コード例 #1
ファイル: conversion.go プロジェクト: kubernetes/kubernetes
// Convert_Slice_string_To_unversioned_Time allows converting a URL query parameter value
func Convert_Slice_string_To_unversioned_Time(input *[]string, out *metav1.Time, s conversion.Scope) error {
	str := ""
	if len(*input) > 0 {
		str = (*input)[0]
	return out.UnmarshalQueryParameter(str)
コード例 #2
ファイル: unstructured.go プロジェクト: kubernetes/kubernetes
func (u *Unstructured) GetDeletionTimestamp() *metav1.Time {
	var timestamp metav1.Time
	timestamp.UnmarshalQueryParameter(getNestedString(u.Object, "metadata", "deletionTimestamp"))
	if timestamp.IsZero() {
		return nil
	return &timestamp
コード例 #3
func TestScaleDownRCImmediately(t *testing.T) {
	time := metav1.Time{Time: time.Now()}
	tc := testCase{
		minReplicas:         2,
		maxReplicas:         5,
		initialReplicas:     6,
		desiredReplicas:     5,
		CPUTarget:           50,
		reportedLevels:      []uint64{8000, 9500, 1000},
		reportedCPURequests: []resource.Quantity{resource.MustParse("0.9"), resource.MustParse("1.0"), resource.MustParse("1.1")},
		useMetricsApi:       true,
		lastScaleTime:       &time,
コード例 #4
func TestScaleUpRCImmediately(t *testing.T) {
	time := metav1.Time{Time: time.Now()}
	tc := testCase{
		minReplicas:         2,
		maxReplicas:         6,
		initialReplicas:     1,
		desiredReplicas:     2,
		verifyCPUCurrent:    true,
		reportedLevels:      []uint64{0, 0, 0, 0},
		reportedCPURequests: []resource.Quantity{resource.MustParse("1.0"), resource.MustParse("1.0"), resource.MustParse("1.0"), resource.MustParse("1.0")},
		useMetricsApi:       true,
		lastScaleTime:       &time,
コード例 #5
ファイル: event.go プロジェクト: kubernetes/kubernetes
func (recorder *recorderImpl) makeEvent(ref *v1.ObjectReference, eventtype, reason, message string) *v1.Event {
	t := metav1.Time{Time: recorder.clock.Now()}
	namespace := ref.Namespace
	if namespace == "" {
		namespace = v1.NamespaceDefault
	return &v1.Event{
		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      fmt.Sprintf("%v.%x", ref.Name, t.UnixNano()),
			Namespace: namespace,
		InvolvedObject: *ref,
		Reason:         reason,
		Message:        message,
		FirstTimestamp: t,
		LastTimestamp:  t,
		Count:          1,
		Type:           eventtype,
コード例 #6
// TestSelectorUpdate ensures that from two overlapping deployments, the one that is working won't
// be marked as overlapping if its selector is updated but still overlaps with the other one.
func TestSelectorUpdate(t *testing.T) {
	f := newFixture(t)
	now := metav1.Now()
	later := metav1.Time{Time: now.Add(time.Minute)}
	selectorUpdated := metav1.Time{Time: later.Add(time.Minute)}

	foo := newDeployment("foo", 1, nil, nil, nil, map[string]string{"foo": "bar"})
	foo.CreationTimestamp = now
	foo.Annotations = map[string]string{util.SelectorUpdateAnnotation: selectorUpdated.Format(time.RFC3339)}
	bar := newDeployment("bar", 1, nil, nil, nil, map[string]string{"foo": "bar", "app": "baz"})
	bar.CreationTimestamp = later
	bar.Annotations = map[string]string{util.OverlapAnnotation: "foo"}

	f.dLister = append(f.dLister, foo, bar)
	f.objects = append(f.objects, foo, bar)

	f.expectCreateRSAction(newReplicaSet(foo, "foo-rs", 1))
	f.run(getKey(foo, t))

	for _, a := range filterInformerActions(f.client.Actions()) {
		action, ok := a.(core.UpdateAction)
		if !ok {
		d, ok := action.GetObject().(*extensions.Deployment)
		if !ok {

		if d.Name == "foo" && len(d.Annotations[util.OverlapAnnotation]) > 0 {
			t.Errorf("deployment %q should not have the overlapping annotation", d.Name)
		if d.Name == "bar" && len(d.Annotations[util.OverlapAnnotation]) == 0 {
			t.Errorf("deployment %q should have the overlapping annotation", d.Name)
コード例 #7
func TestSelectorUpdatedBefore(t *testing.T) {
	now := metav1.Now()
	later := metav1.Time{Time: now.Add(time.Minute)}
	selectorUpdated := metav1.Time{Time: later.Add(time.Minute)}
	selectorUpdatedLater := metav1.Time{Time: selectorUpdated.Add(time.Minute)}

	tests := []struct {
		name string

		d1                 extensions.Deployment
		creationTimestamp1 *metav1.Time
		selectorUpdated1   *metav1.Time

		d2                 extensions.Deployment
		creationTimestamp2 *metav1.Time
		selectorUpdated2   *metav1.Time

		expected bool
			name: "d1 created before d2",

			d1:                 generateDeployment("foo"),
			creationTimestamp1: &now,

			d2:                 generateDeployment("bar"),
			creationTimestamp2: &later,

			expected: true,
			name: "d1 created after d2",

			d1:                 generateDeployment("foo"),
			creationTimestamp1: &later,

			d2:                 generateDeployment("bar"),
			creationTimestamp2: &now,

			expected: false,
			// Think of the following scenario:
			// d1 is created first, d2 is created after and its selector overlaps
			// with d1. d2 is marked as overlapping correctly. If d1's selector is
			// updated and continues to overlap with the selector of d2 then d1 is
			// now marked overlapping and d2 is cleaned up. Proved by the following
			// test case. Callers of SelectorUpdatedBefore should first check for
			// the existence of the overlapping annotation in any of the two deployments
			// prior to comparing their timestamps and as a matter of fact this is
			// now handled in `(dc *DeploymentController) handleOverlap`.
			name: "d1 created before d2 but updated its selector afterwards",

			d1:                 generateDeployment("foo"),
			creationTimestamp1: &now,
			selectorUpdated1:   &selectorUpdated,

			d2:                 generateDeployment("bar"),
			creationTimestamp2: &later,

			expected: false,
			name: "d1 selector is older than d2",

			d1:               generateDeployment("foo"),
			selectorUpdated1: &selectorUpdated,

			d2:               generateDeployment("bar"),
			selectorUpdated2: &selectorUpdatedLater,

			expected: true,
			name: "d1 selector is younger than d2",

			d1:               generateDeployment("foo"),
			selectorUpdated1: &selectorUpdatedLater,

			d2:               generateDeployment("bar"),
			selectorUpdated2: &selectorUpdated,

			expected: false,

	for _, test := range tests {
		t.Logf("running scenario %q", test.name)

		if test.creationTimestamp1 != nil {
			test.d1.CreationTimestamp = *test.creationTimestamp1
		if test.creationTimestamp2 != nil {
			test.d2.CreationTimestamp = *test.creationTimestamp2
		if test.selectorUpdated1 != nil {
			test.d1.Annotations[SelectorUpdateAnnotation] = test.selectorUpdated1.Format(time.RFC3339)
		if test.selectorUpdated2 != nil {
			test.d2.Annotations[SelectorUpdateAnnotation] = test.selectorUpdated2.Format(time.RFC3339)

		if got := SelectorUpdatedBefore(&test.d1, &test.d2); got != test.expected {
			t.Errorf("expected d1 selector to be updated before d2: %t, got: %t", test.expected, got)
コード例 #8
// afterOrZero checks if time t1 is after time t2; if one of them
// is zero, the zero time is seen as after non-zero time.
func afterOrZero(t1, t2 metav1.Time) bool {
	if t1.Time.IsZero() || t2.Time.IsZero() {
		return t1.Time.IsZero()
	return t1.After(t2.Time)
コード例 #9
ファイル: unstructured.go プロジェクト: kubernetes/kubernetes
func (u *Unstructured) SetDeletionTimestamp(timestamp *metav1.Time) {
	ts, _ := timestamp.MarshalQueryParameter()
	u.setNestedField(ts, "metadata", "deletionTimestamp")
コード例 #10
ファイル: unstructured.go プロジェクト: kubernetes/kubernetes
func (u *Unstructured) GetCreationTimestamp() metav1.Time {
	var timestamp metav1.Time
	timestamp.UnmarshalQueryParameter(getNestedString(u.Object, "metadata", "creationTimestamp"))
	return timestamp
コード例 #11
ファイル: density.go プロジェクト: kubernetes/kubernetes
				scheduleTimes := make(map[string]metav1.Time, 0)
				runTimes := make(map[string]metav1.Time, 0)
				watchTimes := make(map[string]metav1.Time, 0)

				var mutex sync.Mutex
				checkPod := func(p *v1.Pod) {
					defer mutex.Unlock()
					defer GinkgoRecover()

					if p.Status.Phase == v1.PodRunning {
						if _, found := watchTimes[p.Name]; !found {
							watchTimes[p.Name] = metav1.Now()
							createTimes[p.Name] = p.CreationTimestamp
							nodeNames[p.Name] = p.Spec.NodeName
							var startTime metav1.Time
							for _, cs := range p.Status.ContainerStatuses {
								if cs.State.Running != nil {
									if startTime.Before(cs.State.Running.StartedAt) {
										startTime = cs.State.Running.StartedAt
							if startTime != metav1.NewTime(time.Time{}) {
								runTimes[p.Name] = startTime
							} else {
								framework.Failf("Pod %v is reported to be running, but none of its containers is", p.Name)