func NewDefaultFramework(baseName string) *framework.Framework { client := client.NewOrDie(&restclient.Config{Host: *apiServerAddress}) return framework.NewFramework(baseName, framework.FrameworkOptions{ ClientQPS: 100, ClientBurst: 100, }, client) }
// We may want to revisit it in the future. // However, this can be overriden by LOAD_TEST_THROUGHPUT env var. throughput := 10 if throughputEnv := os.Getenv("LOAD_TEST_THROUGHPUT"); throughputEnv != "" { if newThroughput, err := strconv.Atoi(throughputEnv); err == nil { throughput = newThroughput } } // Explicitly put here, to delete namespace at the end of the test // (after measuring latency metrics, etc.). options := framework.FrameworkOptions{ ClientQPS: float32(math.Max(50.0, float64(2*throughput))), ClientBurst: int(math.Max(100.0, float64(4*throughput))), } f := framework.NewFramework("load", options, nil) f.NamespaceDeletionTimeout = time.Hour BeforeEach(func() { clientset = f.ClientSet // In large clusters we may get to this point but still have a bunch // of nodes without Routes created. Since this would make a node // unschedulable, we need to wait until all of them are schedulable. framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForAllNodesSchedulable(clientset)) ns = f.Namespace.Name nodes := framework.GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie(clientset) nodeCount = len(nodes.Items) Expect(nodeCount).NotTo(BeZero())
func proxyContext(version string) { options := framework.FrameworkOptions{ ClientQPS: -1.0, } f := framework.NewFramework("proxy", options, nil) prefix := "/api/" + version // Port here has to be kept in sync with default kubelet port. It("should proxy logs on node with explicit kubelet port [Conformance]", func() { nodeProxyTest(f, prefix+"/proxy/nodes/", ":10250/logs/") }) It("should proxy logs on node [Conformance]", func() { nodeProxyTest(f, prefix+"/proxy/nodes/", "/logs/") }) It("should proxy to cadvisor [Conformance]", func() { nodeProxyTest(f, prefix+"/proxy/nodes/", ":4194/containers/") }) It("should proxy logs on node with explicit kubelet port using proxy subresource [Conformance]", func() { nodeProxyTest(f, prefix+"/nodes/", ":10250/proxy/logs/") }) It("should proxy logs on node using proxy subresource [Conformance]", func() { nodeProxyTest(f, prefix+"/nodes/", "/proxy/logs/") }) It("should proxy to cadvisor using proxy subresource [Conformance]", func() { nodeProxyTest(f, prefix+"/nodes/", ":4194/proxy/containers/") }) // using the porter image to serve content, access the content // (of multiple pods?) from multiple (endpoints/services?) It("should proxy through a service and a pod [Conformance]", func() { start := time.Now() labels := map[string]string{"proxy-service-target": "true"} service, err := f.Client.Services(f.Namespace.Name).Create(&api.Service{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{ GenerateName: "proxy-service-", }, Spec: api.ServiceSpec{ Selector: labels, Ports: []api.ServicePort{ { Name: "portname1", Port: 80, TargetPort: intstr.FromString("dest1"), }, { Name: "portname2", Port: 81, TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(162), }, { Name: "tlsportname1", Port: 443, TargetPort: intstr.FromString("tlsdest1"), }, { Name: "tlsportname2", Port: 444, TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(462), }, }, }, }) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) defer func(name string) { err := f.Client.Services(f.Namespace.Name).Delete(name) if err != nil { framework.Logf("Failed deleting service %v: %v", name, err) } }(service.Name) // Make an RC with a single pod. The 'porter' image is // a simple server which serves the values of the // environmental variables below. By("starting an echo server on multiple ports") pods := []*api.Pod{} cfg := framework.RCConfig{ Client: f.Client, Image: "", Name: service.Name, Namespace: f.Namespace.Name, Replicas: 1, PollInterval: time.Second, Env: map[string]string{ "SERVE_PORT_80": `<a href="/rewriteme">test</a>`, "SERVE_PORT_1080": `<a href="/rewriteme">test</a>`, "SERVE_PORT_160": "foo", "SERVE_PORT_162": "bar", "SERVE_TLS_PORT_443": `<a href="/tlsrewriteme">test</a>`, "SERVE_TLS_PORT_460": `tls baz`, "SERVE_TLS_PORT_462": `tls qux`, }, Ports: map[string]int{ "dest1": 160, "dest2": 162, "tlsdest1": 460, "tlsdest2": 462, }, ReadinessProbe: &api.Probe{ Handler: api.Handler{ HTTPGet: &api.HTTPGetAction{ Port: intstr.FromInt(80), }, }, InitialDelaySeconds: 1, TimeoutSeconds: 5, PeriodSeconds: 10, }, Labels: labels, CreatedPods: &pods, } Expect(framework.RunRC(cfg)).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) defer framework.DeleteRCAndPods(f.Client, f.Namespace.Name, cfg.Name) Expect(f.WaitForAnEndpoint(service.Name)).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) // table constructors // Try proxying through the service and directly to through the pod. svcProxyURL := func(scheme, port string) string { return prefix + "/proxy/namespaces/" + f.Namespace.Name + "/services/" + net.JoinSchemeNamePort(scheme, service.Name, port) } subresourceServiceProxyURL := func(scheme, port string) string { return prefix + "/namespaces/" + f.Namespace.Name + "/services/" + net.JoinSchemeNamePort(scheme, service.Name, port) + "/proxy" } podProxyURL := func(scheme, port string) string { return prefix + "/proxy/namespaces/" + f.Namespace.Name + "/pods/" + net.JoinSchemeNamePort(scheme, pods[0].Name, port) } subresourcePodProxyURL := func(scheme, port string) string { return prefix + "/namespaces/" + f.Namespace.Name + "/pods/" + net.JoinSchemeNamePort(scheme, pods[0].Name, port) + "/proxy" } // construct the table expectations := map[string]string{ svcProxyURL("", "portname1") + "/": "foo", svcProxyURL("", "80") + "/": "foo", svcProxyURL("", "portname2") + "/": "bar", svcProxyURL("", "81") + "/": "bar", svcProxyURL("http", "portname1") + "/": "foo", svcProxyURL("http", "80") + "/": "foo", svcProxyURL("http", "portname2") + "/": "bar", svcProxyURL("http", "81") + "/": "bar", svcProxyURL("https", "tlsportname1") + "/": "tls baz", svcProxyURL("https", "443") + "/": "tls baz", svcProxyURL("https", "tlsportname2") + "/": "tls qux", svcProxyURL("https", "444") + "/": "tls qux", subresourceServiceProxyURL("", "portname1") + "/": "foo", subresourceServiceProxyURL("http", "portname1") + "/": "foo", subresourceServiceProxyURL("", "portname2") + "/": "bar", subresourceServiceProxyURL("http", "portname2") + "/": "bar", subresourceServiceProxyURL("https", "tlsportname1") + "/": "tls baz", subresourceServiceProxyURL("https", "tlsportname2") + "/": "tls qux", podProxyURL("", "1080") + "/": `<a href="` + podProxyURL("", "1080") + `/rewriteme">test</a>`, podProxyURL("", "160") + "/": "foo", podProxyURL("", "162") + "/": "bar", podProxyURL("http", "1080") + "/": `<a href="` + podProxyURL("http", "1080") + `/rewriteme">test</a>`, podProxyURL("http", "160") + "/": "foo", podProxyURL("http", "162") + "/": "bar", subresourcePodProxyURL("", "") + "/": `<a href="` + subresourcePodProxyURL("", "") + `/rewriteme">test</a>`, subresourcePodProxyURL("", "1080") + "/": `<a href="` + subresourcePodProxyURL("", "1080") + `/rewriteme">test</a>`, subresourcePodProxyURL("http", "1080") + "/": `<a href="` + subresourcePodProxyURL("http", "1080") + `/rewriteme">test</a>`, subresourcePodProxyURL("", "160") + "/": "foo", subresourcePodProxyURL("http", "160") + "/": "foo", subresourcePodProxyURL("", "162") + "/": "bar", subresourcePodProxyURL("http", "162") + "/": "bar", subresourcePodProxyURL("https", "443") + "/": `<a href="` + subresourcePodProxyURL("https", "443") + `/tlsrewriteme">test</a>`, subresourcePodProxyURL("https", "460") + "/": "tls baz", subresourcePodProxyURL("https", "462") + "/": "tls qux", // TODO: below entries don't work, but I believe we should make them work. // podPrefix + ":dest1": "foo", // podPrefix + ":dest2": "bar", } wg := sync.WaitGroup{} errs := []string{} errLock := sync.Mutex{} recordError := func(s string) { errLock.Lock() defer errLock.Unlock() errs = append(errs, s) } d := time.Since(start) framework.Logf("setup took %v, starting test cases", d) numberTestCases := len(expectations) totalAttempts := numberTestCases * proxyAttempts By(fmt.Sprintf("running %v cases, %v attempts per case, %v total attempts", numberTestCases, proxyAttempts, totalAttempts)) for i := 0; i < proxyAttempts; i++ { wg.Add(numberTestCases) for path, val := range expectations { go func(i int, path, val string) { defer wg.Done() // this runs the test case body, status, d, err := doProxy(f, path, i) if err != nil { if serr, ok := err.(*errors.StatusError); ok { recordError(fmt.Sprintf("%v (%v; %v): path %v gave status error: %+v", i, status, d, path, serr.Status())) } else { recordError(fmt.Sprintf("%v: path %v gave error: %v", i, path, err)) } return } if status != http.StatusOK { recordError(fmt.Sprintf("%v: path %v gave status: %v", i, path, status)) } if e, a := val, string(body); e != a { recordError(fmt.Sprintf("%v: path %v: wanted %v, got %v", i, path, e, a)) } if d > proxyHTTPCallTimeout { recordError(fmt.Sprintf("%v: path %v took %v > %v", i, path, d, proxyHTTPCallTimeout)) } }(i, path, val) } wg.Wait() } if len(errs) != 0 { body, err := f.Client.Pods(f.Namespace.Name).GetLogs(pods[0].Name, &api.PodLogOptions{}).Do().Raw() if err != nil { framework.Logf("Error getting logs for pod %s: %v", pods[0].Name, err) } else { framework.Logf("Pod %s has the following error logs: %s", pods[0].Name, body) } Fail(strings.Join(errs, "\n")) } }) }
zookeeperManifestPath = "test/e2e/testing-manifests/petset/zookeeper" mysqlGaleraManifestPath = "test/e2e/testing-manifests/petset/mysql-galera" redisManifestPath = "test/e2e/testing-manifests/petset/redis" // Should the test restart petset clusters? // TODO: enable when we've productionzed bringup of pets in this e2e. restartCluster = false ) // Time: 25m, slow by design. // GCE Quota requirements: 3 pds, one per pet manifest declared above. // GCE Api requirements: nodes and master need storage r/w permissions. var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("PetSet [Slow] [Feature:PetSet]", func() { options := framework.FrameworkOptions{ GroupVersion: &unversioned.GroupVersion{Group: apps.GroupName, Version: "v1alpha1"}, } f := framework.NewFramework("petset", options, nil) var ns string var c *client.Client BeforeEach(func() { // PetSet is in alpha, so it's disabled on some platforms. We skip this // test if a resource get fails on non-GCE platforms. // In theory, tests that restart pets should pass on any platform with a // dynamic volume provisioner. if !framework.ProviderIs("gce") { framework.SkipIfMissingResource(f.ClientPool, unversioned.GroupVersionResource{Group: apps.GroupName, Version: "v1alpha1", Resource: "petsets"}, f.Namespace.Name) } c = f.Client ns = f.Namespace.Name })
proxyAttempts = 20 // Only print this many characters of the response (to keep the logs // legible). maxDisplayBodyLen = 100 // We have seen one of these calls take just over 15 seconds, so putting this at 30. proxyHTTPCallTimeout = 30 * time.Second ) var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("Proxy", func() { version := registered.GroupOrDie(api.GroupName).GroupVersion.Version Context("version "+version, func() { options := framework.FrameworkOptions{ ClientQPS: -1.0, } f := framework.NewFramework("proxy", options, nil) prefix := "/api/" + version // Port here has to be kept in sync with default kubelet port. It("should proxy logs on node with explicit kubelet port [Conformance]", func() { nodeProxyTest(f, prefix+"/proxy/nodes/", ":10250/logs/") }) It("should proxy logs on node [Conformance]", func() { nodeProxyTest(f, prefix+"/proxy/nodes/", "/logs/") }) It("should proxy to cadvisor", func() { nodeProxyTest(f, prefix+"/proxy/nodes/", ":4194/containers/") }) It("should proxy logs on node with explicit kubelet port using proxy subresource [Conformance]", func() { nodeProxyTest(f, prefix+"/nodes/", ":10250/proxy/logs/") }) It("should proxy logs on node using proxy subresource [Conformance]", func() { nodeProxyTest(f, prefix+"/nodes/", "/proxy/logs/") }) It("should proxy to cadvisor using proxy subresource", func() { nodeProxyTest(f, prefix+"/nodes/", ":4194/proxy/containers/") }) // using the porter image to serve content, access the content // (of multiple pods?) from multiple (endpoints/services?) It("should proxy through a service and a pod [Conformance]", func() { start := time.Now()
"" "" ) const ( // How long to wait for a scheduledjob scheduledJobTimeout = 5 * time.Minute ) var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("ScheduledJob", func() { options := framework.FrameworkOptions{ ClientQPS: 20, ClientBurst: 50, GroupVersion: &unversioned.GroupVersion{Group: batch.GroupName, Version: "v2alpha1"}, } f := framework.NewFramework("scheduledjob", options, nil) BeforeEach(func() { if _, err := f.Client.Batch().ScheduledJobs(f.Namespace.Name).List(api.ListOptions{}); err != nil { if apierrs.IsNotFound(err) { framework.Skipf("Could not find ScheduledJobs resource, skipping test: %#v", err) } } }) // multiple jobs running at once It("should schedule multiple jobs concurrently", func() { By("Creating a scheduledjob") scheduledJob := newTestScheduledJob("concurrent", "*/1 * * * ?", batch.AllowConcurrent, true) scheduledJob, err := createScheduledJob(f.Client, f.Namespace.Name, scheduledJob) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())