コード例 #1
func TestStatusUpdatesWithoutReplicasChange(t *testing.T) {
	// Setup a fake server to listen for requests, and run the rc manager in steady state
	fakeHandler := util.FakeHandler{
		StatusCode:   200,
		ResponseBody: "",
	testServer := httptest.NewServer(&fakeHandler)
	defer testServer.Close()
	client := client.NewOrDie(&client.Config{Host: testServer.URL, Version: testapi.Default.Version()})
	manager := NewReplicationManager(client, controller.NoResyncPeriodFunc, BurstReplicas)
	manager.podStoreSynced = alwaysReady

	// Steady state for the replication controller, no Status.Replicas updates expected
	activePods := 5
	rc := newReplicationController(activePods)
	rc.Status = api.ReplicationControllerStatus{Replicas: activePods}
	newPodList(manager.podStore.Store, activePods, api.PodRunning, rc)

	fakePodControl := controller.FakePodControl{}
	manager.podControl = &fakePodControl
	manager.syncReplicationController(getKey(rc, t))

	validateSyncReplication(t, &fakePodControl, 0, 0)
	if fakeHandler.RequestReceived != nil {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected update when pods and rcs are in a steady state")

	// This response body is just so we don't err out decoding the http response, all
	// we care about is the request body sent below.
	response := runtime.EncodeOrDie(testapi.Default.Codec(), &api.ReplicationController{})
	fakeHandler.ResponseBody = response

	rc.Generation = rc.Generation + 1
	manager.syncReplicationController(getKey(rc, t))

	rc.Status.ObservedGeneration = rc.Generation
	updatedRc := runtime.EncodeOrDie(testapi.Default.Codec(), rc)
	fakeHandler.ValidateRequest(t, testapi.Default.ResourcePath(replicationControllerResourceName(), rc.Namespace, rc.Name)+"/status", "PUT", &updatedRc)
コード例 #2
func TestControllerUpdateReplicas(t *testing.T) {
	// This is a happy server just to record the PUT request we expect for status.Replicas
	fakeHandler := util.FakeHandler{
		StatusCode:   200,
		ResponseBody: "",
	testServer := httptest.NewServer(&fakeHandler)
	defer testServer.Close()

	client := client.NewOrDie(&client.Config{Host: testServer.URL, Version: testapi.Default.Version()})
	manager := NewReplicationManager(client, controller.NoResyncPeriodFunc, BurstReplicas)
	manager.podStoreSynced = alwaysReady

	// Insufficient number of pods in the system, and Status.Replicas is wrong;
	// Status.Replica should update to match number of pods in system, 1 new pod should be created.
	rc := newReplicationController(5)
	rc.Status = api.ReplicationControllerStatus{Replicas: 2, ObservedGeneration: 0}
	rc.Generation = 1
	newPodList(manager.podStore.Store, 4, api.PodRunning, rc)

	// This response body is just so we don't err out decoding the http response
	response := runtime.EncodeOrDie(testapi.Default.Codec(), &api.ReplicationController{})
	fakeHandler.ResponseBody = response

	fakePodControl := controller.FakePodControl{}
	manager.podControl = &fakePodControl

	manager.syncReplicationController(getKey(rc, t))

	// 1. Status.Replicas should go up from 2->4 even though we created 5-4=1 pod.
	// 2. Every update to the status should include the Generation of the spec.
	rc.Status = api.ReplicationControllerStatus{Replicas: 4, ObservedGeneration: 1}

	decRc := runtime.EncodeOrDie(testapi.Default.Codec(), rc)
	fakeHandler.ValidateRequest(t, testapi.Default.ResourcePath(replicationControllerResourceName(), rc.Namespace, rc.Name)+"/status", "PUT", &decRc)
	validateSyncReplication(t, &fakePodControl, 1, 0)