func newK8sClient(conf utils.NetConf, logger *log.Entry) (*kubernetes.Clientset, error) { // Some config can be passed in a kubeconfig file kubeconfig := conf.Kubernetes.Kubeconfig // Config can be overridden by config passed in explicitly in the network config. configOverrides := &clientcmd.ConfigOverrides{} // If an API root is given, make sure we're using using the name / port rather than // the full URL. Earlier versions of the config required the full `/api/v1/` extension, // so split that off to ensure compatibility. conf.Policy.K8sAPIRoot = strings.Split(conf.Policy.K8sAPIRoot, "/api/")[0] var overridesMap = []struct { variable *string value string }{ {&configOverrides.ClusterInfo.Server, conf.Policy.K8sAPIRoot}, {&configOverrides.AuthInfo.ClientCertificate, conf.Policy.K8sClientCertificate}, {&configOverrides.AuthInfo.ClientKey, conf.Policy.K8sClientKey}, {&configOverrides.ClusterInfo.CertificateAuthority, conf.Policy.K8sCertificateAuthority}, {&configOverrides.AuthInfo.Token, conf.Policy.K8sAuthToken}, } // Using the override map above, populate any non-empty values. for _, override := range overridesMap { if override.value != "" { *override.variable = override.value } } // Also allow the K8sAPIRoot to appear under the "kubernetes" block in the network config. if conf.Kubernetes.K8sAPIRoot != "" { configOverrides.ClusterInfo.Server = conf.Kubernetes.K8sAPIRoot } // Use the kubernetes client code to load the kubeconfig file and combine it with the overrides. config, err := clientcmd.NewNonInteractiveDeferredLoadingClientConfig( &clientcmd.ClientConfigLoadingRules{ExplicitPath: kubeconfig}, configOverrides).ClientConfig() if err != nil { return nil, err } logger.Debugf("Kubernetes config %v", config) // Create the clientset return kubernetes.NewForConfig(config) }
// Delete all K8s pods from the "test" namespace func WipeK8sPods() { config, err := clientcmd.DefaultClientConfig.ClientConfig() if err != nil { panic(err) } clientset, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(config) if err != nil { panic(err) } pods, err := clientset.Pods(K8S_TEST_NS).List(v1.ListOptions{}) if err != nil { panic(err) } for _, pod := range pods.Items { err = clientset.Pods(K8S_TEST_NS).Delete(pod.Name, &v1.DeleteOptions{}) if err != nil { panic(err) } } }
// BeforeEach gets a client and makes a namespace. func (f *Framework) BeforeEach() { // The fact that we need this feels like a bug in ginkgo. // f.cleanupHandle = AddCleanupAction(f.AfterEach) if f.ClientSet == nil { By("Creating a kubernetes client") config, err := LoadConfig() Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) config.QPS = f.options.ClientQPS config.Burst = f.options.ClientBurst if f.options.GroupVersion != nil { config.GroupVersion = f.options.GroupVersion } if TestContext.KubeAPIContentType != "" { config.ContentType = TestContext.KubeAPIContentType } f.ClientSet, err = internalclientset.NewForConfig(config) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) f.ClientSet_1_5, err = release_1_5.NewForConfig(config) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) clientRepoConfig := getClientRepoConfig(config) f.StagingClient, err = staging.NewForConfig(clientRepoConfig) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) f.ClientPool = dynamic.NewClientPool(config, registered.RESTMapper(), dynamic.LegacyAPIPathResolverFunc) } if f.federated { if f.FederationClientset_1_5 == nil { By("Creating a release 1.4 federation Clientset") var err error f.FederationClientset_1_5, err = LoadFederationClientset_1_5() Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) } By("Waiting for federation-apiserver to be ready") err := WaitForFederationApiserverReady(f.FederationClientset_1_5) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) By("federation-apiserver is ready") By("Creating a federation namespace") ns, err := f.createFederationNamespace(f.BaseName) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) f.FederationNamespace = ns By(fmt.Sprintf("Created federation namespace %s", ns.Name)) } By("Building a namespace api object") namespace, err := f.CreateNamespace(f.BaseName, map[string]string{ "e2e-framework": f.BaseName, }) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) f.Namespace = namespace if TestContext.VerifyServiceAccount { By("Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace") err = WaitForDefaultServiceAccountInNamespace(f.ClientSet, namespace.Name) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) } else { Logf("Skipping waiting for service account") } if TestContext.GatherKubeSystemResourceUsageData != "false" && TestContext.GatherKubeSystemResourceUsageData != "none" { f.gatherer, err = NewResourceUsageGatherer(f.ClientSet, ResourceGathererOptions{ inKubemark: ProviderIs("kubemark"), masterOnly: TestContext.GatherKubeSystemResourceUsageData == "master", }) if err != nil { Logf("Error while creating NewResourceUsageGatherer: %v", err) } else { go f.gatherer.startGatheringData() } } if TestContext.GatherLogsSizes { f.logsSizeWaitGroup = sync.WaitGroup{} f.logsSizeWaitGroup.Add(1) f.logsSizeCloseChannel = make(chan bool) f.logsSizeVerifier = NewLogsVerifier(f.ClientSet, f.logsSizeCloseChannel) go func() { f.logsSizeVerifier.Run() f.logsSizeWaitGroup.Done() }() } }
func run(s *options.KubeletServer, kubeDeps *kubelet.KubeletDeps) (err error) { // TODO: this should be replaced by a --standalone flag standaloneMode := (len(s.APIServerList) == 0 && !s.RequireKubeConfig) if s.ExitOnLockContention && s.LockFilePath == "" { return errors.New("cannot exit on lock file contention: no lock file specified") } done := make(chan struct{}) if s.LockFilePath != "" { glog.Infof("acquiring file lock on %q", s.LockFilePath) if err := flock.Acquire(s.LockFilePath); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to acquire file lock on %q: %v", s.LockFilePath, err) } if s.ExitOnLockContention { glog.Infof("watching for inotify events for: %v", s.LockFilePath) if err := watchForLockfileContention(s.LockFilePath, done); err != nil { return err } } } // Set feature gates based on the value in KubeletConfiguration err = utilconfig.DefaultFeatureGate.Set(s.KubeletConfiguration.FeatureGates) if err != nil { return err } // Register current configuration with /configz endpoint cfgz, cfgzErr := initConfigz(&s.KubeletConfiguration) if utilconfig.DefaultFeatureGate.DynamicKubeletConfig() { // Look for config on the API server. If it exists, replace s.KubeletConfiguration // with it and continue. initKubeletConfigSync also starts the background thread that checks for new config. // Don't do dynamic Kubelet configuration in runonce mode if s.RunOnce == false { remoteKC, err := initKubeletConfigSync(s) if err == nil { // Update s (KubeletServer) with new config from API server s.KubeletConfiguration = *remoteKC // Ensure that /configz is up to date with the new config if cfgzErr != nil { glog.Errorf("was unable to register configz before due to %s, will not be able to set now", cfgzErr) } else { setConfigz(cfgz, &s.KubeletConfiguration) } // Update feature gates from the new config err = utilconfig.DefaultFeatureGate.Set(s.KubeletConfiguration.FeatureGates) if err != nil { return err } } else { glog.Errorf("failed to init dynamic Kubelet configuration sync: %v", err) } } } if kubeDeps == nil { var kubeClient, eventClient *clientset.Clientset var externalKubeClient clientgoclientset.Interface var cloud cloudprovider.Interface if s.CloudProvider != componentconfigv1alpha1.AutoDetectCloudProvider { cloud, err = cloudprovider.InitCloudProvider(s.CloudProvider, s.CloudConfigFile) if err != nil { return err } if cloud == nil { glog.V(2).Infof("No cloud provider specified: %q from the config file: %q\n", s.CloudProvider, s.CloudConfigFile) } else { glog.V(2).Infof("Successfully initialized cloud provider: %q from the config file: %q\n", s.CloudProvider, s.CloudConfigFile) } } if s.BootstrapKubeconfig != "" { nodeName, err := getNodeName(cloud, nodeutil.GetHostname(s.HostnameOverride)) if err != nil { return err } if err := bootstrapClientCert(s.KubeConfig.Value(), s.BootstrapKubeconfig, s.CertDirectory, nodeName); err != nil { return err } } clientConfig, err := CreateAPIServerClientConfig(s) if err == nil { kubeClient, err = clientset.NewForConfig(clientConfig) if err != nil { glog.Warningf("New kubeClient from clientConfig error: %v", err) } // make a separate client for events eventClientConfig := *clientConfig eventClientConfig.QPS = float32(s.EventRecordQPS) eventClientConfig.Burst = int(s.EventBurst) eventClient, err = clientset.NewForConfig(&eventClientConfig) if err != nil { glog.Warningf("Failed to create API Server client: %v", err) } } else { if s.RequireKubeConfig { return fmt.Errorf("invalid kubeconfig: %v", err) } if standaloneMode { glog.Warningf("No API client: %v", err) } } // client-go and kuberenetes generated clients are incompatible because the runtime // and runtime/serializer types have been duplicated in client-go. This means that // you can't reasonably convert from one to the other and its impossible for a single // type to fulfill both interfaces. Because of that, we have to build the clients // up from scratch twice. // TODO eventually the kubelet should only use the client-go library clientGoConfig, err := createAPIServerClientGoConfig(s) if err == nil { externalKubeClient, err = clientgoclientset.NewForConfig(clientGoConfig) if err != nil { glog.Warningf("New kubeClient from clientConfig error: %v", err) } } else { if s.RequireKubeConfig { return fmt.Errorf("invalid kubeconfig: %v", err) } if standaloneMode { glog.Warningf("No API client: %v", err) } } kubeDeps, err = UnsecuredKubeletDeps(s) if err != nil { return err } kubeDeps.Cloud = cloud kubeDeps.KubeClient = kubeClient kubeDeps.ExternalKubeClient = externalKubeClient kubeDeps.EventClient = eventClient } if kubeDeps.Auth == nil { nodeName, err := getNodeName(kubeDeps.Cloud, nodeutil.GetHostname(s.HostnameOverride)) if err != nil { return err } auth, err := buildAuth(nodeName, kubeDeps.ExternalKubeClient, s.KubeletConfiguration) if err != nil { return err } kubeDeps.Auth = auth } if kubeDeps.CAdvisorInterface == nil { kubeDeps.CAdvisorInterface, err = cadvisor.New(uint(s.CAdvisorPort), s.ContainerRuntime, s.RootDirectory) if err != nil { return err } } if kubeDeps.ContainerManager == nil { if s.SystemCgroups != "" && s.CgroupRoot == "" { return fmt.Errorf("invalid configuration: system container was specified and cgroup root was not specified") } kubeDeps.ContainerManager, err = cm.NewContainerManager( kubeDeps.Mounter, kubeDeps.CAdvisorInterface, cm.NodeConfig{ RuntimeCgroupsName: s.RuntimeCgroups, SystemCgroupsName: s.SystemCgroups, KubeletCgroupsName: s.KubeletCgroups, ContainerRuntime: s.ContainerRuntime, CgroupsPerQOS: s.ExperimentalCgroupsPerQOS, CgroupRoot: s.CgroupRoot, CgroupDriver: s.CgroupDriver, ProtectKernelDefaults: s.ProtectKernelDefaults, EnableCRI: s.EnableCRI, }, s.ExperimentalFailSwapOn) if err != nil { return err } } if err := checkPermissions(); err != nil { glog.Error(err) } utilruntime.ReallyCrash = s.ReallyCrashForTesting rand.Seed(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()) // TODO(vmarmol): Do this through container config. oomAdjuster := kubeDeps.OOMAdjuster if err := oomAdjuster.ApplyOOMScoreAdj(0, int(s.OOMScoreAdj)); err != nil { glog.Warning(err) } if err := RunKubelet(&s.KubeletConfiguration, kubeDeps, s.RunOnce, standaloneMode); err != nil { return err } if s.HealthzPort > 0 { healthz.DefaultHealthz() go wait.Until(func() { err := http.ListenAndServe(net.JoinHostPort(s.HealthzBindAddress, strconv.Itoa(int(s.HealthzPort))), nil) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Starting health server failed: %v", err) } }, 5*time.Second, wait.NeverStop) } if s.RunOnce { return nil } <-done return nil }