コード例 #1
ファイル: context.go プロジェクト: redspread/spread
// SetupContext creates a new cluster and context in ~/.kube using the provided API Server. If setCurrent is true, it is made the current context.
func SetupContext(clusterName, contextName, kubeAPIServer string, setCurrent bool) error {
	pathOpts := kubectlcfg.NewDefaultPathOptions()
	config, err := getConfig(pathOpts)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	cluster, exists := config.Clusters[clusterName]
	if !exists {
		cluster = kubecfg.NewCluster()

	// configure cluster
	cluster.Server = kubeAPIServer
	cluster.InsecureSkipTLSVerify = true
	config.Clusters[clusterName] = cluster

	context, exists := config.Contexts[contextName]
	if !exists {
		context = kubecfg.NewContext()

	// configure context
	context.Cluster = clusterName
	config.Contexts[contextName] = context

	// set as current if requested
	if setCurrent {
		config.CurrentContext = contextName

	return kubectlcfg.ModifyConfig(pathOpts, *config, true)
コード例 #2
ファイル: cluster.go プロジェクト: redspread/spread
// defaultLoadingRules use the same rules (as of 2/17/16) as kubectl.
func defaultLoadingRules() *clientcmd.ClientConfigLoadingRules {
	opts := config.NewDefaultPathOptions()

	loadingRules := opts.LoadingRules
	loadingRules.Precedence = opts.GetLoadingPrecedence()
	return loadingRules
コード例 #3
ファイル: cmd.go プロジェクト: RomainVabre/origin
// NewKubectlCommand creates the `kubectl` command and its nested children.
func NewKubectlCommand(f *cmdutil.Factory, in io.Reader, out, err io.Writer) *cobra.Command {
	// Parent command to which all subcommands are added.
	cmds := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "kubectl",
		Short: "kubectl controls the Kubernetes cluster manager",
		Long: `kubectl controls the Kubernetes cluster manager.

Find more information at https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes.`,
		Run: runHelp,
		BashCompletionFunction: bash_completion_func,


	// From this point and forward we get warnings on flags that contain "_" separators

	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdGet(f, out))
	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdDescribe(f, out))
	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdCreate(f, out))
	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdReplace(f, out))
	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdPatch(f, out))
	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdDelete(f, out))
	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdEdit(f, out, err))
	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdApply(f, out))

	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdLogs(f, out))
	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdRollingUpdate(f, out))
	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdScale(f, out))
	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdCordon(f, out))
	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdDrain(f, out))
	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdUncordon(f, out))

	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdAttach(f, in, out, err))
	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdExec(f, in, out, err))
	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdProxy(f, out))

	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdRun(f, in, out, err))
	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdStop(f, out))
	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdExposeService(f, out))
	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdAutoscale(f, out))
	cmds.AddCommand(rollout.NewCmdRollout(f, out))

	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdLabel(f, out))
	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdAnnotate(f, out))

	cmds.AddCommand(cmdconfig.NewCmdConfig(cmdconfig.NewDefaultPathOptions(), out))
	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdClusterInfo(f, out))
	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdApiVersions(f, out))
	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdVersion(f, out))
	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdExplain(f, out))
	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdConvert(f, out))

	return cmds
コード例 #4
ファイル: context.go プロジェクト: redspread/spread
// GetCurrentContext returns the context currently being used by kubectl
func GetCurrentContext() (string, error) {
	pathOpts := kubectlcfg.NewDefaultPathOptions()
	config, err := getConfig(pathOpts)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	return config.CurrentContext, nil
コード例 #5
ファイル: context.go プロジェクト: redspread/spread
// SetCurrentContext changes the kubectl context to the given value
func SetCurrentContext(context string) error {
	pathOpts := kubectlcfg.NewDefaultPathOptions()
	config, err := getConfig(pathOpts)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	config.CurrentContext = context
	return kubectlcfg.ModifyConfig(pathOpts, *config, true)
コード例 #6
// ValidateToken validates that the given token is valid on the given server
// It returns a client config if successful, or an error
func ValidateToken(server string, token string) (*kclient.Config, error) {
	opts := &cmd.LoginOptions{
		Server:             server,
		Token:              token,
		InsecureTLS:        true,
		APIVersion:         api.Version,
		StartingKubeConfig: kclientcmdapi.NewConfig(),
		PathOptions:        kcmdconfig.NewDefaultPathOptions(),
		Out:                ioutil.Discard,

	// check the token
	if err := opts.GatherInfo(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return opts.Config, nil
コード例 #7
// Login uses the given server/username/password to login on an openshift instance
// It returns a client config if successful, or an error
func Login(server string, username string, password string) (*kclient.Config, error) {
	opts := &cmd.LoginOptions{
		Server:             server,
		Username:           username,
		Password:           password,
		InsecureTLS:        true,
		APIVersion:         api.Version,
		StartingKubeConfig: kclientcmdapi.NewConfig(),
		PathOptions:        kcmdconfig.NewDefaultPathOptions(),
		Out:                ioutil.Discard,

	// perform the login, and store a new token in opts
	if err := opts.GatherInfo(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return opts.Config, nil