コード例 #1
func ValidateLabels(a, b string) bool {
	sA, eA := labels.Parse(a)
	if eA != nil {
		return false
	sB, eB := labels.Parse(b)
	if eB != nil {
		return false
	return sA.String() == sB.String()
コード例 #2
ファイル: sync.go プロジェクト: kubernetes/kubernetes
// rsAndPodsWithHashKeySynced returns the RSes and pods the given deployment targets, with pod-template-hash information synced.
func (dc *DeploymentController) rsAndPodsWithHashKeySynced(deployment *extensions.Deployment) ([]*extensions.ReplicaSet, *v1.PodList, error) {
	rsList, err := deploymentutil.ListReplicaSets(deployment,
		func(namespace string, options v1.ListOptions) ([]*extensions.ReplicaSet, error) {
			parsed, err := labels.Parse(options.LabelSelector)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			return dc.rsLister.ReplicaSets(namespace).List(parsed)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error listing ReplicaSets: %v", err)
	syncedRSList := []*extensions.ReplicaSet{}
	for _, rs := range rsList {
		// Add pod-template-hash information if it's not in the RS.
		// Otherwise, new RS produced by Deployment will overlap with pre-existing ones
		// that aren't constrained by the pod-template-hash.
		syncedRS, err := dc.addHashKeyToRSAndPods(rs)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		syncedRSList = append(syncedRSList, syncedRS)
	syncedPodList, err := dc.listPods(deployment)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	return syncedRSList, syncedPodList, nil
コード例 #3
ファイル: top_pod.go プロジェクト: kubernetes/kubernetes
func (o TopPodOptions) RunTopPod() error {
	var err error
	selector := labels.Everything()
	if len(o.Selector) > 0 {
		selector, err = labels.Parse(o.Selector)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	metrics, err := o.Client.GetPodMetrics(o.Namespace, o.ResourceName, o.AllNamespaces, selector)
	// TODO: Refactor this once Heapster becomes the API server.
	// First we check why no metrics have been received.
	if len(metrics) == 0 {
		// If the API server query is successful but all the pods are newly created,
		// the metrics are probably not ready yet, so we return the error here in the first place.
		e := verifyEmptyMetrics(o, selector)
		if e != nil {
			return e
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return o.Printer.PrintPodMetrics(metrics, o.PrintContainers, o.AllNamespaces)
コード例 #4
ファイル: actions.go プロジェクト: kubernetes/kubernetes
func ExtractFromListOptions(opts interface{}) (labelSelector labels.Selector, fieldSelector fields.Selector, resourceVersion string) {
	var err error
	switch t := opts.(type) {
	case api.ListOptions:
		labelSelector = t.LabelSelector
		fieldSelector = t.FieldSelector
		resourceVersion = t.ResourceVersion
	case v1.ListOptions:
		labelSelector, err = labels.Parse(t.LabelSelector)
		if err != nil {
		fieldSelector, err = fields.ParseSelector(t.FieldSelector)
		if err != nil {
		resourceVersion = t.ResourceVersion
		panic(fmt.Errorf("expect a ListOptions"))
	if labelSelector == nil {
		labelSelector = labels.Everything()
	if fieldSelector == nil {
		fieldSelector = fields.Everything()
	return labelSelector, fieldSelector, resourceVersion
コード例 #5
ファイル: conversion.go プロジェクト: kubernetes/kubernetes
func Convert_string_To_labels_Selector(in *string, out *labels.Selector, s conversion.Scope) error {
	selector, err := labels.Parse(*in)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	*out = selector
	return nil
コード例 #6
ファイル: helpers_test.go プロジェクト: kubernetes/kubernetes
func TestLabelSelectorAsSelector(t *testing.T) {
	matchLabels := map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}
	matchExpressions := []LabelSelectorRequirement{{
		Key:      "baz",
		Operator: LabelSelectorOpIn,
		Values:   []string{"qux", "norf"},
	mustParse := func(s string) labels.Selector {
		out, e := labels.Parse(s)
		if e != nil {
		return out
	tc := []struct {
		in        *LabelSelector
		out       labels.Selector
		expectErr bool
		{in: nil, out: labels.Nothing()},
		{in: &LabelSelector{}, out: labels.Everything()},
			in:  &LabelSelector{MatchLabels: matchLabels},
			out: mustParse("foo=bar"),
			in:  &LabelSelector{MatchExpressions: matchExpressions},
			out: mustParse("baz in (norf,qux)"),
			in:  &LabelSelector{MatchLabels: matchLabels, MatchExpressions: matchExpressions},
			out: mustParse("baz in (norf,qux),foo=bar"),
			in: &LabelSelector{
				MatchExpressions: []LabelSelectorRequirement{{
					Key:      "baz",
					Operator: LabelSelectorOpExists,
					Values:   []string{"qux", "norf"},
			expectErr: true,

	for i, tc := range tc {
		out, err := LabelSelectorAsSelector(tc.in)
		if err == nil && tc.expectErr {
			t.Errorf("[%v]expected error but got none.", i)
		if err != nil && !tc.expectErr {
			t.Errorf("[%v]did not expect error but got: %v", i, err)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(out, tc.out) {
			t.Errorf("[%v]expected:\n\t%+v\nbut got:\n\t%+v", i, tc.out, out)
コード例 #7
ファイル: top_node.go プロジェクト: kubernetes/kubernetes
func (o *TopNodeOptions) Validate() error {
	if len(o.ResourceName) > 0 && len(o.Selector) > 0 {
		return errors.New("only one of NAME or --selector can be provided")
	if len(o.Selector) > 0 {
		_, err := labels.Parse(o.Selector)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	return nil
コード例 #8
ファイル: evaluator.go プロジェクト: kubernetes/kubernetes
// ListResourceUsingInformerFunc returns a listing function based on the shared informer factory for the specified resource.
func ListResourceUsingInformerFunc(f informers.SharedInformerFactory, groupResource schema.GroupResource) ListFuncByNamespace {
	return func(namespace string, options v1.ListOptions) ([]runtime.Object, error) {
		labelSelector, err := labels.Parse(options.LabelSelector)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		informer, err := f.ForResource(groupResource)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return informer.Lister().ByNamespace(namespace).List(labelSelector)
コード例 #9
ファイル: sync.go プロジェクト: kubernetes/kubernetes
func (dc *DeploymentController) listPods(deployment *extensions.Deployment) (*v1.PodList, error) {
	return deploymentutil.ListPods(deployment,
		func(namespace string, options v1.ListOptions) (*v1.PodList, error) {
			parsed, err := labels.Parse(options.LabelSelector)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			pods, err := dc.podLister.Pods(namespace).List(parsed)
			result := v1.PodList{Items: make([]v1.Pod, 0, len(pods))}
			for i := range pods {
				result.Items = append(result.Items, *pods[i])
			return &result, err
コード例 #10
ファイル: builder.go プロジェクト: kubernetes/kubernetes
// SelectorParam defines a selector that should be applied to the object types to load.
// This will not affect files loaded from disk or URL. If the parameter is empty it is
// a no-op - to select all resources invoke `b.Selector(labels.Everything)`.
func (b *Builder) SelectorParam(s string) *Builder {
	selector, err := labels.Parse(s)
	if err != nil {
		b.errs = append(b.errs, fmt.Errorf("the provided selector %q is not valid: %v", s, err))
		return b
	if selector.Empty() {
		return b
	if b.selectAll {
		b.errs = append(b.errs, fmt.Errorf("found non empty selector %q with previously set 'all' parameter. ", s))
		return b
	return b.Selector(selector)
コード例 #11
ファイル: top_node.go プロジェクト: kubernetes/kubernetes
func (o TopNodeOptions) RunTopNode() error {
	var err error
	selector := labels.Everything()
	if len(o.Selector) > 0 {
		selector, err = labels.Parse(o.Selector)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	metrics, err := o.Client.GetNodeMetrics(o.ResourceName, selector)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if len(metrics) == 0 {
		return errors.New("metrics not available yet")

	var nodes []api.Node
	if len(o.ResourceName) > 0 {
		node, err := o.NodeClient.Nodes().Get(o.ResourceName, metav1.GetOptions{})
		if err != nil {
			return err
		nodes = append(nodes, *node)
	} else {
		nodeList, err := o.NodeClient.Nodes().List(api.ListOptions{
			LabelSelector: selector,
		if err != nil {
			return err
		nodes = append(nodes, nodeList.Items...)

	allocatable := make(map[string]api.ResourceList)

	for _, n := range nodes {
		allocatable[n.Name] = n.Status.Allocatable

	return o.Printer.PrintNodeMetrics(metrics, allocatable)
コード例 #12
ファイル: sync.go プロジェクト: kubernetes/kubernetes
// addHashKeyToRSAndPods adds pod-template-hash information to the given rs, if it's not already there, with the following steps:
// 1. Add hash label to the rs's pod template, and make sure the controller sees this update so that no orphaned pods will be created
// 2. Add hash label to all pods this rs owns, wait until replicaset controller reports rs.Status.FullyLabeledReplicas equal to the desired number of replicas
// 3. Add hash label to the rs's label and selector
func (dc *DeploymentController) addHashKeyToRSAndPods(rs *extensions.ReplicaSet) (*extensions.ReplicaSet, error) {
	// If the rs already has the new hash label in its selector, it's done syncing
	if labelsutil.SelectorHasLabel(rs.Spec.Selector, extensions.DefaultDeploymentUniqueLabelKey) {
		return rs, nil
	hash := deploymentutil.GetReplicaSetHash(rs)
	// 1. Add hash template label to the rs. This ensures that any newly created pods will have the new label.
	updatedRS, err := deploymentutil.UpdateRSWithRetries(dc.client.Extensions().ReplicaSets(rs.Namespace), dc.rsLister, rs.Namespace, rs.Name,
		func(updated *extensions.ReplicaSet) error {
			// Precondition: the RS doesn't contain the new hash in its pod template label.
			if updated.Spec.Template.Labels[extensions.DefaultDeploymentUniqueLabelKey] == hash {
				return utilerrors.ErrPreconditionViolated
			updated.Spec.Template.Labels = labelsutil.AddLabel(updated.Spec.Template.Labels, extensions.DefaultDeploymentUniqueLabelKey, hash)
			return nil
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error updating replica set %s/%s pod template label with template hash: %v", rs.Namespace, rs.Name, err)
	// Make sure rs pod template is updated so that it won't create pods without the new label (orphaned pods).
	if updatedRS.Generation > updatedRS.Status.ObservedGeneration {
		if err = deploymentutil.WaitForReplicaSetUpdated(dc.client, updatedRS.Generation, updatedRS.Namespace, updatedRS.Name); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("error waiting for replica set %s/%s to be observed by controller: %v", updatedRS.Namespace, updatedRS.Name, err)
		glog.V(4).Infof("Observed the update of replica set %s/%s's pod template with hash %s.", rs.Namespace, rs.Name, hash)

	// 2. Update all pods managed by the rs to have the new hash label, so they will be correctly adopted.
	selector, err := metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(updatedRS.Spec.Selector)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error in converting selector to label selector for replica set %s: %s", updatedRS.Name, err)
	options := v1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: selector.String()}
	parsed, err := labels.Parse(options.LabelSelector)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	pods, err := dc.podLister.Pods(updatedRS.Namespace).List(parsed)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error in getting pod list for namespace %s and list options %+v: %s", rs.Namespace, options, err)
	podList := v1.PodList{Items: make([]v1.Pod, 0, len(pods))}
	for i := range pods {
		podList.Items = append(podList.Items, *pods[i])
	if err := deploymentutil.LabelPodsWithHash(&podList, dc.client, dc.podLister, rs.Namespace, rs.Name, hash); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error in adding template hash label %s to pods %+v: %s", hash, podList, err)

	// We need to wait for the replicaset controller to observe the pods being
	// labeled with pod template hash. Because previously we've called
	// WaitForReplicaSetUpdated, the replicaset controller should have dropped
	// FullyLabeledReplicas to 0 already, we only need to wait it to increase
	// back to the number of replicas in the spec.
	if err := deploymentutil.WaitForPodsHashPopulated(dc.client, updatedRS.Generation, updatedRS.Namespace, updatedRS.Name); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Replica set %s/%s: error waiting for replicaset controller to observe pods being labeled with template hash: %v", updatedRS.Namespace, updatedRS.Name, err)

	// 3. Update rs label and selector to include the new hash label
	// Copy the old selector, so that we can scrub out any orphaned pods
	updatedRS, err = deploymentutil.UpdateRSWithRetries(dc.client.Extensions().ReplicaSets(rs.Namespace), dc.rsLister, rs.Namespace, rs.Name, func(updated *extensions.ReplicaSet) error {
		// Precondition: the RS doesn't contain the new hash in its label and selector.
		if updated.Labels[extensions.DefaultDeploymentUniqueLabelKey] == hash && updated.Spec.Selector.MatchLabels[extensions.DefaultDeploymentUniqueLabelKey] == hash {
			return utilerrors.ErrPreconditionViolated
		updated.Labels = labelsutil.AddLabel(updated.Labels, extensions.DefaultDeploymentUniqueLabelKey, hash)
		updated.Spec.Selector = labelsutil.AddLabelToSelector(updated.Spec.Selector, extensions.DefaultDeploymentUniqueLabelKey, hash)
		return nil
	// If the RS isn't actually updated, that's okay, we'll retry in the
	// next sync loop since its selector isn't updated yet.
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error updating ReplicaSet %s/%s label and selector with template hash: %v", updatedRS.Namespace, updatedRS.Name, err)

	// TODO: look for orphaned pods and label them in the background somewhere else periodically
	return updatedRS, nil
コード例 #13
ファイル: helpers_test.go プロジェクト: kubernetes/kubernetes
func TestNodeSelectorRequirementsAsSelector(t *testing.T) {
	matchExpressions := []NodeSelectorRequirement{{
		Key:      "foo",
		Operator: NodeSelectorOpIn,
		Values:   []string{"bar", "baz"},
	mustParse := func(s string) labels.Selector {
		out, e := labels.Parse(s)
		if e != nil {
		return out
	tc := []struct {
		in        []NodeSelectorRequirement
		out       labels.Selector
		expectErr bool
		{in: nil, out: labels.Nothing()},
		{in: []NodeSelectorRequirement{}, out: labels.Nothing()},
			in:  matchExpressions,
			out: mustParse("foo in (baz,bar)"),
			in: []NodeSelectorRequirement{{
				Key:      "foo",
				Operator: NodeSelectorOpExists,
				Values:   []string{"bar", "baz"},
			expectErr: true,
			in: []NodeSelectorRequirement{{
				Key:      "foo",
				Operator: NodeSelectorOpGt,
				Values:   []string{"1"},
			out: mustParse("foo>1"),
			in: []NodeSelectorRequirement{{
				Key:      "bar",
				Operator: NodeSelectorOpLt,
				Values:   []string{"7"},
			out: mustParse("bar<7"),

	for i, tc := range tc {
		out, err := NodeSelectorRequirementsAsSelector(tc.in)
		if err == nil && tc.expectErr {
			t.Errorf("[%v]expected error but got none.", i)
		if err != nil && !tc.expectErr {
			t.Errorf("[%v]did not expect error but got: %v", i, err)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(out, tc.out) {
			t.Errorf("[%v]expected:\n\t%+v\nbut got:\n\t%+v", i, tc.out, out)
コード例 #14
ファイル: apply.go プロジェクト: kubernetes/kubernetes
func RunApply(f cmdutil.Factory, cmd *cobra.Command, out, errOut io.Writer, options *ApplyOptions) error {
	schema, err := f.Validator(cmdutil.GetFlagBool(cmd, "validate"), cmdutil.GetFlagString(cmd, "schema-cache-dir"))
	if err != nil {
		return err

	cmdNamespace, enforceNamespace, err := f.DefaultNamespace()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if options.Prune {
		options.PruneResources, err = parsePruneResources(cmdutil.GetFlagStringArray(cmd, "prune-whitelist"))
		if err != nil {
			return err

	mapper, typer := f.Object()
	r := resource.NewBuilder(mapper, typer, resource.ClientMapperFunc(f.ClientForMapping), f.Decoder(true)).
		FilenameParam(enforceNamespace, &options.FilenameOptions).
	err = r.Err()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	dryRun := cmdutil.GetFlagBool(cmd, "dry-run")
	output := cmdutil.GetFlagString(cmd, "output")
	shortOutput := output == "name"

	encoder := f.JSONEncoder()
	decoder := f.Decoder(false)

	visitedUids := sets.NewString()
	visitedNamespaces := sets.NewString()

	count := 0
	err = r.Visit(func(info *resource.Info, err error) error {
		// In this method, info.Object contains the object retrieved from the server
		// and info.VersionedObject contains the object decoded from the input source.
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if info.Namespaced() {

		// Get the modified configuration of the object. Embed the result
		// as an annotation in the modified configuration, so that it will appear
		// in the patch sent to the server.
		modified, err := kubectl.GetModifiedConfiguration(info, true, encoder)
		if err != nil {
			return cmdutil.AddSourceToErr(fmt.Sprintf("retrieving modified configuration from:\n%v\nfor:", info), info.Source, err)

		if err := info.Get(); err != nil {
			if !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
				return cmdutil.AddSourceToErr(fmt.Sprintf("retrieving current configuration of:\n%v\nfrom server for:", info), info.Source, err)
			// Create the resource if it doesn't exist
			// First, update the annotation used by kubectl apply
			if err := kubectl.CreateApplyAnnotation(info, encoder); err != nil {
				return cmdutil.AddSourceToErr("creating", info.Source, err)

			if cmdutil.ShouldRecord(cmd, info) {
				if err := cmdutil.RecordChangeCause(info.Object, f.Command()); err != nil {
					return cmdutil.AddSourceToErr("creating", info.Source, err)

			if !dryRun {
				// Then create the resource and skip the three-way merge
				if err := createAndRefresh(info); err != nil {
					return cmdutil.AddSourceToErr("creating", info.Source, err)
				if uid, err := info.Mapping.UID(info.Object); err != nil {
					return err
				} else {

			if len(output) > 0 && !shortOutput {
				return cmdutil.PrintResourceInfoForCommand(cmd, info, f, out)
			cmdutil.PrintSuccess(mapper, shortOutput, out, info.Mapping.Resource, info.Name, dryRun, "created")
			return nil

		if !dryRun {
			annotationMap, err := info.Mapping.MetadataAccessor.Annotations(info.Object)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if _, ok := annotationMap[annotations.LastAppliedConfigAnnotation]; !ok {
				fmt.Fprintf(errOut, warningNoLastAppliedConfigAnnotation)
			overwrite := cmdutil.GetFlagBool(cmd, "overwrite")
			helper := resource.NewHelper(info.Client, info.Mapping)
			patcher := &patcher{
				encoder:       encoder,
				decoder:       decoder,
				mapping:       info.Mapping,
				helper:        helper,
				clientsetFunc: f.ClientSet,
				overwrite:     overwrite,
				backOff:       clockwork.NewRealClock(),
				force:         options.Force,
				cascade:       options.Cascade,
				timeout:       options.Timeout,
				gracePeriod:   options.GracePeriod,

			patchBytes, err := patcher.patch(info.Object, modified, info.Source, info.Namespace, info.Name)
			if err != nil {
				return cmdutil.AddSourceToErr(fmt.Sprintf("applying patch:\n%s\nto:\n%v\nfor:", patchBytes, info), info.Source, err)

			if cmdutil.ShouldRecord(cmd, info) {
				patch, err := cmdutil.ChangeResourcePatch(info, f.Command())
				if err != nil {
					return err
				_, err = helper.Patch(info.Namespace, info.Name, types.StrategicMergePatchType, patch)
				if err != nil {
					return cmdutil.AddSourceToErr(fmt.Sprintf("applying patch:\n%s\nto:\n%v\nfor:", patch, info), info.Source, err)

			if uid, err := info.Mapping.UID(info.Object); err != nil {
				return err
			} else {
		if len(output) > 0 && !shortOutput {
			return cmdutil.PrintResourceInfoForCommand(cmd, info, f, out)
		cmdutil.PrintSuccess(mapper, shortOutput, out, info.Mapping.Resource, info.Name, dryRun, "configured")
		return nil

	if err != nil {
		return err
	if count == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("no objects passed to apply")

	if !options.Prune {
		return nil

	selector, err := labels.Parse(options.Selector)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	p := pruner{
		mapper:        mapper,
		clientFunc:    f.ClientForMapping,
		clientsetFunc: f.ClientSet,

		selector:    selector,
		visitedUids: visitedUids,

		cascade:     options.Cascade,
		dryRun:      dryRun,
		gracePeriod: options.GracePeriod,

		out: out,

	namespacedRESTMappings, nonNamespacedRESTMappings, err := getRESTMappings(&(options.PruneResources))
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error retrieving RESTMappings to prune: %v", err)

	for n := range visitedNamespaces {
		for _, m := range namespacedRESTMappings {
			if err := p.prune(n, m, shortOutput); err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("error pruning namespaced object %v: %v", m.GroupVersionKind, err)
	for _, m := range nonNamespacedRESTMappings {
		if err := p.prune(api.NamespaceNone, m, shortOutput); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error pruning nonNamespaced object %v: %v", m.GroupVersionKind, err)

	return nil
コード例 #15
func TestSelectionPredicate(t *testing.T) {
	table := map[string]struct {
		labelSelector, fieldSelector string
		labels                       labels.Set
		fields                       fields.Set
		err                          error
		shouldMatch                  bool
		matchSingleKey               string
		"A": {
			labelSelector: "name=foo",
			fieldSelector: "uid=12345",
			labels:        labels.Set{"name": "foo"},
			fields:        fields.Set{"uid": "12345"},
			shouldMatch:   true,
		"B": {
			labelSelector: "name=foo",
			fieldSelector: "uid=12345",
			labels:        labels.Set{"name": "foo"},
			fields:        fields.Set{},
			shouldMatch:   false,
		"C": {
			labelSelector: "name=foo",
			fieldSelector: "uid=12345",
			labels:        labels.Set{},
			fields:        fields.Set{"uid": "12345"},
			shouldMatch:   false,
		"D": {
			fieldSelector:  "metadata.name=12345",
			labels:         labels.Set{},
			fields:         fields.Set{"metadata.name": "12345"},
			shouldMatch:    true,
			matchSingleKey: "12345",
		"error": {
			labelSelector: "name=foo",
			fieldSelector: "uid=12345",
			err:           errors.New("maybe this is a 'wrong object type' error"),
			shouldMatch:   false,

	for name, item := range table {
		parsedLabel, err := labels.Parse(item.labelSelector)
		if err != nil {
		parsedField, err := fields.ParseSelector(item.fieldSelector)
		if err != nil {
		sp := &SelectionPredicate{
			Label: parsedLabel,
			Field: parsedField,
			GetAttrs: func(runtime.Object) (label labels.Set, field fields.Set, err error) {
				return item.labels, item.fields, item.err
		got, err := sp.Matches(&Ignored{})
		if e, a := item.err, err; e != a {
			t.Errorf("%v: expected %v, got %v", name, e, a)
		if e, a := item.shouldMatch, got; e != a {
			t.Errorf("%v: expected %v, got %v", name, e, a)
		if key := item.matchSingleKey; key != "" {
			got, ok := sp.MatchesSingle()
			if !ok {
				t.Errorf("%v: expected single match", name)
			if e, a := key, got; e != a {
				t.Errorf("%v: expected %v, got %v", name, e, a)
コード例 #16
ファイル: fuzzer.go プロジェクト: kubernetes/kubernetes
// FuzzerFor can randomly populate api objects that are destined for version.
func FuzzerFor(t *testing.T, version schema.GroupVersion, src rand.Source) *fuzz.Fuzzer {
	f := fuzz.New().NilChance(.5).NumElements(0, 1)
	if src != nil {
		func(j *int, c fuzz.Continue) {
			*j = int(c.Int31())
		func(j **int, c fuzz.Continue) {
			if c.RandBool() {
				i := int(c.Int31())
				*j = &i
			} else {
				*j = nil
		func(q *resource.Quantity, c fuzz.Continue) {
			*q = *resource.NewQuantity(c.Int63n(1000), resource.DecimalExponent)
		func(j *runtime.TypeMeta, c fuzz.Continue) {
			// We have to customize the randomization of TypeMetas because their
			// APIVersion and Kind must remain blank in memory.
			j.APIVersion = ""
			j.Kind = ""
		func(j *metav1.TypeMeta, c fuzz.Continue) {
			// We have to customize the randomization of TypeMetas because their
			// APIVersion and Kind must remain blank in memory.
			j.APIVersion = ""
			j.Kind = ""
		func(j *metav1.ObjectMeta, c fuzz.Continue) {
			j.Name = c.RandString()
			j.ResourceVersion = strconv.FormatUint(c.RandUint64(), 10)
			j.SelfLink = c.RandString()
			j.UID = types.UID(c.RandString())
			j.GenerateName = c.RandString()

			var sec, nsec int64
			j.CreationTimestamp = metav1.Unix(sec, nsec).Rfc3339Copy()
		func(j *api.ObjectReference, c fuzz.Continue) {
			// We have to customize the randomization of TypeMetas because their
			// APIVersion and Kind must remain blank in memory.
			j.APIVersion = c.RandString()
			j.Kind = c.RandString()
			j.Namespace = c.RandString()
			j.Name = c.RandString()
			j.ResourceVersion = strconv.FormatUint(c.RandUint64(), 10)
			j.FieldPath = c.RandString()
		func(j *metav1.ListMeta, c fuzz.Continue) {
			j.ResourceVersion = strconv.FormatUint(c.RandUint64(), 10)
			j.SelfLink = c.RandString()
		func(j *api.ListOptions, c fuzz.Continue) {
			label, _ := labels.Parse("a=b")
			j.LabelSelector = label
			field, _ := fields.ParseSelector("a=b")
			j.FieldSelector = field
		func(j *api.PodExecOptions, c fuzz.Continue) {
			j.Stdout = true
			j.Stderr = true
		func(j *api.PodAttachOptions, c fuzz.Continue) {
			j.Stdout = true
			j.Stderr = true
		func(s *api.PodSpec, c fuzz.Continue) {
			// has a default value
			ttl := int64(30)
			if c.RandBool() {
				ttl = int64(c.Uint32())
			s.TerminationGracePeriodSeconds = &ttl


			if s.SecurityContext == nil {
				s.SecurityContext = new(api.PodSecurityContext)
			if s.Affinity == nil {
				s.Affinity = new(api.Affinity)
			if s.SchedulerName == "" {
				s.SchedulerName = api.DefaultSchedulerName
		func(j *api.PodPhase, c fuzz.Continue) {
			statuses := []api.PodPhase{api.PodPending, api.PodRunning, api.PodFailed, api.PodUnknown}
			*j = statuses[c.Rand.Intn(len(statuses))]
		func(j *api.Binding, c fuzz.Continue) {
			j.Target.Name = c.RandString()
		func(j *api.ReplicationControllerSpec, c fuzz.Continue) {
			c.FuzzNoCustom(j) // fuzz self without calling this function again
			//j.TemplateRef = nil // this is required for round trip
		func(j *extensions.DeploymentStrategy, c fuzz.Continue) {
			c.FuzzNoCustom(j) // fuzz self without calling this function again
			// Ensure that strategyType is one of valid values.
			strategyTypes := []extensions.DeploymentStrategyType{extensions.RecreateDeploymentStrategyType, extensions.RollingUpdateDeploymentStrategyType}
			j.Type = strategyTypes[c.Rand.Intn(len(strategyTypes))]
			if j.Type != extensions.RollingUpdateDeploymentStrategyType {
				j.RollingUpdate = nil
			} else {
				rollingUpdate := extensions.RollingUpdateDeployment{}
				if c.RandBool() {
					rollingUpdate.MaxUnavailable = intstr.FromInt(int(c.Rand.Int31()))
					rollingUpdate.MaxSurge = intstr.FromInt(int(c.Rand.Int31()))
				} else {
					rollingUpdate.MaxSurge = intstr.FromString(fmt.Sprintf("%d%%", c.Rand.Int31()))
				j.RollingUpdate = &rollingUpdate
		func(j *batch.JobSpec, c fuzz.Continue) {
			c.FuzzNoCustom(j) // fuzz self without calling this function again
			completions := int32(c.Rand.Int31())
			parallelism := int32(c.Rand.Int31())
			j.Completions = &completions
			j.Parallelism = &parallelism
			if c.Rand.Int31()%2 == 0 {
				j.ManualSelector = newBool(true)
			} else {
				j.ManualSelector = nil
		func(sj *batch.CronJobSpec, c fuzz.Continue) {
			suspend := c.RandBool()
			sj.Suspend = &suspend
			sds := int64(c.RandUint64())
			sj.StartingDeadlineSeconds = &sds
			sj.Schedule = c.RandString()
		func(cp *batch.ConcurrencyPolicy, c fuzz.Continue) {
			policies := []batch.ConcurrencyPolicy{batch.AllowConcurrent, batch.ForbidConcurrent, batch.ReplaceConcurrent}
			*cp = policies[c.Rand.Intn(len(policies))]
		func(j *api.List, c fuzz.Continue) {
			c.FuzzNoCustom(j) // fuzz self without calling this function again
			// TODO: uncomment when round trip starts from a versioned object
			if false { //j.Items == nil {
				j.Items = []runtime.Object{}
		func(j *runtime.Object, c fuzz.Continue) {
			// TODO: uncomment when round trip starts from a versioned object
			if true { //c.RandBool() {
				*j = &runtime.Unknown{
					// We do not set TypeMeta here because it is not carried through a round trip
					Raw:         []byte(`{"apiVersion":"unknown.group/unknown","kind":"Something","someKey":"someValue"}`),
					ContentType: runtime.ContentTypeJSON,
			} else {
				types := []runtime.Object{&api.Pod{}, &api.ReplicationController{}}
				t := types[c.Rand.Intn(len(types))]
				*j = t
		func(q *api.ResourceRequirements, c fuzz.Continue) {
			randomQuantity := func() resource.Quantity {
				var q resource.Quantity
				// precalc the string for benchmarking purposes
				_ = q.String()
				return q
			q.Limits = make(api.ResourceList)
			q.Requests = make(api.ResourceList)
			cpuLimit := randomQuantity()
			q.Limits[api.ResourceCPU] = *cpuLimit.Copy()
			q.Requests[api.ResourceCPU] = *cpuLimit.Copy()
			memoryLimit := randomQuantity()
			q.Limits[api.ResourceMemory] = *memoryLimit.Copy()
			q.Requests[api.ResourceMemory] = *memoryLimit.Copy()
			storageLimit := randomQuantity()
			q.Limits[api.ResourceStorage] = *storageLimit.Copy()
			q.Requests[api.ResourceStorage] = *storageLimit.Copy()
		func(q *api.LimitRangeItem, c fuzz.Continue) {
			var cpuLimit resource.Quantity

			q.Type = api.LimitTypeContainer
			q.Default = make(api.ResourceList)
			q.Default[api.ResourceCPU] = *(cpuLimit.Copy())

			q.DefaultRequest = make(api.ResourceList)
			q.DefaultRequest[api.ResourceCPU] = *(cpuLimit.Copy())

			q.Max = make(api.ResourceList)
			q.Max[api.ResourceCPU] = *(cpuLimit.Copy())

			q.Min = make(api.ResourceList)
			q.Min[api.ResourceCPU] = *(cpuLimit.Copy())

			q.MaxLimitRequestRatio = make(api.ResourceList)
			q.MaxLimitRequestRatio[api.ResourceCPU] = resource.MustParse("10")
		func(p *api.PullPolicy, c fuzz.Continue) {
			policies := []api.PullPolicy{api.PullAlways, api.PullNever, api.PullIfNotPresent}
			*p = policies[c.Rand.Intn(len(policies))]
		func(rp *api.RestartPolicy, c fuzz.Continue) {
			policies := []api.RestartPolicy{api.RestartPolicyAlways, api.RestartPolicyNever, api.RestartPolicyOnFailure}
			*rp = policies[c.Rand.Intn(len(policies))]
		// api.DownwardAPIVolumeFile needs to have a specific func since FieldRef has to be
		// defaulted to a version otherwise roundtrip will fail
		func(m *api.DownwardAPIVolumeFile, c fuzz.Continue) {
			m.Path = c.RandString()
			versions := []string{"v1"}
			m.FieldRef = &api.ObjectFieldSelector{}
			m.FieldRef.APIVersion = versions[c.Rand.Intn(len(versions))]
			m.FieldRef.FieldPath = c.RandString()
			if m.Mode != nil {
				*m.Mode &= 0777
		func(s *api.SecretVolumeSource, c fuzz.Continue) {
			c.FuzzNoCustom(s) // fuzz self without calling this function again

			// DefaultMode should always be set, it has a default
			// value and it is expected to be between 0 and 0777
			var mode int32
			mode &= 0777
			s.DefaultMode = &mode
		func(cm *api.ConfigMapVolumeSource, c fuzz.Continue) {
			c.FuzzNoCustom(cm) // fuzz self without calling this function again

			// DefaultMode should always be set, it has a default
			// value and it is expected to be between 0 and 0777
			var mode int32
			mode &= 0777
			cm.DefaultMode = &mode
		func(d *api.DownwardAPIVolumeSource, c fuzz.Continue) {
			c.FuzzNoCustom(d) // fuzz self without calling this function again

			// DefaultMode should always be set, it has a default
			// value and it is expected to be between 0 and 0777
			var mode int32
			mode &= 0777
			d.DefaultMode = &mode
		func(k *api.KeyToPath, c fuzz.Continue) {
			c.FuzzNoCustom(k) // fuzz self without calling this function again
			k.Key = c.RandString()
			k.Path = c.RandString()

			// Mode is not mandatory, but if it is set, it should be
			// a value between 0 and 0777
			if k.Mode != nil {
				*k.Mode &= 0777
		func(vs *api.VolumeSource, c fuzz.Continue) {
			// Exactly one of the fields must be set.
			v := reflect.ValueOf(vs).Elem()
			i := int(c.RandUint64() % uint64(v.NumField()))
			t := v.Field(i).Addr()
			for v.Field(i).IsNil() {
		func(i *api.ISCSIVolumeSource, c fuzz.Continue) {
			i.ISCSIInterface = c.RandString()
			if i.ISCSIInterface == "" {
				i.ISCSIInterface = "default"
		func(d *api.DNSPolicy, c fuzz.Continue) {
			policies := []api.DNSPolicy{api.DNSClusterFirst, api.DNSDefault}
			*d = policies[c.Rand.Intn(len(policies))]
		func(p *api.Protocol, c fuzz.Continue) {
			protocols := []api.Protocol{api.ProtocolTCP, api.ProtocolUDP}
			*p = protocols[c.Rand.Intn(len(protocols))]
		func(p *api.ServiceAffinity, c fuzz.Continue) {
			types := []api.ServiceAffinity{api.ServiceAffinityClientIP, api.ServiceAffinityNone}
			*p = types[c.Rand.Intn(len(types))]
		func(p *api.ServiceType, c fuzz.Continue) {
			types := []api.ServiceType{api.ServiceTypeClusterIP, api.ServiceTypeNodePort, api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer}
			*p = types[c.Rand.Intn(len(types))]
		func(ct *api.Container, c fuzz.Continue) {
			c.FuzzNoCustom(ct)                                          // fuzz self without calling this function again
			ct.TerminationMessagePath = "/" + ct.TerminationMessagePath // Must be non-empty
		func(p *api.Probe, c fuzz.Continue) {
			// These fields have default values.
			intFieldsWithDefaults := [...]string{"TimeoutSeconds", "PeriodSeconds", "SuccessThreshold", "FailureThreshold"}
			v := reflect.ValueOf(p).Elem()
			for _, field := range intFieldsWithDefaults {
				f := v.FieldByName(field)
				if f.Int() == 0 {
		func(ev *api.EnvVar, c fuzz.Continue) {
			ev.Name = c.RandString()
			if c.RandBool() {
				ev.Value = c.RandString()
			} else {
				ev.ValueFrom = &api.EnvVarSource{}
				ev.ValueFrom.FieldRef = &api.ObjectFieldSelector{}

				var versions []schema.GroupVersion
				for _, testGroup := range testapi.Groups {
					versions = append(versions, *testGroup.GroupVersion())

				ev.ValueFrom.FieldRef.APIVersion = versions[c.Rand.Intn(len(versions))].String()
				ev.ValueFrom.FieldRef.FieldPath = c.RandString()
		func(ev *api.EnvFromSource, c fuzz.Continue) {
			if c.RandBool() {
				ev.Prefix = "p_"
			if c.RandBool() {
			} else {
		func(cm *api.ConfigMapEnvSource, c fuzz.Continue) {
			c.FuzzNoCustom(cm) // fuzz self without calling this function again
		func(s *api.SecretEnvSource, c fuzz.Continue) {
			c.FuzzNoCustom(s) // fuzz self without calling this function again
		func(sc *api.SecurityContext, c fuzz.Continue) {
			c.FuzzNoCustom(sc) // fuzz self without calling this function again
			if c.RandBool() {
				priv := c.RandBool()
				sc.Privileged = &priv

			if c.RandBool() {
				sc.Capabilities = &api.Capabilities{
					Add:  make([]api.Capability, 0),
					Drop: make([]api.Capability, 0),
		func(s *api.Secret, c fuzz.Continue) {
			c.FuzzNoCustom(s) // fuzz self without calling this function again
			s.Type = api.SecretTypeOpaque
		func(r *api.RBDVolumeSource, c fuzz.Continue) {
			r.RBDPool = c.RandString()
			if r.RBDPool == "" {
				r.RBDPool = "rbd"
			r.RadosUser = c.RandString()
			if r.RadosUser == "" {
				r.RadosUser = "******"
			r.Keyring = c.RandString()
			if r.Keyring == "" {
				r.Keyring = "/etc/ceph/keyring"
		func(pv *api.PersistentVolume, c fuzz.Continue) {
			c.FuzzNoCustom(pv) // fuzz self without calling this function again
			types := []api.PersistentVolumePhase{api.VolumeAvailable, api.VolumePending, api.VolumeBound, api.VolumeReleased, api.VolumeFailed}
			pv.Status.Phase = types[c.Rand.Intn(len(types))]
			pv.Status.Message = c.RandString()
			reclamationPolicies := []api.PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy{api.PersistentVolumeReclaimRecycle, api.PersistentVolumeReclaimRetain}
			pv.Spec.PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy = reclamationPolicies[c.Rand.Intn(len(reclamationPolicies))]
		func(pvc *api.PersistentVolumeClaim, c fuzz.Continue) {
			c.FuzzNoCustom(pvc) // fuzz self without calling this function again
			types := []api.PersistentVolumeClaimPhase{api.ClaimBound, api.ClaimPending, api.ClaimLost}
			pvc.Status.Phase = types[c.Rand.Intn(len(types))]
		func(obj *api.AzureDiskVolumeSource, c fuzz.Continue) {
			if obj.CachingMode == nil {
				obj.CachingMode = new(api.AzureDataDiskCachingMode)
				*obj.CachingMode = api.AzureDataDiskCachingNone
			if obj.FSType == nil {
				obj.FSType = new(string)
				*obj.FSType = "ext4"
			if obj.ReadOnly == nil {
				obj.ReadOnly = new(bool)
				*obj.ReadOnly = false
		func(s *api.NamespaceSpec, c fuzz.Continue) {
			s.Finalizers = []api.FinalizerName{api.FinalizerKubernetes}
		func(s *api.NamespaceStatus, c fuzz.Continue) {
			s.Phase = api.NamespaceActive
		func(http *api.HTTPGetAction, c fuzz.Continue) {
			c.FuzzNoCustom(http)            // fuzz self without calling this function again
			http.Path = "/" + http.Path     // can't be blank
			http.Scheme = "x" + http.Scheme // can't be blank
		func(ss *api.ServiceSpec, c fuzz.Continue) {
			c.FuzzNoCustom(ss) // fuzz self without calling this function again
			if len(ss.Ports) == 0 {
				// There must be at least 1 port.
				ss.Ports = append(ss.Ports, api.ServicePort{})
			for i := range ss.Ports {
				switch ss.Ports[i].TargetPort.Type {
				case intstr.Int:
					ss.Ports[i].TargetPort.IntVal = 1 + ss.Ports[i].TargetPort.IntVal%65535 // non-zero
				case intstr.String:
					ss.Ports[i].TargetPort.StrVal = "x" + ss.Ports[i].TargetPort.StrVal // non-empty
		func(n *api.Node, c fuzz.Continue) {
			n.Spec.ExternalID = "external"
		func(s *api.NodeStatus, c fuzz.Continue) {
			s.Allocatable = s.Capacity
		func(s *autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscalerSpec, c fuzz.Continue) {
			c.FuzzNoCustom(s) // fuzz self without calling this function again
			minReplicas := int32(c.Rand.Int31())
			s.MinReplicas = &minReplicas
			targetCpu := int32(c.RandUint64())
			s.TargetCPUUtilizationPercentage = &targetCpu
		func(psp *extensions.PodSecurityPolicySpec, c fuzz.Continue) {
			c.FuzzNoCustom(psp) // fuzz self without calling this function again
			runAsUserRules := []extensions.RunAsUserStrategy{extensions.RunAsUserStrategyMustRunAsNonRoot, extensions.RunAsUserStrategyMustRunAs, extensions.RunAsUserStrategyRunAsAny}
			psp.RunAsUser.Rule = runAsUserRules[c.Rand.Intn(len(runAsUserRules))]
			seLinuxRules := []extensions.SELinuxStrategy{extensions.SELinuxStrategyRunAsAny, extensions.SELinuxStrategyMustRunAs}
			psp.SELinux.Rule = seLinuxRules[c.Rand.Intn(len(seLinuxRules))]
		func(s *extensions.Scale, c fuzz.Continue) {
			c.FuzzNoCustom(s) // fuzz self without calling this function again
			// TODO: Implement a fuzzer to generate valid keys, values and operators for
			// selector requirements.
			if s.Status.Selector != nil {
				s.Status.Selector = &metav1.LabelSelector{
					MatchLabels: map[string]string{
						"testlabelkey": "testlabelval",
					MatchExpressions: []metav1.LabelSelectorRequirement{
							Key:      "testkey",
							Operator: metav1.LabelSelectorOpIn,
							Values:   []string{"val1", "val2", "val3"},
		func(r *rbac.RoleRef, c fuzz.Continue) {
			c.FuzzNoCustom(r) // fuzz self without calling this function again

			// match defaulter
			if len(r.APIGroup) == 0 {
				r.APIGroup = rbac.GroupName
		func(r *runtime.RawExtension, c fuzz.Continue) {
			// Pick an arbitrary type and fuzz it
			types := []runtime.Object{&api.Pod{}, &extensions.Deployment{}, &api.Service{}}
			obj := types[c.Rand.Intn(len(types))]

			// Find a codec for converting the object to raw bytes.  This is necessary for the
			// api version and kind to be correctly set be serialization.
			var codec runtime.Codec
			switch obj.(type) {
			case *api.Pod:
				codec = testapi.Default.Codec()
			case *extensions.Deployment:
				codec = testapi.Extensions.Codec()
			case *api.Service:
				codec = testapi.Default.Codec()
				t.Errorf("Failed to find codec for object type: %T", obj)

			// Convert the object to raw bytes
			bytes, err := runtime.Encode(codec, obj)
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("Failed to encode object: %v", err)

			// Set the bytes field on the RawExtension
			r.Raw = bytes
		func(obj *kubeadm.MasterConfiguration, c fuzz.Continue) {
			obj.KubernetesVersion = "v10"
			obj.API.Port = 20
			obj.Networking.ServiceSubnet = "foo"
			obj.Networking.DNSDomain = "foo"
			obj.AuthorizationMode = "foo"
			obj.Discovery.Token = &kubeadm.TokenDiscovery{}
		func(s *policy.PodDisruptionBudgetStatus, c fuzz.Continue) {
			c.FuzzNoCustom(s) // fuzz self without calling this function again
			s.PodDisruptionsAllowed = int32(c.Rand.Intn(2))
		func(obj *certificates.CertificateSigningRequestSpec, c fuzz.Continue) {
			c.FuzzNoCustom(obj) // fuzz self without calling this function again
			obj.Usages = []certificates.KeyUsage{certificates.UsageKeyEncipherment}
	return f