コード例 #1
ファイル: serial_windows.go プロジェクト: rwen/goserial
func getProcAddr(lib syscall.Handle, name string) uintptr {
	addr, err := syscall.GetProcAddress(lib, name)
	if err != 0 {
		panic(name + " " + syscall.Errstr(err))
	return addr
コード例 #2
ファイル: util.go プロジェクト: lalitjsraks/walk
func lastError(win32FuncName string) os.Error {
	if errno := GetLastError(); errno != ERROR_SUCCESS {
		return newError(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", win32FuncName, syscall.Errstr(int(errno))))

	return nil
コード例 #3
ファイル: winapi.go プロジェクト: lalitjsraks/walk
func MustLoadLibrary(name string) uint32 {
	lib, errno := syscall.LoadLibrary(name)
	if errno != 0 {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf(`syscall.LoadLibrary("%s") failed: %s`, name, syscall.Errstr(errno)))

	return lib
コード例 #4
ファイル: winapi.go プロジェクト: WaylandGod/go-winapi
func MustGetProcAddress(lib uintptr, name string) uintptr {
	addr, errno := syscall.GetProcAddress(syscall.Handle(lib), name)
	if errno != 0 {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf(`syscall.GetProcAddress(%d, "%s") failed: %s`, lib, name, syscall.Errstr(errno)))

	return uintptr(addr)
コード例 #5
ファイル: mycat.go プロジェクト: andrenth/go-fdpass
func readAndPrint(fd int, buf []byte) {
	_, errno := syscall.Read(fd, buf)
	if errno != 0 {
		fmt.Printf("readAndPrint: %v: %v\n", errno, syscall.Errstr(errno))
コード例 #6
ファイル: winapi.go プロジェクト: lalitjsraks/walk
func MustGetProcAddress(lib uint32, name string) uint32 {
	addr, errno := syscall.GetProcAddress(lib, name)
	if errno != 0 {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf(`syscall.GetProcAddress(%d, "%s") failed: %s`, lib, name, syscall.Errstr(errno)))

	return addr
コード例 #7
ファイル: touch.go プロジェクト: copyninja/goblin
func reffile(filename string) (int64, int64) {
	var st syscall.Stat_t

	if e := syscall.Stat(filename, &st); e != 0 {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "stat: Error %s\n", syscall.Errstr(e))

	//FIXME: bug in Go! Amd64 has following rest have Atimespec and Mtimespec
	return st.Atim.Sec, st.Mtim.Sec
コード例 #8
ファイル: cgo_unix.go プロジェクト: Quantumboost/gcc
func cgoLookupIPCNAME(name string) (addrs []IP, cname string, err os.Error, completed bool) {
	var res *syscall.Addrinfo
	var hints syscall.Addrinfo

	// NOTE(rsc): In theory there are approximately balanced
	// arguments for and against including AI_ADDRCONFIG
	// in the flags (it includes IPv4 results only on IPv4 systems,
	// and similarly for IPv6), but in practice setting it causes
	// getaddrinfo to return the wrong canonical name on Linux.
	// So definitely leave it out.
	hints.Ai_flags = int32((syscall.AI_ALL | syscall.AI_V4MAPPED | syscall.AI_CANONNAME) & cgoAddrInfoMask())

	h := syscall.StringBytePtr(name)
	gerrno := libc_getaddrinfo(h, nil, &hints, &res)
	if gerrno != 0 {
		var str string
		if gerrno == syscall.EAI_NONAME {
			str = noSuchHost
		} else if gerrno == syscall.EAI_SYSTEM {
			str = syscall.Errstr(syscall.GetErrno())
		} else {
			str = bytePtrToString(libc_gai_strerror(gerrno))
		return nil, "", &DNSError{Error: str, Name: name}, true
	defer libc_freeaddrinfo(res)
	if res != nil {
		cname = bytePtrToString((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(res.Ai_canonname)))
		if cname == "" {
			cname = name
		if len(cname) > 0 && cname[len(cname)-1] != '.' {
			cname += "."
	for r := res; r != nil; r = r.Ai_next {
		// Everything comes back twice, once for UDP and once for TCP.
		if r.Ai_socktype != syscall.SOCK_STREAM {
		switch r.Ai_family {
		case syscall.AF_INET:
			sa := (*syscall.RawSockaddrInet4)(unsafe.Pointer(r.Ai_addr))
			addrs = append(addrs, copyIP(sa.Addr[:]))
		case syscall.AF_INET6:
			sa := (*syscall.RawSockaddrInet6)(unsafe.Pointer(r.Ai_addr))
			addrs = append(addrs, copyIP(sa.Addr[:]))
	return addrs, cname, nil, true
コード例 #9
ファイル: mycat.go プロジェクト: andrenth/go-fdpass
func main() {
	fds, errno := syscall.Socketpair(syscall.AF_UNIX, syscall.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
	if errno != 0 {
		fmt.Printf("mycat: socketpair: %v: %v\n", errno, syscall.Errstr(errno))
	fd0, fd1 := fds[0], fds[1]

	bin := "./openfile/openfile"
	argv := []string{bin, strconv.Itoa(fd1), os.Args[1]}

	pid, errno := syscall.ForkExec(bin, argv, nil)
	if errno != 0 {
		fmt.Printf("getFdFromChild: ForkExec: %v\n", syscall.Errstr(errno))

	getFdFromChild(pid, fd0)
コード例 #10
ファイル: fd_windows.go プロジェクト: Sunmonds/gcc
func startServer() {
	resultsrv = new(resultSrv)
	var errno int
	resultsrv.iocp, errno = syscall.CreateIoCompletionPort(syscall.InvalidHandle, 0, 0, 1)
	if errno != 0 {
		panic("CreateIoCompletionPort failed " + syscall.Errstr(errno))
	go resultsrv.Run()

	iosrv = new(ioSrv)
	iosrv.submchan = make(chan anOpIface)
	iosrv.canchan = make(chan anOpIface)
	go iosrv.ProcessRemoteIO()
コード例 #11
ファイル: serial_windows.go プロジェクト: rwen/goserial
func init() {
	k32, err := syscall.LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll")
	if err != 0 {
		panic("LoadLibrary " + syscall.Errstr(err))
	defer syscall.FreeLibrary(k32)

	nSetCommState = getProcAddr(k32, "SetCommState")
	nSetCommTimeouts = getProcAddr(k32, "SetCommTimeouts")
	nSetCommMask = getProcAddr(k32, "SetCommMask")
	nSetupComm = getProcAddr(k32, "SetupComm")
	nGetOverlappedResult = getProcAddr(k32, "GetOverlappedResult")
	nCreateEvent = getProcAddr(k32, "CreateEventW")
	nResetEvent = getProcAddr(k32, "ResetEvent")
コード例 #12
ファイル: alarm.go プロジェクト: abneptis/alarm
func (self Timer) Start(verbose bool) (err os.Error) {
	if verbose {
		fmt.Printf("Pid %d : waiting for %f seconds to send %d\n", self.Pid, self.tickSecs(), self.Signal)
	eno := syscall.Kill(self.Pid, self.Signal)
	if self.Signal > 0 && eno != 0 {
		err = os.NewError(syscall.Errstr(eno))
		if verbose {
			fmt.Printf("Pid %d : Couldn't signal: %v\n", self.Pid, err)
	} else if self.Signal == 0 && eno == 0 {
		err = os.NewError(fmt.Sprintf("alive after %f seconds\n", self.tickSecs()))
		fmt.Printf("Pid %d : %s", self.Pid, err.String())
コード例 #13
ファイル: ole32.go プロジェクト: tlowry/go-winapi
func init() {
	// Library
	libole32 = MustLoadLibrary("ole32.dll")

	// Functions
	coGetClassObject = MustGetProcAddress(libole32, "CoGetClassObject")
	oleInitialize = MustGetProcAddress(libole32, "OleInitialize")
	oleSetContainedObject = MustGetProcAddress(libole32, "OleSetContainedObject")
	oleUninitialize = MustGetProcAddress(libole32, "OleUninitialize")

	// Initialize OLE stuff
	// FIXME: Find a way to call OleUninitialize at app shutdown
	// Maybe we should require explicit walk.Initialize/walk.Shutdown?
	if hr := OleInitialize(); FAILED(hr) {
		panic("OleInitialize Error: " + syscall.Errstr(int(hr)))
コード例 #14
ファイル: fd_windows.go プロジェクト: Sunmonds/gcc
func (s *resultSrv) Run() {
	var o *syscall.Overlapped
	var key uint32
	var r ioResult
	for {
		r.err = syscall.GetQueuedCompletionStatus(s.iocp, &(r.qty), &key, &o, syscall.INFINITE)
		switch {
		case r.err == 0:
			// Dequeued successfully completed io packet.
		case r.err == syscall.WAIT_TIMEOUT && o == nil:
			// Wait has timed out (should not happen now, but might be used in the future).
			panic("GetQueuedCompletionStatus timed out")
		case o == nil:
			// Failed to dequeue anything -> report the error.
			panic("GetQueuedCompletionStatus failed " + syscall.Errstr(r.err))
			// Dequeued failed io packet.
		(*anOp)(unsafe.Pointer(o)).resultc <- r
コード例 #15
ファイル: mycat.go プロジェクト: andrenth/go-fdpass
func getFdFromChild(pid, fd int) {
	var wstatus syscall.WaitStatus
	_, errno := syscall.Wait4(pid, &wstatus, 0, nil)
	if errno != 0 {
		fmt.Printf("getFdFromChild: Wait4: %v: %v\n", errno, syscall.Errstr(errno))
	if wstatus.ExitStatus() != 0 {
		fmt.Printf("openfile exited(%v) with status %v\n", wstatus.Exited(), wstatus.ExitStatus())
	var smallbuf [10]byte
	var largebuf [4096]byte
	readAndPrint(fd, smallbuf[:])
	recvfd, err := fdpass.Receive(fd)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("getFdFromChild: fdpass.Receive: %v\n", err)
	readAndPrint(recvfd, largebuf[:])
	readAndPrint(fd, smallbuf[:])
コード例 #16
ファイル: gotun.go プロジェクト: hwhw/gotun
func getTunTap(flags uint16) (tunfile *os.File, tundevice string, err os.Error) {
	var ifr IfreqFlags
	ifr.Flags = flags

	tunfile, err = os.OpenFile("/dev/net/tun", os.O_RDWR, 0666)
	if err != nil {
	_, _, errnop := syscall.Syscall(syscall.SYS_IOCTL, uintptr(tunfile.Fd()), uintptr(syscall.TUNSETIFF), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&ifr)))
	errno := int(errnop)
	if errno != 0 {
		err = os.NewError(syscall.Errstr(errno))
	strlen := 16
	for ; strlen > 0; strlen-- {
		if ifr.Name[strlen-1] != 0 {
	tundevice = string(ifr.Name[0:strlen])
コード例 #17
ファイル: alarm.go プロジェクト: abneptis/alarm
func main() {
	if flag.NArg() < 1 {
		fmt.Printf("USAGE: alarm [--alarmopts] CMD cmdflags\n")
	if *flag_squelch && *flag_log_stdout == "" {
		*flag_log_stdout = "memory"
	if *flag_squelch && *flag_log_stderr == "" {
		*flag_log_stderr = "memory"
	args := flag.Args()
	if *flag_arg0 == "" {
		*flag_arg0 = flag.Arg(0)
	} else {
		args = args[1:]
	//  We use a buffered channel so that we don't have to check intent to signal end of proc.
	iodone := make(chan int, 1)
	var memfd *os.File
	var memcloser io.Closer
	var err os.Error
	var membuffer *bytes.Buffer
	if *flag_log_stdout == "memory" || *flag_log_stderr == "memory" {
		membuffer = bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 1024*(*flag_buff_size)))
		memfd, memcloser, err = memFD(membuffer)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Couldn't setup memory FD: %v", err)
		go func() {
			io.Copy(membuffer, memfd)

	files, close_local, err := procFileDescriptors(memfd, iodone)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Couldn't setup file descriptors: %v", err)
	arg0 := Which(*flag_arg0, strings.Split(os.Getenv("PATH"), ":", -1))
	if arg0 != *flag_arg0 && *flag_verbose {
		fmt.Printf("Implied arg0: (%s) => %s\n", *flag_arg0, arg0)

	timers := []*Timer{}
	timer_strings := strings.Split(*flag_timeout, ",", -1)
	for ti := range timer_strings {
		if timer_strings[ti] == "" {
		t, err := NewTimerString(timer_strings[ti])
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Couldn't parse timer string '%s': %v\n", timer_strings[ti], err)
		if t.Ticks > 0 {
			timers = append(timers, t)
		} else {
			if *flag_verbose {
				fmt.Printf("WARN: Ignoring useless timer %s\n", timer_strings[ti])

	pid, eno := syscall.ForkExec(arg0, args, &syscall.ProcAttr{
		Dir:   os.Getenv("PWD"),
		Env:   os.Environ(),
		Files: files,
	if eno != 0 {
		fmt.Printf("There was an error running the command: %s\n", syscall.Errstr(eno))
	for t := range timers {
		timers[t].Pid = pid
		go timers[t].Start(*flag_verbose)
	// The process has started, so we close our dup()'s of the FIFO (if any)
	if memcloser != nil {

	wmsg, err := os.Wait(pid, 0)
	iodone <- 1

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("There was an error waiting for pid: %v", err)
	if *flag_verbose {
		fmt.Printf("PID: %d exited with status %d\n", pid, wmsg.ExitStatus())

	if (wmsg.ExitStatus() != 0 && *flag_dump_log == "onerror") ||
		(*flag_dump_log == "always") &&
			(*flag_log_stdout == "memory" || *flag_log_stderr == "memory") {
		if *flag_verbose {
			fmt.Printf("Dumping logs [%d]\n----------\n", wmsg.ExitStatus())
		if membuffer != nil {
			_, err = io.Copy(os.Stdout, membuffer)
		} else {

		if *flag_verbose {
			fmt.Printf("\n----------\nLogs complete: %v", err)
	// We're ok, but we'd like to bubble up the status
コード例 #18
ファイル: exec.go プロジェクト: jpic/fcgigo
// dialExec will ForkExec a new process, and returns a wsConn that connects to its stdin
func dialExec(binpath string) (rwc io.ReadWriteCloser, err os.Error) {
	listenBacklog := 1024
	dir, file := path.Split(binpath)
	socketPath := "/tmp/" + file + ".sock"
	socketIndex := 0 // if the first socket is really in use (we are launching this same process more than once)
	// then the socketIndex will start incrementing so we assign .sock-1 to the second process, etc
	for {
		err := os.Remove(socketPath)
		// if the socket file is stale, but not in use, the Remove succeeds with no error
		if err == nil {
			goto haveSocket // success, found a stale socket we can re-use
		// otherwise we have to check what the error was
		switch err.String() {
		case "remove " + socketPath + ": no such file or directory":
			goto haveSocket // success, we have found an unused socket.
			// if its really in use, we start incrementing socketIndex
			socketIndex += 1
			socketPath = "/tmp/" + file + ".sock-" + strconv.Itoa(socketIndex)
			Log("Socket was in use, trying:", socketPath)
	var fd, cfd, errno int
	var sa syscall.Sockaddr
	// we can almost use UnixListener to do this except it doesn't expose the fd it's listening on
	// create a new socket
	if fd, errno = syscall.Socket(syscall.AF_UNIX, syscall.SOCK_STREAM, 0); errno != 0 {
		Log("Creating first new socket failed:", syscall.Errstr(errno))
		return nil, os.NewError(fmt.Sprint("Creating first new socket failed:", syscall.Errstr(errno)))
	// bind the new socket to socketPath
	if errno = syscall.Bind(fd, &syscall.SockaddrUnix{Name: socketPath}); errno != 0 {
		Log("Bind failed:", syscall.Errstr(errno))
		return nil, os.NewError(fmt.Sprint("Bind failed:", syscall.Errstr(errno)))
	// start to listen on that socket
	if errno = syscall.Listen(fd, listenBacklog); errno != 0 {
		Log("Listen failed:", syscall.Errstr(errno))
		return nil, os.NewError(fmt.Sprint("Listen failed:", syscall.Errstr(errno)))
	// then ForkExec a new process, and give this listening socket to them as stdin
	// DEBUG: for now, give the new process our stdout, and stderr, but the spec says these should be closed
	// in reality, we should redirect, capture, and possibly log separately
	if _, errno = syscall.ForkExec(file, []string{}, []string{}, dir, []int{fd, 1, 2}); errno != 0 {
		Log("ForkExec failed:", syscall.Errstr(errno))
		return nil, os.NewError(fmt.Sprint("ForkExec failed:", syscall.Errstr(errno)))
	// now create a socket for the client-side of the connection
	if cfd, errno = syscall.Socket(syscall.AF_UNIX, syscall.SOCK_STREAM, 0); errno != 0 {
		Log("Creating new socket on webserver failed:", syscall.Errstr(errno))
		return nil, os.NewError(fmt.Sprint("Creating new socket on webserver failed:", syscall.Errstr(errno)))
	// find the address of the socket we gave the new process
	if sa, errno = syscall.Getsockname(fd); errno != 0 {
		Log("Getsockname failed:", syscall.Errstr(errno))
		return nil, os.NewError(fmt.Sprint("Getsockname failed:", syscall.Errstr(errno)))
	// connect our client side to the remote address
	if errno = syscall.Connect(cfd, sa); errno != 0 {
		Log("Connect failed:", syscall.Errstr(errno))
		return nil, os.NewError(fmt.Sprint("Connect failed:", syscall.Errstr(errno)))
	// return a wrapper around the client side of this connection
	rwc = os.NewFile(cfd, "exec://"+binpath)
	return rwc, nil
コード例 #19
ファイル: error.go プロジェクト: wiloe/walk
func errorFromHRESULT(funcName string, hr HRESULT) os.Error {
	return newError(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", funcName, syscall.Errstr(int(hr))))
コード例 #20
ファイル: ct.go プロジェクト: tajtiattila/test
func abort(funcname string, err int) {
	panic(funcname + " failed: " + syscall.Errstr(err))
コード例 #21
ファイル: walker.go プロジェクト: cipriancraciun/merekele
func (_error *error) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s (`%s` [%d]) -> (`%s` [%d])", _error.syscall, _error.path, _error.descriptor, syscall.Errstr(_error.errno), _error.errno)
コード例 #22
ファイル: gui.go プロジェクト: aubonbeurre/gcc
func abortErrNo(funcname string, err int) {
	abortf("%s failed: %d %s\n", funcname, err, syscall.Errstr(err))
コード例 #23
ファイル: exec.go プロジェクト: gnanderson/fcgigo
// dialExec will ForkExec a new process, and returns a wsConn that connects to its
// stdin
func dialExec(binpath string) (io.ReadWriteCloser, os.Error) {
	listenBacklog := 1024
	dir, file := path.Split(binpath)
	socketPath := "/tmp/" + file + ".sock"
	// if the first socket is really in use (we are launching this same process more
	// than once) then the socketIndex will start incrementing so we assign .sock-1
	// to the second process, etc
	socketIndex := 0
	err := os.Remove(socketPath)
	// if the socket file is stale but not in use,
	// Remove succeeds with no error
	for err != nil {
		pe, ok := err.(*os.PathError)
		if ok && pe.Error == os.ENOENT {
			// success, found a stale socket we can re-use
		// if it's really in use, we start incrementing socketIndex
		socketPath = "/tmp/" + file + ".sock-" + strconv.Itoa(socketIndex)
		Log("Socket was in use, trying:", socketPath)
		err = os.Remove(socketPath)

	var fd, cfd, errno int
	var sa syscall.Sockaddr
	// we can almost use UnixListener to do this except it doesn't expose the fd
	// it's listening on
	// create a new socket
	if fd, errno = syscall.Socket(syscall.AF_UNIX, syscall.SOCK_STREAM, 0); errno != 0 {
		msg := "Creating first new socket failed: " + syscall.Errstr(errno)
		return nil, os.NewError(msg)
	// bind the new socket to socketPath
	if errno = syscall.Bind(fd, &syscall.SockaddrUnix{Name: socketPath}); errno != 0 {
		msg := "Bind failed: " + syscall.Errstr(errno)
		return nil, os.NewError(msg)
	// start to listen on that socket
	if errno = syscall.Listen(fd, listenBacklog); errno != 0 {
		msg := "Listen failed: " + syscall.Errstr(errno)
		return nil, os.NewError(msg)
	// then ForkExec a new process, and give this listening socket to them as stdin
	// DEBUG: for now, give the new process our stdout, and stderr, but the spec
	// says these should be closed
	// in reality, we should redirect, capture, and possibly log separately
	if _, errno = syscall.ForkExec(file, []string{}, []string{}, dir, []int{fd, 1, 2}); errno != 0 {
		msg := "ForkExec failed: " + syscall.Errstr(errno)
		return nil, os.NewError(msg)
	// now create a socket for the client-side of the connection
	if cfd, errno = syscall.Socket(syscall.AF_UNIX, syscall.SOCK_STREAM, 0); errno != 0 {
		msg := "Creating new socket on webserved failed: " + syscall.Errstr(errno)
		return nil, os.NewError(msg)
	// find the address of the socket we gave the new process
	if sa, errno = syscall.Getsockname(fd); errno != 0 {
		msg := "Getsockname failed: " + syscall.Errstr(errno)
		return nil, os.NewError(msg)
	// connect our client side to the remote address
	if errno = syscall.Connect(cfd, sa); errno != 0 {
		msg := "Connected failed: " + syscall.Errstr(errno)
		return nil, os.NewError(msg)
	// return a wrapper around the client side of this connection
	rwc := os.NewFile(cfd, "exec://"+binpath)
	return rwc, nil
コード例 #24
ファイル: socket.go プロジェクト: abneptis/GoNetlink
func toErr(eno int) (err os.Error) {
	if eno != 0 {
		err = os.NewError(syscall.Errstr(eno))
コード例 #25
ファイル: error_posix.go プロジェクト: go-nosql/golang
func (e Errno) String() string { return syscall.Errstr(int(e)) }
コード例 #26
ファイル: error.go プロジェクト: abneptis/GoNetlink
// Implements os.Error by using syscall.Errstr(-Code())
func (self Error) String() string {
	return syscall.Errstr(int(-self.Code()))