예제 #1
func strftime(format string, t time.Time) (s string) {
	if format == "" {

	fmt := C.CString(format)
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(fmt))

	// pass timezone to strftime(3) through TZ environment var.

	// XXX: this is not threadsafe; someone may set TZ to a different value
	// between when we get and reset it. we could check that it's unchanged
	// right before setting it back, but that would leave a race between
	// testing and setting, and also a worse scenario where another thread sets
	// TZ to the same value of `zone` as this one (which can't be detected),
	// only to have us unhelpfully reset it to a now-stale value.
	// since a runtime environment where different threads are stomping on TZ
	// is inherently unsafe, don't waste time trying.

	zone, _ := t.Zone()
	oldZone := os.Getenv("TZ")
	if oldZone != zone {
		defer os.Setenv("TZ", oldZone)
		os.Setenv("TZ", zone)

	timep := C.time_t(t.Unix())

	var tm C.struct_tm
	C.localtime_r(&timep, &tm)

	for size := initialBufSize; ; size *= 2 {
		buf := (*C.char)(C.malloc(C.size_t(size))) // can panic
		defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(buf))
		n := C.strftime(buf, C.size_t(size), fmt, &tm)
		if n == 0 {
			// strftime(3), unhelpfully: "Note that the return value 0 does not
			// necessarily indicate an error; for example, in many locales %p
			// yields an empty string." This leaves no definite way to
			// distinguish between the cases where the value doesn't fit and
			// where it does because the string is empty. In the latter case,
			// allocating increasingly larger buffers will never change the
			// result, so we need some heuristic for bailing out.
			// Since a single 2-byte conversion sequence should not produce an
			// output longer than about 24 bytes, we conservatively allow the
			// buffer size to grow up to 20 times larger than the format string
			// before giving up.
			if size > 20*len(format) {
		} else if int(n) < size {
			s = C.GoStringN(buf, C.int(n))
예제 #2
//export callMain
func callMain(mainPC uintptr) {
	for _, name := range []string{"TMPDIR", "PATH", "LD_LIBRARY_PATH"} {
		n := C.CString(name)
		os.Setenv(name, C.GoString(C.getenv(n)))

	// Set timezone.
	// Note that Android zoneinfo is stored in /system/usr/share/zoneinfo,
	// but it is in some kind of packed TZiff file that we do not support
	// yet. As a stopgap, we build a fixed zone using the tm_zone name.
	var curtime C.time_t
	var curtm C.struct_tm
	C.localtime_r(&curtime, &curtm)
	tzOffset := int(curtm.tm_gmtoff)
	tz := C.GoString(curtm.tm_zone)
	time.Local = time.FixedZone(tz, tzOffset)

	go callfn.CallFn(mainPC)