// LineSkip (https://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_ttf/docs/SDL_ttf_32.html#SEC32) func (f *Font) LineSkip() int { return int(C.TTF_FontLineSkip(f.f)) }
// Get the recommended spacing between lines of text for this font func TTFFontLineSkip(font *C.TTF_Font) int { return int(C.TTF_FontLineSkip(font)) }
// Returns the recommended pixel height of a rendered line of text. func (f *Font) LineSkip() int { f.mutex.RLock() result := int(C.TTF_FontLineSkip(f.cfont)) f.mutex.RUnlock() return result }
// Returns the recommended pixel height of a rendered line of text. func (f *Font) LineSkip() int { result := int(C.TTF_FontLineSkip(f.cfont)) return result }