コード例 #1
func getRequest(conn *ss.Conn) (host string, extra []byte, err error) {
	const (
		idType  = 0 // address type index
		idIP0   = 1 // ip addres start index
		idDmLen = 1 // domain address length index
		idDm0   = 2 // domain address start index

		typeIPv4 = 1 // type is ipv4 address
		typeDm   = 3 // type is domain address
		typeIPv6 = 4 // type is ipv6 address

		lenIPv4   = 1 + net.IPv4len + 2 // 1addrType + ipv4 + 2port
		lenIPv6   = 1 + net.IPv6len + 2 // 1addrType + ipv6 + 2port
		lenDmBase = 1 + 1 + 2           // 1addrType + 1addrLen + 2port, plus addrLen

	// buf size should at least have the same size with the largest possible
	// request size (when addrType is 3, domain name has at most 256 bytes)
	// 1(addrType) + 1(lenByte) + 256(max length address) + 2(port)
	buf := make([]byte, 260)

	var n int
	// read till we get possible domain length field
	if n, err = io.ReadAtLeast(conn, buf, idDmLen+1); err != nil {


	reqLen := -1
	switch buf[idType] {
	case typeIPv4:
		reqLen = lenIPv4
	case typeIPv6:
		reqLen = lenIPv6
	case typeDm:
		reqLen = int(buf[idDmLen]) + lenDmBase
		err = fmt.Errorf("addr type %d not supported", buf[idType])

	if n < reqLen { // rare case
		if _, err = io.ReadFull(conn, buf[n:reqLen]); err != nil {
	} else if n > reqLen {
		// it's possible to read more than just the request head
		extra = buf[reqLen:n]

	tp := strings.Split(conn.LocalAddr().String(), ":")
	if len(tp) == 2 {
		p := tp[1]
		now := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
		if len(flowData.Usage[p]) == 0 {
			flowData.Usage[p] = []string{"0", now}

		used, _ := strconv.ParseUint(flowData.Usage[p][0], 10, 64)
		used += uint64(n - reqLen)
		flowData.Usage[p][0] = strconv.FormatUint(used, 10)
		flowData.Usage[p][1] = now

	// Return string for typeIP is not most efficient, but browsers (Chrome,
	// Safari, Firefox) all seems using typeDm exclusively. So this is not a
	// big problem.
	switch buf[idType] {
	case typeIPv4:
		host = net.IP(buf[idIP0 : idIP0+net.IPv4len]).String()
	case typeIPv6:
		host = net.IP(buf[idIP0 : idIP0+net.IPv6len]).String()
	case typeDm:
		host = string(buf[idDm0 : idDm0+buf[idDmLen]])
	// parse port
	port := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(buf[reqLen-2 : reqLen])

	host = net.JoinHostPort(host, strconv.Itoa(int(port)))
コード例 #2
func handleConnection(conn *ss.Conn, port string) {
	var host string

	//fmt.Println(strings.Split(conn.LocalAddr().String(), ":")[1])

	connCnt++ // this maybe not accurate, but should be enough
	if connCnt-nextLogConnCnt >= 0 {
		// XXX There's no xadd in the atomic package, so it's difficult to log
		// the message only once with low cost. Also note nextLogConnCnt maybe
		// added twice for current peak connection number level.
		log.Printf("Number of client connections reaches %d\n", nextLogConnCnt)
		nextLogConnCnt += logCntDelta

	// function arguments are always evaluated, so surround debug statement
	// with if statement
	if debug {
		debug.Printf("new client %s->%s\n", conn.RemoteAddr().String(), conn.LocalAddr())
	closed := false
	defer func() {
		if debug {
			debug.Printf("closed pipe %s<->%s\n", conn.RemoteAddr(), host)
		if !closed {

	host, extra, err := getRequest(conn)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("error getting request", conn.RemoteAddr(), conn.LocalAddr(), err)
	debug.Println("connecting", host)
	remote, err := net.Dial("tcp", host)
	if err != nil {
		if ne, ok := err.(*net.OpError); ok && (ne.Err == syscall.EMFILE || ne.Err == syscall.ENFILE) {
			// log too many open file error
			// EMFILE is process reaches open file limits, ENFILE is system limit
			log.Println("dial error:", err)
		} else {
			log.Println("error connecting to:", host, err)
	defer func() {
		if !closed {
	// write extra bytes read from
	if extra != nil {
		// debug.Println("getRequest read extra data, writing to remote, len", len(extra))
		if _, err = remote.Write(extra); err != nil {
			debug.Println("write request extra error:", err)
	if debug {
		debug.Printf("piping %s<->%s", conn.RemoteAddr(), host)
	go ss.PipeThenClose(conn, remote, ss.SET_TIMEOUT, flowData, port)
	ss.PipeThenClose(remote, conn, ss.NO_TIMEOUT, flowData, port)
	closed = true