コード例 #1
ファイル: player.go プロジェクト: kuroneko/Orchestra
func ProcessingLoop() {
	var conn net.Conn = nil
	var nextRetryResp *TaskResponse = nil
	var taskCompletionChan <-chan *TaskResponse = nil
	var connectDelay time.Duration
	var doScoreReload bool = false
	// kick off a new connection attempt.
	go connectMe(connectDelay)

	// and this is where we spin!
	for {
		var retryDelay time.Duration = 0
		var retryChan <-chan time.Time = nil

		if conn != nil {
			for nextRetryResp == nil {
				nextRetryResp = getNextUnacknowledgedResponse()
				if nil == nextRetryResp {
				retryDelay = nextRetryResp.RetryTime.Sub(time.Now())
				if retryDelay < 0 {
					sendResponse(conn, nextRetryResp)
					nextRetryResp = nil
			if nextRetryResp != nil {
				retryChan = time.After(retryDelay)
		if taskCompletionChan == nil {
			nextTask := getNextPendingTask()
			if nextTask != nil {
				taskCompletionChan = ExecuteTask(nextTask)
			} else {
				if conn != nil && !pendingTaskRequest {
					o.Debug("Asking for trouble")
					p := o.MakeReadyForTask()
					o.Debug("Sent Request for trouble")
					pendingTaskRequest = true
		select {
		// Currently executing job finishes.
		case newresp := <-taskCompletionChan:
			o.Debug("job%d: Completed with State %s\n", newresp.id, newresp.State)
			// preemptively set a retrytime.
			newresp.RetryTime = time.Now()
			// ENOCONN - sub it in as our next retryresponse, and prepend the old one onto the queue.
			if nil == conn {
				if nil != nextRetryResp {
				o.Debug("job%d: Queuing Initial Response", newresp.id)
				nextRetryResp = newresp
			} else {
				o.Debug("job%d: Sending Initial Response", newresp.id)
				sendResponse(conn, newresp)
			if doScoreReload {
				o.Info("Performing Deferred score reload")
				doScoreReload = false
			taskCompletionChan = nil
		// If the current unacknowledged response needs a retry, send it.
		case <-retryChan:
			sendResponse(conn, nextRetryResp)
			nextRetryResp = nil
		// New connection.  Set up the receiver thread and Introduce ourselves.
		case nci := <-newConnection:
			if conn != nil {
			conn = nci.conn
			connectDelay = nci.timeout
			pendingTaskRequest = false

			// start the reader
			go Reader(conn)

			/* Introduce ourself */
			p := o.MakeIdentifyClient(LocalHostname, PlayerVersion)
		// Lost connection.  Shut downt he connection.
		case <-lostConnection:
			o.Warn("Lost Connection to Master")
			conn = nil
			// restart the connection attempts
			go connectMe(connectDelay)
		// Message received from master.  Decode and action.
		case p := <-receivedMessage:
			// because the message could possibly be an ACK, push the next retry response back into the queue so acknowledge can find it.
			if nil != nextRetryResp {
				nextRetryResp = nil
			var upkt interface{} = nil
			if p.Length > 0 {
				var err error
				upkt, err = p.Decode()
				o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't decode packet from master")
			handler, exists := dispatcher[p.Type]
			if exists {
				connectDelay = 0
				handler(conn, upkt)
			} else {
				o.Fail("Unhandled Pkt Type %d", p.Type)
		// Reload scores
		case <-reloadScores:
			// fortunately this is actually completely safe as
			// long as nobody's currently executing.
			// who'd have thunk it?
			if taskCompletionChan == nil {
				o.Info("Reloading scores")
			} else {
				o.Info("Deferring score reload (execution in progress)")
				doScoreReload = true
		// Keepalive delay expired.  Send Nop.
		case <-time.After(KeepaliveDelay):
			if conn == nil {
			o.Debug("Sending NOP")
			p := o.MakeNop()
コード例 #2
ファイル: client.go プロジェクト: anchor/orchestra
	/* C->P only messages, should never appear on the wire. */
	o.TypeTaskRequest: handleIllegal,

var loopFudge time.Duration = 10 * time.Millisecond /* 10 ms should be enough fudgefactor */
func clientLogic(client *ClientInfo) {
	loop := true
	for loop {
		var retryWait <-chan time.Time
		var retryTask *TaskRequest
		if client.Player != "" {
			var waitTime, now time.Time
			cleanPass := false
			attempts := 0
			for !cleanPass && attempts < 10 {
				/* reset our state for the pass */
				waitTime = time.Time{}
				retryTask = nil
				cleanPass = true
				now = time.Now().Add(loopFudge)
				// if the client is correctly associated,
				// evaluate all jobs for outstanding retries,
				// and work out when our next retry is due.
				for _, v := range client.pendingTasks {
					if v.RetryTime.Before(now) {
						cleanPass = false
					} else {
						if waitTime == (time.Time{}) || v.RetryTime.Before(waitTime) {
							retryTask = v
							waitTime = v.RetryTime
			if attempts > 10 {
				o.Fail("Couldn't find next timeout without restarting excessively")
			if retryTask != nil {
				retryWait = time.After(waitTime.Sub(time.Now()))
		select {
		case <-retryWait:
		case p := <-client.PktInQ:
			/* we've received a packet.  do something with it. */
			if client.Player == "" && p.Type != o.TypeIdentifyClient {
				o.Warn("Client %s: didn't identify self,- got type %d instead", client.Name(), p.Type)
			var upkt interface{}
			if p.Length > 0 {
				var err error

				upkt, err = p.Decode()
				if err != nil {
					o.Warn("Client %s: error unmarshalling message: %s", client.Name(), err)
			handler, exists := dispatcher[p.Type]
			if exists {
				handler(client, upkt)
			} else {
				o.Warn("Client %s: Unhandled packet type: %d", client.Name(), p.Type)
		case p := <-client.PktOutQ:
			if p != nil {
		case t := <-client.TaskQ:
		case <-client.abortQ:
			loop = false
		case <-time.After(KeepaliveDelay):
			p := o.MakeNop()
			_, err := p.Send(client.connection)
			if err != nil {
				o.Warn("Client %s: error sending packet: %s", client.Name(), err)