コード例 #1
// updateReplicaCount attempts to update the Status.Replicas of the given controller, with a single GET/PUT retry.
func updateReplicaCount(rcClient client.ReplicationControllerInterface, controller api.ReplicationController, numReplicas int) (updateErr error) {
	// This is the steady state. It happens when the rc doesn't have any expectations, since
	// we do a periodic relist every 30s. If the generations differ but the replicas are
	// the same, a caller might've resized to the same replica count.
	if controller.Status.Replicas == numReplicas &&
		controller.Generation == controller.Status.ObservedGeneration {
		return nil
	// Save the generation number we acted on, otherwise we might wrongfully indicate
	// that we've seen a spec update when we retry.
	// TODO: This can clobber an update if we allow multiple agents to write to the
	// same status.
	generation := controller.Generation

	var getErr error
	for i, rc := 0, &controller; ; i++ {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Updating replica count for rc: %v, %d->%d (need %d), sequence No: %v->%v",
			controller.Name, controller.Status.Replicas, numReplicas, controller.Spec.Replicas, controller.Status.ObservedGeneration, generation)

		rc.Status = api.ReplicationControllerStatus{Replicas: numReplicas, ObservedGeneration: generation}
		_, updateErr = rcClient.UpdateStatus(rc)
		if updateErr == nil || i >= statusUpdateRetries {
			return updateErr
		// Update the controller with the latest resource version for the next poll
		if rc, getErr = rcClient.Get(controller.Name); getErr != nil {
			// If the GET fails we can't trust status.Replicas anymore. This error
			// is bound to be more interesting than the update failure.
			return getErr
コード例 #2
ファイル: framework.go プロジェクト: donnydavis/origin
// WaitForADeployment waits for a Deployment to fulfill the isOK function
func WaitForADeployment(client kclient.ReplicationControllerInterface,
	name string,
	isOK, isFailed func(*kapi.ReplicationController) bool) error {
	startTime := time.Now()
	endTime := startTime.Add(15 * time.Minute)
	for time.Now().Before(endTime) {
		requirement, err := labels.NewRequirement(deployapi.DeploymentConfigAnnotation, labels.EqualsOperator, sets.NewString(name))
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("unexpected error generating label selector: %v", err)

		list, err := client.List(labels.LabelSelector{*requirement}, fields.Everything())
		if err != nil {
			return err
		for i := range list.Items {
			if isOK(&list.Items[i]) {
				return nil
			if isFailed(&list.Items[i]) {
				return fmt.Errorf("The deployment %q status is %q",
					name, list.Items[i].Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentStatusAnnotation])

		rv := list.ResourceVersion
		w, err := client.Watch(labels.LabelSelector{*requirement}, fields.Everything(), rv)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer w.Stop()

		for {
			val, ok := <-w.ResultChan()
			if !ok {
				// reget and re-watch
			if e, ok := val.Object.(*kapi.ReplicationController); ok {
				if isOK(e) {
					return nil
				if isFailed(e) {
					return fmt.Errorf("The deployment %q status is %q",
						name, e.Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentStatusAnnotation])
	return fmt.Errorf("the deploy did not finish within 3 minutes")
コード例 #3
ファイル: stop.go プロジェクト: johndmulhausen/kubernetes
// getOverlappingControllers finds rcs that this controller overlaps, as well as rcs overlapping this controller.
func getOverlappingControllers(c client.ReplicationControllerInterface, rc *api.ReplicationController) ([]api.ReplicationController, error) {
	rcs, err := c.List(api.ListOptions{})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting replication controllers: %v", err)
	var matchingRCs []api.ReplicationController
	rcLabels := labels.Set(rc.Spec.Selector)
	for _, controller := range rcs.Items {
		newRCLabels := labels.Set(controller.Spec.Selector)
		if labels.SelectorFromSet(newRCLabels).Matches(rcLabels) || labels.SelectorFromSet(rcLabels).Matches(newRCLabels) {
			matchingRCs = append(matchingRCs, controller)
	return matchingRCs, nil
コード例 #4
ファイル: describe.go プロジェクト: ncantor/origin
// Get all replication controllers whose selectors would match a given set of
// labels.
// TODO Move this to pkg/client and ideally implement it server-side (instead
// of getting all RC's and searching through them manually).
func getReplicationControllersForLabels(c client.ReplicationControllerInterface, labelsToMatch labels.Labels) ([]api.ReplicationController, error) {
	// Get all replication controllers.
	// TODO this needs a namespace scope as argument
	rcs, err := c.List(labels.Everything())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting replication controllers: %v", err)

	// Find the ones that match labelsToMatch.
	var matchingRCs []api.ReplicationController
	for _, controller := range rcs.Items {
		selector := labels.SelectorFromSet(controller.Spec.Selector)
		if selector.Matches(labelsToMatch) {
			matchingRCs = append(matchingRCs, controller)
	return matchingRCs, nil
コード例 #5
// updateWithRetries updates applies the given rc as an update.
func updateWithRetries(rcClient client.ReplicationControllerInterface, rc *api.ReplicationController, applyUpdate updateFunc) (*api.ReplicationController, error) {
	var err error
	oldRc := rc
	err = wait.Poll(10*time.Millisecond, 1*time.Minute, func() (bool, error) {
		// Apply the update, then attempt to push it to the apiserver.
		if rc, err = rcClient.Update(rc); err == nil {
			// rc contains the latest controller post update
			return true, nil
		// Update the controller with the latest resource version, if the update failed we
		// can't trust rc so use oldRc.Name.
		if rc, err = rcClient.Get(oldRc.Name); err != nil {
			// The Get failed: Value in rc cannot be trusted.
			rc = oldRc
		// The Get passed: rc contains the latest controller, expect a poll for the update.
		return false, nil
	// If the error is non-nil the returned controller cannot be trusted, if it is nil, the returned
	// controller contains the applied update.
	return rc, err
コード例 #6
// WaitForADeployment waits for a deployment to fulfill either isOK or isFailed.
// When isOK returns true, WaitForADeployment returns nil, when isFailed returns
// true, WaitForADeployment returns an error including the deployment status.
// WaitForADeployment waits for at most a certain timeout (non-configurable).
func WaitForADeployment(client kclient.ReplicationControllerInterface, name string, isOK, isFailed func(*kapi.ReplicationController) bool, oc *CLI) error {
	timeout := 15 * time.Minute

	// closing done signals that any pending operation should be aborted.
	done := make(chan struct{})
	defer close(done)

	// okOrFailed returns whether a replication controller matches either of
	// the predicates isOK or isFailed, and the associated error in case of
	// failure.
	okOrFailed := func(rc *kapi.ReplicationController) (err error, matched bool) {
		if isOK(rc) {
			return nil, true
		if isFailed(rc) {
			return fmt.Errorf("The deployment %q status is %q", name, rc.Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentStatusAnnotation]), true
		return nil, false

	// waitForDeployment waits until okOrFailed returns true or the done
	// channel is closed.
	waitForDeployment := func() (err error, retry bool) {
		requirement, err := labels.NewRequirement(deployapi.DeploymentConfigAnnotation, selection.Equals, sets.NewString(name))
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("unexpected error generating label selector: %v", err), false
		list, err := client.List(kapi.ListOptions{LabelSelector: labels.NewSelector().Add(*requirement)})
		if err != nil {
			return err, false
		// multiple deployments are conceivable; so we look to see how the latest depoy does
		var lastRC *kapi.ReplicationController
		for _, rc := range list.Items {
			if lastRC == nil {
				lastRC = &rc
			// assuming won't have to deal with more than 9 deployments
			if lastRC.GetName() <= rc.GetName() {
				lastRC = &rc

		if lastRC != nil {
			err, matched := okOrFailed(lastRC)
			if matched {
				return err, false

		w, err := client.Watch(kapi.ListOptions{LabelSelector: labels.NewSelector().Add(*requirement), ResourceVersion: list.ResourceVersion})
		if err != nil {
			return err, false
		defer w.Stop()
		for {
			select {
			case val, ok := <-w.ResultChan():
				if !ok {
					// watcher error, re-get and re-watch
					return nil, true
				if rc, ok := val.Object.(*kapi.ReplicationController); ok {
					if lastRC == nil {
						lastRC = rc
					// multiple deployments are conceivable; so we look to see how the latest depoy does
					if lastRC.GetName() <= rc.GetName() {
						lastRC = rc
						err, matched := okOrFailed(rc)
						if matched {
							return err, false
			case <-done:
				// no more time left, stop what we were doing,
				// do no retry.
				return nil, false

	// errCh is buffered so the goroutine below never blocks on sending,
	// preventing a goroutine leak if we reach the timeout.
	errCh := make(chan error, 1)

	go func() {
		defer close(errCh)
		err, retry := waitForDeployment()
		for retry {
			err, retry = waitForDeployment()
		errCh <- err

	select {
	case err := <-errCh:
		if err != nil {
			DumpDeploymentLogs(name, oc)
		return err
	case <-time.After(timeout):
		DumpDeploymentLogs(name, oc)
		// end for timing issues where we miss watch updates
		return fmt.Errorf("timed out waiting for deployment %q after %v", name, timeout)