	runIDNoPatch := *runID + "-nopatch"
	runIDWithPatch := *runID + "-withpatch"
	chromiumBuildNoPatch := fmt.Sprintf("try-%s-%s-%s", chromiumHash, skiaHash, runIDNoPatch)
	chromiumBuildWithPatch := fmt.Sprintf("try-%s-%s-%s", chromiumHash, skiaHash, runIDWithPatch)
	runChromiumPerfCmdTemplate := "DISPLAY=:0 run_chromium_perf " +
		"--worker_num={{.WorkerNum}} --log_dir={{.LogDir}} --pageset_type={{.PagesetType}} " +
		"--chromium_build_nopatch={{.ChromiumBuildNoPatch}} --chromium_build_withpatch={{.ChromiumBuildWithPatch}} " +
		"--run_id_nopatch={{.RunIDNoPatch}} --run_id_withpatch={{.RunIDWithPatch}} " +
		"--benchmark_name={{.BenchmarkName}} --benchmark_extra_args=\"{{.BenchmarkExtraArgs}}\" " +
		"--browser_extra_args_nopatch=\"{{.BrowserExtraArgsNoPatch}}\" --browser_extra_args_withpatch=\"{{.BrowserExtraArgsWithPatch}}\" " +
		"--repeat_benchmark={{.RepeatBenchmark}} --target_platform={{.TargetPlatform}};"
	runChromiumPerfTemplateParsed := template.Must(template.New("run_chromium_perf_cmd").Parse(runChromiumPerfCmdTemplate))
	runChromiumPerfCmdBytes := new(bytes.Buffer)
	if err := runChromiumPerfTemplateParsed.Execute(runChromiumPerfCmdBytes, struct {
		WorkerNum                 string
		LogDir                    string
		PagesetType               string
		ChromiumBuildNoPatch      string
		ChromiumBuildWithPatch    string
		RunIDNoPatch              string
		RunIDWithPatch            string
		BenchmarkName             string
		BenchmarkExtraArgs        string
		BrowserExtraArgsNoPatch   string
		BrowserExtraArgsWithPatch string
		RepeatBenchmark           int
		TargetPlatform            string
		WorkerNum:                 util.WORKER_NUM_KEYWORD,
		LogDir:                    util.GLogDir,
		PagesetType:               *pagesetType,
		ChromiumBuildNoPatch:      chromiumBuildNoPatch,
		ChromiumBuildWithPatch:    chromiumBuildWithPatch,
		RunIDNoPatch:              runIDNoPatch,
		RunIDWithPatch:            runIDWithPatch,
		BenchmarkName:             *benchmarkName,
		BenchmarkExtraArgs:        *benchmarkExtraArgs,
		BrowserExtraArgsNoPatch:   *browserExtraArgsNoPatch,
		BrowserExtraArgsWithPatch: *browserExtraArgsWithPatch,
		RepeatBenchmark:           *repeatBenchmark,
		TargetPlatform:            *targetPlatform,
	}); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to execute template: %s", err)
	cmd := []string{
		fmt.Sprintf("cd %s;", util.CtTreeDir),
		"git pull;",
		"make all;",
		// The main command that runs run_chromium_perf on all workers.
	// Setting a 1 day timeout since it may take a while run benchmarks with many
	// repeats.
	if _, err := util.SSH(strings.Join(cmd, " "), util.Slaves, 1*24*time.Hour); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Error while running cmd %s: %s", cmd, err)

	// If "--output-format=csv-pivot-table" was specified then merge all CSV files and upload.
	if strings.Contains(*benchmarkExtraArgs, "--output-format=csv-pivot-table") {
		for _, runID := range []string{runIDNoPatch, runIDWithPatch} {
			if err := mergeUploadCSVFiles(runID, gs); err != nil {
				glog.Errorf("Unable to merge and upload CSV files for %s: %s", runID, err)

	// Compare the resultant CSV files using csv_comparer.py
	noPatchCSVPath := filepath.Join(util.StorageDir, util.BenchmarkRunsDir, runIDNoPatch, runIDNoPatch+".output")
	withPatchCSVPath := filepath.Join(util.StorageDir, util.BenchmarkRunsDir, runIDWithPatch, runIDWithPatch+".output")
	htmlOutputDir := filepath.Join(util.StorageDir, util.ChromiumPerfRunsDir, *runID, "html")
	skutil.MkdirAll(htmlOutputDir, 0700)
	htmlRemoteDir := filepath.Join(remoteOutputDir, "html")
	htmlOutputLinkBase := util.GS_HTTP_LINK + filepath.Join(util.GS_BUCKET_NAME, htmlRemoteDir) + "/"
	htmlOutputLink = htmlOutputLinkBase + "index.html"
	noPatchOutputLink = util.GS_HTTP_LINK + filepath.Join(util.GS_BUCKET_NAME, util.BenchmarkRunsDir, runIDNoPatch, "consolidated_outputs", runIDNoPatch+".output")
	withPatchOutputLink = util.GS_HTTP_LINK + filepath.Join(util.GS_BUCKET_NAME, util.BenchmarkRunsDir, runIDWithPatch, "consolidated_outputs", runIDWithPatch+".output")
	// Construct path to the csv_comparer python script.
	_, currentFile, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
	pathToPyFiles := filepath.Join(
	pathToCsvComparer := filepath.Join(pathToPyFiles, "csv_comparer.py")
	args := []string{
		"--csv_file1=" + noPatchCSVPath,
		"--csv_file2=" + withPatchCSVPath,
		"--output_html=" + htmlOutputDir,
		"--variance_threshold=" + strconv.FormatFloat(*varianceThreshold, 'f', 2, 64),
		"--discard_outliers=" + strconv.FormatFloat(*discardOutliers, 'f', 2, 64),
		"--absolute_url=" + htmlOutputLinkBase,
		"--requester_email=" + *emails,
		"--skia_patch_link=" + skiaPatchLink,
		"--blink_patch_link=" + blinkPatchLink,
		"--chromium_patch_link=" + chromiumPatchLink,
		"--raw_csv_nopatch=" + noPatchOutputLink,
		"--raw_csv_withpatch=" + withPatchOutputLink,
		"--num_repeated=" + strconv.Itoa(*repeatBenchmark),
		"--target_platform=" + *targetPlatform,
		"--browser_args_nopatch=" + *browserExtraArgsNoPatch,
		"--browser_args_withpatch=" + *browserExtraArgsWithPatch,
		"--pageset_type=" + *pagesetType,
		"--chromium_hash=" + chromiumHash,
		"--skia_hash=" + skiaHash,
	if err := util.ExecuteCmd("python", args, []string{}, 2*time.Hour, nil, nil); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Error running csv_comparer.py: %s", err)

	// Copy the HTML files to Google Storage.
	if err := gs.UploadDir(htmlOutputDir, htmlRemoteDir, true); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Could not upload %s to %s: %s", htmlOutputDir, htmlRemoteDir, err)

	taskCompletedSuccessfully = true
コード例 #6
ファイル: main.go プロジェクト: kleopatra999/skia-buildbot
func main() {

	// Send start email.
	emailsArr := util.ParseEmails(*emails)
	emailsArr = append(emailsArr, util.CtAdmins...)
	if len(emailsArr) == 0 {
		glog.Error("At least one email address must be specified")
	skutil.LogErr(frontend.UpdateWebappTaskSetStarted(&frontend.CaptureSkpsUpdateVars{}, *gaeTaskID))
	skutil.LogErr(util.SendTaskStartEmail(emailsArr, "Capture SKPs"))
	// Ensure webapp is updated and completion email is sent even if task
	// fails.
	defer updateWebappTask()
	defer sendEmail(emailsArr)

	// Cleanup tmp files after the run.
	defer util.CleanTmpDir()
	// Finish with glog flush and how long the task took.
	defer util.TimeTrack(time.Now(), "Running capture skps task on workers")
	defer glog.Flush()

	if *pagesetType == "" {
		glog.Error("Must specify --pageset_type")
	if *chromiumBuild == "" {
		glog.Error("Must specify --chromium_build")
	if *runID == "" {
		glog.Error("Must specify --run_id")

	// Run the capture_skps script on all workers.
	captureSKPsCmdTemplate := "DISPLAY=:0 capture_skps --worker_num={{.WorkerNum}} --log_dir={{.LogDir}} " +
		"--pageset_type={{.PagesetType}} --chromium_build={{.ChromiumBuild}} --run_id={{.RunID}} " +
	captureSKPsTemplateParsed := template.Must(template.New("capture_skps_cmd").Parse(captureSKPsCmdTemplate))
	captureSKPsCmdBytes := new(bytes.Buffer)
	if err := captureSKPsTemplateParsed.Execute(captureSKPsCmdBytes, struct {
		WorkerNum      string
		LogDir         string
		PagesetType    string
		ChromiumBuild  string
		RunID          string
		TargetPlatform string
		WorkerNum:      util.WORKER_NUM_KEYWORD,
		LogDir:         util.GLogDir,
		PagesetType:    *pagesetType,
		ChromiumBuild:  *chromiumBuild,
		RunID:          *runID,
		TargetPlatform: *targetPlatform,
	}); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to execute template: %s", err)
	cmd := []string{
		fmt.Sprintf("cd %s;", util.CtTreeDir),
		"git pull;",
		"make all;",
		// The main command that runs capture_skps on all workers.
	// Setting a 2 day timeout since it may take a while to capture 1M SKPs.
	if _, err := util.SSH(strings.Join(cmd, " "), util.Slaves, 2*24*time.Hour); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Error while running cmd %s: %s", cmd, err)

	taskCompletedSuccessfully = true
コード例 #7
ファイル: main.go プロジェクト: Tiger66639/skia-buildbot
func main() {
	defer common.LogPanic()
	defer glog.Flush()

	// Collect unhealthy machines
	offlineMachines := []string{}
	offlineDevices := []string{}
	missingDevices := []string{}
	nonResponsiveDevices := []string{}
	// Also collect healthy machines for additional checks.
	healthyMachines := []string{}

	deviceOfflineOutputs, err := util.SSH("adb devices", util.Slaves, util.ADB_DEVICES_TIMEOUT)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("Error while sshing into workers: %s", err)
	// Populate offlineMachines, offlineDevices and missingDevices.
	for hostname, out := range deviceOfflineOutputs {
		if out == "" {
			offlineMachines = append(offlineMachines, hostname)
			glog.Warningf("%s is offline", hostname)
		} else if strings.Contains(out, "offline") {
			// The adb output text contains offline devices.
			offlineDevices = append(offlineDevices, hostname)
			glog.Warningf("%s has an offline device", hostname)
		} else if strings.Count(out, "device") == 1 {
			// The adb output text only contains "List of devices attached"
			// without any devices listed below it.
			missingDevices = append(missingDevices, hostname)
			glog.Warningf("%s has missing devices", hostname)
		} else {
			// Everything seems fine so far, add this machine as a healthyMachine.
			healthyMachines = append(healthyMachines, hostname)

	// Populate nonResponsiveDevices.
	responsivenessOutputs, err :=
		util.SSH("adb shell uptime", healthyMachines, util.ADB_SHELL_UPTIME_TIMEOUT)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("Error while sshing into workers: %s", err)
	// Clear and repopulate the healthy machines slice.
	healthyMachines = nil
	for hostname, out := range responsivenessOutputs {
		if out == "" {
			nonResponsiveDevices = append(nonResponsiveDevices, hostname)
			glog.Warningf("%s has non-responsive devices.")
		} else {
			// Everything seems fine so far, add this machine as a healthyMachine.
			healthyMachines = append(healthyMachines, hostname)

	// Email admins if there are any unhealthy machines.
	if len(offlineMachines) != 0 || len(offlineDevices) != 0 || len(missingDevices) != 0 || len(nonResponsiveDevices) != 0 {
		emailSubject := "There are unhealthy Cluster telemetry machines"
		emailBody := "Please file a ticket to chrome-golo-tech-ticket@ (for offline devices) and chrome-labs-tech-ticket@ (for offline machines) using https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1whlE4nDJB0XFBemJliupOORepdXf_vXyAfFgsprTAxY/edit#gid=0 for-<br/><br/>"
		if len(offlineMachines) != 0 {
			emailBody += fmt.Sprintf("The following machines are offline: %s<br/>", strings.Join(offlineMachines, ","))
		if len(offlineDevices) != 0 {
			emailBody += fmt.Sprintf("The following machines have offline devices: %s<br/>", strings.Join(offlineDevices, ","))
		if len(missingDevices) != 0 {
			emailBody += fmt.Sprintf("The following machines have missing devices: %s<br/>", strings.Join(missingDevices, ","))
		if len(nonResponsiveDevices) != 0 {
			emailBody += fmt.Sprintf("The following machines have non-responsive devices: %s<br/>", strings.Join(nonResponsiveDevices, ","))
		if err := util.SendEmail(util.CtAdmins, emailSubject, emailBody); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Error while sending email: %s", err)
	} else {
		glog.Info("All CT machines are healthy")
コード例 #8
ファイル: main.go プロジェクト: saltmueller/skia-buildbot
func main() {
	defer common.LogPanic()

	// Send start email.
	emailsArr := util.ParseEmails(*emails)
	emailsArr = append(emailsArr, util.CtAdmins...)
	if len(emailsArr) == 0 {
		glog.Error("At least one email address must be specified")
	skutil.LogErr(frontend.UpdateWebappTaskSetStarted(&capture_skps.UpdateVars{}, *gaeTaskID))
	skutil.LogErr(util.SendTaskStartEmail(emailsArr, "Capture SKPs", util.GetMasterLogLink(*runID), *description))
	// Ensure webapp is updated and completion email is sent even if task
	// fails.
	defer updateWebappTask()
	defer sendEmail(emailsArr)

	if !*master_common.Local {
		// Cleanup tmp files after the run.
		defer util.CleanTmpDir()
	// Finish with glog flush and how long the task took.
	defer util.TimeTrack(time.Now(), "Running capture skps task on workers")
	defer glog.Flush()

	if *pagesetType == "" {
		glog.Error("Must specify --pageset_type")
	if *chromiumBuild == "" {
		glog.Error("Must specify --chromium_build")
	if *runID == "" {
		glog.Error("Must specify --run_id")

	// Run the capture_skps script on all workers.
	captureSKPsCmdTemplate := "DISPLAY=:0 capture_skps --worker_num={{.WorkerNum}} --log_dir={{.LogDir}} --log_id={{.RunID}} " +
		"--pageset_type={{.PagesetType}} --chromium_build={{.ChromiumBuild}} --run_id={{.RunID}} " +
		"--target_platform={{.TargetPlatform}} --local={{.Local}};"
	captureSKPsTemplateParsed := template.Must(template.New("capture_skps_cmd").Parse(captureSKPsCmdTemplate))
	captureSKPsCmdBytes := new(bytes.Buffer)
	if err := captureSKPsTemplateParsed.Execute(captureSKPsCmdBytes, struct {
		WorkerNum      string
		LogDir         string
		PagesetType    string
		ChromiumBuild  string
		RunID          string
		TargetPlatform string
		Local          bool
		WorkerNum:      util.WORKER_NUM_KEYWORD,
		LogDir:         util.GLogDir,
		PagesetType:    *pagesetType,
		ChromiumBuild:  *chromiumBuild,
		RunID:          *runID,
		TargetPlatform: *targetPlatform,
		Local:          *master_common.Local,
	}); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to execute template: %s", err)
	cmd := append(master_common.WorkerSetupCmds(),
		// The main command that runs capture_skps on all workers.

	_, err := util.SSH(strings.Join(cmd, " "), util.Slaves, util.CAPTURE_SKPS_TIMEOUT)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Error while running cmd %s: %s", cmd, err)

	taskCompletedSuccessfully = true
コード例 #9
ファイル: main.go プロジェクト: kleopatra999/skia-buildbot
func main() {

	// Send start email.
	emailsArr := util.ParseEmails(*emails)
	emailsArr = append(emailsArr, util.CtAdmins...)
	if len(emailsArr) == 0 {
		glog.Error("At least one email address must be specified")
	skutil.LogErr(frontend.UpdateWebappTaskSetStarted(&frontend.LuaScriptUpdateVars{}, *gaeTaskID))
	skutil.LogErr(util.SendTaskStartEmail(emailsArr, "Lua script"))
	// Ensure webapp is updated and email is sent even if task fails.
	defer updateWebappTask()
	defer sendEmail(emailsArr)
	// Cleanup tmp files after the run.
	defer util.CleanTmpDir()
	// Finish with glog flush and how long the task took.
	defer util.TimeTrack(time.Now(), "Running Lua script on workers")
	defer glog.Flush()

	if *pagesetType == "" {
		glog.Error("Must specify --pageset_type")
	if *chromiumBuild == "" {
		glog.Error("Must specify --chromium_build")
	if *runID == "" {
		glog.Error("Must specify --run_id")

	// Instantiate GsUtil object.
	gs, err := util.NewGsUtil(nil)
	if err != nil {

	// Upload the lua script for this run to Google storage.
	luaScriptName := *runID + ".lua"
	defer skutil.Remove(filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), luaScriptName))
	luaScriptRemoteDir := filepath.Join(util.LuaRunsDir, *runID, "scripts")
	luaScriptRemoteLink = util.GS_HTTP_LINK + filepath.Join(util.GS_BUCKET_NAME, luaScriptRemoteDir, luaScriptName)
	if err := gs.UploadFile(luaScriptName, os.TempDir(), luaScriptRemoteDir); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Could not upload %s to %s: %s", luaScriptName, luaScriptRemoteDir, err)

	// Run the run_lua script on all workers.
	runLuaCmdTemplate := "DISPLAY=:0 run_lua --worker_num={{.WorkerNum}} --log_dir={{.LogDir}} --pageset_type={{.PagesetType}} --chromium_build={{.ChromiumBuild}} --run_id={{.RunID}};"
	runLuaTemplateParsed := template.Must(template.New("run_lua_cmd").Parse(runLuaCmdTemplate))
	luaCmdBytes := new(bytes.Buffer)
	if err := runLuaTemplateParsed.Execute(luaCmdBytes, struct {
		WorkerNum     string
		LogDir        string
		PagesetType   string
		ChromiumBuild string
		RunID         string
		WorkerNum:     util.WORKER_NUM_KEYWORD,
		LogDir:        util.GLogDir,
		PagesetType:   *pagesetType,
		ChromiumBuild: *chromiumBuild,
		RunID:         *runID,
	}); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to execute template: %s", err)
	cmd := []string{
		fmt.Sprintf("cd %s;", util.CtTreeDir),
		"git pull;",
		"make all;",
		// The main command that runs run_lua on all workers.
	if _, err := util.SSH(strings.Join(cmd, " "), util.Slaves, 2*time.Hour); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Error while running cmd %s: %s", cmd, err)

	// Copy outputs from all slaves locally and combine it into one file.
	consolidatedFileName := "lua-output"
	consolidatedLuaOutput := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), consolidatedFileName)
	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(consolidatedLuaOutput, []byte{}, 0660); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Could not create %s: %s", consolidatedLuaOutput, err)
	for i := 0; i < util.NUM_WORKERS; i++ {
		workerNum := i + 1
		workerRemoteOutputPath := filepath.Join(util.LuaRunsDir, *runID, fmt.Sprintf("slave%d", workerNum), "outputs", *runID+".output")
		respBody, err := gs.GetRemoteFileContents(workerRemoteOutputPath)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Could not fetch %s: %s", workerRemoteOutputPath, err)
			// TODO(rmistry): Should we instead return here? We can only return
			// here if all 100 slaves reliably run without any failures which they
			// really should.
		defer skutil.Close(respBody)
		out, err := os.OpenFile(consolidatedLuaOutput, os.O_RDWR|os.O_APPEND, 0660)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Unable to open file %s: %s", consolidatedLuaOutput, err)
		defer skutil.Close(out)
		defer skutil.Remove(consolidatedLuaOutput)
		if _, err = io.Copy(out, respBody); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Unable to write out %s to %s: %s", workerRemoteOutputPath, consolidatedLuaOutput, err)
	// Copy the consolidated file into Google Storage.
	consolidatedOutputRemoteDir := filepath.Join(util.LuaRunsDir, *runID, "consolidated_outputs")
	luaOutputRemoteLink = util.GS_HTTP_LINK + filepath.Join(util.GS_BUCKET_NAME, consolidatedOutputRemoteDir, consolidatedFileName)
	if err := gs.UploadFile(consolidatedFileName, os.TempDir(), consolidatedOutputRemoteDir); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Unable to upload %s to %s: %s", consolidatedLuaOutput, consolidatedOutputRemoteDir, err)

	// Upload the lua aggregator (if specified) for this run to Google storage.
	luaAggregatorName := *runID + ".aggregator"
	luaAggregatorPath := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), luaAggregatorName)
	defer skutil.Remove(luaAggregatorPath)
	luaAggregatorRemoteLink = util.GS_HTTP_LINK + filepath.Join(util.GS_BUCKET_NAME, luaScriptRemoteDir, luaAggregatorName)
	luaAggregatorFileInfo, err := os.Stat(luaAggregatorPath)
	if !os.IsNotExist(err) && luaAggregatorFileInfo.Size() > 10 {
		if err := gs.UploadFile(luaAggregatorName, os.TempDir(), luaScriptRemoteDir); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Could not upload %s to %s: %s", luaAggregatorName, luaScriptRemoteDir, err)
		// Run the aggregator and save stdout.
		luaAggregatorOutputFileName := *runID + ".agg.output"
		luaAggregatorOutputFilePath := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), luaAggregatorOutputFileName)
		luaAggregatorOutputFile, err := os.Create(luaAggregatorOutputFilePath)
		defer skutil.Close(luaAggregatorOutputFile)
		defer skutil.Remove(luaAggregatorOutputFilePath)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Could not create %s: %s", luaAggregatorOutputFilePath, err)
		if err := util.ExecuteCmd(util.BINARY_LUA, []string{luaAggregatorPath}, []string{}, time.Hour, luaAggregatorOutputFile, nil); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Could not execute the lua aggregator %s: %s", luaAggregatorPath, err)
		// Copy the aggregator output into Google Storage.
		luaAggregatorOutputRemoteLink = util.GS_HTTP_LINK + filepath.Join(util.GS_BUCKET_NAME, consolidatedOutputRemoteDir, luaAggregatorOutputFileName)
		if err := gs.UploadFile(luaAggregatorOutputFileName, os.TempDir(), consolidatedOutputRemoteDir); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Unable to upload %s to %s: %s", luaAggregatorOutputFileName, consolidatedOutputRemoteDir, err)
	} else {
		glog.Info("A lua aggregator has not been specified.")

	taskCompletedSuccessfully = true
コード例 #10
ファイル: main.go プロジェクト: kleopatra999/skia-buildbot
func main() {

	// Send start email.
	emailsArr := util.ParseEmails(*emails)
	emailsArr = append(emailsArr, util.CtAdmins...)
	if len(emailsArr) == 0 {
		glog.Error("At least one email address must be specified")
	skutil.LogErr(util.SendTaskStartEmail(emailsArr, "Skia correctness"))
	// Ensure webapp is updated and email is sent even if task fails.
	defer updateWebappTask()
	defer sendEmail(emailsArr)
	// Cleanup tmp files after the run.
	defer util.CleanTmpDir()
	// Finish with glog flush and how long the task took.
	defer util.TimeTrack(time.Now(), "Running skia correctness task on workers")
	defer glog.Flush()

	if *pagesetType == "" {
		glog.Error("Must specify --pageset_type")
	if *chromiumBuild == "" {
		glog.Error("Must specify --chromium_build")
	if *runID == "" {
		glog.Error("Must specify --run_id")

	// Instantiate GsUtil object.
	gs, err := util.NewGsUtil(nil)
	if err != nil {
	remoteOutputDir := filepath.Join(util.SkiaCorrectnessRunsDir, *runID)

	// Copy the patch to Google Storage.
	patchName := *runID + ".patch"
	patchRemoteDir := filepath.Join(remoteOutputDir, "patches")
	if err := gs.UploadFile(patchName, os.TempDir(), patchRemoteDir); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Could not upload %s to %s: %s", patchName, patchRemoteDir, err)
	skiaPatchLink = util.GS_HTTP_LINK + filepath.Join(util.GS_BUCKET_NAME, patchRemoteDir, patchName)

	// Run the run_skia_correctness script on all workers.
	runSkiaCorrCmdTemplate := "DISPLAY=:0 run_skia_correctness --worker_num={{.WorkerNum}} --log_dir={{.LogDir}} " +
		"--pageset_type={{.PagesetType}} --chromium_build={{.ChromiumBuild}} --run_id={{.RunID}} " +
		"--render_pictures_args=\"{{.RenderPicturesArgs}}\" --gpu_nopatch_run={{.GpuNoPatchRun}} " +
	runSkiaCorrTemplateParsed := template.Must(template.New("run_skia_correctness_cmd").Parse(runSkiaCorrCmdTemplate))
	runSkiaCorrCmdBytes := new(bytes.Buffer)
	if err := runSkiaCorrTemplateParsed.Execute(runSkiaCorrCmdBytes, struct {
		WorkerNum          string
		LogDir             string
		PagesetType        string
		ChromiumBuild      string
		RunID              string
		RenderPicturesArgs string
		GpuNoPatchRun      string
		GpuWithPatchRun    string
		WorkerNum:          util.WORKER_NUM_KEYWORD,
		LogDir:             util.GLogDir,
		PagesetType:        *pagesetType,
		ChromiumBuild:      *chromiumBuild,
		RunID:              *runID,
		RenderPicturesArgs: *renderPicturesArgs,
		GpuNoPatchRun:      strconv.FormatBool(*gpuNoPatchRun),
		GpuWithPatchRun:    strconv.FormatBool(*gpuWithPatchRun),
	}); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to execute template: %s", err)
	cmd := []string{
		fmt.Sprintf("cd %s;", util.CtTreeDir),
		"git pull;",
		"make all;",
		// The main command that runs run_skia_correctness on all workers.
	if _, err := util.SSH(strings.Join(cmd, " "), util.Slaves, 4*time.Hour); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Error while running cmd %s: %s", cmd, err)

	localOutputDir := filepath.Join(util.StorageDir, util.SkiaCorrectnessRunsDir, *runID)
	localSummariesDir := filepath.Join(localOutputDir, "summaries")
	skutil.MkdirAll(localSummariesDir, 0700)
	defer skutil.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(util.StorageDir, util.SkiaCorrectnessRunsDir))
	// Copy outputs from all slaves locally.
	for i := 0; i < util.NUM_WORKERS; i++ {
		workerNum := i + 1
		workerLocalOutputPath := filepath.Join(localSummariesDir, fmt.Sprintf("slave%d", workerNum)+".json")
		workerRemoteOutputPath := filepath.Join(remoteOutputDir, fmt.Sprintf("slave%d", workerNum), fmt.Sprintf("slave%d", workerNum)+".json")
		respBody, err := gs.GetRemoteFileContents(workerRemoteOutputPath)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Could not fetch %s: %s", workerRemoteOutputPath, err)
			// TODO(rmistry): Should we instead return here? We can only return
			// here if all 100 slaves reliably run without any failures which they
			// really should.
		defer skutil.Close(respBody)
		out, err := os.Create(workerLocalOutputPath)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Unable to create file %s: %s", workerLocalOutputPath, err)
		defer skutil.Close(out)
		defer skutil.Remove(workerLocalOutputPath)
		if _, err = io.Copy(out, respBody); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Unable to copy to file %s: %s", workerLocalOutputPath, err)

	// Call json_summary_combiner.py to merge all results into a single results CSV.
	_, currentFile, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
	pathToPyFiles := filepath.Join(
	pathToJsonCombiner := filepath.Join(pathToPyFiles, "json_summary_combiner.py")
	localHtmlDir := filepath.Join(localOutputDir, "html")
	remoteHtmlDir := filepath.Join(remoteOutputDir, "html")
	baseHtmlLink := util.GS_HTTP_LINK + filepath.Join(util.GS_BUCKET_NAME, remoteHtmlDir) + "/"
	htmlOutputLink = baseHtmlLink + "index.html"
	skutil.MkdirAll(localHtmlDir, 0700)
	args := []string{
		"--json_summaries_dir=" + localSummariesDir,
		"--output_html_dir=" + localHtmlDir,
		"--absolute_url=" + baseHtmlLink,
		"--render_pictures_args=" + *renderPicturesArgs,
		"--nopatch_gpu=" + strconv.FormatBool(*gpuNoPatchRun),
		"--withpatch_gpu=" + strconv.FormatBool(*gpuWithPatchRun),
	if err := util.ExecuteCmd("python", args, []string{}, 1*time.Hour, nil, nil); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Error running json_summary_combiner.py: %s", err)

	// Copy the HTML files to Google Storage.
	if err := gs.UploadDir(localHtmlDir, remoteHtmlDir, true); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Could not upload %s to %s: %s", localHtmlDir, remoteHtmlDir, err)

	taskCompletedSuccessfully = true
コード例 #11
ファイル: main.go プロジェクト: saltmueller/skia-buildbot
func main() {
	defer common.LogPanic()

	// Send start email.
	emailsArr := util.ParseEmails(*emails)
	emailsArr = append(emailsArr, util.CtAdmins...)
	if len(emailsArr) == 0 {
		glog.Error("At least one email address must be specified")
	skutil.LogErr(util.SendTaskStartEmail(emailsArr, "Fix archives", util.GetMasterLogLink(*runID), ""))
	// Ensure completion email is sent even if task fails.
	defer sendEmail(emailsArr)

	if !*master_common.Local {
		// Cleanup tmp files after the run.
		defer util.CleanTmpDir()
	// Finish with glog flush and how long the task took.
	defer util.TimeTrack(time.Now(), "Running fix archives task on workers")
	defer glog.Flush()

	if *pagesetType == "" {
		glog.Error("Must specify --pageset_type")
	if *chromiumBuild == "" {
		glog.Error("Must specify --chromium_build")
	if *runID == "" {
		glog.Error("Must specify --run_id")

	// Run the fix_archives script on all workers.
	fixArchivesCmdTemplate := "DISPLAY=:0 fix_archives --worker_num={{.WorkerNum}} --log_dir={{.LogDir}} " +
		"--pageset_type={{.PagesetType}} --chromium_build={{.ChromiumBuild}} --run_id={{.RunID}} " +
		"--repeat_benchmark={{.RepeatBenchmark}} --benchmark_name={{.BenchmarkName}} " +
		"--benchmark_header_to_check=\"{{.BenchmarkHeaderToCheck}}\" --delete_pageset={{.DeletePageset}} " +
		"--perc_change_threshold={{.PercentageChangeThreshold}} --res_missing_count_threshold={{.ResourceMissingCountThreshold}} " +
	fixArchivesTemplateParsed := template.Must(template.New("fix_archives_cmd").Parse(fixArchivesCmdTemplate))
	fixArchivesCmdBytes := new(bytes.Buffer)
	if err := fixArchivesTemplateParsed.Execute(fixArchivesCmdBytes, struct {
		WorkerNum                     string
		LogDir                        string
		PagesetType                   string
		ChromiumBuild                 string
		RunID                         string
		RepeatBenchmark               int
		BenchmarkName                 string
		BenchmarkHeaderToCheck        string
		DeletePageset                 bool
		PercentageChangeThreshold     float64
		ResourceMissingCountThreshold int
		Local                         bool
		WorkerNum:                     util.WORKER_NUM_KEYWORD,
		LogDir:                        util.GLogDir,
		PagesetType:                   *pagesetType,
		ChromiumBuild:                 *chromiumBuild,
		RunID:                         *runID,
		RepeatBenchmark:               *repeatBenchmark,
		BenchmarkName:                 *benchmarkName,
		BenchmarkHeaderToCheck:        *benchmarkHeaderToCheck,
		DeletePageset:                 *deletePageset,
		PercentageChangeThreshold:     *percentageChangeThreshold,
		ResourceMissingCountThreshold: *resourceMissingCountThreshold,
		Local: *master_common.Local,
	}); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to execute template: %s", err)
	cmd := append(master_common.WorkerSetupCmds(),
		// The main command that runs fix_archives on all workers.
	if _, err := util.SSH(strings.Join(cmd, " "), util.Slaves, util.FIX_ARCHIVES_TIMEOUT); err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Error while running cmd %s: %s", cmd, err)

	taskCompletedSuccessfully = true