コード例 #1
// Returns a number of currently scheduled and not scheduled Pods.
func getPodsScheduled(pods *v1.PodList) (scheduledPods, notScheduledPods []v1.Pod) {
	for _, pod := range pods.Items {
		if !masterNodes.Has(pod.Spec.NodeName) {
			if pod.Spec.NodeName != "" {
				_, scheduledCondition := v1.GetPodCondition(&pod.Status, v1.PodScheduled)
				// We can't assume that the scheduledCondition is always set if Pod is assigned to Node,
				// as e.g. DaemonController doesn't set it when assigning Pod to a Node. Currently
				// Kubelet sets this condition when it gets a Pod without it, but if we were expecting
				// that it would always be not nil, this would cause a rare race condition.
				if scheduledCondition != nil {
				scheduledPods = append(scheduledPods, pod)
			} else {
				_, scheduledCondition := v1.GetPodCondition(&pod.Status, v1.PodScheduled)
				if scheduledCondition != nil {
				if scheduledCondition.Reason == "Unschedulable" {
					notScheduledPods = append(notScheduledPods, pod)
コード例 #2
ファイル: rescheduler.go プロジェクト: alex-mohr/kubernetes
func podRunningOrUnschedulable(pod *v1.Pod) bool {
	_, cond := v1.GetPodCondition(&pod.Status, v1.PodScheduled)
	if cond != nil && cond.Status == v1.ConditionFalse && cond.Reason == "Unschedulable" {
		return true
	running, _ := testutils.PodRunningReady(pod)
	return running
コード例 #3
ファイル: listers.go プロジェクト: kubernetes/contrib
// List returns all unscheduled pods.
func (unschedulablePodLister *UnschedulablePodLister) List() ([]*apiv1.Pod, error) {
	var unschedulablePods []*apiv1.Pod
	allPods, err := unschedulablePodLister.podLister.List(labels.Everything())
	if err != nil {
		return unschedulablePods, err
	for _, pod := range allPods {
		_, condition := apiv1.GetPodCondition(&pod.Status, apiv1.PodScheduled)
		if condition != nil && condition.Status == apiv1.ConditionFalse && condition.Reason == "Unschedulable" {
			unschedulablePods = append(unschedulablePods, pod)
	return unschedulablePods, nil
コード例 #4
		startedPod := podClient.Create(pod)
		w, err := podClient.Watch(v1.SingleObject(startedPod.ObjectMeta))
		Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred(), "error watching a pod")
		wr := watch.NewRecorder(w)
		event, err := watch.Until(framework.PodStartTimeout, wr, conditions.PodCompleted)
		framework.CheckInvariants(wr.Events(), framework.ContainerInitInvariant)
		endPod := event.Object.(*v1.Pod)
		if err := podutil.SetInitContainersAndStatuses(endPod); err != nil {

		_, init := v1.GetPodCondition(&endPod.Status, v1.PodInitialized)

		for _, status := range endPod.Status.InitContainerStatuses {

	It("should invoke init containers on a RestartAlways pod", func() {
		framework.SkipIfContainerRuntimeIs("rkt") // #25988

		By("creating the pod")
コード例 #5
ファイル: status_manager.go プロジェクト: nak3/kubernetes
// updateStatusInternal updates the internal status cache, and queues an update to the api server if
// necessary. Returns whether an update was triggered.
// This method IS NOT THREAD SAFE and must be called from a locked function.
func (m *manager) updateStatusInternal(pod *v1.Pod, status v1.PodStatus, forceUpdate bool) bool {
	var oldStatus v1.PodStatus
	cachedStatus, isCached := m.podStatuses[pod.UID]
	if isCached {
		oldStatus = cachedStatus.status
	} else if mirrorPod, ok := m.podManager.GetMirrorPodByPod(pod); ok {
		oldStatus = mirrorPod.Status
	} else {
		oldStatus = pod.Status

	// Set ReadyCondition.LastTransitionTime.
	if _, readyCondition := v1.GetPodCondition(&status, v1.PodReady); readyCondition != nil {
		// Need to set LastTransitionTime.
		lastTransitionTime := metav1.Now()
		_, oldReadyCondition := v1.GetPodCondition(&oldStatus, v1.PodReady)
		if oldReadyCondition != nil && readyCondition.Status == oldReadyCondition.Status {
			lastTransitionTime = oldReadyCondition.LastTransitionTime
		readyCondition.LastTransitionTime = lastTransitionTime

	// Set InitializedCondition.LastTransitionTime.
	if _, initCondition := v1.GetPodCondition(&status, v1.PodInitialized); initCondition != nil {
		// Need to set LastTransitionTime.
		lastTransitionTime := metav1.Now()
		_, oldInitCondition := v1.GetPodCondition(&oldStatus, v1.PodInitialized)
		if oldInitCondition != nil && initCondition.Status == oldInitCondition.Status {
			lastTransitionTime = oldInitCondition.LastTransitionTime
		initCondition.LastTransitionTime = lastTransitionTime

	// ensure that the start time does not change across updates.
	if oldStatus.StartTime != nil && !oldStatus.StartTime.IsZero() {
		status.StartTime = oldStatus.StartTime
	} else if status.StartTime.IsZero() {
		// if the status has no start time, we need to set an initial time
		now := metav1.Now()
		status.StartTime = &now

	normalizeStatus(pod, &status)
	// The intent here is to prevent concurrent updates to a pod's status from
	// clobbering each other so the phase of a pod progresses monotonically.
	if isCached && isStatusEqual(&cachedStatus.status, &status) && !forceUpdate {
		glog.V(3).Infof("Ignoring same status for pod %q, status: %+v", format.Pod(pod), status)
		return false // No new status.

	newStatus := versionedPodStatus{
		status:       status,
		version:      cachedStatus.version + 1,
		podName:      pod.Name,
		podNamespace: pod.Namespace,
	m.podStatuses[pod.UID] = newStatus

	select {
	case m.podStatusChannel <- podStatusSyncRequest{pod.UID, newStatus}:
		return true
		// Let the periodic syncBatch handle the update if the channel is full.
		// We can't block, since we hold the mutex lock.
		glog.V(4).Infof("Skpping the status update for pod %q for now because the channel is full; status: %+v",
			format.Pod(pod), status)
		return false