コード例 #1
ファイル: http_server.go プロジェクト: jepst/sarama
func newDataCollector(brokerList []string) sarama.SyncProducer {

	// For the data collector, we are looking for strong consistency semantics.
	// Because we don't change the flush settings, sarama will try to produce messages
	// as fast as possible to keep latency low.
	config := sarama.NewConfig()
	config.Producer.RequiredAcks = sarama.WaitForAll // Wait for all in-sync replicas to ack the message
	config.Producer.Retry.Max = 10                   // Retry up to 10 times to produce the message
	tlsConfig := createTlsConfiguration()
	if tlsConfig != nil {
		config.Net.TLS.Config = tlsConfig
		config.Net.TLS.Enable = true

	// On the broker side, you may want to change the following settings to get
	// stronger consistency guarantees:
	// - For your broker, set `unclean.leader.election.enable` to false
	// - For the topic, you could increase `min.insync.replicas`.

	producer, err := sarama.NewSyncProducer(brokerList, config)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalln("Failed to start Sarama producer:", err)

	return producer
コード例 #2
ファイル: http_server.go プロジェクト: jepst/sarama
func newAccessLogProducer(brokerList []string) sarama.AsyncProducer {

	// For the access log, we are looking for AP semantics, with high throughput.
	// By creating batches of compressed messages, we reduce network I/O at a cost of more latency.
	config := sarama.NewConfig()
	tlsConfig := createTlsConfiguration()
	if tlsConfig != nil {
		config.Net.TLS.Enable = true
		config.Net.TLS.Config = tlsConfig
	config.Producer.RequiredAcks = sarama.WaitForLocal       // Only wait for the leader to ack
	config.Producer.Compression = sarama.CompressionSnappy   // Compress messages
	config.Producer.Flush.Frequency = 500 * time.Millisecond // Flush batches every 500ms

	producer, err := sarama.NewAsyncProducer(brokerList, config)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalln("Failed to start Sarama producer:", err)

	// We will just log to STDOUT if we're not able to produce messages.
	// Note: messages will only be returned here after all retry attempts are exhausted.
	go func() {
		for err := range producer.Errors() {
			log.Println("Failed to write access log entry:", err)

	return producer
コード例 #3
func main() {

	if *brokerList == "" {
		printUsageErrorAndExit("no -brokers specified. Alternatively, set the KAFKA_PEERS environment variable")

	if *topic == "" {
		printUsageErrorAndExit("no -topic specified")

	if *verbose {
		sarama.Logger = logger

	config := sarama.NewConfig()
	config.Producer.RequiredAcks = sarama.WaitForAll

	switch *partitioner {
	case "":
		if *partition >= 0 {
			config.Producer.Partitioner = sarama.NewManualPartitioner
		} else {
			config.Producer.Partitioner = sarama.NewHashPartitioner
	case "hash":
		config.Producer.Partitioner = sarama.NewHashPartitioner
	case "random":
		config.Producer.Partitioner = sarama.NewRandomPartitioner
	case "manual":
		config.Producer.Partitioner = sarama.NewManualPartitioner
		if *partition == -1 {
			printUsageErrorAndExit("-partition is required when partitioning manually")
		printUsageErrorAndExit(fmt.Sprintf("Partitioner %s not supported.", *partitioner))

	message := &sarama.ProducerMessage{Topic: *topic, Partition: int32(*partition)}

	if *key != "" {
		message.Key = sarama.StringEncoder(*key)

	if *value != "" {
		message.Value = sarama.StringEncoder(*value)
	} else if stdinAvailable() {
		bytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin)
		if err != nil {
			printErrorAndExit(66, "Failed to read data from the standard input: %s", err)
		message.Value = sarama.ByteEncoder(bytes)
	} else {
		printUsageErrorAndExit("-value is required, or you have to provide the value on stdin")

	producer, err := sarama.NewSyncProducer(strings.Split(*brokerList, ","), config)
	if err != nil {
		printErrorAndExit(69, "Failed to open Kafka producer: %s", err)
	defer func() {
		if err := producer.Close(); err != nil {
			logger.Println("Failed to close Kafka producer cleanly:", err)

	partition, offset, err := producer.SendMessage(message)
	if err != nil {
		printErrorAndExit(69, "Failed to produce message: %s", err)
	} else if !*silent {
		fmt.Printf("topic=%s\tpartition=%d\toffset=%d\n", *topic, partition, offset)