func Test_TactPackage_should_failed_for_unknown_package(t *testing.T) { // given reportChan := make(chan message.Report, 1) defer close(reportChan) mes := message.ToWork{int64(1), message.PACKAGE, "plop/", "go1.6", ""} // when build.TestPackage(mes, reportChan) msg := <-reportChan end := <-reportChan // then t.Logf("test the exec command failure. Output : %s, %d", msg.Logs, len(msg.Logs)) assert.Contains(t, testtools.FromSliceToString(msg.Logs), "can't load package: package plop") assert.Equal(t, msg.Status, message.WORKING) assert.Equal(t, end.Status, message.FAILED) }
func Test_Should_Test_Sources(t *testing.T) { // given reportChan := make(chan message.Report, 1) defer close(reportChan) mes := message.ToWork{int64(1), message.PACKAGE, "toto-build-agent/testapp", "go1.6", ""} // when build.TestPackage(mes, reportChan) msg := <-reportChan end := <-reportChan // then t.Logf("Test the go test command with succes. Output : %s\n", msg.Logs) assert.Contains(t, testtools.FromSliceToString(msg.Logs), "toto-build-agent/testapp") assert.Equal(t, msg.Status, message.WORKING) assert.Equal(t, end.Status, message.SUCCESS) }