コード例 #1
// checkForNonBoolCondition checks if the condition is of a boolean type, and if not, adds an error to the typechecker
func checkForNonBoolCondition(condition interfaces.Expr, typeCheckArgs interfaces.TypeCheckArgs) {
	typeOfCondition := condition.TypeCheck(typeCheckArgs)

	if typeOfCondition != expr.NewBoolType() && typeOfCondition != expr.NewUnknownType() {
		typeCheckArgs.TypeChecker().AddEncounteredError(errors.NewNonBooleanConditionError(condition, typeOfCondition))
コード例 #2
func (this VarDecl) TypeCheck(typeCheckArgs interfaces.TypeCheckArgs) {
	// store type for identifier so when we find VarExpr with this VarID we know its real type (used during typechecking)
	typeCheckArgs.Symbols().SetTypeForVarID(this.ValueType(), this.VariableIdentifier())

	// we mark it as known to indicate that earlier references to this VarID are valid
コード例 #3
// checkQuestionForRedeclarationWithDifferentTypes checks if the passed question has been declared before with a different type, and if so, adds an error to the typechecker
func checkQuestionForRedeclarationWithDifferentTypes(question interfaces.Question, typeCheckArgs interfaces.TypeCheckArgs) {
	varDecl := question.VarDecl()
	varID := varDecl.VariableIdentifier()

	if typeCheckArgs.Symbols().IsTypeSetForVarID(varID) && typeCheckArgs.Symbols().TypeForVarID(varID) != varDecl.ValueType() {
		typeCheckArgs.TypeChecker().AddEncounteredError(errors.NewQuestionRedeclaredWithDifferentTypesError(varDecl.ValueType(), typeCheckArgs.Symbols().TypeForVarID(varID)))
コード例 #4
// checkIfQuestionTypeMatchesComputationType checks if the declared computed question type and its actual type match, and if not, adds an error to the typechecker
func (this ComputedQuestion) checkIfQuestionTypeMatchesComputationType(typeCheckArgs interfaces.TypeCheckArgs) {
	actualType := this.Computation().TypeCheck(typeCheckArgs)
	expectedType := this.VarDeclValueType()

	// check if question declaration type matches the type of the computation
	if actualType != expr.NewUnknownType() && actualType != expectedType {
		typeCheckArgs.TypeChecker().AddEncounteredError(errors.NewDeclaratedTypeAndActualTypeDeviateError(expectedType, actualType))
コード例 #5
// checkForEqualTypes checks if the operands in a BinaryOperator have the same type, and if the types are unequal adds an error to the typechecker
func (binaryExpr BinaryOperator) checkForEqualTypes(typeCheckArgs interfaces.TypeCheckArgs) {
	lhsType := binaryExpr.LHS().TypeCheck(typeCheckArgs)
	rhsType := binaryExpr.RHS().TypeCheck(typeCheckArgs)

	if lhsType == NewUnknownType() || rhsType == NewUnknownType() {

	if lhsType != rhsType {
		typeCheckArgs.TypeChecker().AddEncounteredError(errors.NewOperandsOfDifferentTypesError(binaryExpr, lhsType, rhsType))
コード例 #6
func (this InputQuestion) TypeCheck(typeCheckArgs interfaces.TypeCheckArgs) {
	checkQuestionForDuplicateLabels(this, typeCheckArgs.TypeChecker())
	checkQuestionForRedeclarationWithDifferentTypes(this, typeCheckArgs)

	typeCheckArgs = typeCheckArgs.SetCurrentVarDeclVisited(this.VarDecl())



	checkForCyclicDependencies(this, typeCheckArgs.TypeChecker())
コード例 #7
// checkIfOperandHasExpectedType checks that an operand's actual type matches it expected type, and if not adds an error to the typechecker
func checkIfOperandHasExpectedType(expr interfaces.Expr, expectedTypes []interfaces.ValueType, typeCheckArgs interfaces.TypeCheckArgs) interfaces.ValueType {
	actualType := expr.TypeCheck(typeCheckArgs)

	if actualType == NewUnknownType() {
		return NewUnknownType()

	if !typeIsInExpectedTypes(actualType, expectedTypes) {
		typeCheckArgs.TypeChecker().AddEncounteredError(errors.NewOperandWithUnexpectedTypeError(expr, expectedTypes, actualType))

	return actualType
コード例 #8
func (this VarExpr) TypeCheck(typeCheckArgs interfaces.TypeCheckArgs) interfaces.ValueType {
	typeCheckArgs.TypeChecker().AddDependencyForVarDecl(this.VarIdentifier(), typeCheckArgs.CurrentVarDeclVisited())

	// Return the true type of the VarExpr; the type of the Expr referred to
	if typeCheckArgs.Symbols().IsTypeSetForVarID(this.VarIdentifier()) {
		return typeCheckArgs.Symbols().TypeForVarID(this.VarIdentifier()).(interfaces.ValueType)

	// We don't already mark it as an error; because there is only one scope, the VarDecl may be simply declared later on

	// No type info in symbol table (reference to undefined question)
	return NewUnknownType()
コード例 #9
func (this Form) TypeCheck(typeCheckArgs interfaces.TypeCheckArgs) {

	// Only at the end of the form we truly know the question is not declared anywhere (since QL is not a sequential program)