コード例 #1
// clusterSyncLoop observes running clusters changes, and apply all services to new added cluster
// and add dns records for the changes
func (s *ServiceController) clusterSyncLoop() {
	var servicesToUpdate []*cachedService
	// should we remove cache for cluster from ready to not ready? should remove the condition predicate if no
	clusters, err := s.clusterStore.ClusterCondition(getClusterConditionPredicate()).List()
	if err != nil {
		glog.Infof("Fail to get cluster list")
	newClusters := clustersFromList(&clusters)
	var newSet, increase sets.String
	newSet = sets.NewString(newClusters...)
	if newSet.Equal(s.knownClusterSet) {
		// The set of cluster names in the services in the federation hasn't changed, but we can retry
		// updating any services that we failed to update last time around.
		servicesToUpdate = s.updateDNSRecords(servicesToUpdate, newClusters)
	glog.Infof("Detected change in list of cluster names. New  set: %v, Old set: %v", newSet, s.knownClusterSet)
	increase = newSet.Difference(s.knownClusterSet)
	// do nothing when cluster is removed.
	if increase != nil {
		// Try updating all services, and save the ones that fail to try again next
		// round.
		servicesToUpdate = s.serviceCache.allServices()
		numServices := len(servicesToUpdate)
		for newCluster := range increase {
			glog.Infof("New cluster observed %s", newCluster)
			s.updateAllServicesToCluster(servicesToUpdate, newCluster)
		servicesToUpdate = s.updateDNSRecords(servicesToUpdate, newClusters)
		glog.Infof("Successfully updated %d out of %d DNS records to direct traffic to the updated cluster",
			numServices-len(servicesToUpdate), numServices)
	s.knownClusterSet = newSet
コード例 #2
ファイル: pods.go プロジェクト: kubernetes/kubernetes
// enforcePodContainerConstraints checks for required resources that are not set on this container and
// adds them to missingSet.
func enforcePodContainerConstraints(container *api.Container, requiredSet, missingSet sets.String) {
	requests := container.Resources.Requests
	limits := container.Resources.Limits
	containerUsage := podUsageHelper(requests, limits)
	containerSet := quota.ToSet(quota.ResourceNames(containerUsage))
	if !containerSet.Equal(requiredSet) {
		difference := requiredSet.Difference(containerSet)
コード例 #3
// DialFromContainers executes a curl via kubectl exec in a test container,
// which might then translate to a tcp or udp request based on the protocol
// argument in the url.
// - minTries is the minimum number of curl attempts required before declaring
//   success. Set to 0 if you'd like to return as soon as all endpoints respond
//   at least once.
// - maxTries is the maximum number of curl attempts. If this many attempts pass
//   and we don't see all expected endpoints, the test fails.
// - expectedEps is the set of endpointnames to wait for. Typically this is also
//   the hostname reported by each pod in the service through /hostName.
// maxTries == minTries will confirm that we see the expected endpoints and no
// more for maxTries. Use this if you want to eg: fail a readiness check on a
// pod and confirm it doesn't show up as an endpoint.
func (config *NetworkingTestConfig) DialFromContainer(protocol, containerIP, targetIP string, containerHttpPort, targetPort, maxTries, minTries int, expectedEps sets.String) {
	cmd := fmt.Sprintf("curl -q -s 'http://%s:%d/dial?request=hostName&protocol=%s&host=%s&port=%d&tries=1'",

	eps := sets.NewString()

	for i := 0; i < maxTries; i++ {
		stdout, stderr, err := config.f.ExecShellInPodWithFullOutput(config.HostTestContainerPod.Name, cmd)
		if err != nil {
			// A failure to kubectl exec counts as a try, not a hard fail.
			// Also note that we will keep failing for maxTries in tests where
			// we confirm unreachability.
			Logf("Failed to execute %q: %v, stdout: %q, stderr %q", cmd, err, stdout, stderr)
		} else {
			var output map[string][]string
			if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(stdout), &output); err != nil {
				Logf("WARNING: Failed to unmarshal curl response. Cmd %v run in %v, output: %s, err: %v",
					cmd, config.HostTestContainerPod.Name, stdout, err)

			for _, hostName := range output["responses"] {
				trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(hostName)
				if trimmed != "" {
		Logf("Waiting for endpoints: %v", expectedEps.Difference(eps))

		// Check against i+1 so we exit if minTries == maxTries.
		if (eps.Equal(expectedEps) || eps.Len() == 0 && expectedEps.Len() == 0) && i+1 >= minTries {
		// TODO: get rid of this delay #36281

	Failf("Failed to find expected endpoints:\nTries %d\nCommand %v\nretrieved %v\nexpected %v\n", minTries, cmd, eps, expectedEps)
コード例 #4
// DialFromNode executes a tcp or udp request based on protocol via kubectl exec
// in a test container running with host networking.
// - minTries is the minimum number of curl attempts required before declaring
//   success. Set to 0 if you'd like to return as soon as all endpoints respond
//   at least once.
// - maxTries is the maximum number of curl attempts. If this many attempts pass
//   and we don't see all expected endpoints, the test fails.
// maxTries == minTries will confirm that we see the expected endpoints and no
// more for maxTries. Use this if you want to eg: fail a readiness check on a
// pod and confirm it doesn't show up as an endpoint.
func (config *NetworkingTestConfig) DialFromNode(protocol, targetIP string, targetPort, maxTries, minTries int, expectedEps sets.String) {
	var cmd string
	if protocol == "udp" {
		// TODO: It would be enough to pass 1s+epsilon to timeout, but unfortunately
		// busybox timeout doesn't support non-integer values.
		cmd = fmt.Sprintf("echo 'hostName' | timeout -t 2 nc -w 1 -u %s %d", targetIP, targetPort)
	} else {
		cmd = fmt.Sprintf("timeout -t 15 curl -q -s --connect-timeout 1 http://%s:%d/hostName", targetIP, targetPort)

	// TODO: This simply tells us that we can reach the endpoints. Check that
	// the probability of hitting a specific endpoint is roughly the same as
	// hitting any other.
	eps := sets.NewString()

	filterCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s | grep -v '^\\s*$'", cmd)
	for i := 0; i < maxTries; i++ {
		stdout, stderr, err := config.f.ExecShellInPodWithFullOutput(config.HostTestContainerPod.Name, filterCmd)
		if err != nil || len(stderr) > 0 {
			// A failure to exec command counts as a try, not a hard fail.
			// Also note that we will keep failing for maxTries in tests where
			// we confirm unreachability.
			Logf("Failed to execute %q: %v, stdout: %q, stderr: %q", filterCmd, err, stdout, stderr)
		} else {
			trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(stdout)
			if trimmed != "" {
		Logf("Waiting for %+v endpoints, got endpoints %+v", expectedEps.Difference(eps), eps)

		// Check against i+1 so we exit if minTries == maxTries.
		if (eps.Equal(expectedEps) || eps.Len() == 0 && expectedEps.Len() == 0) && i+1 >= minTries {
		// TODO: get rid of this delay #36281

	Failf("Failed to find expected endpoints:\nTries %d\nCommand %v\nretrieved %v\nexpected %v\n", minTries, cmd, eps, expectedEps)
コード例 #5
func TestHitNodesFromOutsideWithCount(externalIP string, httpPort int32, timeout time.Duration, expectedHosts sets.String,
	countToSucceed int) error {
	Logf("Waiting up to %v for satisfying expectedHosts for %v times", timeout, countToSucceed)
	hittedHosts := sets.NewString()
	count := 0
	condition := func() (bool, error) {
		var respBody bytes.Buffer
		reached, err := TestReachableHTTPWithContentTimeout(externalIP, int(httpPort), "/hostname", "", &respBody,
		if err != nil || !reached {
			return false, nil
		hittedHost := strings.TrimSpace(respBody.String())
		if !expectedHosts.Has(hittedHost) {
			Logf("Error hitting unexpected host: %v, reset counter: %v", hittedHost, count)
			count = 0
			return false, nil
		if !hittedHosts.Has(hittedHost) {
			Logf("Missing %+v, got %+v", expectedHosts.Difference(hittedHosts), hittedHosts)
		if hittedHosts.Equal(expectedHosts) {
			if count >= countToSucceed {
				return true, nil
		return false, nil

	if err := wait.Poll(time.Second, timeout, condition); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error waiting for expectedHosts: %v, hittedHosts: %v, count: %v, expected count: %v",
			expectedHosts, hittedHosts, count, countToSucceed)
	return nil