コード例 #1
func (g *genericScheduler) Schedule(pod *api.Pod, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (string, error) {
	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	if len(nodes.Items) == 0 {
		return "", ErrNoNodesAvailable

	filteredNodes, failedPredicateMap, err := findNodesThatFit(pod, g.pods, g.predicates, nodes)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	priorityList, err := PrioritizeNodes(pod, g.pods, g.prioritizers, algorithm.FakeNodeLister(filteredNodes))
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	if len(priorityList) == 0 {
		return "", &FitError{
			Pod:              pod,
			FailedPredicates: failedPredicateMap,

	return g.selectHost(priorityList)
コード例 #2
ファイル: generic_scheduler.go プロジェクト: slaws/kubernetes
func (g *genericScheduler) Schedule(pod *api.Pod, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (string, error) {
	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	if len(nodes.Items) == 0 {
		return "", ErrNoNodesAvailable

	// TODO: we should compute this once and dynamically update it using Watch, not constantly re-compute.
	// But at least we're now only doing it in one place
	machinesToPods, err := predicates.MapPodsToMachines(g.pods)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	filteredNodes, failedPredicateMap, err := findNodesThatFit(pod, machinesToPods, g.predicates, nodes, g.extenders)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	priorityList, err := PrioritizeNodes(pod, machinesToPods, g.pods, g.prioritizers, algorithm.FakeNodeLister(filteredNodes), g.extenders)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	if len(priorityList) == 0 {
		return "", &FitError{
			Pod:              pod,
			FailedPredicates: failedPredicateMap,

	return g.selectHost(priorityList)
コード例 #3
// Schedule tries to schedule the given pod to one of node in the node list.
// If it succeeds, it will return the name of the node.
// If it fails, it will return a Fiterror error with reasons.
func (g *genericScheduler) Schedule(pod *api.Pod, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (string, error) {
	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	if len(nodes.Items) == 0 {
		return "", ErrNoNodesAvailable

	// Used for all fit and priority funcs.
	nodeNameToInfo, err := g.cache.GetNodeNameToInfoMap()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	filteredNodes, failedPredicateMap, err := findNodesThatFit(pod, nodeNameToInfo, g.predicates, nodes, g.extenders)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	if len(filteredNodes.Items) == 0 {
		return "", &FitError{
			Pod:              pod,
			FailedPredicates: failedPredicateMap,

	priorityList, err := PrioritizeNodes(pod, nodeNameToInfo, g.prioritizers, algorithm.FakeNodeLister(filteredNodes), g.extenders)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	return g.selectHost(priorityList)
コード例 #4
func TestSchedulerNoPhantomPodAfterDelete(t *testing.T) {
	stop := make(chan struct{})
	defer close(stop)
	queuedPodStore := clientcache.NewFIFO(clientcache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc)
	scache := schedulercache.New(10*time.Minute, stop)
	firstPod := podWithPort("pod.Name", "", 8080)
	node := api.Node{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1"}}
	nodeLister := algorithm.FakeNodeLister([]*api.Node{&node})
	predicateMap := map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"PodFitsHostPorts": predicates.PodFitsHostPorts}
	scheduler, bindingChan, errChan := setupTestSchedulerWithOnePodOnNode(t, queuedPodStore, scache, nodeLister, predicateMap, firstPod, &node)

	// We use conflicted pod ports to incur fit predicate failure.
	secondPod := podWithPort("bar", "", 8080)
	// queuedPodStore: [bar:8080]
	// cache: [(assumed)foo:8080]

	select {
	case err := <-errChan:
		expectErr := &FitError{
			Pod:              secondPod,
			FailedPredicates: FailedPredicateMap{node.Name: []algorithm.PredicateFailureReason{predicates.ErrPodNotFitsHostPorts}},
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectErr, err) {
			t.Errorf("err want=%v, get=%v", expectErr, err)
	case <-time.After(wait.ForeverTestTimeout):
		t.Fatalf("timeout after %v", wait.ForeverTestTimeout)

	// We mimic the workflow of cache behavior when a pod is removed by user.
	// Note: if the schedulercache timeout would be super short, the first pod would expire
	// and would be removed itself (without any explicit actions on schedulercache). Even in that case,
	// explicitly AddPod will as well correct the behavior.
	firstPod.Spec.NodeName = node.Name
	if err := scache.AddPod(firstPod); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)
	if err := scache.RemovePod(firstPod); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)

	select {
	case b := <-bindingChan:
		expectBinding := &api.Binding{
			ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "bar"},
			Target:     api.ObjectReference{Kind: "Node", Name: node.Name},
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectBinding, b) {
			t.Errorf("binding want=%v, get=%v", expectBinding, b)
	case <-time.After(wait.ForeverTestTimeout):
		t.Fatalf("timeout after %v", wait.ForeverTestTimeout)
コード例 #5
func TestSchedulerNoPhantomPodAfterExpire(t *testing.T) {
	stop := make(chan struct{})
	defer close(stop)
	queuedPodStore := clientcache.NewFIFO(clientcache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc)
	scache := schedulercache.New(100*time.Millisecond, stop)
	pod := podWithPort("pod.Name", "", 8080)
	node := api.Node{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1"}}
	nodeLister := algorithm.FakeNodeLister([]*api.Node{&node})
	predicateMap := map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"PodFitsHostPorts": predicates.PodFitsHostPorts}
	scheduler, bindingChan, _ := setupTestSchedulerWithOnePodOnNode(t, queuedPodStore, scache, nodeLister, predicateMap, pod, &node)

	waitPodExpireChan := make(chan struct{})
	timeout := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		for {
			select {
			case <-timeout:
			pods, err := scache.List(labels.Everything())
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("cache.List failed: %v", err)
			if len(pods) == 0 {
			time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
	// waiting for the assumed pod to expire
	select {
	case <-waitPodExpireChan:
	case <-time.After(wait.ForeverTestTimeout):
		t.Fatalf("timeout after %v", wait.ForeverTestTimeout)

	// We use conflicted pod ports to incur fit predicate failure if first pod not removed.
	secondPod := podWithPort("bar", "", 8080)
	select {
	case b := <-bindingChan:
		expectBinding := &api.Binding{
			ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "bar"},
			Target:     api.ObjectReference{Kind: "Node", Name: node.Name},
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectBinding, b) {
			t.Errorf("binding want=%v, get=%v", expectBinding, b)
	case <-time.After(wait.ForeverTestTimeout):
		t.Fatalf("timeout after %v", wait.ForeverTestTimeout)
コード例 #6
// Scheduler should preserve predicate constraint even if binding was longer
// than cache ttl
func TestSchedulerErrorWithLongBinding(t *testing.T) {
	stop := make(chan struct{})
	defer close(stop)

	firstPod := podWithPort("foo", "", 8080)
	conflictPod := podWithPort("bar", "", 8080)
	pods := map[string]*v1.Pod{firstPod.Name: firstPod, conflictPod.Name: conflictPod}
	for _, test := range []struct {
		Expected        map[string]bool
		CacheTTL        time.Duration
		BindingDuration time.Duration
			Expected:        map[string]bool{firstPod.Name: true},
			CacheTTL:        100 * time.Millisecond,
			BindingDuration: 300 * time.Millisecond,
			Expected:        map[string]bool{firstPod.Name: true},
			CacheTTL:        10 * time.Second,
			BindingDuration: 300 * time.Millisecond,
	} {
		queuedPodStore := clientcache.NewFIFO(clientcache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc)
		scache := schedulercache.New(test.CacheTTL, stop)

		node := v1.Node{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1"}}

		nodeLister := algorithm.FakeNodeLister([]*v1.Node{&node})
		predicateMap := map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"PodFitsHostPorts": predicates.PodFitsHostPorts}

		scheduler, bindingChan := setupTestSchedulerLongBindingWithRetry(
			queuedPodStore, scache, nodeLister, predicateMap, stop, test.BindingDuration)

		resultBindings := map[string]bool{}
		waitChan := time.After(5 * time.Second)
		for finished := false; !finished; {
			select {
			case b := <-bindingChan:
				resultBindings[b.Name] = true
				p := pods[b.Name]
				p.Spec.NodeName = b.Target.Name
			case <-waitChan:
				finished = true
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(resultBindings, test.Expected) {
			t.Errorf("Result binding are not equal to expected. %v != %v", resultBindings, test.Expected)
コード例 #7
ファイル: scheduler_test.go プロジェクト: ncdc/kubernetes
func TestSchedulerFailedSchedulingReasons(t *testing.T) {
	stop := make(chan struct{})
	defer close(stop)
	queuedPodStore := clientcache.NewFIFO(clientcache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc)
	scache := schedulercache.New(10*time.Minute, stop)
	node := api.Node{
		ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1"},
		Status: api.NodeStatus{
			Capacity: api.ResourceList{
				api.ResourceCPU:    *(resource.NewQuantity(2, resource.DecimalSI)),
				api.ResourceMemory: *(resource.NewQuantity(100, resource.DecimalSI)),
				api.ResourcePods:   *(resource.NewQuantity(10, resource.DecimalSI)),
			Allocatable: api.ResourceList{
				api.ResourceCPU:    *(resource.NewQuantity(2, resource.DecimalSI)),
				api.ResourceMemory: *(resource.NewQuantity(100, resource.DecimalSI)),
				api.ResourcePods:   *(resource.NewQuantity(10, resource.DecimalSI)),
	nodeLister := algorithm.FakeNodeLister([]*api.Node{&node})
	predicateMap := map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{
		"PodFitsResources": predicates.PodFitsResources,

	scheduler, _, errChan := setupTestScheduler(queuedPodStore, scache, nodeLister, predicateMap)

	podWithTooBigResourceRequests := podWithResources("bar", "", api.ResourceList{
		api.ResourceCPU:    *(resource.NewQuantity(4, resource.DecimalSI)),
		api.ResourceMemory: *(resource.NewQuantity(500, resource.DecimalSI)),
	}, api.ResourceList{
		api.ResourceCPU:    *(resource.NewQuantity(4, resource.DecimalSI)),
		api.ResourceMemory: *(resource.NewQuantity(500, resource.DecimalSI)),

	select {
	case err := <-errChan:
		expectErr := &FitError{
			Pod: podWithTooBigResourceRequests,
			FailedPredicates: FailedPredicateMap{node.Name: []algorithm.PredicateFailureReason{
				predicates.NewInsufficientResourceError(api.ResourceCPU, 4000, 0, 2000),
				predicates.NewInsufficientResourceError(api.ResourceMemory, 500, 0, 100),
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectErr, err) {
			t.Errorf("err want=%+v, get=%+v", expectErr, err)
	case <-time.After(wait.ForeverTestTimeout):
		t.Fatalf("timeout after %v", wait.ForeverTestTimeout)
コード例 #8
// queuedPodStore: pods queued before processing.
// cache: scheduler cache that might contain assumed pods.
func setupTestSchedulerWithOnePod(t *testing.T, queuedPodStore *clientcache.FIFO, scache schedulercache.Cache, pod *api.Pod) (*Scheduler, chan *api.Binding, chan error) {
	// Create the scheduler config
	algo := NewGenericScheduler(
		map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"PodFitsHostPorts": predicates.PodFitsHostPorts},
	bindingChan := make(chan *api.Binding, 1)
	errChan := make(chan error, 1)
	cfg := &Config{
		SchedulerCache: scache,
		NodeLister: algorithm.FakeNodeLister(
			[]*api.Node{{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1"}}},
		Algorithm: algo,
		Binder: fakeBinder{func(b *api.Binding) error {
			bindingChan <- b
			return nil
		NextPod: func() *api.Pod {
			return clientcache.Pop(queuedPodStore).(*api.Pod)
		Error: func(p *api.Pod, err error) {
			errChan <- err
		Recorder:            &record.FakeRecorder{},
		PodConditionUpdater: fakePodConditionUpdater{},
	scheduler := New(cfg)

	// queuedPodStore: [foo:8080]
	// cache: []

	// queuedPodStore: []
	// cache: [(assumed)foo:8080]

	select {
	case b := <-bindingChan:
		expectBinding := &api.Binding{
			ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "pod.Name"},
			Target:     api.ObjectReference{Kind: "Node", Name: "machine1"},
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectBinding, b) {
			t.Errorf("binding want=%v, get=%v", expectBinding, b)
	case <-time.After(wait.ForeverTestTimeout):
		t.Fatalf("timeout after %v", wait.ForeverTestTimeout)
	return scheduler, bindingChan, errChan
コード例 #9
func TestSchedulerRateLimitsBinding(t *testing.T) {
	scheduledPodStore := cache.NewStore(cache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc)
	scheduledPodLister := &cache.StoreToPodLister{Store: scheduledPodStore}
	queuedPodStore := cache.NewFIFO(cache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc)
	queuedPodLister := &cache.StoreToPodLister{Store: queuedPodStore}
	modeler := NewSimpleModeler(queuedPodLister, scheduledPodLister)

	algo := NewGenericScheduler(

	// Rate limit to 1 pod
	fr := FakeRateLimiter{util.NewTokenBucketRateLimiter(0.02, 1), []bool{}}
	c := &Config{
		Modeler: modeler,
		NodeLister: algorithm.FakeNodeLister(
			api.NodeList{Items: []api.Node{{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1"}}}},
		Algorithm: algo,
		Binder: fakeBinder{func(b *api.Binding) error {
			return nil
		NextPod: func() *api.Pod {
			return queuedPodStore.Pop().(*api.Pod)
		Error: func(p *api.Pod, err error) {
			t.Errorf("Unexpected error when scheduling pod %+v: %v", p, err)
		Recorder:            &record.FakeRecorder{},
		BindPodsRateLimiter: &fr,

	s := New(c)
	firstPod := podWithID("foo", "")
	secondPod := podWithID("boo", "")

	for i, hitRateLimit := range []bool{true, false} {
		if fr.acceptValues[i] != hitRateLimit {
			t.Errorf("Unexpected rate limiting, expect rate limit to be: %v but found it was %v", hitRateLimit, fr.acceptValues[i])
コード例 #10
// Schedule tries to schedule the given pod to one of node in the node list.
// If it succeeds, it will return the name of the node.
// If it fails, it will return a Fiterror error with reasons.
func (g *genericScheduler) Schedule(pod *api.Pod, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (string, error) {
	var trace *util.Trace
	if pod != nil {
		trace = util.NewTrace(fmt.Sprintf("Scheduling %s/%s", pod.Namespace, pod.Name))
	} else {
		trace = util.NewTrace("Scheduling <nil> pod")
	defer trace.LogIfLong(20 * time.Millisecond)

	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	if len(nodes.Items) == 0 {
		return "", ErrNoNodesAvailable

	// Used for all fit and priority funcs.
	nodeNameToInfo, err := g.cache.GetNodeNameToInfoMap()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	trace.Step("Computing predicates")
	filteredNodes, failedPredicateMap, err := findNodesThatFit(pod, nodeNameToInfo, g.predicates, nodes, g.extenders)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	if len(filteredNodes.Items) == 0 {
		return "", &FitError{
			Pod:              pod,
			FailedPredicates: failedPredicateMap,

	priorityList, err := PrioritizeNodes(pod, nodeNameToInfo, g.prioritizers, algorithm.FakeNodeLister(filteredNodes), g.extenders)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	trace.Step("Selecting host")
	return g.selectHost(priorityList)
コード例 #11
func TestScheduler(t *testing.T) {
	eventBroadcaster := record.NewBroadcaster()
	defer eventBroadcaster.StartLogging(t.Logf).Stop()
	errS := errors.New("scheduler")
	errB := errors.New("binder")

	table := []struct {
		injectBindError  error
		sendPod          *api.Pod
		algo             algorithm.ScheduleAlgorithm
		expectErrorPod   *api.Pod
		expectAssumedPod *api.Pod
		expectError      error
		expectBind       *api.Binding
		eventReason      string
			sendPod:          podWithID("foo", ""),
			algo:             mockScheduler{"machine1", nil},
			expectBind:       &api.Binding{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"}, Target: api.ObjectReference{Kind: "Node", Name: "machine1"}},
			expectAssumedPod: podWithID("foo", "machine1"),
			eventReason:      "Scheduled",
		}, {
			sendPod:        podWithID("foo", ""),
			algo:           mockScheduler{"machine1", errS},
			expectError:    errS,
			expectErrorPod: podWithID("foo", ""),
			eventReason:    "FailedScheduling",
		}, {
			sendPod:         podWithID("foo", ""),
			algo:            mockScheduler{"machine1", nil},
			expectBind:      &api.Binding{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"}, Target: api.ObjectReference{Kind: "Node", Name: "machine1"}},
			injectBindError: errB,
			expectError:     errB,
			expectErrorPod:  podWithID("foo", ""),
			eventReason:     "FailedScheduling",

	for i, item := range table {
		var gotError error
		var gotPod *api.Pod
		var gotAssumedPod *api.Pod
		var gotBinding *api.Binding
		c := &Config{
			Modeler: &FakeModeler{
				AssumePodFunc: func(pod *api.Pod) {
					gotAssumedPod = pod
			NodeLister: algorithm.FakeNodeLister(
				api.NodeList{Items: []api.Node{{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1"}}}},
			Algorithm: item.algo,
			Binder: fakeBinder{func(b *api.Binding) error {
				gotBinding = b
				return item.injectBindError
			Error: func(p *api.Pod, err error) {
				gotPod = p
				gotError = err
			NextPod: func() *api.Pod {
				return item.sendPod
			Recorder: eventBroadcaster.NewRecorder(api.EventSource{Component: "scheduler"}),
		s := New(c)
		called := make(chan struct{})
		events := eventBroadcaster.StartEventWatcher(func(e *api.Event) {
			if e, a := item.eventReason, e.Reason; e != a {
				t.Errorf("%v: expected %v, got %v", i, e, a)
		if e, a := item.expectAssumedPod, gotAssumedPod; !reflect.DeepEqual(e, a) {
			t.Errorf("%v: assumed pod: wanted %v, got %v", i, e, a)
		if e, a := item.expectErrorPod, gotPod; !reflect.DeepEqual(e, a) {
			t.Errorf("%v: error pod: wanted %v, got %v", i, e, a)
		if e, a := item.expectError, gotError; !reflect.DeepEqual(e, a) {
			t.Errorf("%v: error: wanted %v, got %v", i, e, a)
		if e, a := item.expectBind, gotBinding; !reflect.DeepEqual(e, a) {
			t.Errorf("%v: error: %s", i, util.ObjectDiff(e, a))
コード例 #12
func TestSchedulerForgetAssumedPodAfterDelete(t *testing.T) {
	eventBroadcaster := record.NewBroadcaster()
	defer eventBroadcaster.StartLogging(t.Logf).Stop()

	// Setup modeler so we control the contents of all 3 stores: assumed,
	// scheduled and queued
	scheduledPodStore := cache.NewStore(cache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc)
	scheduledPodLister := &cache.StoreToPodLister{Store: scheduledPodStore}

	queuedPodStore := cache.NewFIFO(cache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc)
	queuedPodLister := &cache.StoreToPodLister{Store: queuedPodStore}

	modeler := NewSimpleModeler(queuedPodLister, scheduledPodLister)

	// Create a fake clock used to timestamp entries and calculate ttl. Nothing
	// will expire till we flip to something older than the ttl, at which point
	// all entries inserted with fakeTime will expire.
	ttl := 30 * time.Second
	fakeTime := time.Date(2009, time.November, 10, 23, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
	fakeClock := &util.FakeClock{Time: fakeTime}
	ttlPolicy := &cache.TTLPolicy{Ttl: ttl, Clock: fakeClock}
	assumedPodsStore := cache.NewFakeExpirationStore(
		cache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc, nil, ttlPolicy, fakeClock)
	modeler.assumedPods = &cache.StoreToPodLister{Store: assumedPodsStore}

	// Port is the easiest way to cause a fit predicate failure
	podPort := 8080
	firstPod := podWithPort("foo", "", podPort)

	// Create the scheduler config
	algo := NewGenericScheduler(
		map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"PodFitsHostPorts": predicates.PodFitsHostPorts},

	var gotBinding *api.Binding
	c := &Config{
		Modeler: modeler,
		NodeLister: algorithm.FakeNodeLister(
			api.NodeList{Items: []api.Node{{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1"}}}},
		Algorithm: algo,
		Binder: fakeBinder{func(b *api.Binding) error {
			scheduledPodStore.Add(podWithPort(b.Name, b.Target.Name, podPort))
			gotBinding = b
			return nil
		NextPod: func() *api.Pod {
			return queuedPodStore.Pop().(*api.Pod)
		Error: func(p *api.Pod, err error) {
			t.Errorf("Unexpected error when scheduling pod %+v: %v", p, err)
		Recorder: eventBroadcaster.NewRecorder(api.EventSource{Component: "scheduler"}),

	// First scheduling pass should schedule the pod
	s := New(c)
	called := make(chan struct{})
	events := eventBroadcaster.StartEventWatcher(func(e *api.Event) {
		if e, a := "Scheduled", e.Reason; e != a {
			t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", e, a)

	// queuedPodStore: [foo:8080]
	// scheduledPodStore: []
	// assumedPods: []

	// queuedPodStore: []
	// scheduledPodStore: [foo:8080]
	// assumedPods: [foo:8080]

	pod, exists, _ := scheduledPodStore.GetByKey("foo")
	if !exists {
		t.Errorf("Expected scheduled pod store to contain pod")
	pod, exists, _ = queuedPodStore.GetByKey("foo")
	if exists {
		t.Errorf("Did not expect a queued pod, found %+v", pod)
	pod, exists, _ = assumedPodsStore.GetByKey("foo")
	if !exists {
		t.Errorf("Assumed pod store should contain stale pod")

	expectBind := &api.Binding{
		ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"},
		Target:     api.ObjectReference{Kind: "Node", Name: "machine1"},
	if ex, ac := expectBind, gotBinding; !reflect.DeepEqual(ex, ac) {
		t.Errorf("Expected exact match on binding: %s", util.ObjectDiff(ex, ac))


	_, exists, _ = assumedPodsStore.Get(pod)
	if !exists {
		t.Errorf("Expected pod %#v in assumed pod store", pod)

	secondPod := podWithPort("bar", "", podPort)
	// queuedPodStore: [bar:8080]
	// scheduledPodStore: []
	// assumedPods: [foo:8080]

	// Second scheduling pass will fail to schedule if the store hasn't expired
	// the deleted pod. This would normally happen with a timeout.
	//expirationPolicy.NeverExpire = util.NewStringSet()
	fakeClock.Time = fakeClock.Time.Add(ttl + 1)

	called = make(chan struct{})
	events = eventBroadcaster.StartEventWatcher(func(e *api.Event) {
		if e, a := "Scheduled", e.Reason; e != a {
			t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", e, a)


	expectBind = &api.Binding{
		ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "bar"},
		Target:     api.ObjectReference{Kind: "Node", Name: "machine1"},
	if ex, ac := expectBind, gotBinding; !reflect.DeepEqual(ex, ac) {
		t.Errorf("Expected exact match on binding: %s", util.ObjectDiff(ex, ac))
コード例 #13
func TestZoneSpreadPriority(t *testing.T) {
	labels1 := map[string]string{
		"foo": "bar",
		"baz": "blah",
	labels2 := map[string]string{
		"bar": "foo",
		"baz": "blah",
	zone1 := map[string]string{
		"zone": "zone1",
	zone2 := map[string]string{
		"zone": "zone2",
	nozone := map[string]string{
		"name": "value",
	zone0Spec := api.PodSpec{
		NodeName: "machine01",
	zone1Spec := api.PodSpec{
		NodeName: "machine11",
	zone2Spec := api.PodSpec{
		NodeName: "machine21",
	labeledNodes := map[string]map[string]string{
		"machine01": nozone, "machine02": nozone,
		"machine11": zone1, "machine12": zone1,
		"machine21": zone2, "machine22": zone2,
	tests := []struct {
		pod          *api.Pod
		pods         []*api.Pod
		nodes        map[string]map[string]string
		services     []api.Service
		expectedList schedulerapi.HostPriorityList
		test         string
			pod:   new(api.Pod),
			nodes: labeledNodes,
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine11", 10}, {"machine12", 10},
				{"machine21", 10}, {"machine22", 10},
				{"machine01", 0}, {"machine02", 0}},
			test: "nothing scheduled",
			pod:   &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			pods:  []*api.Pod{{Spec: zone1Spec}},
			nodes: labeledNodes,
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine11", 10}, {"machine12", 10},
				{"machine21", 10}, {"machine22", 10},
				{"machine01", 0}, {"machine02", 0}},
			test: "no services",
			pod:      &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			pods:     []*api.Pod{{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}}},
			nodes:    labeledNodes,
			services: []api.Service{{Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Selector: map[string]string{"key": "value"}}}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine11", 10}, {"machine12", 10},
				{"machine21", 10}, {"machine22", 10},
				{"machine01", 0}, {"machine02", 0}},
			test: "different services",
			pod: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: zone0Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}},
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			nodes:    labeledNodes,
			services: []api.Service{{Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Selector: labels1}}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine11", 10}, {"machine12", 10},
				{"machine21", 0}, {"machine22", 0},
				{"machine01", 0}, {"machine02", 0}},
			test: "three pods, one service pod",
			pod: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}},
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			nodes:    labeledNodes,
			services: []api.Service{{Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Selector: labels1}}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine11", 5}, {"machine12", 5},
				{"machine21", 5}, {"machine22", 5},
				{"machine01", 0}, {"machine02", 0}},
			test: "three pods, two service pods on different machines",
			pod: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1, Namespace: api.NamespaceDefault}},
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1, Namespace: api.NamespaceDefault}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1, Namespace: "ns1"}},
			nodes:    labeledNodes,
			services: []api.Service{{Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Selector: labels1}, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Namespace: api.NamespaceDefault}}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine11", 0}, {"machine12", 0},
				{"machine21", 10}, {"machine22", 10},
				{"machine01", 0}, {"machine02", 0}},
			test: "three service label match pods in different namespaces",
			pod: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}},
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			nodes:    labeledNodes,
			services: []api.Service{{Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Selector: labels1}}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine11", 6}, {"machine12", 6},
				{"machine21", 3}, {"machine22", 3},
				{"machine01", 0}, {"machine02", 0}},
			test: "four pods, three service pods",
			pod: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}},
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			nodes:    labeledNodes,
			services: []api.Service{{Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Selector: map[string]string{"baz": "blah"}}}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine11", 3}, {"machine12", 3},
				{"machine21", 6}, {"machine22", 6},
				{"machine01", 0}, {"machine02", 0}},
			test: "service with partial pod label matches",
			pod: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: zone0Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			nodes:    labeledNodes,
			services: []api.Service{{Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Selector: labels1}}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine11", 7}, {"machine12", 7},
				{"machine21", 5}, {"machine22", 5},
				{"machine01", 0}, {"machine02", 0}},
			test: "service pod on non-zoned node",

	for _, test := range tests {
		nodeNameToInfo := schedulercache.CreateNodeNameToInfoMap(test.pods)
		zoneSpread := ServiceAntiAffinity{podLister: algorithm.FakePodLister(test.pods), serviceLister: algorithm.FakeServiceLister(test.services), label: "zone"}
		list, err := zoneSpread.CalculateAntiAffinityPriority(test.pod, nodeNameToInfo, algorithm.FakeNodeLister(makeLabeledNodeList(test.nodes)))
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
		// sort the two lists to avoid failures on account of different ordering
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.expectedList, list) {
			t.Errorf("%s: expected %#v, got %#v", test.test, test.expectedList, list)
コード例 #14
func TestSelectorSpreadPriority(t *testing.T) {
	labels1 := map[string]string{
		"foo": "bar",
		"baz": "blah",
	labels2 := map[string]string{
		"bar": "foo",
		"baz": "blah",
	zone1Spec := api.PodSpec{
		NodeName: "machine1",
	zone2Spec := api.PodSpec{
		NodeName: "machine2",
	tests := []struct {
		pod          *api.Pod
		pods         []*api.Pod
		nodes        []string
		rcs          []api.ReplicationController
		rss          []extensions.ReplicaSet
		services     []api.Service
		expectedList schedulerapi.HostPriorityList
		test         string
			pod:          new(api.Pod),
			nodes:        []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 10}, {"machine2", 10}},
			test:         "nothing scheduled",
			pod:          &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			pods:         []*api.Pod{{Spec: zone1Spec}},
			nodes:        []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 10}, {"machine2", 10}},
			test:         "no services",
			pod:          &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			pods:         []*api.Pod{{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}}},
			nodes:        []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			services:     []api.Service{{Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Selector: map[string]string{"key": "value"}}}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 10}, {"machine2", 10}},
			test:         "different services",
			pod: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			nodes:        []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			services:     []api.Service{{Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Selector: labels1}}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 10}, {"machine2", 0}},
			test:         "two pods, one service pod",
			pod: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}},
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1, Namespace: api.NamespaceDefault}},
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1, Namespace: "ns1"}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}},
			nodes:        []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			services:     []api.Service{{Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Selector: labels1}}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 10}, {"machine2", 0}},
			test:         "five pods, one service pod in no namespace",
			pod: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1, Namespace: api.NamespaceDefault}},
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1, Namespace: "ns1"}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1, Namespace: api.NamespaceDefault}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}},
			nodes:        []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			services:     []api.Service{{Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Selector: labels1}, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Namespace: api.NamespaceDefault}}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 10}, {"machine2", 0}},
			test:         "four pods, one service pod in default namespace",
			pod: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1, Namespace: "ns1"}},
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1, Namespace: api.NamespaceDefault}},
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1, Namespace: "ns2"}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1, Namespace: "ns1"}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}},
			nodes:        []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			services:     []api.Service{{Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Selector: labels1}, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Namespace: "ns1"}}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 10}, {"machine2", 0}},
			test:         "five pods, one service pod in specific namespace",
			pod: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}},
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			nodes:        []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			services:     []api.Service{{Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Selector: labels1}}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 0}, {"machine2", 0}},
			test:         "three pods, two service pods on different machines",
			pod: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}},
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			nodes:        []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			services:     []api.Service{{Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Selector: labels1}}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 5}, {"machine2", 0}},
			test:         "four pods, three service pods",
			pod: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}},
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			nodes:        []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			services:     []api.Service{{Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Selector: map[string]string{"baz": "blah"}}}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 0}, {"machine2", 5}},
			test:         "service with partial pod label matches",
			pod: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}},
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			nodes:    []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			services: []api.Service{{Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Selector: map[string]string{"baz": "blah"}}}},
			rcs:      []api.ReplicationController{{Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{Selector: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}}}},
			// "baz=blah" matches both labels1 and labels2, and "foo=bar" matches only labels 1. This means that we assume that we want to
			// do spreading between all pods. The result should be exactly as above.
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 0}, {"machine2", 5}},
			test:         "service with partial pod label matches with service and replication controller",
			pod: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}},
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			nodes:    []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			services: []api.Service{{Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Selector: map[string]string{"baz": "blah"}}}},
			rss:      []extensions.ReplicaSet{{Spec: extensions.ReplicaSetSpec{Selector: &unversioned.LabelSelector{MatchLabels: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}}}}},
			// We use ReplicaSet, instead of ReplicationController. The result should be exactly as above.
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 0}, {"machine2", 5}},
			test:         "service with partial pod label matches with service and replication controller",
			pod: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: map[string]string{"foo": "bar", "bar": "foo"}}},
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}},
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			nodes:    []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			services: []api.Service{{Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Selector: map[string]string{"bar": "foo"}}}},
			rcs:      []api.ReplicationController{{Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{Selector: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}}}},
			// Taken together Service and Replication Controller should match all Pods, hence result should be equal to one above.
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 0}, {"machine2", 5}},
			test:         "disjoined service and replication controller should be treated equally",
			pod: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: map[string]string{"foo": "bar", "bar": "foo"}}},
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}},
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			nodes:    []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			services: []api.Service{{Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Selector: map[string]string{"bar": "foo"}}}},
			rss:      []extensions.ReplicaSet{{Spec: extensions.ReplicaSetSpec{Selector: &unversioned.LabelSelector{MatchLabels: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}}}}},
			// We use ReplicaSet, instead of ReplicationController. The result should be exactly as above.
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 0}, {"machine2", 5}},
			test:         "disjoined service and replication controller should be treated equally",
			pod: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}},
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			nodes: []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			rcs:   []api.ReplicationController{{Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{Selector: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}}}},
			// Both Nodes have one pod from the given RC, hence both get 0 score.
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 0}, {"machine2", 0}},
			test:         "Replication controller with partial pod label matches",
			pod: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}},
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			nodes: []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			rss:   []extensions.ReplicaSet{{Spec: extensions.ReplicaSetSpec{Selector: &unversioned.LabelSelector{MatchLabels: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}}}}},
			// We use ReplicaSet, instead of ReplicationController. The result should be exactly as above.
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 0}, {"machine2", 0}},
			test:         "Replication controller with partial pod label matches",
			pod: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}},
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			nodes:        []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			rcs:          []api.ReplicationController{{Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{Selector: map[string]string{"baz": "blah"}}}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 0}, {"machine2", 5}},
			test:         "Replication controller with partial pod label matches",
			pod: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}},
				{Spec: zone1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: zone2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
			nodes: []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			rss:   []extensions.ReplicaSet{{Spec: extensions.ReplicaSetSpec{Selector: &unversioned.LabelSelector{MatchLabels: map[string]string{"baz": "blah"}}}}},
			// We use ReplicaSet, instead of ReplicationController. The result should be exactly as above.
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 0}, {"machine2", 5}},
			test:         "Replication controller with partial pod label matches",

	for _, test := range tests {
		nodeNameToInfo := schedulercache.CreateNodeNameToInfoMap(test.pods)
		selectorSpread := SelectorSpread{podLister: algorithm.FakePodLister(test.pods), serviceLister: algorithm.FakeServiceLister(test.services), controllerLister: algorithm.FakeControllerLister(test.rcs), replicaSetLister: algorithm.FakeReplicaSetLister(test.rss)}
		list, err := selectorSpread.CalculateSpreadPriority(test.pod, nodeNameToInfo, algorithm.FakeNodeLister(makeNodeList(test.nodes)))
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.expectedList, list) {
			t.Errorf("%s: expected %#v, got %#v", test.test, test.expectedList, list)
コード例 #15
func TestZoneSelectorSpreadPriority(t *testing.T) {
	labels1 := map[string]string{
		"label1": "l1",
		"baz":    "blah",
	labels2 := map[string]string{
		"label2": "l2",
		"baz":    "blah",

	const nodeMachine1Zone1 = "machine1.zone1"
	const nodeMachine1Zone2 = "machine1.zone2"
	const nodeMachine2Zone2 = "machine2.zone2"
	const nodeMachine1Zone3 = "machine1.zone3"
	const nodeMachine2Zone3 = "machine2.zone3"
	const nodeMachine3Zone3 = "machine3.zone3"

	buildNodeLabels := func(failureDomain string) map[string]string {
		labels := map[string]string{
			wellknownlabels.LabelZoneFailureDomain: failureDomain,
		return labels
	labeledNodes := map[string]map[string]string{
		nodeMachine1Zone1: buildNodeLabels("zone1"),
		nodeMachine1Zone2: buildNodeLabels("zone2"),
		nodeMachine2Zone2: buildNodeLabels("zone2"),
		nodeMachine1Zone3: buildNodeLabels("zone3"),
		nodeMachine2Zone3: buildNodeLabels("zone3"),
		nodeMachine3Zone3: buildNodeLabels("zone3"),

	buildPod := func(nodeName string, labels map[string]string) *api.Pod {
		pod := &api.Pod{Spec: api.PodSpec{NodeName: nodeName}, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels}}
		return pod

	tests := []struct {
		pod          *api.Pod
		pods         []*api.Pod
		nodes        []string
		rcs          []api.ReplicationController
		rss          []extensions.ReplicaSet
		services     []api.Service
		expectedList schedulerapi.HostPriorityList
		test         string
			pod: new(api.Pod),
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{
				{nodeMachine1Zone1, 10},
				{nodeMachine1Zone2, 10},
				{nodeMachine2Zone2, 10},
				{nodeMachine1Zone3, 10},
				{nodeMachine2Zone3, 10},
				{nodeMachine3Zone3, 10},
			test: "nothing scheduled",
			pod:  buildPod("", labels1),
			pods: []*api.Pod{buildPod(nodeMachine1Zone1, nil)},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{
				{nodeMachine1Zone1, 10},
				{nodeMachine1Zone2, 10},
				{nodeMachine2Zone2, 10},
				{nodeMachine1Zone3, 10},
				{nodeMachine2Zone3, 10},
				{nodeMachine3Zone3, 10},
			test: "no services",
			pod:      buildPod("", labels1),
			pods:     []*api.Pod{buildPod(nodeMachine1Zone1, labels2)},
			services: []api.Service{{Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Selector: map[string]string{"key": "value"}}}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{
				{nodeMachine1Zone1, 10},
				{nodeMachine1Zone2, 10},
				{nodeMachine2Zone2, 10},
				{nodeMachine1Zone3, 10},
				{nodeMachine2Zone3, 10},
				{nodeMachine3Zone3, 10},
			test: "different services",
			pod: buildPod("", labels1),
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				buildPod(nodeMachine1Zone1, labels2),
				buildPod(nodeMachine1Zone2, labels1),
			services: []api.Service{{Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Selector: labels1}}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{
				{nodeMachine1Zone1, 10},
				{nodeMachine1Zone2, 0}, // Already have pod on machine
				{nodeMachine2Zone2, 3}, // Already have pod in zone
				{nodeMachine1Zone3, 10},
				{nodeMachine2Zone3, 10},
				{nodeMachine3Zone3, 10},
			test: "two pods, 1 matching (in z2)",
			pod: buildPod("", labels1),
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				buildPod(nodeMachine1Zone1, labels2),
				buildPod(nodeMachine1Zone2, labels1),
				buildPod(nodeMachine2Zone2, labels1),
				buildPod(nodeMachine1Zone3, labels2),
				buildPod(nodeMachine2Zone3, labels1),
			services: []api.Service{{Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Selector: labels1}}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{
				{nodeMachine1Zone1, 10},
				{nodeMachine1Zone2, 0}, // Pod on node
				{nodeMachine2Zone2, 0}, // Pod on node
				{nodeMachine1Zone3, 6}, // Pod in zone
				{nodeMachine2Zone3, 3}, // Pod on node
				{nodeMachine3Zone3, 6}, // Pod in zone
			test: "five pods, 3 matching (z2=2, z3=1)",
			pod: buildPod("", labels1),
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				buildPod(nodeMachine1Zone1, labels1),
				buildPod(nodeMachine1Zone2, labels1),
				buildPod(nodeMachine2Zone2, labels2),
				buildPod(nodeMachine1Zone3, labels1),
			services: []api.Service{{Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Selector: labels1}}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{
				{nodeMachine1Zone1, 0}, // Pod on node
				{nodeMachine1Zone2, 0}, // Pod on node
				{nodeMachine2Zone2, 3}, // Pod in zone
				{nodeMachine1Zone3, 0}, // Pod on node
				{nodeMachine2Zone3, 3}, // Pod in zone
				{nodeMachine3Zone3, 3}, // Pod in zone
			test: "four pods, 3 matching (z1=1, z2=1, z3=1)",
			pod: buildPod("", labels1),
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				buildPod(nodeMachine1Zone1, labels1),
				buildPod(nodeMachine1Zone2, labels1),
				buildPod(nodeMachine1Zone3, labels1),
				buildPod(nodeMachine2Zone2, labels2),
			services: []api.Service{{Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Selector: labels1}}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{
				{nodeMachine1Zone1, 0}, // Pod on node
				{nodeMachine1Zone2, 0}, // Pod on node
				{nodeMachine2Zone2, 3}, // Pod in zone
				{nodeMachine1Zone3, 0}, // Pod on node
				{nodeMachine2Zone3, 3}, // Pod in zone
				{nodeMachine3Zone3, 3}, // Pod in zone
			test: "four pods, 3 matching (z1=1, z2=1, z3=1)",
			pod: buildPod("", labels1),
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				buildPod(nodeMachine1Zone3, labels1),
				buildPod(nodeMachine1Zone2, labels1),
				buildPod(nodeMachine1Zone3, labels1),
			rcs: []api.ReplicationController{{Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{Selector: labels1}}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{
				// Note that because we put two pods on the same node (nodeMachine1Zone3),
				// the values here are questionable for zone2, in particular for nodeMachine1Zone2.
				// However they kind of make sense; zone1 is still most-highly favored.
				// zone3 is in general least favored, and m1.z3 particularly low priority.
				// We would probably prefer to see a bigger gap between putting a second
				// pod on m1.z2 and putting a pod on m2.z2, but the ordering is correct.
				// This is also consistent with what we have already.
				{nodeMachine1Zone1, 10}, // No pods in zone
				{nodeMachine1Zone2, 5},  // Pod on node
				{nodeMachine2Zone2, 6},  // Pod in zone
				{nodeMachine1Zone3, 0},  // Two pods on node
				{nodeMachine2Zone3, 3},  // Pod in zone
				{nodeMachine3Zone3, 3},  // Pod in zone
			test: "Replication controller spreading (z1=0, z2=1, z3=2)",

	for _, test := range tests {
		nodeNameToInfo := schedulercache.CreateNodeNameToInfoMap(test.pods)
		selectorSpread := SelectorSpread{podLister: algorithm.FakePodLister(test.pods), serviceLister: algorithm.FakeServiceLister(test.services), controllerLister: algorithm.FakeControllerLister(test.rcs), replicaSetLister: algorithm.FakeReplicaSetLister(test.rss)}
		list, err := selectorSpread.CalculateSpreadPriority(test.pod, nodeNameToInfo, algorithm.FakeNodeLister(makeLabeledNodeList(labeledNodes)))
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
		// sort the two lists to avoid failures on account of different ordering
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.expectedList, list) {
			t.Errorf("%s: expected %#v, got %#v", test.test, test.expectedList, list)
コード例 #16
func TestGenericSchedulerWithExtenders(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		name                 string
		predicates           map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate
		prioritizers         []algorithm.PriorityConfig
		extenders            []FakeExtender
		extenderPredicates   []fitPredicate
		extenderPrioritizers []priorityConfig
		nodes                []string
		expectedHost         string
		expectsErr           bool
			predicates:   map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"true": truePredicate},
			prioritizers: []algorithm.PriorityConfig{{Map: EqualPriorityMap, Weight: 1}},
			extenders: []FakeExtender{
					predicates: []fitPredicate{truePredicateExtender},
					predicates: []fitPredicate{errorPredicateExtender},
			nodes:      []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			expectsErr: true,
			name:       "test 1",
			predicates:   map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"true": truePredicate},
			prioritizers: []algorithm.PriorityConfig{{Map: EqualPriorityMap, Weight: 1}},
			extenders: []FakeExtender{
					predicates: []fitPredicate{truePredicateExtender},
					predicates: []fitPredicate{falsePredicateExtender},
			nodes:      []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			expectsErr: true,
			name:       "test 2",
			predicates:   map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"true": truePredicate},
			prioritizers: []algorithm.PriorityConfig{{Map: EqualPriorityMap, Weight: 1}},
			extenders: []FakeExtender{
					predicates: []fitPredicate{truePredicateExtender},
					predicates: []fitPredicate{machine1PredicateExtender},
			nodes:        []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			expectedHost: "machine1",
			name:         "test 3",
			predicates:   map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"true": truePredicate},
			prioritizers: []algorithm.PriorityConfig{{Map: EqualPriorityMap, Weight: 1}},
			extenders: []FakeExtender{
					predicates: []fitPredicate{machine2PredicateExtender},
					predicates: []fitPredicate{machine1PredicateExtender},
			nodes:      []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			expectsErr: true,
			name:       "test 4",
			predicates:   map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"true": truePredicate},
			prioritizers: []algorithm.PriorityConfig{{Map: EqualPriorityMap, Weight: 1}},
			extenders: []FakeExtender{
					predicates:   []fitPredicate{truePredicateExtender},
					prioritizers: []priorityConfig{{errorPrioritizerExtender, 10}},
					weight:       1,
			nodes:        []string{"machine1"},
			expectedHost: "machine1",
			name:         "test 5",
			predicates:   map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"true": truePredicate},
			prioritizers: []algorithm.PriorityConfig{{Map: EqualPriorityMap, Weight: 1}},
			extenders: []FakeExtender{
					predicates:   []fitPredicate{truePredicateExtender},
					prioritizers: []priorityConfig{{machine1PrioritizerExtender, 10}},
					weight:       1,
					predicates:   []fitPredicate{truePredicateExtender},
					prioritizers: []priorityConfig{{machine2PrioritizerExtender, 10}},
					weight:       5,
			nodes:        []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			expectedHost: "machine2",
			name:         "test 6",
			predicates:   map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"true": truePredicate},
			prioritizers: []algorithm.PriorityConfig{{Function: machine2Prioritizer, Weight: 20}},
			extenders: []FakeExtender{
					predicates:   []fitPredicate{truePredicateExtender},
					prioritizers: []priorityConfig{{machine1PrioritizerExtender, 10}},
					weight:       1,
			nodes:        []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			expectedHost: "machine2", // machine2 has higher score
			name:         "test 7",

	for _, test := range tests {
		extenders := []algorithm.SchedulerExtender{}
		for ii := range test.extenders {
			extenders = append(extenders, &test.extenders[ii])
		cache := schedulercache.New(time.Duration(0), wait.NeverStop)
		for _, name := range test.nodes {
			cache.AddNode(&v1.Node{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: name}})
		scheduler := NewGenericScheduler(
			cache, test.predicates, algorithm.EmptyMetadataProducer, test.prioritizers, algorithm.EmptyMetadataProducer, extenders)
		podIgnored := &v1.Pod{}
		machine, err := scheduler.Schedule(podIgnored, algorithm.FakeNodeLister(makeNodeList(test.nodes)))
		if test.expectsErr {
			if err == nil {
				t.Errorf("Unexpected non-error for %s, machine %s", test.name, machine)
		} else {
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
			if test.expectedHost != machine {
				t.Errorf("Failed : %s, Expected: %s, Saw: %s", test.name, test.expectedHost, machine)
コード例 #17
func TestGenericScheduler(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		name          string
		predicates    map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate
		prioritizers  []algorithm.PriorityConfig
		nodes         []string
		pod           *api.Pod
		pods          []*api.Pod
		expectedHosts sets.String
		expectsErr    bool
		wErr          error
			predicates:   map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"false": falsePredicate},
			prioritizers: []algorithm.PriorityConfig{{Map: EqualPriorityMap, Weight: 1}},
			nodes:        []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			expectsErr:   true,
			pod:          &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "2"}},
			name:         "test 1",
			wErr: &FitError{
				Pod: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "2"}},
				FailedPredicates: FailedPredicateMap{
					"machine1": []algorithm.PredicateFailureReason{algorithmpredicates.ErrFakePredicate},
					"machine2": []algorithm.PredicateFailureReason{algorithmpredicates.ErrFakePredicate},
			predicates:    map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"true": truePredicate},
			prioritizers:  []algorithm.PriorityConfig{{Map: EqualPriorityMap, Weight: 1}},
			nodes:         []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			expectedHosts: sets.NewString("machine1", "machine2"),
			name:          "test 2",
			wErr:          nil,
			// Fits on a machine where the pod ID matches the machine name
			predicates:    map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"matches": matchesPredicate},
			prioritizers:  []algorithm.PriorityConfig{{Map: EqualPriorityMap, Weight: 1}},
			nodes:         []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			pod:           &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2"}},
			expectedHosts: sets.NewString("machine2"),
			name:          "test 3",
			wErr:          nil,
			predicates:    map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"true": truePredicate},
			prioritizers:  []algorithm.PriorityConfig{{Function: numericPriority, Weight: 1}},
			nodes:         []string{"3", "2", "1"},
			expectedHosts: sets.NewString("3"),
			name:          "test 4",
			wErr:          nil,
			predicates:    map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"matches": matchesPredicate},
			prioritizers:  []algorithm.PriorityConfig{{Function: numericPriority, Weight: 1}},
			nodes:         []string{"3", "2", "1"},
			pod:           &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "2"}},
			expectedHosts: sets.NewString("2"),
			name:          "test 5",
			wErr:          nil,
			predicates:    map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"true": truePredicate},
			prioritizers:  []algorithm.PriorityConfig{{Function: numericPriority, Weight: 1}, {Function: reverseNumericPriority, Weight: 2}},
			nodes:         []string{"3", "2", "1"},
			pod:           &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "2"}},
			expectedHosts: sets.NewString("1"),
			name:          "test 6",
			wErr:          nil,
			predicates:   map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"true": truePredicate, "false": falsePredicate},
			prioritizers: []algorithm.PriorityConfig{{Function: numericPriority, Weight: 1}},
			nodes:        []string{"3", "2", "1"},
			pod:          &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "2"}},
			expectsErr:   true,
			name:         "test 7",
			wErr: &FitError{
				Pod: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "2"}},
				FailedPredicates: FailedPredicateMap{
					"3": []algorithm.PredicateFailureReason{algorithmpredicates.ErrFakePredicate},
					"2": []algorithm.PredicateFailureReason{algorithmpredicates.ErrFakePredicate},
					"1": []algorithm.PredicateFailureReason{algorithmpredicates.ErrFakePredicate},
			predicates: map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{
				"nopods":  hasNoPodsPredicate,
				"matches": matchesPredicate,
			pods: []*api.Pod{
					ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "2"},
					Spec: api.PodSpec{
						NodeName: "2",
					Status: api.PodStatus{
						Phase: api.PodRunning,
			pod:          &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "2"}},
			prioritizers: []algorithm.PriorityConfig{{Function: numericPriority, Weight: 1}},
			nodes:        []string{"1", "2"},
			expectsErr:   true,
			name:         "test 8",
			wErr: &FitError{
				Pod: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "2"}},
				FailedPredicates: FailedPredicateMap{
					"1": []algorithm.PredicateFailureReason{algorithmpredicates.ErrFakePredicate},
					"2": []algorithm.PredicateFailureReason{algorithmpredicates.ErrFakePredicate},
	for _, test := range tests {
		cache := schedulercache.New(time.Duration(0), wait.NeverStop)
		for _, pod := range test.pods {
		for _, name := range test.nodes {
			cache.AddNode(&api.Node{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: name}})

		scheduler := NewGenericScheduler(
			cache, test.predicates, algorithm.EmptyMetadataProducer, test.prioritizers, algorithm.EmptyMetadataProducer,
		machine, err := scheduler.Schedule(test.pod, algorithm.FakeNodeLister(makeNodeList(test.nodes)))

		if !reflect.DeepEqual(err, test.wErr) {
			t.Errorf("Failed : %s, Unexpected error: %v, expected: %v", test.name, err, test.wErr)
		if test.expectedHosts != nil && !test.expectedHosts.Has(machine) {
			t.Errorf("Failed : %s, Expected: %s, got: %s", test.name, test.expectedHosts, machine)
コード例 #18
ファイル: priorities_test.go プロジェクト: XbinZh/kubernetes
func TestBalancedResourceAllocation(t *testing.T) {
	labels1 := map[string]string{
		"foo": "bar",
		"baz": "blah",
	labels2 := map[string]string{
		"bar": "foo",
		"baz": "blah",
	machine1Spec := api.PodSpec{
		NodeName: "machine1",
	machine2Spec := api.PodSpec{
		NodeName: "machine2",
	noResources := api.PodSpec{
		Containers: []api.Container{},
	cpuOnly := api.PodSpec{
		NodeName: "machine1",
		Containers: []api.Container{
				Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{
					Requests: api.ResourceList{
						"cpu":    resource.MustParse("1000m"),
						"memory": resource.MustParse("0"),
				Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{
					Requests: api.ResourceList{
						"cpu":    resource.MustParse("2000m"),
						"memory": resource.MustParse("0"),
	cpuOnly2 := cpuOnly
	cpuOnly2.NodeName = "machine2"
	cpuAndMemory := api.PodSpec{
		NodeName: "machine2",
		Containers: []api.Container{
				Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{
					Requests: api.ResourceList{
						"cpu":    resource.MustParse("1000m"),
						"memory": resource.MustParse("2000"),
				Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{
					Requests: api.ResourceList{
						"cpu":    resource.MustParse("2000m"),
						"memory": resource.MustParse("3000"),
	tests := []struct {
		pod          *api.Pod
		pods         []*api.Pod
		nodes        []api.Node
		expectedList schedulerapi.HostPriorityList
		test         string
				Node1 scores (remaining resources) on 0-10 scale
				CPU Fraction: 0 / 4000 = 0%
				Memory Fraction: 0 / 10000 = 0%
				Node1 Score: 10 - (0-0)*10 = 10

				Node2 scores (remaining resources) on 0-10 scale
				CPU Fraction: 0 / 4000 = 0 %
				Memory Fraction: 0 / 10000 = 0%
				Node2 Score: 10 - (0-0)*10 = 10
			pod:          &api.Pod{Spec: noResources},
			nodes:        []api.Node{makeNode("machine1", 4000, 10000), makeNode("machine2", 4000, 10000)},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 10}, {"machine2", 10}},
			test:         "nothing scheduled, nothing requested",
				Node1 scores on 0-10 scale
				CPU Fraction: 3000 / 4000= 75%
				Memory Fraction: 5000 / 10000 = 50%
				Node1 Score: 10 - (0.75-0.5)*10 = 7

				Node2 scores on 0-10 scale
				CPU Fraction: 3000 / 6000= 50%
				Memory Fraction: 5000/10000 = 50%
				Node2 Score: 10 - (0.5-0.5)*10 = 10
			pod:          &api.Pod{Spec: cpuAndMemory},
			nodes:        []api.Node{makeNode("machine1", 4000, 10000), makeNode("machine2", 6000, 10000)},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 7}, {"machine2", 10}},
			test:         "nothing scheduled, resources requested, differently sized machines",
				Node1 scores on 0-10 scale
				CPU Fraction: 0 / 4000= 0%
				Memory Fraction: 0 / 10000 = 0%
				Node1 Score: 10 - (0-0)*10 = 10

				Node2 scores on 0-10 scale
				CPU Fraction: 0 / 4000= 0%
				Memory Fraction: 0 / 10000 = 0%
				Node2 Score: 10 - (0-0)*10 = 10
			pod:          &api.Pod{Spec: noResources},
			nodes:        []api.Node{makeNode("machine1", 4000, 10000), makeNode("machine2", 4000, 10000)},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 10}, {"machine2", 10}},
			test:         "no resources requested, pods scheduled",
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: machine1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}},
				{Spec: machine1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: machine2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: machine2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				Node1 scores on 0-10 scale
				CPU Fraction: 6000 / 10000 = 60%
				Memory Fraction: 0 / 20000 = 0%
				Node1 Score: 10 - (0.6-0)*10 = 4

				Node2 scores on 0-10 scale
				CPU Fraction: 6000 / 10000 = 60%
				Memory Fraction: 5000 / 20000 = 25%
				Node2 Score: 10 - (0.6-0.25)*10 = 6
			pod:          &api.Pod{Spec: noResources},
			nodes:        []api.Node{makeNode("machine1", 10000, 20000), makeNode("machine2", 10000, 20000)},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 4}, {"machine2", 6}},
			test:         "no resources requested, pods scheduled with resources",
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: cpuOnly, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}},
				{Spec: cpuOnly, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: cpuOnly2, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: cpuAndMemory, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				Node1 scores on 0-10 scale
				CPU Fraction: 6000 / 10000 = 60%
				Memory Fraction: 5000 / 20000 = 25%
				Node1 Score: 10 - (0.6-0.25)*10 = 6

				Node2 scores on 0-10 scale
				CPU Fraction: 6000 / 10000 = 60%
				Memory Fraction: 10000 / 20000 = 50%
				Node2 Score: 10 - (0.6-0.5)*10 = 9
			pod:          &api.Pod{Spec: cpuAndMemory},
			nodes:        []api.Node{makeNode("machine1", 10000, 20000), makeNode("machine2", 10000, 20000)},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 6}, {"machine2", 9}},
			test:         "resources requested, pods scheduled with resources",
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: cpuOnly},
				{Spec: cpuAndMemory},
				Node1 scores on 0-10 scale
				CPU Fraction: 6000 / 10000 = 60%
				Memory Fraction: 5000 / 20000 = 25%
				Node1 Score: 10 - (0.6-0.25)*10 = 6

				Node2 scores on 0-10 scale
				CPU Fraction: 6000 / 10000 = 60%
				Memory Fraction: 10000 / 50000 = 20%
				Node2 Score: 10 - (0.6-0.2)*10 = 6
			pod:          &api.Pod{Spec: cpuAndMemory},
			nodes:        []api.Node{makeNode("machine1", 10000, 20000), makeNode("machine2", 10000, 50000)},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 6}, {"machine2", 6}},
			test:         "resources requested, pods scheduled with resources, differently sized machines",
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: cpuOnly},
				{Spec: cpuAndMemory},
				Node1 scores on 0-10 scale
				CPU Fraction: 6000 / 4000 > 100% ==> Score := 0
				Memory Fraction: 0 / 10000 = 0
				Node1 Score: 0

				Node2 scores on 0-10 scale
				CPU Fraction: 6000 / 4000 > 100% ==> Score := 0
				Memory Fraction 5000 / 10000 = 50%
				Node2 Score: 0
			pod:          &api.Pod{Spec: cpuOnly},
			nodes:        []api.Node{makeNode("machine1", 4000, 10000), makeNode("machine2", 4000, 10000)},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 0}, {"machine2", 0}},
			test:         "requested resources exceed node capacity",
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: cpuOnly},
				{Spec: cpuAndMemory},
			pod:          &api.Pod{Spec: noResources},
			nodes:        []api.Node{makeNode("machine1", 0, 0), makeNode("machine2", 0, 0)},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 0}, {"machine2", 0}},
			test:         "zero node resources, pods scheduled with resources",
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: cpuOnly},
				{Spec: cpuAndMemory},

	for _, test := range tests {
		nodeNameToInfo := schedulercache.CreateNodeNameToInfoMap(test.pods)
		list, err := BalancedResourceAllocation(test.pod, nodeNameToInfo, algorithm.FakeNodeLister(api.NodeList{Items: test.nodes}))
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.expectedList, list) {
			t.Errorf("%s: expected %#v, got %#v", test.test, test.expectedList, list)
コード例 #19
ファイル: priorities_test.go プロジェクト: XbinZh/kubernetes
func TestLeastRequested(t *testing.T) {
	labels1 := map[string]string{
		"foo": "bar",
		"baz": "blah",
	labels2 := map[string]string{
		"bar": "foo",
		"baz": "blah",
	machine1Spec := api.PodSpec{
		NodeName: "machine1",
	machine2Spec := api.PodSpec{
		NodeName: "machine2",
	noResources := api.PodSpec{
		Containers: []api.Container{},
	cpuOnly := api.PodSpec{
		NodeName: "machine1",
		Containers: []api.Container{
				Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{
					Requests: api.ResourceList{
						"cpu":    resource.MustParse("1000m"),
						"memory": resource.MustParse("0"),
				Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{
					Requests: api.ResourceList{
						"cpu":    resource.MustParse("2000m"),
						"memory": resource.MustParse("0"),
	cpuOnly2 := cpuOnly
	cpuOnly2.NodeName = "machine2"
	cpuAndMemory := api.PodSpec{
		NodeName: "machine2",
		Containers: []api.Container{
				Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{
					Requests: api.ResourceList{
						"cpu":    resource.MustParse("1000m"),
						"memory": resource.MustParse("2000"),
				Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{
					Requests: api.ResourceList{
						"cpu":    resource.MustParse("2000m"),
						"memory": resource.MustParse("3000"),
	tests := []struct {
		pod          *api.Pod
		pods         []*api.Pod
		nodes        []api.Node
		expectedList schedulerapi.HostPriorityList
		test         string
				Node1 scores (remaining resources) on 0-10 scale
				CPU Score: ((4000 - 0) *10) / 4000 = 10
				Memory Score: ((10000 - 0) *10) / 10000 = 10
				Node1 Score: (10 + 10) / 2 = 10

				Node2 scores (remaining resources) on 0-10 scale
				CPU Score: ((4000 - 0) *10) / 4000 = 10
				Memory Score: ((10000 - 0) *10) / 10000 = 10
				Node2 Score: (10 + 10) / 2 = 10
			pod:          &api.Pod{Spec: noResources},
			nodes:        []api.Node{makeNode("machine1", 4000, 10000), makeNode("machine2", 4000, 10000)},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 10}, {"machine2", 10}},
			test:         "nothing scheduled, nothing requested",
				Node1 scores on 0-10 scale
				CPU Score: ((4000 - 3000) *10) / 4000 = 2.5
				Memory Score: ((10000 - 5000) *10) / 10000 = 5
				Node1 Score: (2.5 + 5) / 2 = 3

				Node2 scores on 0-10 scale
				CPU Score: ((6000 - 3000) *10) / 6000 = 5
				Memory Score: ((10000 - 5000) *10) / 10000 = 5
				Node2 Score: (5 + 5) / 2 = 5
			pod:          &api.Pod{Spec: cpuAndMemory},
			nodes:        []api.Node{makeNode("machine1", 4000, 10000), makeNode("machine2", 6000, 10000)},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 3}, {"machine2", 5}},
			test:         "nothing scheduled, resources requested, differently sized machines",
				Node1 scores on 0-10 scale
				CPU Score: ((4000 - 0) *10) / 4000 = 10
				Memory Score: ((10000 - 0) *10) / 10000 = 10
				Node1 Score: (10 + 10) / 2 = 10

				Node2 scores on 0-10 scale
				CPU Score: ((4000 - 0) *10) / 4000 = 10
				Memory Score: ((10000 - 0) *10) / 10000 = 10
				Node2 Score: (10 + 10) / 2 = 10
			pod:          &api.Pod{Spec: noResources},
			nodes:        []api.Node{makeNode("machine1", 4000, 10000), makeNode("machine2", 4000, 10000)},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 10}, {"machine2", 10}},
			test:         "no resources requested, pods scheduled",
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: machine1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}},
				{Spec: machine1Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: machine2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: machine2Spec, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				Node1 scores on 0-10 scale
				CPU Score: ((10000 - 6000) *10) / 10000 = 4
				Memory Score: ((20000 - 0) *10) / 20000 = 10
				Node1 Score: (4 + 10) / 2 = 7

				Node2 scores on 0-10 scale
				CPU Score: ((10000 - 6000) *10) / 10000 = 4
				Memory Score: ((20000 - 5000) *10) / 20000 = 7.5
				Node2 Score: (4 + 7.5) / 2 = 5
			pod:          &api.Pod{Spec: noResources},
			nodes:        []api.Node{makeNode("machine1", 10000, 20000), makeNode("machine2", 10000, 20000)},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 7}, {"machine2", 5}},
			test:         "no resources requested, pods scheduled with resources",
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: cpuOnly, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels2}},
				{Spec: cpuOnly, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: cpuOnly2, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				{Spec: cpuAndMemory, ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Labels: labels1}},
				Node1 scores on 0-10 scale
				CPU Score: ((10000 - 6000) *10) / 10000 = 4
				Memory Score: ((20000 - 5000) *10) / 20000 = 7.5
				Node1 Score: (4 + 7.5) / 2 = 5

				Node2 scores on 0-10 scale
				CPU Score: ((10000 - 6000) *10) / 10000 = 4
				Memory Score: ((20000 - 10000) *10) / 20000 = 5
				Node2 Score: (4 + 5) / 2 = 4
			pod:          &api.Pod{Spec: cpuAndMemory},
			nodes:        []api.Node{makeNode("machine1", 10000, 20000), makeNode("machine2", 10000, 20000)},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 5}, {"machine2", 4}},
			test:         "resources requested, pods scheduled with resources",
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: cpuOnly},
				{Spec: cpuAndMemory},
				Node1 scores on 0-10 scale
				CPU Score: ((10000 - 6000) *10) / 10000 = 4
				Memory Score: ((20000 - 5000) *10) / 20000 = 7.5
				Node1 Score: (4 + 7.5) / 2 = 5

				Node2 scores on 0-10 scale
				CPU Score: ((10000 - 6000) *10) / 10000 = 4
				Memory Score: ((50000 - 10000) *10) / 50000 = 8
				Node2 Score: (4 + 8) / 2 = 6
			pod:          &api.Pod{Spec: cpuAndMemory},
			nodes:        []api.Node{makeNode("machine1", 10000, 20000), makeNode("machine2", 10000, 50000)},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 5}, {"machine2", 6}},
			test:         "resources requested, pods scheduled with resources, differently sized machines",
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: cpuOnly},
				{Spec: cpuAndMemory},
				Node1 scores on 0-10 scale
				CPU Score: ((4000 - 6000) *10) / 4000 = 0
				Memory Score: ((10000 - 0) *10) / 10000 = 10
				Node1 Score: (0 + 10) / 2 = 5

				Node2 scores on 0-10 scale
				CPU Score: ((4000 - 6000) *10) / 4000 = 0
				Memory Score: ((10000 - 5000) *10) / 10000 = 5
				Node2 Score: (0 + 5) / 2 = 2
			pod:          &api.Pod{Spec: cpuOnly},
			nodes:        []api.Node{makeNode("machine1", 4000, 10000), makeNode("machine2", 4000, 10000)},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 5}, {"machine2", 2}},
			test:         "requested resources exceed node capacity",
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: cpuOnly},
				{Spec: cpuAndMemory},
			pod:          &api.Pod{Spec: noResources},
			nodes:        []api.Node{makeNode("machine1", 0, 0), makeNode("machine2", 0, 0)},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 0}, {"machine2", 0}},
			test:         "zero node resources, pods scheduled with resources",
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: cpuOnly},
				{Spec: cpuAndMemory},

	for _, test := range tests {
		nodeNameToInfo := schedulercache.CreateNodeNameToInfoMap(test.pods)
		list, err := LeastRequestedPriority(test.pod, nodeNameToInfo, algorithm.FakeNodeLister(api.NodeList{Items: test.nodes}))
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.expectedList, list) {
			t.Errorf("%s: expected %#v, got %#v", test.test, test.expectedList, list)
コード例 #20
ファイル: extender_test.go プロジェクト: Clarifai/kubernetes
func TestGenericSchedulerWithExtenders(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		name                 string
		predicates           map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate
		prioritizers         []algorithm.PriorityConfig
		extenders            []FakeExtender
		extenderPredicates   []fitPredicate
		extenderPrioritizers []priorityConfig
		nodes                []string
		pod                  *api.Pod
		pods                 []*api.Pod
		expectedHost         string
		expectsErr           bool
			predicates:   map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"true": truePredicate},
			prioritizers: []algorithm.PriorityConfig{{EqualPriority, 1}},
			extenders: []FakeExtender{
					predicates: []fitPredicate{truePredicateExtender},
					predicates: []fitPredicate{errorPredicateExtender},
			nodes:      []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			expectsErr: true,
			name:       "test 1",
			predicates:   map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"true": truePredicate},
			prioritizers: []algorithm.PriorityConfig{{EqualPriority, 1}},
			extenders: []FakeExtender{
					predicates: []fitPredicate{truePredicateExtender},
					predicates: []fitPredicate{falsePredicateExtender},
			nodes:      []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			expectsErr: true,
			name:       "test 2",
			predicates:   map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"true": truePredicate},
			prioritizers: []algorithm.PriorityConfig{{EqualPriority, 1}},
			extenders: []FakeExtender{
					predicates: []fitPredicate{truePredicateExtender},
					predicates: []fitPredicate{machine1PredicateExtender},
			nodes:        []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			expectedHost: "machine1",
			name:         "test 3",
			predicates:   map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"true": truePredicate},
			prioritizers: []algorithm.PriorityConfig{{EqualPriority, 1}},
			extenders: []FakeExtender{
					predicates: []fitPredicate{machine2PredicateExtender},
					predicates: []fitPredicate{machine1PredicateExtender},
			nodes:      []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			expectsErr: true,
			name:       "test 4",
			predicates:   map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"true": truePredicate},
			prioritizers: []algorithm.PriorityConfig{{EqualPriority, 1}},
			extenders: []FakeExtender{
					predicates:   []fitPredicate{truePredicateExtender},
					prioritizers: []priorityConfig{{errorPrioritizerExtender, 10}},
					weight:       1,
			nodes:        []string{"machine1"},
			expectedHost: "machine1",
			name:         "test 5",
			predicates:   map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"true": truePredicate},
			prioritizers: []algorithm.PriorityConfig{{EqualPriority, 1}},
			extenders: []FakeExtender{
					predicates:   []fitPredicate{truePredicateExtender},
					prioritizers: []priorityConfig{{machine1PrioritizerExtender, 10}},
					weight:       1,
					predicates:   []fitPredicate{truePredicateExtender},
					prioritizers: []priorityConfig{{machine2PrioritizerExtender, 10}},
					weight:       5,
			nodes:        []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			expectedHost: "machine2",
			name:         "test 6",
			predicates:   map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"true": truePredicate},
			prioritizers: []algorithm.PriorityConfig{{machine2Prioritizer, 20}},
			extenders: []FakeExtender{
					predicates:   []fitPredicate{truePredicateExtender},
					prioritizers: []priorityConfig{{machine1PrioritizerExtender, 10}},
					weight:       1,
			nodes:        []string{"machine1", "machine2"},
			expectedHost: "machine2", // machine2 has higher score
			name:         "test 7",

	for _, test := range tests {
		random := rand.New(rand.NewSource(0))
		extenders := []algorithm.SchedulerExtender{}
		for ii := range test.extenders {
			extenders = append(extenders, &test.extenders[ii])
		scheduler := NewGenericScheduler(schedulertesting.PodsToCache(test.pods), test.predicates, test.prioritizers, extenders, random)
		machine, err := scheduler.Schedule(test.pod, algorithm.FakeNodeLister(makeNodeList(test.nodes)))
		if test.expectsErr {
			if err == nil {
				t.Errorf("Unexpected non-error for %s, machine %s", test.name, machine)
		} else {
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
			if test.expectedHost != machine {
				t.Errorf("Failed : %s, Expected: %s, Saw: %s", test.name, test.expectedHost, machine)
コード例 #21
func TestNodeAffinityPriority(t *testing.T) {
	label1 := map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}
	label2 := map[string]string{"key": "value"}
	label3 := map[string]string{"az": "az1"}
	label4 := map[string]string{"abc": "az11", "def": "az22"}
	label5 := map[string]string{"foo": "bar", "key": "value", "az": "az1"}

	affinity1 := map[string]string{
		api.AffinityAnnotationKey: `
		{"nodeAffinity": {"preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution": [
				"weight": 2,
				"preference": {
					"matchExpressions": [
							"key": "foo",
							"operator": "In", "values": ["bar"]

	affinity2 := map[string]string{
		api.AffinityAnnotationKey: `
		{"nodeAffinity": {"preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution": [
				"weight": 2,
				"preference": {"matchExpressions": [
						"key": "foo",
						"operator": "In", "values": ["bar"]
				"weight": 4,
				"preference": {"matchExpressions": [
						"key": "key",
						"operator": "In", "values": ["value"]
				"weight": 5,
				"preference": {"matchExpressions": [
						"key": "foo",
						"operator": "In", "values": ["bar"]
						"key": "key",
						"operator": "In", "values": ["value"]
						"key": "az",
						"operator": "In", "values": ["az1"]

	tests := []struct {
		pod          *api.Pod
		nodes        []api.Node
		expectedList schedulerapi.HostPriorityList
		test         string
			pod: &api.Pod{
				ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
					Annotations: map[string]string{},
			nodes: []api.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: label1}},
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: label2}},
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine3", Labels: label3}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 0}, {"machine2", 0}, {"machine3", 0}},
			test:         "all machines are same priority as NodeAffinity is nil",
			pod: &api.Pod{
				ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
					Annotations: affinity1,
			nodes: []api.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: label4}},
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: label2}},
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine3", Labels: label3}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 0}, {"machine2", 0}, {"machine3", 0}},
			test:         "no machine macthes preferred scheduling requirements in NodeAffinity of pod so all machines' priority is zero",
			pod: &api.Pod{
				ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
					Annotations: affinity1,
			nodes: []api.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: label1}},
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: label2}},
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine3", Labels: label3}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 10}, {"machine2", 0}, {"machine3", 0}},
			test:         "only machine1 matches the preferred scheduling requirements of pod",
			pod: &api.Pod{
				ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
					Annotations: affinity2,
			nodes: []api.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: label1}},
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine5", Labels: label5}},
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: label2}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 1}, {"machine5", 10}, {"machine2", 3}},
			test:         "all machines matches the preferred scheduling requirements of pod but with different priorities ",

	for _, test := range tests {
		nodeAffinity := NodeAffinity{nodeLister: algorithm.FakeNodeLister(api.NodeList{Items: test.nodes})}
		list, err := nodeAffinity.CalculateNodeAffinityPriority(test.pod, nil, nil, algorithm.FakeNodeLister(api.NodeList{Items: test.nodes}))
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.expectedList, list) {
			t.Errorf("%s: \nexpected %#v, \ngot      %#v", test.test, test.expectedList, list)
コード例 #22
func TestSoftPodAntiAffinityWithFailureDomains(t *testing.T) {
	labelAzAZ1 := map[string]string{
		"az": "az1",
	LabelZoneFailureDomainAZ1 := map[string]string{
		unversioned.LabelZoneFailureDomain: "az1",
	podLabel1 := map[string]string{
		"security": "S1",
	antiAffinity1 := map[string]string{
		v1.AffinityAnnotationKey: `
		{"podAntiAffinity": {
			"preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution": [{
				"weight": 5,
				"podAffinityTerm": {
					"labelSelector": {
						"matchExpressions": [{
							"key": "security",
							"operator": "In",
					"namespaces": [],
					"topologyKey": ""
	tests := []struct {
		pod            *v1.Pod
		pods           []*v1.Pod
		nodes          []*v1.Node
		failureDomains priorityutil.Topologies
		expectedList   schedulerapi.HostPriorityList
		test           string
			pod: &v1.Pod{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: ""}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabel1, Annotations: antiAffinity1}},
			pods: []*v1.Pod{
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine1"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabel1}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine2"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabel1}},
			nodes: []*v1.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: LabelZoneFailureDomainAZ1}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: labelAzAZ1}},
			failureDomains: priorityutil.Topologies{DefaultKeys: strings.Split(v1.DefaultFailureDomains, ",")},
			expectedList:   []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{Host: "machine1", Score: 0}, {Host: "machine2", Score: 10}},
			test:           "Soft Pod Anti Affinity: when the topologyKey is emtpy, match among topologyKeys indicated by failure domains.",
			pod: &v1.Pod{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: ""}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabel1, Annotations: antiAffinity1}},
			pods: []*v1.Pod{
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine1"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabel1}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine2"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabel1}},
			nodes: []*v1.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: LabelZoneFailureDomainAZ1}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: labelAzAZ1}},
			failureDomains: priorityutil.Topologies{},
			expectedList:   []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{Host: "machine1", Score: 0}, {Host: "machine2", Score: 0}},
			test:           "Soft Pod Anti Affinity: when the topologyKey is emtpy, and no failure domains indicated, regard as topologyKey not match.",
	for _, test := range tests {
		nodeNameToInfo := schedulercache.CreateNodeNameToInfoMap(test.pods, test.nodes)
		ipa := InterPodAffinity{
			info:                  FakeNodeListInfo(test.nodes),
			nodeLister:            algorithm.FakeNodeLister(test.nodes),
			podLister:             algorithm.FakePodLister(test.pods),
			hardPodAffinityWeight: v1.DefaultHardPodAffinitySymmetricWeight,
			failureDomains:        test.failureDomains,
		list, err := ipa.CalculateInterPodAffinityPriority(test.pod, nodeNameToInfo, test.nodes)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.expectedList, list) {
			t.Errorf("%s: \nexpected \n\t%#v, \ngot \n\t%#v\n", test.test, test.expectedList, list)
コード例 #23
func TestHardPodAffinitySymmetricWeight(t *testing.T) {
	podLabelServiceS1 := map[string]string{
		"service": "S1",
	labelRgChina := map[string]string{
		"region": "China",
	labelRgIndia := map[string]string{
		"region": "India",
	labelAzAz1 := map[string]string{
		"az": "az1",
	hardPodAffinity := map[string]string{
		v1.AffinityAnnotationKey: `
		{"podAffinity": {
			"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution": [
						"matchExpressions": [{
							"key": "service",
							"operator": "In",
							"values": ["S1"]
					"namespaces": [],
					"topologyKey": "region"
	tests := []struct {
		pod                   *v1.Pod
		pods                  []*v1.Pod
		nodes                 []*v1.Node
		hardPodAffinityWeight int
		expectedList          schedulerapi.HostPriorityList
		test                  string
			pod: &v1.Pod{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: ""}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelServiceS1}},
			pods: []*v1.Pod{
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine1"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Annotations: hardPodAffinity}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine2"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Annotations: hardPodAffinity}},
			nodes: []*v1.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: labelRgChina}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: labelRgIndia}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine3", Labels: labelAzAz1}},
			hardPodAffinityWeight: v1.DefaultHardPodAffinitySymmetricWeight,
			expectedList:          []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{Host: "machine1", Score: 10}, {Host: "machine2", Score: 10}, {Host: "machine3", Score: 0}},
			test:                  "Hard Pod Affinity symmetry: hard pod affinity symmetry weights 1 by default, then nodes that match the hard pod affinity symmetry rules, get a high score",
			pod: &v1.Pod{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: ""}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelServiceS1}},
			pods: []*v1.Pod{
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine1"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Annotations: hardPodAffinity}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine2"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Annotations: hardPodAffinity}},
			nodes: []*v1.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: labelRgChina}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: labelRgIndia}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine3", Labels: labelAzAz1}},
			hardPodAffinityWeight: 0,
			expectedList:          []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{Host: "machine1", Score: 0}, {Host: "machine2", Score: 0}, {Host: "machine3", Score: 0}},
			test:                  "Hard Pod Affinity symmetry: hard pod affinity symmetry is closed(weights 0), then nodes that match the hard pod affinity symmetry rules, get same score with those not match",
	for _, test := range tests {
		nodeNameToInfo := schedulercache.CreateNodeNameToInfoMap(test.pods, test.nodes)
		ipa := InterPodAffinity{
			info:                  FakeNodeListInfo(test.nodes),
			nodeLister:            algorithm.FakeNodeLister(test.nodes),
			podLister:             algorithm.FakePodLister(test.pods),
			hardPodAffinityWeight: test.hardPodAffinityWeight,
		list, err := ipa.CalculateInterPodAffinityPriority(test.pod, nodeNameToInfo, test.nodes)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.expectedList, list) {
			t.Errorf("%s: \nexpected \n\t%#v, \ngot \n\t%#v\n", test.test, test.expectedList, list)
コード例 #24
func TestInterPodAffinityPriority(t *testing.T) {
	labelRgChina := map[string]string{
		"region": "China",
	labelRgIndia := map[string]string{
		"region": "India",
	labelAzAz1 := map[string]string{
		"az": "az1",
	labelAzAz2 := map[string]string{
		"az": "az2",
	labelRgChinaAzAz1 := map[string]string{
		"region": "China",
		"az":     "az1",
	podLabelSecurityS1 := map[string]string{
		"security": "S1",
	podLabelSecurityS2 := map[string]string{
		"security": "S2",
	// considered only preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution in pod affinity
	stayWithS1InRegion := map[string]string{
		v1.AffinityAnnotationKey: `
		{"podAffinity": {
			"preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution": [{
				"weight": 5,
				"podAffinityTerm": {
					"labelSelector": {
						"matchExpressions": [{
							"key": "security",
							"operator": "In",
					"namespaces": [],
					"topologyKey": "region"
	stayWithS2InRegion := map[string]string{
		v1.AffinityAnnotationKey: `
		{"podAffinity": {
			"preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution": [{
				"weight": 6,
				"podAffinityTerm": {
					"labelSelector": {
						"matchExpressions": [{
							"key": "security",
							"operator": "In",
					"namespaces": [],
					"topologyKey": "region"
	affinity3 := map[string]string{
		v1.AffinityAnnotationKey: `
		{"podAffinity": {
			"preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution": [
					"weight": 8,
					"podAffinityTerm": {
						"labelSelector": {
							"matchExpressions": [{
								"key": "security",
								"operator": "NotIn",
							}, {
								"key": "security",
								"operator": "In",
						"namespaces": [],
						"topologyKey": "region"
				}, {
					"weight": 2,
					"podAffinityTerm": {
						"labelSelector": {
							"matchExpressions": [{
								"key": "security",
								"operator": "Exists"
							}, {
								"key": "wrongkey",
								"operator": "DoesNotExist"
						"namespaces": [],
						"topologyKey": "region"
	hardAffinity := map[string]string{
		v1.AffinityAnnotationKey: `
		{"podAffinity": {
			"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution": [
						"matchExpressions": [{
							"key": "security",
							"operator": "In",
							"values": ["S1", "value2"]
					"namespaces": [],
					"topologyKey": "region"
				}, {
					"labelSelector": {
						"matchExpressions": [{
							"key": "security",
							"operator": "Exists"
						}, {
							"key": "wrongkey",
							"operator": "DoesNotExist"
					"namespaces": [],
					"topologyKey": "region"
	awayFromS1InAz := map[string]string{
		v1.AffinityAnnotationKey: `
		{"podAntiAffinity": {
			"preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution": [{
				"weight": 5,
				"podAffinityTerm": {
					"labelSelector": {
						"matchExpressions": [{
							"key": "security",
							"operator": "In",
					"namespaces": [],
					"topologyKey": "az"
	// to stay away from security S2 in any az.
	awayFromS2InAz := map[string]string{
		v1.AffinityAnnotationKey: `
		{"podAntiAffinity": {
			"preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution": [{
				"weight": 5,
				"podAffinityTerm": {
					"labelSelector": {
						"matchExpressions": [{
							"key": "security",
							"operator": "In",
					"namespaces": [],
					"topologyKey": "az"
	// to stay with security S1 in same region, stay away from security S2 in any az.
	stayWithS1InRegionAwayFromS2InAz := map[string]string{
		v1.AffinityAnnotationKey: `
		{"podAffinity": {
			"preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution": [{
				"weight": 8,
				"podAffinityTerm": {
					"labelSelector": {
						"matchExpressions": [{
							"key": "security",
							"operator": "In",
					"namespaces": [],
					"topologyKey": "region"
		"podAntiAffinity": {
			"preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution": [{
				"weight": 5,
				"podAffinityTerm": {
					"labelSelector": {
						"matchExpressions": [{
							"key": "security",
							"operator": "In",
					"namespaces": [],
					"topologyKey": "az"

	tests := []struct {
		pod          *v1.Pod
		pods         []*v1.Pod
		nodes        []*v1.Node
		expectedList schedulerapi.HostPriorityList
		test         string
			pod: &v1.Pod{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: ""}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1, Annotations: map[string]string{}}},
			nodes: []*v1.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: labelRgChina}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: labelRgIndia}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine3", Labels: labelAzAz1}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{Host: "machine1", Score: 0}, {Host: "machine2", Score: 0}, {Host: "machine3", Score: 0}},
			test:         "all machines are same priority as Affinity is nil",
		// the node(machine1) that have the label {"region": "China"} (match the topology key) and that have existing pods that match the labelSelector get high score
		// the node(machine3) that don't have the label {"region": "whatever the value is"} (mismatch the topology key) but that have existing pods that match the labelSelector get low score
		// the node(machine2) that have the label {"region": "China"} (match the topology key) but that have existing pods that mismatch the labelSelector get low score
			pod: &v1.Pod{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: ""}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1, Annotations: stayWithS1InRegion}},
			pods: []*v1.Pod{
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine1"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine2"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS2}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine3"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1}},
			nodes: []*v1.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: labelRgChina}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: labelRgIndia}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine3", Labels: labelAzAz1}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{Host: "machine1", Score: 10}, {Host: "machine2", Score: 0}, {Host: "machine3", Score: 0}},
			test: "Affinity: pod that matches topology key & pods in nodes will get high score comparing to others" +
				"which doesn't match either pods in nodes or in topology key",
		// the node1(machine1) that have the label {"region": "China"} (match the topology key) and that have existing pods that match the labelSelector get high score
		// the node2(machine2) that have the label {"region": "China"}, match the topology key and have the same label value with node1, get the same high score with node1
		// the node3(machine3) that have the label {"region": "India"}, match the topology key but have a different label value, don't have existing pods that match the labelSelector,
		// get a low score.
			pod: &v1.Pod{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: ""}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Annotations: stayWithS1InRegion}},
			pods: []*v1.Pod{
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine1"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1}},
			nodes: []*v1.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: labelRgChina}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: labelRgChinaAzAz1}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine3", Labels: labelRgIndia}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{Host: "machine1", Score: 10}, {Host: "machine2", Score: 10}, {Host: "machine3", Score: 0}},
			test:         "All the nodes that have the same topology key & label value with one of them has an existing pod that match the affinity rules, have the same score",
		// there are 2 regions, say regionChina(machine1,machine3,machine4) and regionIndia(machine2,machine5), both regions have nodes that match the preference.
		// But there are more nodes(actually more existing pods) in regionChina that match the preference than regionIndia.
		// Then, nodes in regionChina get higher score than nodes in regionIndia, and all the nodes in regionChina should get a same score(high score),
		// while all the nodes in regionIndia should get another same score(low score).
			pod: &v1.Pod{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: ""}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1, Annotations: stayWithS2InRegion}},
			pods: []*v1.Pod{
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine1"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS2}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine1"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS2}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine2"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS2}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine3"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS2}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine4"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS2}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine5"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS2}},
			nodes: []*v1.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: labelRgChina}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: labelRgIndia}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine3", Labels: labelRgChina}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine4", Labels: labelRgChina}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine5", Labels: labelRgIndia}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{Host: "machine1", Score: 10}, {Host: "machine2", Score: 5}, {Host: "machine3", Score: 10}, {Host: "machine4", Score: 10}, {Host: "machine5", Score: 5}},
			test:         "Affinity: nodes in one region has more matching pods comparing to other reqion, so the region which has more macthes will get high score",
		// Test with the different operators and values for pod affinity scheduling preference, including some match failures.
			pod: &v1.Pod{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: ""}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1, Annotations: affinity3}},
			pods: []*v1.Pod{
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine1"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine2"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS2}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine3"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1}},
			nodes: []*v1.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: labelRgChina}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: labelRgIndia}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine3", Labels: labelAzAz1}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{Host: "machine1", Score: 2}, {Host: "machine2", Score: 10}, {Host: "machine3", Score: 0}},
			test:         "Affinity: different Label operators and values for pod affinity scheduling preference, including some match failures ",
		// Test the symmetry cases for affinity, the difference between affinity and symmetry is not the pod wants to run together with some existing pods,
		// but the existing pods have the inter pod affinity preference while the pod to schedule satisfy the preference.
			pod: &v1.Pod{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: ""}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS2}},
			pods: []*v1.Pod{
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine1"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1, Annotations: stayWithS1InRegion}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine2"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS2, Annotations: stayWithS2InRegion}},
			nodes: []*v1.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: labelRgChina}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: labelRgIndia}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine3", Labels: labelAzAz1}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{Host: "machine1", Score: 0}, {Host: "machine2", Score: 10}, {Host: "machine3", Score: 0}},
			test:         "Affinity symmetry: considred only the preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution in pod affinity symmetry",
			pod: &v1.Pod{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: ""}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1}},
			pods: []*v1.Pod{
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine1"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1, Annotations: hardAffinity}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine2"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS2, Annotations: hardAffinity}},
			nodes: []*v1.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: labelRgChina}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: labelRgIndia}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine3", Labels: labelAzAz1}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{Host: "machine1", Score: 10}, {Host: "machine2", Score: 10}, {Host: "machine3", Score: 0}},
			test:         "Affinity symmetry: considred RequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution in pod affinity symmetry",

		// The pod to schedule prefer to stay away from some existing pods at node level using the pod anti affinity.
		// the nodes that have the label {"node": "bar"} (match the topology key) and that have existing pods that match the labelSelector get low score
		// the nodes that don't have the label {"node": "whatever the value is"} (mismatch the topology key) but that have existing pods that match the labelSelector get high score
		// the nodes that have the label {"node": "bar"} (match the topology key) but that have existing pods that mismatch the labelSelector get high score
		// there are 2 nodes, say node1 and node2, both nodes have pods that match the labelSelector and have topology-key in node.Labels.
		// But there are more pods on node1 that match the preference than node2. Then, node1 get a lower score than node2.
			pod: &v1.Pod{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: ""}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1, Annotations: awayFromS1InAz}},
			pods: []*v1.Pod{
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine1"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine2"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS2}},
			nodes: []*v1.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: labelAzAz1}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: labelRgChina}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{Host: "machine1", Score: 0}, {Host: "machine2", Score: 10}},
			test:         "Anti Affinity: pod that doesnot match existing pods in node will get high score ",
			pod: &v1.Pod{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: ""}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1, Annotations: awayFromS1InAz}},
			pods: []*v1.Pod{
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine1"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine2"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1}},
			nodes: []*v1.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: labelAzAz1}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: labelRgChina}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{Host: "machine1", Score: 0}, {Host: "machine2", Score: 10}},
			test:         "Anti Affinity: pod that does not matches topology key & matches the pods in nodes will get higher score comparing to others ",
			pod: &v1.Pod{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: ""}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1, Annotations: awayFromS1InAz}},
			pods: []*v1.Pod{
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine1"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine1"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine2"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS2}},
			nodes: []*v1.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: labelAzAz1}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: labelRgIndia}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{Host: "machine1", Score: 0}, {Host: "machine2", Score: 10}},
			test:         "Anti Affinity: one node has more matching pods comparing to other node, so the node which has more unmacthes will get high score",
		// Test the symmetry cases for anti affinity
			pod: &v1.Pod{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: ""}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS2}},
			pods: []*v1.Pod{
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine1"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1, Annotations: awayFromS2InAz}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine2"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS2, Annotations: awayFromS1InAz}},
			nodes: []*v1.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: labelAzAz1}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: labelAzAz2}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{Host: "machine1", Score: 0}, {Host: "machine2", Score: 10}},
			test:         "Anti Affinity symmetry: the existing pods in node which has anti affinity match will get high score",
		// Test both  affinity and anti-affinity
			pod: &v1.Pod{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: ""}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1, Annotations: stayWithS1InRegionAwayFromS2InAz}},
			pods: []*v1.Pod{
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine1"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine2"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1}},
			nodes: []*v1.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: labelRgChina}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: labelAzAz1}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{Host: "machine1", Score: 10}, {Host: "machine2", Score: 0}},
			test:         "Affinity and Anti Affinity: considered only preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution in both pod affinity & anti affinity",
		// Combined cases considering both affinity and anti-affinity, the pod to schedule and existing pods have the same labels (they are in the same RC/service),
		// the pod prefer to run together with its brother pods in the same region, but wants to stay away from them at node level,
		// so that all the pods of a RC/service can stay in a same region but trying to separate with each other
		// machine-1,machine-3,machine-4 are in ChinaRegion others machin-2,machine-5 are in IndiaRegion
			pod: &v1.Pod{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: ""}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1, Annotations: stayWithS1InRegionAwayFromS2InAz}},
			pods: []*v1.Pod{
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine1"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine1"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine2"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine3"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine3"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine4"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine5"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1}},
			nodes: []*v1.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: labelRgChinaAzAz1}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: labelRgIndia}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine3", Labels: labelRgChina}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine4", Labels: labelRgChina}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine5", Labels: labelRgIndia}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{Host: "machine1", Score: 10}, {Host: "machine2", Score: 4}, {Host: "machine3", Score: 10}, {Host: "machine4", Score: 10}, {Host: "machine5", Score: 4}},
			test:         "Affinity and Anti Affinity: considering both affinity and anti-affinity, the pod to schedule and existing pods have the same labels",
		// Consider Affinity, Anti Affinity and symmetry together.
		// for Affinity, the weights are:                8,  0,  0,  0
		// for Anti Affinity, the weights are:           0, -5,  0,  0
		// for Affinity symmetry, the weights are:       0,  0,  8,  0
		// for Anti Affinity symmetry, the weights are:  0,  0,  0, -5
			pod: &v1.Pod{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: ""}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1, Annotations: stayWithS1InRegionAwayFromS2InAz}},
			pods: []*v1.Pod{
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine1"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS1}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine2"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Labels: podLabelSecurityS2}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine3"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Annotations: stayWithS1InRegionAwayFromS2InAz}},
				{Spec: v1.PodSpec{NodeName: "machine4"}, ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Annotations: awayFromS1InAz}},
			nodes: []*v1.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: labelRgChina}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: labelAzAz1}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine3", Labels: labelRgIndia}},
				{ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine4", Labels: labelAzAz2}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{Host: "machine1", Score: 10}, {Host: "machine2", Score: 0}, {Host: "machine3", Score: 10}, {Host: "machine4", Score: 0}},
			test:         "Affinity and Anti Affinity and symmetry: considered only preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution in both pod affinity & anti affinity & symmetry",
	for _, test := range tests {
		nodeNameToInfo := schedulercache.CreateNodeNameToInfoMap(test.pods, test.nodes)
		interPodAffinity := InterPodAffinity{
			info:                  FakeNodeListInfo(test.nodes),
			nodeLister:            algorithm.FakeNodeLister(test.nodes),
			podLister:             algorithm.FakePodLister(test.pods),
			hardPodAffinityWeight: v1.DefaultHardPodAffinitySymmetricWeight,
			failureDomains:        priorityutil.Topologies{DefaultKeys: strings.Split(v1.DefaultFailureDomains, ",")},
		list, err := interPodAffinity.CalculateInterPodAffinityPriority(test.pod, nodeNameToInfo, test.nodes)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.expectedList, list) {
			t.Errorf("%s: \nexpected \n\t%#v, \ngot \n\t%#v\n", test.test, test.expectedList, list)
コード例 #25
ファイル: priorities_test.go プロジェクト: XbinZh/kubernetes
func TestNewNodeLabelPriority(t *testing.T) {
	label1 := map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}
	label2 := map[string]string{"bar": "foo"}
	label3 := map[string]string{"bar": "baz"}
	tests := []struct {
		nodes        []api.Node
		label        string
		presence     bool
		expectedList schedulerapi.HostPriorityList
		test         string
			nodes: []api.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: label1}},
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: label2}},
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine3", Labels: label3}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 0}, {"machine2", 0}, {"machine3", 0}},
			label:        "baz",
			presence:     true,
			test:         "no match found, presence true",
			nodes: []api.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: label1}},
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: label2}},
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine3", Labels: label3}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 10}, {"machine2", 10}, {"machine3", 10}},
			label:        "baz",
			presence:     false,
			test:         "no match found, presence false",
			nodes: []api.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: label1}},
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: label2}},
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine3", Labels: label3}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 10}, {"machine2", 0}, {"machine3", 0}},
			label:        "foo",
			presence:     true,
			test:         "one match found, presence true",
			nodes: []api.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: label1}},
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: label2}},
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine3", Labels: label3}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 0}, {"machine2", 10}, {"machine3", 10}},
			label:        "foo",
			presence:     false,
			test:         "one match found, presence false",
			nodes: []api.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: label1}},
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: label2}},
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine3", Labels: label3}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 0}, {"machine2", 10}, {"machine3", 10}},
			label:        "bar",
			presence:     true,
			test:         "two matches found, presence true",
			nodes: []api.Node{
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1", Labels: label1}},
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine2", Labels: label2}},
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine3", Labels: label3}},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 10}, {"machine2", 0}, {"machine3", 0}},
			label:        "bar",
			presence:     false,
			test:         "two matches found, presence false",

	for _, test := range tests {
		prioritizer := NodeLabelPrioritizer{
			label:    test.label,
			presence: test.presence,
		list, err := prioritizer.CalculateNodeLabelPriority(nil, map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo{}, algorithm.FakeNodeLister(api.NodeList{Items: test.nodes}))
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
		// sort the two lists to avoid failures on account of different ordering
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.expectedList, list) {
			t.Errorf("%s: expected %#v, got %#v", test.test, test.expectedList, list)
コード例 #26
func TestSchedulerFailedSchedulingReasons(t *testing.T) {
	stop := make(chan struct{})
	defer close(stop)
	queuedPodStore := clientcache.NewFIFO(clientcache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc)
	scache := schedulercache.New(10*time.Minute, stop)

	// Design the baseline for the pods, and we will make nodes that dont fit it later.
	var cpu = int64(4)
	var mem = int64(500)
	podWithTooBigResourceRequests := podWithResources("bar", "", api.ResourceList{
		api.ResourceCPU:    *(resource.NewQuantity(cpu, resource.DecimalSI)),
		api.ResourceMemory: *(resource.NewQuantity(mem, resource.DecimalSI)),
	}, api.ResourceList{
		api.ResourceCPU:    *(resource.NewQuantity(cpu, resource.DecimalSI)),
		api.ResourceMemory: *(resource.NewQuantity(mem, resource.DecimalSI)),

	// create several nodes which cannot schedule the above pod
	nodes := []*api.Node{}
	for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
		node := api.Node{
			ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: fmt.Sprintf("machine%v", i)},
			Status: api.NodeStatus{
				Capacity: api.ResourceList{
					api.ResourceCPU:    *(resource.NewQuantity(cpu/2, resource.DecimalSI)),
					api.ResourceMemory: *(resource.NewQuantity(mem/5, resource.DecimalSI)),
					api.ResourcePods:   *(resource.NewQuantity(10, resource.DecimalSI)),
				Allocatable: api.ResourceList{
					api.ResourceCPU:    *(resource.NewQuantity(cpu/2, resource.DecimalSI)),
					api.ResourceMemory: *(resource.NewQuantity(mem/5, resource.DecimalSI)),
					api.ResourcePods:   *(resource.NewQuantity(10, resource.DecimalSI)),
		nodes = append(nodes, &node)
	nodeLister := algorithm.FakeNodeLister(nodes)
	predicateMap := map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{
		"PodFitsResources": predicates.PodFitsResources,

	// Create expected failure reasons for all the nodes.  Hopefully they will get rolled up into a non-spammy summary.
	failedPredicatesMap := FailedPredicateMap{}
	for _, node := range nodes {
		failedPredicatesMap[node.Name] = []algorithm.PredicateFailureReason{
			predicates.NewInsufficientResourceError(api.ResourceCPU, 4000, 0, 2000),
			predicates.NewInsufficientResourceError(api.ResourceMemory, 500, 0, 100),
	scheduler, _, errChan := setupTestScheduler(queuedPodStore, scache, nodeLister, predicateMap)

	select {
	case err := <-errChan:
		expectErr := &FitError{
			Pod:              podWithTooBigResourceRequests,
			FailedPredicates: failedPredicatesMap,
		if len(fmt.Sprint(expectErr)) > 150 {
			t.Errorf("message is too spammy ! %v ", len(fmt.Sprint(expectErr)))
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectErr, err) {
			t.Errorf("\n err \nWANT=%+v,\nGOT=%+v", expectErr, err)
	case <-time.After(wait.ForeverTestTimeout):
		t.Fatalf("timeout after %v", wait.ForeverTestTimeout)
コード例 #27
ファイル: priorities_test.go プロジェクト: XbinZh/kubernetes
func TestImageLocalityPriority(t *testing.T) {
	test_40_250 := api.PodSpec{
		Containers: []api.Container{
				Image: "gcr.io/40",
				Image: "gcr.io/250",

	test_40_140 := api.PodSpec{
		Containers: []api.Container{
				Image: "gcr.io/40",
				Image: "gcr.io/140",

	test_min_max := api.PodSpec{
		Containers: []api.Container{
				Image: "gcr.io/10",
				Image: "gcr.io/2000",

	node_40_140_2000 := api.NodeStatus{
		Images: []api.ContainerImage{
				Names: []string{
				SizeBytes: int64(40 * mb),
				Names: []string{
				SizeBytes: int64(140 * mb),
				Names: []string{
				SizeBytes: int64(2000 * mb),

	node_250_10 := api.NodeStatus{
		Images: []api.ContainerImage{
				Names: []string{
				SizeBytes: int64(250 * mb),
				Names: []string{
				SizeBytes: int64(10 * mb),

	tests := []struct {
		pod          *api.Pod
		pods         []*api.Pod
		nodes        []api.Node
		expectedList schedulerapi.HostPriorityList
		test         string
			// Pod: gcr.io/40 gcr.io/250

			// Node1
			// Image: gcr.io/40 40MB
			// Score: (40M-23M)/97.7M + 1 = 1

			// Node2
			// Image: gcr.io/250 250MB
			// Score: (250M-23M)/97.7M + 1 = 3
			pod:          &api.Pod{Spec: test_40_250},
			nodes:        []api.Node{makeImageNode("machine1", node_40_140_2000), makeImageNode("machine2", node_250_10)},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 1}, {"machine2", 3}},
			test:         "two images spread on two nodes, prefer the larger image one",
			// Pod: gcr.io/40 gcr.io/140

			// Node1
			// Image: gcr.io/40 40MB, gcr.io/140 140MB
			// Score: (40M+140M-23M)/97.7M + 1 = 2

			// Node2
			// Image: not present
			// Score: 0
			pod:          &api.Pod{Spec: test_40_140},
			nodes:        []api.Node{makeImageNode("machine1", node_40_140_2000), makeImageNode("machine2", node_250_10)},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 2}, {"machine2", 0}},
			test:         "two images on one node, prefer this node",
			// Pod: gcr.io/2000 gcr.io/10

			// Node1
			// Image: gcr.io/2000 2000MB
			// Score: 2000 > max score = 10

			// Node2
			// Image: gcr.io/10 10MB
			// Score: 10 < min score = 0
			pod:          &api.Pod{Spec: test_min_max},
			nodes:        []api.Node{makeImageNode("machine1", node_40_140_2000), makeImageNode("machine2", node_250_10)},
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{{"machine1", 10}, {"machine2", 0}},
			test:         "if exceed limit, use limit",

	for _, test := range tests {
		nodeNameToInfo := schedulercache.CreateNodeNameToInfoMap(test.pods)
		list, err := ImageLocalityPriority(test.pod, nodeNameToInfo, algorithm.FakeNodeLister(api.NodeList{Items: test.nodes}))
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)


		if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.expectedList, list) {
			t.Errorf("%s: expected %#v, got %#v", test.test, test.expectedList, list)
コード例 #28
func TestSchedulerForgetAssumedPodAfterDelete(t *testing.T) {
	// Set up a channel through which we'll funnel log messages from the watcher.
	// This way, we can guarantee that when the test ends no thread will still be
	// trying to write to t.Logf (which it would if we handed t.Logf directly to
	// StartLogging).
	ch := make(chan string)
	done := make(chan struct{})
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	go func() {
		defer wg.Done()
		for {
			select {
			case msg := <-ch:
			case <-done:
	eventBroadcaster := record.NewBroadcaster()
	watcher := eventBroadcaster.StartLogging(func(format string, args ...interface{}) {
		ch <- fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
	defer func() {

	// Setup stores to test pod's workflow:
	// - queuedPodStore: pods queued before processing
	// - scheduledPodStore: pods that has a scheduling decision
	scheduledPodStore := cache.NewStore(cache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc)
	queuedPodStore := cache.NewFIFO(cache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc)

	// Port is the easiest way to cause a fit predicate failure
	podPort := 8080
	firstPod := podWithPort("foo", "", podPort)

	stop := make(chan struct{})
	defer close(stop)
	cache := schedulercache.New(1*time.Second, stop)
	// Create the scheduler config
	algo := NewGenericScheduler(
		map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{"PodFitsHostPorts": predicates.PodFitsHostPorts},

	var gotBinding *api.Binding
	c := &Config{
		SchedulerCache: cache,
		NodeLister: algorithm.FakeNodeLister(
			api.NodeList{Items: []api.Node{{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "machine1"}}}},
		Algorithm: algo,
		Binder: fakeBinder{func(b *api.Binding) error {
			scheduledPodStore.Add(podWithPort(b.Name, b.Target.Name, podPort))
			gotBinding = b
			return nil
		NextPod: func() *api.Pod {
			return queuedPodStore.Pop().(*api.Pod)
		Error: func(p *api.Pod, err error) {
			t.Errorf("Unexpected error when scheduling pod %+v: %v", p, err)
		Recorder: eventBroadcaster.NewRecorder(api.EventSource{Component: "scheduler"}),

	// First scheduling pass should schedule the pod
	s := New(c)
	called := make(chan struct{})
	events := eventBroadcaster.StartEventWatcher(func(e *api.Event) {
		if e, a := "Scheduled", e.Reason; e != a {
			t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", e, a)

	// queuedPodStore: [foo:8080]
	// scheduledPodStore: []
	// assumedPods: []

	// queuedPodStore: []
	// scheduledPodStore: [foo:8080]
	// assumedPods: [foo:8080]

	pod, exists, _ := scheduledPodStore.GetByKey("foo")
	if !exists {
		t.Errorf("Expected scheduled pod store to contain pod")
	pod, exists, _ = queuedPodStore.GetByKey("foo")
	if exists {
		t.Errorf("Did not expect a queued pod, found %+v", pod)

	expectBind := &api.Binding{
		ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"},
		Target:     api.ObjectReference{Kind: "Node", Name: "machine1"},
	if ex, ac := expectBind, gotBinding; !reflect.DeepEqual(ex, ac) {
		t.Errorf("Expected exact match on binding: %s", diff.ObjectDiff(ex, ac))



	secondPod := podWithPort("bar", "", podPort)
	// queuedPodStore: [bar:8080]
	// scheduledPodStore: []
	// assumedPods: [foo:8080]

	var waitUntilExpired sync.WaitGroup
	// waiting for the assumed pod to expire
	go func() {
		for {
			pods, err := cache.List(labels.Everything())
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("cache.List failed: %v", err)
			if len(pods) == 0 {
			time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

	// Second scheduling pass will fail to schedule if the store hasn't expired
	// the deleted pod. This would normally happen with a timeout.

	called = make(chan struct{})
	events = eventBroadcaster.StartEventWatcher(func(e *api.Event) {
		if e, a := "Scheduled", e.Reason; e != a {
			t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", e, a)


	expectBind = &api.Binding{
		ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "bar"},
		Target:     api.ObjectReference{Kind: "Node", Name: "machine1"},
	if ex, ac := expectBind, gotBinding; !reflect.DeepEqual(ex, ac) {
		t.Errorf("Expected exact match on binding: %s", diff.ObjectDiff(ex, ac))
コード例 #29
// The point of this test is to show that you:
// - get the same priority for a zero-request pod as for a pod with the defaults requests,
//   both when the zero-request pod is already on the machine and when the zero-request pod
//   is the one being scheduled.
// - don't get the same score no matter what we schedule.
func TestZeroRequest(t *testing.T) {
	// A pod with no resources. We expect spreading to count it as having the default resources.
	noResources := api.PodSpec{
		Containers: []api.Container{
	noResources1 := noResources
	noResources1.NodeName = "machine1"
	// A pod with the same resources as a 0-request pod gets by default as its resources (for spreading).
	small := api.PodSpec{
		Containers: []api.Container{
				Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{
					Requests: api.ResourceList{
						"cpu": resource.MustParse(
							strconv.FormatInt(priorityutil.DefaultMilliCpuRequest, 10) + "m"),
						"memory": resource.MustParse(
							strconv.FormatInt(priorityutil.DefaultMemoryRequest, 10)),
	small2 := small
	small2.NodeName = "machine2"
	// A larger pod.
	large := api.PodSpec{
		Containers: []api.Container{
				Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{
					Requests: api.ResourceList{
						"cpu": resource.MustParse(
							strconv.FormatInt(priorityutil.DefaultMilliCpuRequest*3, 10) + "m"),
						"memory": resource.MustParse(
							strconv.FormatInt(priorityutil.DefaultMemoryRequest*3, 10)),
	large1 := large
	large1.NodeName = "machine1"
	large2 := large
	large2.NodeName = "machine2"
	tests := []struct {
		pod   *api.Pod
		pods  []*api.Pod
		nodes []*api.Node
		test  string
		// The point of these next two tests is to show you get the same priority for a zero-request pod
		// as for a pod with the defaults requests, both when the zero-request pod is already on the machine
		// and when the zero-request pod is the one being scheduled.
			pod:   &api.Pod{Spec: noResources},
			nodes: []*api.Node{makeNode("machine1", 1000, priorityutil.DefaultMemoryRequest*10), makeNode("machine2", 1000, priorityutil.DefaultMemoryRequest*10)},
			test:  "test priority of zero-request pod with machine with zero-request pod",
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: large1}, {Spec: noResources1},
				{Spec: large2}, {Spec: small2},
			pod:   &api.Pod{Spec: small},
			nodes: []*api.Node{makeNode("machine1", 1000, priorityutil.DefaultMemoryRequest*10), makeNode("machine2", 1000, priorityutil.DefaultMemoryRequest*10)},
			test:  "test priority of nonzero-request pod with machine with zero-request pod",
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: large1}, {Spec: noResources1},
				{Spec: large2}, {Spec: small2},
		// The point of this test is to verify that we're not just getting the same score no matter what we schedule.
			pod:   &api.Pod{Spec: large},
			nodes: []*api.Node{makeNode("machine1", 1000, priorityutil.DefaultMemoryRequest*10), makeNode("machine2", 1000, priorityutil.DefaultMemoryRequest*10)},
			test:  "test priority of larger pod with machine with zero-request pod",
			pods: []*api.Pod{
				{Spec: large1}, {Spec: noResources1},
				{Spec: large2}, {Spec: small2},

	const expectedPriority int = 25
	for _, test := range tests {
		// This should match the configuration in defaultPriorities() in
		// plugin/pkg/scheduler/algorithmprovider/defaults/defaults.go if you want
		// to test what's actually in production.
		priorityConfigs := []algorithm.PriorityConfig{
			{Map: algorithmpriorities.LeastRequestedPriorityMap, Weight: 1},
			{Map: algorithmpriorities.BalancedResourceAllocationMap, Weight: 1},
				Function: algorithmpriorities.NewSelectorSpreadPriority(
				Weight: 1,
		nodeNameToInfo := schedulercache.CreateNodeNameToInfoMap(test.pods, test.nodes)
		list, err := PrioritizeNodes(
			test.pod, nodeNameToInfo, algorithm.EmptyMetadataProducer, priorityConfigs,
			algorithm.FakeNodeLister(test.nodes), []algorithm.SchedulerExtender{})
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
		for _, hp := range list {
			if test.test == "test priority of larger pod with machine with zero-request pod" {
				if hp.Score == expectedPriority {
					t.Errorf("%s: expected non-%d for all priorities, got list %#v", test.test, expectedPriority, list)
			} else {
				if hp.Score != expectedPriority {
					t.Errorf("%s: expected %d for all priorities, got list %#v", test.test, expectedPriority, list)
コード例 #30
func TestTaintAndToleration(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		pod          *api.Pod
		nodes        []api.Node
		expectedList schedulerapi.HostPriorityList
		test         string
		// basic test case
			test: "node with taints tolerated by the pod, gets a higher score than those node with intolerable taints",
			pod: podWithTolerations([]api.Toleration{{
				Key:      "foo",
				Operator: api.TolerationOpEqual,
				Value:    "bar",
				Effect:   api.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
			nodes: []api.Node{
				nodeWithTaints("nodeA", []api.Taint{{
					Key:    "foo",
					Value:  "bar",
					Effect: api.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
				nodeWithTaints("nodeB", []api.Taint{{
					Key:    "foo",
					Value:  "blah",
					Effect: api.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{
				{Host: "nodeA", Score: 10},
				{Host: "nodeB", Score: 0},
		// the count of taints that are tolerated by pod, does not matter.
			test: "the nodes that all of their taints are tolerated by the pod, get the same score, no matter how many tolerable taints a node has",
			pod: podWithTolerations([]api.Toleration{
					Key:      "cpu-type",
					Operator: api.TolerationOpEqual,
					Value:    "arm64",
					Effect:   api.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
				}, {
					Key:      "disk-type",
					Operator: api.TolerationOpEqual,
					Value:    "ssd",
					Effect:   api.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
			nodes: []api.Node{
				nodeWithTaints("nodeA", []api.Taint{}),
				nodeWithTaints("nodeB", []api.Taint{
						Key:    "cpu-type",
						Value:  "arm64",
						Effect: api.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
				nodeWithTaints("nodeC", []api.Taint{
						Key:    "cpu-type",
						Value:  "arm64",
						Effect: api.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
					}, {
						Key:    "disk-type",
						Value:  "ssd",
						Effect: api.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{
				{Host: "nodeA", Score: 10},
				{Host: "nodeB", Score: 10},
				{Host: "nodeC", Score: 10},
		// the count of taints on a node that are not tolerated by pod, matters.
			test: "the more intolerable taints a node has, the lower score it gets.",
			pod: podWithTolerations([]api.Toleration{{
				Key:      "foo",
				Operator: api.TolerationOpEqual,
				Value:    "bar",
				Effect:   api.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
			nodes: []api.Node{
				nodeWithTaints("nodeA", []api.Taint{}),
				nodeWithTaints("nodeB", []api.Taint{
						Key:    "cpu-type",
						Value:  "arm64",
						Effect: api.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
				nodeWithTaints("nodeC", []api.Taint{
						Key:    "cpu-type",
						Value:  "arm64",
						Effect: api.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
					}, {
						Key:    "disk-type",
						Value:  "ssd",
						Effect: api.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{
				{Host: "nodeA", Score: 10},
				{Host: "nodeB", Score: 5},
				{Host: "nodeC", Score: 0},
		// taints-tolerations priority only takes care about the taints and tolerations that have effect PreferNoSchedule
			test: "only taints and tolerations that have effect PreferNoSchedule are checked by taints-tolerations priority function",
			pod: podWithTolerations([]api.Toleration{
					Key:      "cpu-type",
					Operator: api.TolerationOpEqual,
					Value:    "arm64",
					Effect:   api.TaintEffectNoSchedule,
				}, {
					Key:      "disk-type",
					Operator: api.TolerationOpEqual,
					Value:    "ssd",
					Effect:   api.TaintEffectNoSchedule,
			nodes: []api.Node{
				nodeWithTaints("nodeA", []api.Taint{}),
				nodeWithTaints("nodeB", []api.Taint{
						Key:    "cpu-type",
						Value:  "arm64",
						Effect: api.TaintEffectNoSchedule,
				nodeWithTaints("nodeC", []api.Taint{
						Key:    "cpu-type",
						Value:  "arm64",
						Effect: api.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
					}, {
						Key:    "disk-type",
						Value:  "ssd",
						Effect: api.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
			expectedList: []schedulerapi.HostPriority{
				{Host: "nodeA", Score: 10},
				{Host: "nodeB", Score: 10},
				{Host: "nodeC", Score: 0},
	for _, test := range tests {
		nodeNameToInfo := schedulercache.CreateNodeNameToInfoMap([]*api.Pod{{}})
		taintToleration := TaintToleration{nodeLister: algorithm.FakeNodeLister(api.NodeList{Items: test.nodes})}
		list, err := taintToleration.ComputeTaintTolerationPriority(
			algorithm.FakeNodeLister(api.NodeList{Items: test.nodes}))
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%s, unexpected error: %v", test.test, err)

		if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.expectedList, list) {
			t.Errorf("%s,\nexpected:\n\t%+v,\ngot:\n\t%+v", test.test, test.expectedList, list)
