// TODO: quinton: This is largely a cut 'n paste of the above. Yuck! Refactor as soon as we have a common interface implmented by both fedclientset.Clientset and kubeclientset.Clientset func deleteClusterIngressOrFail(clusterName string, clientset *release_1_3.Clientset, namespace string, ingressName string) { if clientset == nil || len(namespace) == 0 || len(ingressName) == 0 { Fail(fmt.Sprintf("Internal error: invalid parameters passed to deleteClusterIngressOrFail: cluster: %q, clientset: %v, namespace: %v, ingress: %v", clusterName, clientset, namespace, ingressName)) } err := clientset.Ingresses(namespace).Delete(ingressName, api.NewDeleteOptions(0)) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "Error deleting cluster ingress %q/%q from cluster %q", namespace, ingressName, clusterName) }
/* waitForIngressUpdateOrFail waits until a ingress is updated in the specified cluster with same spec of federated ingress. If the condition is not met within timeout, it fails the calling test. */ func waitForIngressUpdateOrFail(clientset *release_1_3.Clientset, namespace string, ingress *v1beta1.Ingress, timeout time.Duration) { By(fmt.Sprintf("Fetching a federated ingress shard of ingress %q in namespace %q from cluster", ingress.Name, namespace)) err := wait.PollImmediate(framework.Poll, timeout, func() (bool, error) { clusterIngress, err := clientset.Ingresses(namespace).Get(ingress.Name) if err == nil { // We want it present, and the Get succeeded, so we're all good. if equivalentIngress(*clusterIngress, *ingress) { By(fmt.Sprintf("Success: shard of federated ingress %q in namespace %q in cluster is updated", ingress.Name, namespace)) return true, nil } By(fmt.Sprintf("Ingress %q in namespace %q in cluster, waiting for service being updated, trying again in %s (err=%v)", ingress.Name, namespace, framework.Poll, err)) return false, nil } By(fmt.Sprintf("Ingress %q in namespace %q in cluster, waiting for service being updated, trying again in %s (err=%v)", ingress.Name, namespace, framework.Poll, err)) return false, nil }) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "Failed to verify ingress %q in namespace %q in cluster", ingress.Name, namespace) }
/* waitForIngressOrFail waits until a ingress is either present or absent in the cluster specified by clientset. If the condition is not met within timout, it fails the calling test. */ func waitForIngressOrFail(clientset *release_1_3.Clientset, namespace string, ingress *v1beta1.Ingress, present bool, timeout time.Duration) { By(fmt.Sprintf("Fetching a federated ingress shard of ingress %q in namespace %q from cluster", ingress.Name, namespace)) var clusterIngress *v1beta1.Ingress err := wait.PollImmediate(framework.Poll, timeout, func() (bool, error) { clusterIngress, err := clientset.Ingresses(namespace).Get(ingress.Name) if (!present) && errors.IsNotFound(err) { // We want it gone, and it's gone. By(fmt.Sprintf("Success: shard of federated ingress %q in namespace %q in cluster is absent", ingress.Name, namespace)) return true, nil // Success } if present && err == nil { // We want it present, and the Get succeeded, so we're all good. By(fmt.Sprintf("Success: shard of federated ingress %q in namespace %q in cluster is present", ingress.Name, namespace)) return true, nil // Success } By(fmt.Sprintf("Ingress %q in namespace %q in cluster. Found: %v, waiting for Found: %v, trying again in %s (err=%v)", ingress.Name, namespace, clusterIngress != nil && err == nil, present, framework.Poll, err)) return false, nil }) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "Failed to verify ingress %q in namespace %q in cluster: Present=%v", ingress.Name, namespace, present) if present && clusterIngress != nil { Expect(equivalentIngress(*clusterIngress, *ingress)) } }