コード例 #1
	// This test verifies that max-pods flag works as advertised. It assumes that cluster add-on pods stay stable
	// and cannot be run in parallel with any other test that touches Nodes or Pods. It is so because to check
	// if max-pods is working we need to fully saturate the cluster and keep it in this state for few seconds.
	// Slow PR #13315 (8 min)
	It("validates MaxPods limit number of pods that are allowed to run [Slow]", func() {
		totalPodCapacity = 0

		for _, node := range nodeList.Items {
			framework.Logf("Node: %v", node)
			podCapacity, found := node.Status.Capacity["pods"]
			totalPodCapacity += podCapacity.Value()

		currentlyScheduledPods := framework.WaitForStableCluster(c, masterNodes)
		podsNeededForSaturation := int(totalPodCapacity) - currentlyScheduledPods

		By(fmt.Sprintf("Starting additional %v Pods to fully saturate the cluster max pods and trying to start another one", podsNeededForSaturation))

		// As the pods are distributed randomly among nodes,
		// it can easily happen that all nodes are satured
		// and there is no need to create additional pods.
		// StartPods requires at least one pod to replicate.
		if podsNeededForSaturation > 0 {
			framework.ExpectNoError(testutils.StartPods(c, podsNeededForSaturation, ns, "maxp",
				*initPausePod(f, pausePodConfig{
					Name:   "",
					Labels: map[string]string{"name": ""},
				}), true, framework.Logf))
コード例 #2
ファイル: density.go プロジェクト: CodeJuan/kubernetes
			By("Removing additional replication controllers if any")
			for i := 1; i <= nodeCount; i++ {
				name := additionalPodsPrefix + "-" + strconv.Itoa(i)
				c.ReplicationControllers(ns).Delete(name, nil)

	// Calculate total number of pods from each node's max-pod
	It("[Feature:ManualPerformance] should allow running maximum capacity pods on nodes", func() {
		totalPods = 0
		for _, n := range nodes.Items {
			totalPods += int(n.Status.Capacity.Pods().Value())
		totalPods -= framework.WaitForStableCluster(c, masters)

		fileHndl, err := os.Create(fmt.Sprintf(framework.TestContext.OutputDir+"/%s/pod_states.csv", uuid))
		defer fileHndl.Close()
		rcCnt := 1
		RCConfigs := make([]framework.RCConfig, rcCnt)
		podsPerRC := int(totalPods / rcCnt)
		for i := 0; i < rcCnt; i++ {
			if i == rcCnt-1 {
				podsPerRC += int(math.Mod(float64(totalPods), float64(rcCnt)))
			RCName = "density" + strconv.Itoa(totalPods) + "-" + strconv.Itoa(i) + "-" + uuid
			RCConfigs[i] = framework.RCConfig{Client: c,
				Image:                "gcr.io/google_containers/pause-amd64:3.0",
				Name:                 RCName,