예제 #1
파일: fastly.go 프로젝트: nicollet/bosun
func fastlyReflectAdd(md *opentsdb.MultiDataPoint, prefix, suffix string, st interface{}, timeStamp int64, ts opentsdb.TagSet) {
	t := reflect.TypeOf(st)
	valueOf := reflect.ValueOf(st)
	for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
		field := t.Field(i)
		value := valueOf.Field(i).Interface()
		var (
			jsonTag   = field.Tag.Get("json")
			metricTag = field.Tag.Get("metric")
			rateTag   = field.Tag.Get("rate")
			unitTag   = field.Tag.Get("unit")
			divTag    = field.Tag.Get("div")
			descTag   = field.Tag.Get("desc")
			exclude   = field.Tag.Get("exclude") != ""
		if exclude || descTag == "" {
		metricName := jsonTag
		if metricTag != "" {
			metricName = metricTag
		if metricName == "" {
			slog.Errorf("Unable to determine metric name for field %s. Skipping.", field.Name)
		shouldDiv := divTag != ""
		if shouldDiv {
			descTag = fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", descTag, fastlyDivDesc)
		fullMetric := fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v%v", prefix, metricName, suffix)
		switch value := value.(type) {
		case int64, float64:
			var v float64
			if f, found := value.(float64); found {
				v = f
			} else {
				v = float64(value.(int64))
			if shouldDiv {
				v /= 60.0
			AddTS(md, fullMetric, timeStamp, v, ts, metadata.RateType(rateTag), metadata.Unit(unitTag), descTag)
		case string:
			// Floats in strings, I know not why, precision perhaps?
			// err ignored since we expect non number strings in the struct
			if f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64); err != nil {
				if shouldDiv {
					f /= 60.0
				AddTS(md, fullMetric, timeStamp, f, ts, metadata.RateType(rateTag), metadata.Unit(unitTag), descTag)
			// Pass since there is no need to recurse
예제 #2
// structProcessor.add() takes in a metric name prefix, an arbitrary struct, and a tagset.
// The processor recurses through the struct and builds metrics. The field tags direct how
// the field should be processed, as well as the metadata for the resulting metric.
// The field tags used are described as follows:
// version: typically set to '1' or '2'.
//	This is compared against the elastic cluster version. If the version from the tag
//      does not match the version in production, the metric will not be sent for this field.
// exclude:
//      If this tag is set to 'true', a metric will not be sent for this field.
// rate: one of 'gauge', 'counter', 'rate'
//	This tag dictates the metadata.RateType we send.
// unit: 'bytes', 'pages', etc
//	This tag dictates the metadata.Unit we send.
// metric:
//      This is the metric name which will be sent. If not present, the 'json'
//      tag is sent as the metric name.
// Special handling:
// Metrics having the json tag suffix of 'in_milliseconds' are automagically
// divided by 1000 and sent as seconds. The suffix is stripped from the name.
// Metrics having the json tag suffix of 'in_bytes' are automatically sent as
// gauge bytes. The suffix is stripped from the metric name.
func (s *structProcessor) add(prefix string, st interface{}, ts opentsdb.TagSet) {
	t := reflect.TypeOf(st)
	valueOf := reflect.ValueOf(st)
	for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
		field := t.Field(i)
		value := valueOf.Field(i).Interface()
		if field.Tag.Get("exclude") == "true" {
		var (
			jsonTag    = field.Tag.Get("json")
			metricTag  = field.Tag.Get("metric")
			versionTag = field.Tag.Get("version")
			rateTag    = field.Tag.Get("rate")
			unitTag    = field.Tag.Get("unit")
		metricName := jsonTag
		if metricTag != "" {
			metricName = metricTag
		if metricName == "" {
			slog.Errorf("Unable to determine metric name for field %s. Skipping.", field.Name)
		if versionTag == "" || strings.HasPrefix(s.elasticVersion, versionTag) {
			switch value := value.(type) {
			case int, float64: // Number types in our structs are only ints and float64s.
				// Turn all millisecond metrics into seconds
				if strings.HasSuffix(metricName, "_in_millis") {
					switch value.(type) {
					case int:
						value = float64(value.(int)) / 1000
					case float64:
						value = value.(float64) / 1000
					unitTag = "seconds"
					metricName = strings.TrimSuffix(metricName, "_in_millis")
				// Set rate and unit for all "_in_bytes" metrics, and strip the "_in_bytes"
				if strings.HasSuffix(metricName, "_in_bytes") {
					if rateTag == "" {
						rateTag = "gauge"
					unitTag = "bytes"
					metricName = strings.TrimSuffix(metricName, "_in_bytes")
				Add(s.md, prefix+"."+metricName, value, ts, metadata.RateType(rateTag), metadata.Unit(unitTag), field.Tag.Get("desc"))
			case string:
				// The json data has a lot of strings, and we don't care about em.
				// If we hit another struct, recurse
				if reflect.ValueOf(value).Kind() == reflect.Struct {
					s.add(prefix+"."+metricName, value, ts)
				} else {
					slog.Errorf("Field %s for metric %s is non-numeric type. Cannot record as a metric.\n", field.Name, prefix+"."+metricName)
예제 #3
파일: snmp.go 프로젝트: harryshayne/bosun
func GenericSnmp(cfg conf.SNMP, mib conf.MIB) (opentsdb.MultiDataPoint, error) {
	md := opentsdb.MultiDataPoint{}
	baseOid := mib.BaseOid

	rateUnitTags := func(m conf.MIBMetric) (r metadata.RateType, u metadata.Unit, t opentsdb.TagSet, err error) {
		if r = metadata.RateType(m.RateType); r == "" {
			r = metadata.Gauge
		if u = metadata.Unit(m.Unit); u == "" {
			u = metadata.None
		if m.Tags == "" {
			t = make(opentsdb.TagSet)
		} else {
			t, err = opentsdb.ParseTags(m.Tags)
			if err != nil {
				return "", "", nil, err
		t["host"] = cfg.Host

	for _, metric := range mib.Metrics {
		rate, unit, tagset, err := rateUnitTags(metric)
		if err != nil {
			return md, err

		v, err := snmp_oid(cfg.Host, cfg.Community, combineOids(metric.Oid, baseOid))
		if err != nil && metric.FallbackOid != "" {
			v, err = snmp_oid(cfg.Host, cfg.Community, combineOids(metric.FallbackOid, baseOid))
		if err != nil {
			return md, err
		Add(&md, metric.Metric, v, tagset, rate, unit, metric.Description)

	for _, tree := range mib.Trees {
		treeOid := combineOids(tree.BaseOid, baseOid)
		tagCache := make(map[string]map[string]interface{}) // tag key to map of values
		for _, tag := range tree.Tags {
			if tag.Oid == "idx" {
			vals, err := snmp_subtree(cfg.Host, cfg.Community, combineOids(tag.Oid, treeOid))
			if err != nil {
				return md, err
			tagCache[tag.Key] = vals
		for _, metric := range tree.Metrics {
			rate, unit, tagset, err := rateUnitTags(metric)
			if err != nil {
				return md, err

			nodes, err := snmp_subtree(cfg.Host, cfg.Community, combineOids(metric.Oid, treeOid))
			if err != nil && metric.FallbackOid != "" {
				nodes, err = snmp_subtree(cfg.Host, cfg.Community, combineOids(metric.FallbackOid, treeOid))
			if err != nil {
				return md, err
			// check all lengths
			for k, list := range tagCache {
				if len(list) != len(nodes) {
					return md, fmt.Errorf("snmp tree for tag key %s, and metric %s do not have same length", k, metric.Metric)
			for i, v := range nodes {
				for _, tag := range tree.Tags {
					var tagVal interface{}
					if tag.Oid == "idx" {
						tagVal = i
					} else {
						var ok bool
						tagVal, ok = tagCache[tag.Key][i]
						if !ok {
							return md, fmt.Errorf("tree for tag %s has no entry for metric %s index %s", tag.Key, metric.Metric, i)
					if byteSlice, ok := tagVal.([]byte); ok {
						tagVal = string(byteSlice)
					tagset[tag.Key] = fmt.Sprint(tagVal)
				Add(&md, metric.Metric, v, tagset, rate, unit, metric.Description)
	return md, nil
예제 #4
파일: oracle.go 프로젝트: noblehng/bosun
		"select NAME || ',' || VALUE from v$sysstat where NAME not like '%this session%';\n",
		func(row string, md *opentsdb.MultiDataPoint, prefix string, common opentsdb.TagSet) error {
			fields := strings.Split(row, ",")
			if len(fields) != 2 {
				return sqlplusParserFieldCountErr

			v, err := sqlplusValueConv(fields[1])
			if err != nil {
				return err

			f0 := fields[0]
			name := sqlplusMetricNameConv(f0)

			rate := metadata.RateType(metadata.Counter)
			if f0 == "logons current" || strings.HasSuffix(f0, "cursors current") ||
				strings.HasPrefix(f0, "gc current") {
				rate = metadata.Gauge

			Add(md, prefix+name, v, common, rate, metadata.None, f0)
			return nil
		"select TABLESPACE_NAME || ',' || USED_PERCENT from dba_tablespace_usage_metrics;\n",
		func(row string, md *opentsdb.MultiDataPoint, prefix string, common opentsdb.TagSet) error {
			fields := strings.Split(row, ",")
			if len(fields) != 2 {
				return sqlplusParserFieldCountErr
예제 #5
func c_varnish_unix() (opentsdb.MultiDataPoint, error) {
	var md opentsdb.MultiDataPoint
	const metric = "varnish."

	r, err := util.Command(5*time.Second, nil, "varnishstat", "-j")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var stats varnishStats
	if err := json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&stats); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	for name, raw := range stats {
		if name == "timestamp" {

		var v varnishStat
		if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &v); err != nil {
			slog.Errorln("varnish parser error:", name, err)

		ts := opentsdb.TagSet{}

		// special case for backend stats. extract backend name, host and port, put
		// them in tags and remove them in name.
		// the format is like "name(host,,port)" for the "ident" field of "VBE" type
		if v.Type == "VBE" {
			subtype := v.SubType

			name = strings.Replace(name, "."+subtype, "", -1)

			idx := strings.Index(subtype, "(")
			if idx < 0 || len(subtype)-idx < 4 {
				// output format changed, ignore

			ss := strings.Split(subtype[idx+1:len(subtype)-1], ",")
			if len(ss) != 3 {
				// output format changed, ignore

			ts.Merge(opentsdb.TagSet{"backend": subtype[:idx]})
			ts.Merge(opentsdb.TagSet{"endpoint": ss[0] + "_" + ss[2]})

		rate := metadata.RateType(metadata.Gauge)
		if flag := v.Flag; flag == "a" || flag == "c" {
			rate = metadata.Counter

		unit := metadata.Unit(metadata.Count)
		if v.Format == "B" {
			unit = metadata.Bytes

		Add(&md, metric+strings.ToLower(name), v.Value, ts, rate, unit, v.Desc)
	return md, nil