func getMultipleNodes(f *e2e.Framework) (nodes *api.NodeList) { nodes, err := f.Client.Nodes().List(labels.Everything(), fields.Everything()) if err != nil { e2e.Failf("Failed to list nodes: %v", err) } // previous tests may have cause failures of some nodes. Let's skip // 'Not Ready' nodes, just in case (there is no need to fail the test). filterNodes(nodes, func(node api.Node) bool { return isNodeReadySetAsExpected(&node, true) }) if len(nodes.Items) == 0 { e2e.Failf("No Ready nodes found.") } if len(nodes.Items) == 1 { // in general, the test requires two nodes. But for local development, often a one node cluster // is created, for simplicity and speed. (see issue #10012). We permit one-node test // only in some cases if !providerIs("local") { e2e.Failf(fmt.Sprintf("The test requires two Ready nodes on %s, but found just one.", exutil.TestContext.Provider)) } e2e.Logf("Only one ready node is detected. The test has limited scope in such setting. " + "Rerun it with at least two nodes to get complete coverage.") } return }
func validateDNSResults(f *e2e.Framework, pod *api.Pod, fileNames sets.String, expect int) { By("submitting the pod to kubernetes") podClient := f.Client.Pods(f.Namespace.Name) defer func() { By("deleting the pod") defer GinkgoRecover() podClient.Delete(pod.Name, api.NewDeleteOptions(0)) }() if _, err := podClient.Create(pod); err != nil { e2e.Failf("Failed to create %s pod: %v", pod.Name, err) } Expect(f.WaitForPodRunning(pod.Name)).To(BeNil()) Expect(wait.Poll(2*time.Second, 5*time.Minute, func() (bool, error) { pod, err := podClient.Get(pod.Name) if err != nil { return false, err } switch pod.Status.Phase { case api.PodSucceeded: return true, nil case api.PodFailed: return false, fmt.Errorf("pod failed") default: return false, nil } })).To(BeNil()) By("retrieving the pod logs") r, err := podClient.GetLogs(pod.Name, &api.PodLogOptions{Container: "querier"}).Stream() if err != nil { e2e.Failf("Failed to get pod logs %s: %v", pod.Name, err) } out, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r) if err != nil { e2e.Failf("Failed to read pod logs %s: %v", pod.Name, err) } // Try to find results for each expected name. By("looking for the results for each expected name from probiers") if err := assertLinesExist(fileNames, expect, bytes.NewBuffer(out)); err != nil { e2e.Logf("Got results from pod:\n%s", out) e2e.Failf("Unexpected results: %v", err) } e2e.Logf("DNS probes using %s succeeded\n", pod.Name) }
// NewSampleRepoTest creates a function for a new ginkgo test case that will instantiate a template // from a url, kick off the buildconfig defined in that template, wait for the build/deploy, // and then confirm the application is serving an expected string value. func NewSampleRepoTest(c SampleRepoConfig) func() { return func() { defer g.GinkgoRecover() var oc = exutil.NewCLI(c.repoName+"-repo-test", exutil.KubeConfigPath()) g.JustBeforeEach(func() { g.By("Waiting for builder service account") err := exutil.WaitForBuilderAccount(oc.KubeREST().ServiceAccounts(oc.Namespace())) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) }) g.Describe("Building "+c.repoName+" app from new-app", func() { g.It(fmt.Sprintf("should build a "+c.repoName+" image and run it in a pod"), func() { oc.SetOutputDir(exutil.TestContext.OutputDir) g.By(fmt.Sprintf("calling oc new-app with the " + c.repoName + " example template")) err := oc.Run("new-app").Args("-f", c.templateURL).Execute() o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("starting a build") buildName, err := oc.Run("start-build").Args(c.buildConfigName).Output() o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("expecting the build is in the Complete phase") err = exutil.WaitForABuild(oc.REST().Builds(oc.Namespace()), buildName, exutil.CheckBuildSuccessFunc, exutil.CheckBuildFailedFunc) if err != nil { logs, _ := oc.Run("build-logs").Args(buildName).Output() e2e.Failf("build failed: %s", logs) } o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("expecting the deployment to be complete") err = exutil.WaitForADeployment(oc.KubeREST().ReplicationControllers(oc.Namespace()), c.deploymentConfigName, exutil.CheckDeploymentCompletedFunc, exutil.CheckDeploymentFailedFunc) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("expecting the service is available") serviceIP, err := oc.Run("get").Args("service", c.serviceName).Template("{{ .spec.clusterIP }}").Output() o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) o.Expect(serviceIP).ShouldNot(o.Equal("")) g.By("expecting an endpoint is available") err = oc.KubeFramework().WaitForAnEndpoint(c.serviceName) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) response, err := exutil.FetchURL("http://"+serviceIP+":8080"+c.appPath, time.Duration(10*time.Second)) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) o.Expect(response).Should(o.ContainSubstring(c.expectedString)) }) }) } }
func checkPodIsolation(f1, f2 *e2e.Framework, numNodes int) error { nodes, err := e2e.GetReadyNodes(f1) if err != nil { e2e.Failf("Failed to list nodes: %v", err) } var serverNode, clientNode *api.Node serverNode = &nodes.Items[0] if numNodes == 2 { if len(nodes.Items) == 1 { e2e.Skipf("Only one node is available in this environment") } clientNode = &nodes.Items[1] } else { clientNode = serverNode } podName := "isolation-webserver" defer f1.Client.Pods(f1.Namespace.Name).Delete(podName, nil) ip := e2e.LaunchWebserverPod(f1, podName, serverNode.Name) return checkConnectivityToHost(f2, clientNode.Name, "isolation-wget", ip, 10) }
func checkServiceConnectivity(serverFramework, clientFramework *e2e.Framework, numNodes int) error { nodes, err := e2e.GetReadyNodes(serverFramework) if err != nil { e2e.Failf("Failed to list nodes: %v", err) } var serverNode, clientNode *api.Node serverNode = &nodes.Items[0] if numNodes == 2 { if len(nodes.Items) == 1 { e2e.Skipf("Only one node is available in this environment") } clientNode = &nodes.Items[1] } else { clientNode = serverNode } podName := "service-webserver" defer serverFramework.Client.Pods(serverFramework.Namespace.Name).Delete(podName, nil) ip := launchWebserverService(serverFramework, podName, serverNode.Name) return checkConnectivityToHost(clientFramework, clientNode.Name, "service-wget", ip, 10) }
err = exutil.WaitForABuild(oc.REST().Builds(oc.Namespace()), buildName, exutil.CheckBuildSuccessFn, exutil.CheckBuildFailedFn) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("getting the Docker image reference from ImageStream") imageName, err := exutil.GetDockerImageReference(oc.REST().ImageStreams(oc.Namespace()), "internal-image", "latest") o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("instantiating a pod and service with the new image") err = oc.Run("new-app").Args("-f", podAndServiceFixture, "-p", "IMAGE_NAME="+imageName).Execute() o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("waiting for the service to become available") err = oc.KubeFramework().WaitForAnEndpoint(buildTestService) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("expecting the pod container has saved artifacts") out, err := oc.Run("exec").Args("-p", buildTestPod, "--", "curl", "").Output() if err != nil { logs, _ := oc.Run("logs").Args(buildTestPod).Output() e2e.Failf("Failed to curl in application container: \n%q, pod logs: \n%q", out, logs) } o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) if !strings.Contains(out, "artifacts exist") { logs, _ := oc.Run("logs").Args(buildTestPod).Output() e2e.Failf("Pod %q does not contain expected artifacts: %q\n%q", buildTestPod, out, logs) } }) }) })
o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("getting the Docker image reference from ImageStream") imageName, err := exutil.GetDockerImageReference(oc.REST().ImageStreams(oc.Namespace()), "test", "latest") o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("writing the pod defintion to a file") outputPath := filepath.Join(exutil.TestContext.OutputDir, oc.Namespace()+"-sample-pod.json") pod := exutil.CreatePodForImage(imageName) err = exutil.WriteObjectToFile(pod, outputPath) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By(fmt.Sprintf("calling oc create -f %q", outputPath)) err = oc.Run("create").Args("-f", outputPath).Execute() o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("expecting the pod to be running") err = oc.KubeFramework().WaitForPodRunning(pod.Name) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("expecting the pod container has TEST_ENV variable set") out, err := oc.Run("exec").Args("-p", pod.Name, "--", "curl", "").Output() o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) if !strings.Contains(out, "success") { e2e.Failf("Pod %q contains does not contain expected variable: %q", pod.Name, out) } }) }) })
. "" ) var _ = Describe("networking: sanity", func() { svcname := "net-sanity" timeout := 10 f := e2e.NewFramework(svcname) It("should function for pod communication on a single node", func() { By("Picking a node") nodes, err := f.Client.Nodes().List(labels.Everything(), fields.Everything()) if err != nil { e2e.Failf("Failed to list nodes: %v", err) } node := nodes.Items[0] By("Creating a webserver pod") podName := "same-node-webserver" defer f.Client.Pods(f.Namespace.Name).Delete(podName, nil) ip := launchWebserverPod(f, podName, node.Name) By("Checking that the webserver is accessible from a pod on the same node") expectNoError(checkConnectivityToHost(f, node.Name, "same-node-wget", ip, timeout)) }) It("should function for pod communication between nodes", func() { podClient := f.Client.Pods(f.Namespace.Name)
g.By("expecting the pod to be running") err = oc.KubeFramework().WaitForPodRunning(pod.Name) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) // even though the pod is running, the app isn't always started // so wait until webrick output is complete before curling. logs := "" count := 0 maxCount := 30 for strings.Contains(logs, "8080") && count < maxCount { logs, _ = oc.Run("logs").Args(pod.Name).Output() time.Sleep(time.Second) count++ } if count == maxCount { e2e.Failf("Never saw port 8080 open in pod logs") } g.By("expecting the pod container has saved artifacts") out, err := oc.Run("exec").Args("-p", pod.Name, "--", "curl", "").Output() if err != nil { logs, _ = oc.Run("logs").Args(pod.Name).Output() e2e.Failf("Failed to curl in application container: \n%q, pod logs: \n%q", out, logs) } o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) if !strings.Contains(out, "artifacts exist") { logs, _ = oc.Run("logs").Args(pod.Name).Output() e2e.Failf("Pod %q does not contain expected artifacts: %q\n%q", pod.Name, out, logs) } })
err = waitForRouterOKResponse(healthzURI, routerIP, 2*time.Minute) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("waiting for the valid route to respond") err = waitForRouterOKResponse(routerURL, "", 2*time.Minute) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) for _, host := range []string{"", ""} { g.By(fmt.Sprintf("checking that %s does not match a route", host)) req, err := requestViaReverseProxy("GET", routerURL, host) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) resp.Body.Close() if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusServiceUnavailable { e2e.Failf("should have had a 503 status code for %s", host) } } }) g.It("should override the route host with a custom value", func() { oc.SetOutputDir(exutil.TestContext.OutputDir) ns := oc.KubeFramework().Namespace.Name g.By(fmt.Sprintf("creating a scoped router from a config file %q", configPath)) var routerIP string err := wait.Poll(time.Second, 2*time.Minute, func() (bool, error) { pod, err := oc.KubeFramework().Client.Pods(ns).Get("router-override") if err != nil { return false, err }
err := oc.Run("create").Args("-f", imageStreamFixture).Execute() o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By(fmt.Sprintf("calling oc create -f %q", stiBuildFixture)) err = oc.Run("create").Args("-f", stiBuildFixture).Execute() o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("starting a test build") buildName, err := oc.Run("start-build").Args("test").Output() o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("o.Expecting the S2I build is in Complete phase") err = exutil.WaitForABuild(oc.REST().Builds(oc.Namespace()), buildName, exutil.CheckBuildSuccessFn, exutil.CheckBuildFailedFn) if err != nil { logs, _ := oc.Run("build-logs").Args(buildName).Output() e2e.Failf("build failed: %s", logs) } g.By("getting the Docker image reference from ImageStream") imageRef, err := exutil.GetDockerImageReference(oc.REST().ImageStreams(oc.Namespace()), "test", "latest") o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) imageLabels, err := eximages.GetImageLabels(oc.REST().ImageStreamImages(oc.Namespace()), "test", imageRef) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("inspecting the new image for proper Docker labels") err = ExpectOpenShiftLabels(imageLabels) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) }) })
g.By("expecting the build is in Complete phase") err = exutil.WaitForABuild(oc.REST().Builds(oc.Namespace()), buildName, exutil.CheckBuildSuccessFn, exutil.CheckBuildFailedFn) if err != nil { exutil.DumpBuildLogs("test", oc) } o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("getting the Docker image reference from ImageStream") imageName, err := exutil.GetDockerImageReference(oc.REST().ImageStreams(oc.Namespace()), "test", "latest") o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("instantiating a pod and service with the new image") err = oc.Run("new-app").Args("-f", podAndServiceFixture, "-p", "IMAGE_NAME="+imageName).Execute() o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("waiting for the service to become available") err = oc.KubeFramework().WaitForAnEndpoint(buildTestService) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("expecting the pod container has TEST_ENV variable set") out, err := oc.Run("exec").Args("-p", buildTestPod, "--", "curl", "").Output() o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) if !strings.Contains(out, "success") { e2e.Failf("expected 'success' response when executing curl in %q, got %q", buildTestPod, out) } }) }) })
g.By("expecting the pod to be running") err = oc.KubeFramework().WaitForPodRunning(pod.Name) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) // even though the pod is running, the app isn't always started // so wait until webrick output is complete before curling. logs := "" count := 0 maxCount := 30 for strings.Contains(logs, "8080") && count < maxCount { logs, _ = oc.Run("logs").Args(pod.Name).Output() time.Sleep(time.Second) count++ } if count == maxCount { e2e.Failf("Never saw port 8080 open in pod logs") } g.By("expecting the pod container has saved artifacts") out, err := oc.Run("exec").Args("-p", pod.Name, "--", "curl", "").Output() o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) if !strings.Contains(out, "artifacts exist") { logs, _ = oc.Run("logs").Args(pod.Name).Output() e2e.Failf("Pod %q does not contain expected artifacts: %q\n%q", pod.Name, out, logs) } }) }) })
}() o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) var result string found := false for i := 0; i < 12; i++ { g.By("Verifying that files are copied to the container") result, _ = oc.Run("rsh").Args(podName, "ls", "/tmp/rsync/subdir1").Output() if strings.Contains(result, "file1") { found = true break } time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) } if !found { e2e.Failf("Directory does not contain expected files: \n%s", result) } g.By("renaming file1 to file2") subdir1file2 := filepath.Join(subdir1, "file2") err = os.Rename(subdir1file1, subdir1file2) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) found = false for i := 0; i < 12; i++ { g.By("Verifying that files are copied to the container") result, _ = oc.Run("rsh").Args(podName, "ls", "/tmp/rsync/subdir1").Output() if strings.Contains(result, "file2") && !strings.Contains(result, "file1") { found = true break }
g.By(fmt.Sprintf("calling oc create -f %q", outputPath)) err = oc.Run("create").Args("-f", outputPath).Execute() o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("expecting the pod to be running") err = oc.KubeFramework().WaitForPodRunning(pod.Name) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) // even though the pod is running, the app isn't always started // so wait until webrick output is complete before curling. logs := "" count := 0 for strings.Contains(logs, "8080") && count < 10 { logs, _ = oc.Run("logs").Args(pod.Name).Output() time.Sleep(time.Second) count++ } g.By("expecting the pod container has saved artifacts") out, err := oc.Run("exec").Args("-p", pod.Name, "--", "curl", "").Output() o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) if !strings.Contains(out, "artifacts exist") { logs, _ = oc.Run("logs").Args(pod.Name).Output() e2e.Failf("Pod %q does not contain expected artifacts: %q\n%q", pod.Name, out, logs) } }) }) })
g.By("expecting the build is in Complete phase") err = exutil.WaitForABuild(oc.REST().Builds(oc.Namespace()), buildName, exutil.CheckBuildSuccessFunc, exutil.CheckBuildFailedFunc) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("getting the Docker image reference from ImageStream") imageName, err := exutil.GetDockerImageReference(oc.REST().ImageStreams(oc.Namespace()), "test", "latest") o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("writing the pod definition to a file") pod := exutil.GetPodForContainer(kapi.Container{ Image: imageName, Name: "test", }) _, err = oc.KubeREST().Pods(oc.Namespace()).Create(pod) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("expecting the pod to be running") err = oc.KubeFramework().WaitForPodRunning(pod.Name) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("expecting the pod container has TEST_ENV variable set") out, err := oc.Run("exec").Args("-p", pod.Name, "--", "curl", "").Output() o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) if !strings.Contains(out, "success") { e2e.Failf("expected 'success' response when executing curl in %q, got %q", pod.Name, out) } }) }) })
// FatalErr exits the test in case a fatal error has occurred. func FatalErr(msg interface{}) { e2e.Failf("%v", msg) }
for _, sub := range ep.Subsets { for _, addr := range sub.Addresses { ips.Insert(addr.IP) } } return ips.List() } var _ = Describe("DNS", func() { f := e2e.NewDefaultFramework("dns") It("should answer endpoint and wildcard queries for the cluster [Conformance]", func() { e2e.ClusterDNSVerifier(f) if _, err := f.Client.Services(f.Namespace.Name).Create(createServiceSpec("headless", true, nil)); err != nil { e2e.Failf("unable to create headless service: %v", err) } if _, err := f.Client.Endpoints(f.Namespace.Name).Create(createEndpointSpec("headless")); err != nil { e2e.Failf("unable to create clusterip endpoints: %v", err) } if _, err := f.Client.Services(f.Namespace.Name).Create(createServiceSpec("clusterip", false, nil)); err != nil { e2e.Failf("unable to create clusterip service: %v", err) } if _, err := f.Client.Endpoints(f.Namespace.Name).Create(createEndpointSpec("clusterip")); err != nil { e2e.Failf("unable to create clusterip endpoints: %v", err) } ep, err := f.Client.Endpoints("default").Get("kubernetes") if err != nil { e2e.Failf("unable to find endpoints for kubernetes.default: %v", err) }