예제 #1
파일: pkcs11.go 프로젝트: useidel/notary
/* UnwrapKey unwraps (decrypts) a wrapped key, creating a new key object. */
func (c *Ctx) UnwrapKey(sh SessionHandle, m []*Mechanism, unwrappingkey ObjectHandle, wrappedkey []byte, a []*Attribute) (ObjectHandle, error) {
	ac, aclen := cAttributeList(a)
	mech, _ := cMechanismList(m)
	e := C.UnwrapKey(c.ctx, C.CK_SESSION_HANDLE(sh), mech, C.CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(unwrappingkey), C.CK_BYTE_PTR(unsafe.Pointer(&wrappedkey[0])), C.CK_ULONG(len(wrappedkey)), ac, aclen, &key)
	return ObjectHandle(key), toError(e)
예제 #2
파일: pkcs11.go 프로젝트: useidel/notary
/* UnwrapKey unwraps (decrypts) a wrapped key, creating a new key object. */
func (c *Ctx) UnwrapKey(sh SessionHandle, m []*Mechanism, unwrappingkey ObjectHandle, wrappedkey []byte, a []*Attribute) (ObjectHandle, error) {
	ac, aclen := cAttributeList(a)
	mech, _ := cMechanismList(m)
	e := C.UnwrapKey(c.ctx, C.CK_SESSION_HANDLE(sh), mech, C.CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(unwrappingkey), C.CK_BYTE_PTR(unsafe.Pointer(&wrappedkey[0])), C.CK_ULONG(len(wrappedkey)), ac, aclen, &key)
	return ObjectHandle(key), toError(e)

// DeriveKey derives a key from a base key, creating a new key object. */
func (c *Ctx) DeriveKey(sh SessionHandle, m []*Mechanism, basekey ObjectHandle, a []*Attribute) (ObjectHandle, error) {
	ac, aclen := cAttributeList(a)
	mech, _ := cMechanismList(m)
	e := C.DeriveKey(c.ctx, C.CK_SESSION_HANDLE(sh), mech, C.CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(basekey), ac, aclen, &key)
	return ObjectHandle(key), toError(e)
예제 #3
파일: pkcs11.go 프로젝트: useidel/notary
// DigestKey continues a multi-part message-digesting
// operation, by digesting the value of a secret key as part of
// the data already digested.
func (c *Ctx) DigestKey(sh SessionHandle, key ObjectHandle) error {
	e := C.DigestKey(c.ctx, C.CK_SESSION_HANDLE(sh), C.CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(key))
	if toError(e) != nil {
		return toError(e)
	return nil
예제 #4
파일: pkcs11.go 프로젝트: useidel/notary
/* CopyObject copies an object, creating a new object for the copy. */
func (c *Ctx) CopyObject(sh SessionHandle, o ObjectHandle, temp []*Attribute) (ObjectHandle, error) {
	t, tcount := cAttributeList(temp)

	e := C.CopyObject(c.ctx, C.CK_SESSION_HANDLE(sh), C.CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(o), t, tcount, C.CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR(&obj))
	e1 := toError(e)
	if e1 == nil {
		return ObjectHandle(obj), nil
	return 0, e1
예제 #5
파일: pkcs11.go 프로젝트: useidel/notary
/* WrapKey wraps (i.e., encrypts) a key. */
func (c *Ctx) WrapKey(sh SessionHandle, m []*Mechanism, wrappingkey, key ObjectHandle) ([]byte, error) {
	var (
		wrappedkey    C.CK_BYTE_PTR
		wrappedkeylen C.CK_ULONG
	mech, _ := cMechanismList(m)
	e := C.WrapKey(c.ctx, C.CK_SESSION_HANDLE(sh), mech, C.CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(wrappingkey), C.CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(key), &wrappedkey, &wrappedkeylen)
	if toError(e) != nil {
		return nil, toError(e)
	h := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(wrappedkey), C.int(wrappedkeylen))
	return h, nil
예제 #6
파일: pkcs11.go 프로젝트: useidel/notary
/* GetAttributeValue obtains the value of one or more object attributes. */
func (c *Ctx) GetAttributeValue(sh SessionHandle, o ObjectHandle, a []*Attribute) ([]*Attribute, error) {
	// copy the attribute list and make all the values nil, so that
	// the C function can (allocate) fill them in
	pa := make([]C.CK_ATTRIBUTE, len(a))
	for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
		pa[i]._type = C.CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE(a[i].Type)
	e := C.GetAttributeValue(c.ctx, C.CK_SESSION_HANDLE(sh), C.CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(o), C.CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR(&pa[0]), C.CK_ULONG(len(a)))
	if toError(e) != nil {
		return nil, toError(e)
	a1 := make([]*Attribute, len(a))
	for i, c := range pa {
		x := new(Attribute)
		x.Type = uint(c._type)
		if int(c.ulValueLen) != -1 {
			x.Value = C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(c.pValue), C.int(c.ulValueLen))
		a1[i] = x
	return a1, nil
예제 #7
파일: pkcs11.go 프로젝트: useidel/notary
/* SetOperationState restores the state of the cryptographic operation in a session. */
func (c *Ctx) SetOperationState(sh SessionHandle, state []byte, encryptKey, authKey ObjectHandle) error {
	e := C.SetOperationState(c.ctx, C.CK_SESSION_HANDLE(sh), C.CK_BYTE_PTR(unsafe.Pointer(&state[0])),
		C.CK_ULONG(len(state)), C.CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(encryptKey), C.CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(authKey))
	return toError(e)
예제 #8
파일: pkcs11.go 프로젝트: useidel/notary
// VerifyRecoverInit initializes a signature verification
// operation, where the data is recovered from the signature.
func (c *Ctx) VerifyRecoverInit(sh SessionHandle, m []*Mechanism, key ObjectHandle) error {
	mech, _ := cMechanismList(m)
	e := C.VerifyRecoverInit(c.ctx, C.CK_SESSION_HANDLE(sh), mech, C.CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(key))
	return toError(e)
예제 #9
파일: pkcs11.go 프로젝트: useidel/notary
// SignInit initializes a signature (private key encryption)
// operation, where the signature is (will be) an appendix to
// the data, and plaintext cannot be recovered from the
// signature.
func (c *Ctx) SignInit(sh SessionHandle, m []*Mechanism, o ObjectHandle) error {
	mech, _ := cMechanismList(m) // Only the first is used, but still use a list.
	e := C.SignInit(c.ctx, C.CK_SESSION_HANDLE(sh), mech, C.CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(o))
	return toError(e)
예제 #10
파일: pkcs11.go 프로젝트: useidel/notary
/* DecryptInit initializes a decryption operation. */
func (c *Ctx) DecryptInit(sh SessionHandle, m []*Mechanism, o ObjectHandle) error {
	mech, _ := cMechanismList(m)
	e := C.DecryptInit(c.ctx, C.CK_SESSION_HANDLE(sh), mech, C.CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(o))
	return toError(e)
예제 #11
파일: pkcs11.go 프로젝트: useidel/notary
/* SetAttributeValue modifies the value of one or more object attributes */
func (c *Ctx) SetAttributeValue(sh SessionHandle, o ObjectHandle, a []*Attribute) error {
	pa, palen := cAttributeList(a)
	e := C.SetAttributeValue(c.ctx, C.CK_SESSION_HANDLE(sh), C.CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(o), pa, palen)
	return toError(e)
예제 #12
파일: pkcs11.go 프로젝트: useidel/notary
/* GetObjectSize gets the size of an object in bytes. */
func (c *Ctx) GetObjectSize(sh SessionHandle, oh ObjectHandle) (uint, error) {
	var size C.CK_ULONG
	e := C.GetObjectSize(c.ctx, C.CK_SESSION_HANDLE(sh), C.CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(oh), &size)
	return uint(size), toError(e)
예제 #13
파일: pkcs11.go 프로젝트: useidel/notary
/* DestroyObject destroys an object. */
func (c *Ctx) DestroyObject(sh SessionHandle, oh ObjectHandle) error {
	e := C.DestroyObject(c.ctx, C.CK_SESSION_HANDLE(sh), C.CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(oh))
	return toError(e)
예제 #14
파일: pkcs11.go 프로젝트: jfrazelle/boulder
// VerifyInit initializes a verification operation, where the
// signature is an appendix to the data, and plaintext cannot
// be recovered from the signature (e.g. DSA).
func (c *Ctx) VerifyInit(sh SessionHandle, m []*Mechanism, key ObjectHandle) error {
	arena, mech, _ := cMechanismList(m) // only use one here
	defer arena.Free()
	e := C.VerifyInit(c.ctx, C.CK_SESSION_HANDLE(sh), mech, C.CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(key))
	return toError(e)
예제 #15
파일: pkcs11.go 프로젝트: jfrazelle/boulder
// SignRecoverInit initializes a signature operation, where
// the data can be recovered from the signature.
func (c *Ctx) SignRecoverInit(sh SessionHandle, m []*Mechanism, key ObjectHandle) error {
	arena, mech, _ := cMechanismList(m)
	defer arena.Free()
	e := C.SignRecoverInit(c.ctx, C.CK_SESSION_HANDLE(sh), mech, C.CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(key))
	return toError(e)
예제 #16
파일: pkcs11.go 프로젝트: jfrazelle/boulder
/* EncryptInit initializes an encryption operation. */
func (c *Ctx) EncryptInit(sh SessionHandle, m []*Mechanism, o ObjectHandle) error {
	arena, mech, _ := cMechanismList(m)
	defer arena.Free()
	e := C.EncryptInit(c.ctx, C.CK_SESSION_HANDLE(sh), mech, C.CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(o))
	return toError(e)