// @Title delete // @Description delete the task // @Param taskId path string true "The taskId you want to delete" // @Success 200 {string} delete success! // @Failure 403 taskId is empty // @router /:taskId [delete] func (t *TaskController) Delete() { taskId := t.Ctx.Input.Param(":taskId") models.Delete(taskId) t.Data["json"] = "delete success!" t.ServeJSON() }
// @Title delete // @Description delete the object // @Param objectId path string true "The objectId you want to delete" // @Success 200 {string} delete success! // @Failure 403 objectId is empty // @router /:objectId [delete] func (o *ObjectController) Delete() { objectId := o.Ctx.Input.Param(":objectId") models.Delete(objectId) o.Data["json"] = "delete success!" o.ServeJSON() }