コード例 #1
// answer worker
func connectionWriteProcessing(
	connection net.Conn,
	backChannel *chan coreprocessing.CoreInstruction,
	dataManager *connectionsupport.ConnectionDataManager,
	stat statistic.StatisticUpdater,
	label string) {
	wait := true
	msgSize := 0
	var newInstruction coreprocessing.CoreInstruction
	var statGroupName string
	for wait {
		newInstruction = <-*backChannel
		if newInstruction.IsEmpty() {
			rllogger.Outputf(rllogger.LogWarn, "Closed write process for %s empty instruction!", label)
			wait = false
		} else {
			// write
			msgSize = 0
			if answer, exists := newInstruction.GetAnswer(); exists {
				data := answer.DataDump()
				if data != nil {
					line := append(*data, byte('\n'))
					if writen, err := connection.Write(line); err == nil {
						msgSize += writen
					} else {
						rllogger.Outputf(rllogger.LogWarn, "Can't wite answer to %s: %s", label, err)
						// wtf ?
						wait = false
			// and / or command for client
			if answerCmd, exists := newInstruction.GetCommand(); exists && wait {
				data := answerCmd.DataDump()
				if data != nil {
					line := append(*data, byte('\n'))
					if writen, err := connection.Write(line); err == nil {
						msgSize += writen
					} else {
						rllogger.Outputf(rllogger.LogWarn, "Can't wite answer to %s: %s", label, err)
						// wtf ?
						wait = false
			if msgSize > 0 {
				stat.SendMsg("outcome_data_size", msgSize)
				// update state data
				if newInstruction.StateChanges != nil {
					// so simple.. without some visitor for statistic
					if newInstruction.StateChanges.ChangeType == connectionsupport.StateChangesTypeGroup {
						switch newInstruction.StateChanges.ConnectionClientGroup {
						case connectionsupport.GroupConnectionClient:
							statGroupName = "count_connection_client"
						case connectionsupport.GroupConnectionServer:
							statGroupName = "count_connection_server"
						case connectionsupport.GroupConnectionWsClient:
							statGroupName = "count_connection_web"
					// update data in manager
					dataManager.UpdateState(newInstruction.Cid, newInstruction.StateChanges)
			} else {
				rllogger.Outputf(rllogger.LogWarn, "Empty answer to %s?", label)
			if newInstruction.NeedExit() {
				wait = false
				rllogger.Outputf(rllogger.LogDebug, "Closed write process for %s from instruction.", label)
				err := connection.Close()
				if err != nil {
					// wait = true ??
					rllogger.Outputf(rllogger.LogError, "Close connection %s problem: %s", label, err)