func getCherrypickParentPRs(obj *github.MungeObject, config *github.Config) []*github.MungeObject { out := []*github.MungeObject{} if obj.Issue.Body == nil { glog.Errorf("Found a nil body in %d", *obj.Issue.Number) return nil } body := *obj.Issue.Body // foundOne tracks if we found any valid lines. PR without any valid lines // shouldn't get autolabeled. lines := strings.Split(body, "\n") for _, line := range lines { matches := cpRe.FindStringSubmatch(line) if len(matches) != 3 { glog.V(6).Infof("%d: line:%v len(matches)=%d", *obj.Issue.Number, line, len(matches)) continue } parentPRNum, err := strconv.Atoi(matches[1]) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("%d: Unable to convert %q to parent PR number", *obj.Issue.Number, matches[1]) return nil } parentPR, err := config.GetObject(parentPRNum) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Unable to get object for %d", parentPRNum) return nil } out = append(out, parentPR) } return out }
func (sq *SubmitQueue) doGenCommitters(config *github_util.Config) error { pushUsers, pullUsers, err := config.UsersWithAccess() if err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Unable to read committers from github: %v", err) } pushSet := sets.NewString() for _, user := range pushUsers { pushSet.Insert(*user.Login) } pullSet := sets.NewString() for _, user := range pullUsers { pullSet.Insert(*user.Login) } if err = writeWhitelist(sq.Committers, "# auto-generated by "+os.Args[0]+" gen-committers; manual additions should go in the whitelist", pushSet); err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Unable to write committers: %v", err) } glog.Info("Successfully updated committers file.") existingWhitelist, err := loadWhitelist(sq.Whitelist) if err != nil { glog.Fatalf("error loading whitelist; it will not be updated: %v", err) } neededInWhitelist := existingWhitelist.Union(pullSet) neededInWhitelist = neededInWhitelist.Difference(pushSet) if err = writeWhitelist(sq.Whitelist, "# auto-generated by "+os.Args[0]+" gen-committers; manual additions may be added by hand", neededInWhitelist); err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Unable to write additional user whitelist: %v", err) } glog.Info("Successfully update whitelist file.") return nil }
// getGeneratedFiles returns a list of all automatically generated files in the repo. These include // docs, deep_copy, and conversions // // It would be 'better' to call this for every commit but that takes // a whole lot of time for almost always the same information, and if // our results are slightly wrong, who cares? Instead look for the // generated files once and if someone changed what files are generated // we'll size slightly wrong. No biggie. func (s *SizeMunger) getGeneratedFiles(config *github_util.Config) { if s.genFiles != nil { return } files := sets.NewString() prefixes := []string{} s.genFiles = &files s.genPrefixes = &prefixes file := s.generatedFilesFile if len(file) == 0 { glog.Infof("No --generated-files-config= supplied, applying no labels") return } fp, err := os.Open(file) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Unable to open %q: %v", file, err) return } defer fp.Close() scanner := bufio.NewScanner(fp) for scanner.Scan() { line := scanner.Text() if strings.HasPrefix(line, "#") || line == "" { continue } fields := strings.Fields(line) if len(fields) != 2 { glog.Errorf("Invalid line in generated docs config %s: %q", file, line) continue } eType := fields[0] file := fields[1] if eType == "prefix" { prefixes = append(prefixes, file) } else if eType == "path" { files.Insert(file) } else if eType == "paths-from-repo" { docs, err := config.GetFileContents(file, "") if err != nil { continue } docSlice := strings.Split(docs, "\n") files.Insert(docSlice...) } else { glog.Errorf("Invalid line in generated docs config, unknown type: %s, %q", eType, line) continue } } if scanner.Err() != nil { glog.Errorf("Error scanning %s: %v", file, err) return } s.genFiles = &files s.genPrefixes = &prefixes return }
func gatherData(cfg *githubhelper.Config) (*reportData, error) { issues, err := cfg.ListAllIssues(&github.IssueListByRepoOptions{ State: "open", Sort: "created", Labels: []string{"kind/flake"}, }) if err != nil { return nil, err } r := reportData{ loginToEmail: map[string]string{}, loginToIssues: map[string][]issueReportData{}, } for _, issue := range issues { assignee := "UNASSIGNED" if issue.Assignee != nil && issue.Assignee.Login != nil { assignee = *issue.Assignee.Login if _, ok := r.loginToEmail[assignee]; !ok { if u, err := cfg.GetUser(assignee); err == nil { if u.Email != nil { r.loginToEmail[assignee] = *u.Email } else { // Don't keep looking this up r.loginToEmail[assignee] = "" } } } } age := time.Duration(0) if issue.CreatedAt != nil { age = time.Now().Sub(*issue.CreatedAt) } priority := "??" priorityLabels := githubhelper.GetLabelsWithPrefix(issue.Labels, "priority/") if len(priorityLabels) == 1 { priority = strings.TrimPrefix(priorityLabels[0], "priority/") } if priority == "P2" || priority == "P3" { r.lowPriorityTests++ continue } reportData := issueReportData{ priority: priority, number: *issue.Number, title: *issue.Title, age: age, } r.loginToIssues[assignee] = append(r.loginToIssues[assignee], reportData) if priority == "??" { const unprioritized = "UNPRIORITIZED" r.loginToIssues[unprioritized] = append(r.loginToIssues[unprioritized], reportData) } r.totalTests++ } return &r, nil }
// MungeIssues is the main function which asks that each munger be called // for each Issue func MungeIssues(config *github_util.Config) error { mfunc := func(issue *github_api.Issue) error { return mungeIssue(config, issue) } if err := config.ForEachIssueDo([]string{}, mfunc); err != nil { return err } return nil }
// MungePullRequest is the workhorse the will actually make updates to the PR func (b *BlunderbussMunger) MungePullRequest(config *github_util.Config, pr *github.PullRequest, issue *github.Issue, commits []github.RepositoryCommit, events []github.IssueEvent) { if !b.blunderbussReassign && issue.Assignee != nil { glog.V(6).Infof("skipping %v: reassign: %v assignee: %v", *pr.Number, b.blunderbussReassign, describeUser(issue.Assignee)) return } potentialOwners := weightMap{} weightSum := int64(0) for _, commit := range commits { if commit.Author == nil || commit.Author.Login == nil || commit.SHA == nil { glog.Warningf("Skipping invalid commit for %d: %#v", *pr.Number, commit) continue } for _, file := range commit.Files { fileWeight := int64(1) if file.Changes != nil && *file.Changes != 0 { fileWeight = int64(*file.Changes) } // Judge file size on a log scale-- effectively this // makes three buckets, we shouldn't have many 10k+ // line changes. fileWeight = int64(math.Log10(float64(fileWeight))) + 1 fileOwners := b.config.findOwners(*file.Filename) if len(fileOwners) == 0 { glog.Warningf("Couldn't find an owner for: %s", *file.Filename) } for owner, ownerWeight := range fileOwners { if owner == *pr.User.Login { continue } potentialOwners[owner] = potentialOwners[owner] + fileWeight*ownerWeight weightSum += fileWeight * ownerWeight } } } if len(potentialOwners) == 0 { glog.Errorf("No owners found for PR %d", *pr.Number) return } glog.V(4).Infof("Weights: %#v\nSum: %v", potentialOwners, weightSum) if issue.Assignee != nil { cur := *issue.Assignee.Login glog.Infof("Current assignee %v has a %02.2f%% chance of having been chosen", cur, 100.0*float64(potentialOwners[cur])/float64(weightSum)) } selection := rand.Int63n(weightSum) owner := "" for o, w := range potentialOwners { owner = o selection -= w if selection <= 0 { break } } glog.Infof("Assigning %v to %v (previously assigned to %v)", *pr.Number, owner, describeUser(issue.Assignee)) config.AssignPR(*pr.Number, owner) }
// MungePullRequests is the main function which asks that each munger be called // for each PR func MungePullRequests(config *github_util.Config) error { mfunc := func(pr *github_api.PullRequest, issue *github_api.Issue) error { return mungePR(config, pr, issue) } if err := config.ForEachPRDo([]string{}, mfunc); err != nil { return err } return nil }
// internalInitialize will initialize the munger for the given GCS bucket url. func (sq *SubmitQueue) internalInitialize(config *github.Config, features *features.Features, GCSBucketUrl string) error { sq.Lock() defer sq.Unlock() sq.githubConfig = config if len(sq.JenkinsHost) == 0 { glog.Fatalf("--jenkins-host is required.") } if sq.FakeE2E { sq.e2e = &fake_e2e.FakeE2ETester{ JobNames: sq.JobNames, WeakStableJobNames: sq.WeakStableJobNames, } } else { sq.e2e = (&e2e.RealE2ETester{ JobNames: sq.JobNames, JenkinsHost: sq.JenkinsHost, WeakStableJobNames: sq.WeakStableJobNames, BuildStatus: map[string]e2e.BuildInfo{}, GoogleGCSBucketUtils: utils.NewUtils(GCSBucketUrl), }).Init() } if len(config.Address) > 0 { if len(config.WWWRoot) > 0 { http.Handle("/", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.FileServer(http.Dir(config.WWWRoot)))) } http.Handle("/prs", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.servePRs))) http.Handle("/history", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.serveHistory))) http.Handle("/users", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.serveUsers))) http.Handle("/github-e2e-queue", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.serveGithubE2EStatus))) http.Handle("/google-internal-ci", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.serveGoogleInternalStatus))) http.Handle("/merge-info", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.serveMergeInfo))) http.Handle("/priority-info", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.servePriorityInfo))) http.Handle("/health", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.serveHealth))) http.Handle("/sq-stats", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.serveSQStats))) http.Handle("/flakes", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.serveFlakes))) config.ServeDebugStats("/stats") go http.ListenAndServe(config.Address, nil) } if sq.githubE2EPollTime == 0 { sq.githubE2EPollTime = githubE2EPollTime } = sq.clock.Now() sq.healthHistory = make([]healthRecord, 0) go sq.handleGithubE2EAndMerge() go sq.updateGoogleE2ELoop() return nil }
func (sq *SubmitQueue) addWhitelistCommand(root *cobra.Command, config *github_util.Config) { genCommitters := &cobra.Command{ Use: "gencommiters", Short: "Generate the list of people with commit access", RunE: func(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) error { if err := config.PreExecute(); err != nil { return err } return sq.doGenCommitters(config) }, } root.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&sq.Whitelist, "user-whitelist", "./whitelist.txt", "Path to a whitelist file that contains users to auto-merge. Required.") root.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&sq.Committers, "committers", "./committers.txt", "File in which the list of authorized committers is stored; only used if this list cannot be gotten at run time. (Merged with whitelist; separate so that it can be auto-generated)") root.AddCommand(genCommitters) }
// MungePullRequest is the workhorse the will actually make updates to the PR func (OkToTestMunger) MungePullRequest(config *github_util.Config, pr *github.PullRequest, issue *github.Issue, commits []github.RepositoryCommit, events []github.IssueEvent) { if !github_util.HasLabel(issue.Labels, "lgtm") { return } status, err := config.GetStatus(pr, []string{"Jenkins GCE e2e"}) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("unexpected error getting status: %v", err) return } if status == "incomplete" { glog.V(2).Infof("status is incomplete, adding ok to test") msg := `@k8s-bot ok to test pr builder appears to be missing, activating due to 'lgtm' label.` config.WriteComment(*pr.Number, msg) } }
// Initialize will initialize the munger func (sq *SubmitQueue) Initialize(config *github.Config, features *features.Features) error { sq.Lock() defer sq.Unlock() sq.githubConfig = config if len(sq.JenkinsHost) == 0 { glog.Fatalf("--jenkins-host is required.") } sq.lastE2EStable = true e2e := &e2e.E2ETester{ JobNames: sq.JobNames, JenkinsHost: sq.JenkinsHost, WeakStableJobNames: sq.WeakStableJobNames, BuildStatus: map[string]e2e.BuildInfo{}, } sq.e2e = e2e if len(config.Address) > 0 { if len(config.WWWRoot) > 0 { http.Handle("/", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.FileServer(http.Dir(config.WWWRoot)))) } http.Handle("/prs", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.servePRs))) http.Handle("/history", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.serveHistory))) http.Handle("/users", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.serveUsers))) http.Handle("/github-e2e-queue", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.serveGithubE2EStatus))) http.Handle("/google-internal-ci", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.serveGoogleInternalStatus))) http.Handle("/merge-info", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.serveMergeInfo))) http.Handle("/priority-info", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.servePriorityInfo))) config.ServeDebugStats("/stats") go http.ListenAndServe(config.Address, nil) } sq.prStatus = map[string]submitStatus{} sq.lastPRStatus = map[string]submitStatus{} sq.githubE2EQueue = map[int]*github.MungeObject{} if sq.githubE2EPollTime == 0 { sq.githubE2EPollTime = githubE2EPollTime } go sq.handleGithubE2EAndMerge() go sq.updateGoogleE2ELoop() return nil }
// MungePullRequest is the workhorse the will actually make updates to the PR func (p *PathLabelMunger) MungePullRequest(config *github_util.Config, pr *github.PullRequest, issue *github.Issue, commits []github.RepositoryCommit, events []github.IssueEvent) { labelMap := *p.labelMap needsLabels := sets.NewString() for _, c := range commits { for _, f := range c.Files { for prefix, label := range labelMap { if strings.HasPrefix(*f.Filename, prefix) && !github_util.HasLabel(issue.Labels, label) { needsLabels.Insert(label) } } } } if needsLabels.Len() != 0 { config.AddLabels(*pr.Number, needsLabels.List()) } }
func mungePR(config *github_util.Config, pr *github_api.PullRequest, issue *github_api.Issue) error { if pr == nil { fmt.Printf("found nil pr\n") } commits, err := config.GetFilledCommits(*pr.Number) if err != nil { return err } events, err := config.GetAllEventsForPR(*pr.Number) if err != nil { return err } for _, munger := range mungers { munger.MungePullRequest(config, pr, issue, commits, events) } return nil }
// MungePullRequest is the workhorse the will actually make updates to the PR func (LGTMAfterCommitMunger) MungePullRequest(config *github_util.Config, pr *github.PullRequest, issue *github.Issue, commits []github.RepositoryCommit, events []github.IssueEvent) { if !github_util.HasLabel(issue.Labels, "lgtm") { return } lastModified := github_util.LastModifiedTime(commits) lgtmTime := github_util.LabelTime("lgtm", events) if lastModified == nil || lgtmTime == nil { glog.Errorf("PR %d unable to determine lastModified or lgtmTime", *pr.Number) return } if lastModified.After(*lgtmTime) { lgtmRemovedBody := "PR changed after LGTM, removing LGTM." if err := config.WriteComment(*pr.Number, lgtmRemovedBody); err != nil { return } config.RemoveLabel(*pr.Number, "lgtm") } }
// Initialize will initialize the munger func (c *CherrypickQueue) Initialize(config *github.Config, features *features.Features) error { c.Lock() defer c.Unlock() if len(config.Address) > 0 { if len(config.WWWRoot) > 0 { http.Handle("/", http.FileServer(http.Dir(config.WWWRoot))) } http.HandleFunc("/queue", c.serveQueue) http.HandleFunc("/raw", c.serveRaw) http.HandleFunc("/queue-info", c.serveQueueInfo) config.ServeDebugStats("/stats") go http.ListenAndServe(config.Address, nil) } c.lastMergedAndApproved = map[int]*github.MungeObject{} c.lastMerged = map[int]*github.MungeObject{} c.lastUnmerged = map[int]*github.MungeObject{} c.mergedAndApproved = map[int]*github.MungeObject{} c.merged = map[int]*github.MungeObject{} c.unmerged = map[int]*github.MungeObject{} return nil }
// MungePullRequest is the workhorse the will actually make updates to the PR func (PingCIMunger) MungePullRequest(config *github_util.Config, pr *github.PullRequest, issue *github.Issue, commits []github.RepositoryCommit, events []github.IssueEvent) { if !github_util.HasLabel(issue.Labels, "lgtm") { return } if mergeable, err := config.IsPRMergeable(pr); err != nil { glog.V(2).Infof("Skipping %d - problem determining mergeability", *pr.Number) } else if !mergeable { glog.V(2).Infof("Skipping %d - not mergeable", *pr.Number) } status, err := config.GetStatus(pr, []string{"Shippable", "continuous-integration/travis-ci/pr"}) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("unexpected error getting status: %v", err) return } if status == "incomplete" { glog.V(2).Infof("status is incomplete, closing and re-opening") msg := "Continuous integration appears to have missed, closing and re-opening to trigger it" config.WriteComment(*pr.Number, msg) config.ClosePR(pr) time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) config.OpenPR(pr, 10) } }
// MungePullRequest is the workhorse the will actually make updates to the PR func (s *SizeMunger) MungePullRequest(config *github_util.Config, pr *github.PullRequest, issue *github.Issue, commits []github.RepositoryCommit, events []github.IssueEvent) { s.getGeneratedFiles(config) genFiles := *s.genFiles genPrefixes := *s.genPrefixes if pr.Additions == nil { glog.Warningf("PR %d has nil Additions", *pr.Number) return } adds := *pr.Additions if pr.Deletions == nil { glog.Warningf("PR %d has nil Deletions", *pr.Number) return } dels := *pr.Deletions for _, c := range commits { for _, f := range c.Files { for _, p := range genPrefixes { if strings.HasPrefix(*f.Filename, p) { adds = adds - *f.Additions dels = dels - *f.Deletions continue } } if genFiles.Has(*f.Filename) { adds = adds - *f.Additions dels = dels - *f.Deletions continue } } } newSize := calculateSize(adds, dels) newLabel := labelSizePrefix + newSize existing := github_util.GetLabelsWithPrefix(issue.Labels, labelSizePrefix) needsUpdate := true for _, l := range existing { if l == newLabel { needsUpdate = false continue } config.RemoveLabel(*pr.Number, l) } if needsUpdate { config.AddLabels(*pr.Number, []string{newLabel}) body := fmt.Sprintf("Labelling this PR as %s", newLabel) config.WriteComment(*pr.Number, body) } }
// MungePullRequest is the workhorse the will actually make updates to the PR func (NeedsRebaseMunger) MungePullRequest(config *github_util.Config, pr *github.PullRequest, issue *github.Issue, commits []github.RepositoryCommit, events []github.IssueEvent) { mergeable, err := config.IsPRMergeable(pr) if err != nil { glog.V(2).Infof("Skipping %d - problem determining mergeable", *pr.Number) return } if mergeable && github_util.HasLabel(issue.Labels, needsRebase) { config.RemoveLabel(*pr.Number, needsRebase) } if !mergeable && !github_util.HasLabel(issue.Labels, needsRebase) { config.AddLabels(*pr.Number, []string{needsRebase}) } }
// internalInitialize will initialize the munger. // if overrideUrl is specified, will create testUtils func (sq *SubmitQueue) internalInitialize(config *github.Config, features *features.Features, overrideUrl string) error { sq.Lock() defer sq.Unlock() // Clean up all of our flags which we wish --flag="" to mean []string{} sq.BlockingJobNames = cleanStringSlice(sq.BlockingJobNames) sq.NonBlockingJobNames = cleanStringSlice(sq.NonBlockingJobNames) sq.PresubmitJobNames = cleanStringSlice(sq.PresubmitJobNames) sq.WeakStableJobNames = cleanStringSlice(sq.WeakStableJobNames) sq.RequiredStatusContexts = cleanStringSlice(sq.RequiredStatusContexts) sq.RequiredRetestContexts = cleanStringSlice(sq.RequiredRetestContexts) sq.DoNotMergeMilestones = cleanStringSlice(sq.DoNotMergeMilestones) sq.Metadata.RepoPullUrl = fmt.Sprintf("", config.Org, config.Project) sq.Metadata.ProjectName = strings.Title(config.Project) sq.githubConfig = config // TODO: This is not how injection for tests should work. if sq.FakeE2E { sq.e2e = &fake_e2e.FakeE2ETester{ JobNames: sq.BlockingJobNames, WeakStableJobNames: sq.WeakStableJobNames, } } else { var gcs *utils.Utils if overrideUrl != "" { gcs = utils.NewTestUtils("bucket", "logs", overrideUrl) } else { gcs = utils.NewWithPresubmitDetection( sq.features.GCSInfo.BucketName, sq.features.GCSInfo.LogDir, sq.features.GCSInfo.PullKey, sq.features.GCSInfo.PullLogDir, ) } sq.e2e = (&e2e.RealE2ETester{ BlockingJobNames: sq.BlockingJobNames, NonBlockingJobNames: sq.NonBlockingJobNames, WeakStableJobNames: sq.WeakStableJobNames, BuildStatus: map[string]e2e.BuildInfo{}, GoogleGCSBucketUtils: gcs, }).Init(admin.Mux) } sq.lgtmTimeCache = mungerutil.NewLabelTimeCache(lgtmLabel) if len(config.Address) > 0 { if len(config.WWWRoot) > 0 { http.Handle("/", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.FileServer(http.Dir(config.WWWRoot)))) } http.Handle("/prs", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.servePRs))) http.Handle("/history", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.serveHistory))) http.Handle("/github-e2e-queue", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.serveGithubE2EStatus))) http.Handle("/google-internal-ci", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.serveGoogleInternalStatus))) http.Handle("/merge-info", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.serveMergeInfo))) http.Handle("/priority-info", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.servePriorityInfo))) http.Handle("/health", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.serveHealth))) http.Handle("/health.svg", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.serveHealthSVG))) http.Handle("/sq-stats", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.serveSQStats))) http.Handle("/flakes", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.serveFlakes))) http.Handle("/metadata", gziphandler.GzipHandler(http.HandlerFunc(sq.serveMetadata))) config.ServeDebugStats("/stats") go http.ListenAndServe(config.Address, nil) } admin.Mux.HandleFunc("/api/emergency/stop", sq.EmergencyStopHTTP) admin.Mux.HandleFunc("/api/emergency/resume", sq.EmergencyStopHTTP) admin.Mux.HandleFunc("/api/emergency/status", sq.EmergencyStopHTTP) if sq.githubE2EPollTime == 0 { sq.githubE2EPollTime = githubE2EPollTime } sq.healthHistory = make([]healthRecord, 0) go sq.handleGithubE2EAndMerge() go sq.updateGoogleE2ELoop() if sq.AdminPort != 0 { go http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf("", sq.AdminPort), admin.Mux) } return nil }
// MungePullRequest is the workhorse the will actually make updates to the PR func (sq *SubmitQueue) MungePullRequest(config *github_util.Config, pr *github_api.PullRequest, issue *github_api.Issue, commits []github_api.RepositoryCommit, events []github_api.IssueEvent) { e2e := sq.e2e userSet := sq.userWhitelist if !github_util.HasLabels(issue.Labels, []string{"cla: yes"}) { sq.SetPRStatus(pr, noCLA) return } if mergeable, err := config.IsPRMergeable(pr); err != nil { glog.V(2).Infof("Skipping %d - unable to determine mergeability", *pr.Number) sq.SetPRStatus(pr, undeterminedMergability) return } else if !mergeable { glog.V(4).Infof("Skipping %d - not mergable", *pr.Number) sq.SetPRStatus(pr, unmergeable) return } // Validate the status information for this PR contexts := sq.RequiredStatusContexts if len(sq.E2EStatusContext) > 0 && (len(sq.DontRequireE2ELabel) == 0 || !github_util.HasLabel(issue.Labels, sq.DontRequireE2ELabel)) { contexts = append(contexts, sq.E2EStatusContext) } if ok := config.IsStatusSuccess(pr, contexts); !ok { glog.Errorf("PR# %d Github CI status is not success", *pr.Number) sq.SetPRStatus(pr, ciFailure) return } if !github_util.HasLabel(issue.Labels, sq.WhitelistOverride) && !userSet.Has(*pr.User.Login) { glog.V(4).Infof("Dropping %d since %s isn't in whitelist and %s isn't present", *pr.Number, *pr.User.Login, sq.WhitelistOverride) if !github_util.HasLabel(issue.Labels, needsOKToMergeLabel) { config.AddLabels(*pr.Number, []string{needsOKToMergeLabel}) body := "The author of this PR is not in the whitelist for merge, can one of the admins add the 'ok-to-merge' label?" config.WriteComment(*pr.Number, body) } sq.SetPRStatus(pr, needsok) return } // Tidy up the issue list. if github_util.HasLabel(issue.Labels, needsOKToMergeLabel) { config.RemoveLabel(*pr.Number, needsOKToMergeLabel) } if !github_util.HasLabels(issue.Labels, []string{"lgtm"}) { sq.SetPRStatus(pr, noLGTM) return } lastModifiedTime := github_util.LastModifiedTime(commits) lgtmTime := github_util.LabelTime("lgtm", events) if lastModifiedTime == nil || lgtmTime == nil { glog.Errorf("PR %d was unable to determine when LGTM was added or when last modified", *pr.Number) sq.SetPRStatus(pr, unknown) return } if lastModifiedTime.After(*lgtmTime) { glog.V(4).Infof("PR %d changed after LGTM. Will not merge", *pr.Number) sq.SetPRStatus(pr, lgtmEarly) return } if !e2e.Stable() { sq.SetPRStatus(pr, e2eFailure) return } // if there is a 'e2e-not-required' label, just merge it. if len(sq.DontRequireE2ELabel) > 0 && github_util.HasLabel(issue.Labels, sq.DontRequireE2ELabel) { config.MergePR(pr, "submit-queue") sq.SetPRStatus(pr, merged) return } sq.SetPRStatus(pr, githube2e) sq.Lock() sq.githubE2ERequest <- true sq.needsGithubE2E[*pr.Number] = pr sq.Unlock() return }
// RefreshWhitelist updates the whitelist, re-getting the list of committers. func (sq *SubmitQueue) RefreshWhitelist(config *github_util.Config) { info := map[string]userInfo{} if sq.additionalUserWhitelist == nil { users, err := loadWhitelist(sq.Whitelist) if err != nil { glog.Fatalf("error loading user whitelist: %v", err) } sq.additionalUserWhitelist = &users } if sq.committerList == nil { committerList, err := loadWhitelist(sq.Committers) if err != nil { glog.Fatalf("error loading committers whitelist: %v", err) } sq.committerList = &committerList } // We must use the values on disk in case it has users which don't have // explicit "pull" permission in the API allUsers := sets.NewString(sq.additionalUserWhitelist.List()...) pushUsers, pullUsers, err := config.UsersWithAccess() if err != nil { glog.Info("Falling back to static committers list.") allUsers = allUsers.Union(*sq.committerList) sq.userWhitelist = &allUsers return } for _, user := range pullUsers { allUsers.Insert(*user.Login) info[*user.Login] = userInfo{ Access: "pull access", AvatarURL: *user.AvatarURL, } } for _, user := range pushUsers { allUsers.Insert(*user.Login) info[*user.Login] = userInfo{ Access: "push access", AvatarURL: *user.AvatarURL, } } // Anyone we got from a config file and not from the API we need to look up info for _, login := range allUsers.List() { if _, ok := info[login]; ok { continue } user, err := config.GetUser(login) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Unable to get user information about %q", login) continue } info[login] = userInfo{ Access: "explicitly whitelisted", AvatarURL: *user.AvatarURL, } } sq.userWhitelist = &allUsers sq.userInfo = info return }