예제 #1
// InitColor is used to set 'color' to the specified RGB values. Values may
// be between 0 and 1000.
func InitColor(col, r, g, b int16) error {
	if C.init_color(C.short(col), C.short(r), C.short(g),
		C.short(b)) == C.ERR {
		return errors.New("Failed to set new color definition")
	return nil
예제 #2
파일: body.go 프로젝트: pebbe/novas
// Compute the topocentric place of a solar system body.
func (p *Body) Topo(t Time, geo *Place, refr RefractType) BodyTopoData {


	data := BodyTopoData{}

	var ra, dec, dis C.double

	switch p.class {
	case clPLANET:
		if err := C.topo_planet(C.double(t.jd_tt), &p.object, C.double(t.delta_t), &geo.place, C.short(Accuracy), &ra, &dec, &dis); err != 0 {
			log.Fatalf("Error %d from app_planet (%s)\n", int(err), p.name)
		data.Dis = float64(dis)
	case clSTAR:
		if err := C.topo_star(C.double(t.jd_tt), C.double(t.delta_t), &p.cat_entry, &geo.place, C.short(Accuracy), &ra, &dec); err != 0 {
			log.Fatalf("Error %d from app_planet (%s)\n", int(err), p.name)
		data.Dis = math.NaN()

	var elon, elat C.double
	C.equ2ecl(C.double(t.jd_tt), 0, C.short(Accuracy), ra, dec, &elon, &elat)

	var zd, az, rar, decr C.double
	C.equ2hor(C.double(t.jd_ut1), C.double(t.delta_t), C.short(Accuracy), 0, 0, &geo.place, ra, dec, C.short(refr), &zd, &az, &rar, &decr)
	data.Alt = 90 - float64(zd)
	data.Az = float64(az)

	return data
예제 #3
파일: body.go 프로젝트: pebbe/novas
// Compute the apparent place of an object.
func (p *Body) App(t Time) BodyData {


	data := BodyData{}

	var ra, dec, dis C.double
	switch p.class {
	case clPLANET:
		if err := C.app_planet(C.double(t.jd_tt), &p.object, C.short(Accuracy), &ra, &dec, &dis); err != 0 {
			log.Fatalf("Error %d from app_planet (%s)\n", int(err), p.name)
		data.Dis = float64(dis)
	case clSTAR:
		if err := C.app_star(C.double(t.jd_tt), &p.cat_entry, C.short(Accuracy), &ra, &dec); err != 0 {
			log.Fatalf("Error %d from app_star (%s)\n", int(err), p.name)
		data.Dis = math.NaN()
	data.RA = float64(ra)
	data.Dec = float64(dec)

	var elon, elat C.double
	C.equ2ecl(C.double(t.jd_tt), 0, C.short(Accuracy), ra, dec, &elon, &elat)
	data.ELon = float64(elon)
	data.ELat = float64(elat)

	return data
예제 #4
파일: sem.go 프로젝트: jmptrader/go-sysvipc
// WaitZero adds and operation that will block until a semaphore's number is 0.
func (so *SemOps) WaitZero(num uint16, flags *SemOpFlags) error {
	*so = append(*so, C.struct_sembuf{
		sem_num: C.ushort(num),
		sem_op:  C.short(0),
		sem_flg: C.short(flags.flags()),
	return nil
예제 #5
func Init_pair(pair int, fg int, bg int) os.Error {
	defer out()
	if C.init_pair(C.short(pair), C.short(fg), C.short(bg)) == 0 {
		return CursesError{"Init_pair failed"}
	return nil
예제 #6
// InitPair sets a colour pair designated by 'pair' to fg and bg colors
func InitPair(pair, fg, bg int16) error {
	if pair <= 0 || C.int(pair) > C.int(C.COLOR_PAIRS-1) {
		return errors.New("Color pair out of range")
	if C.init_pair(C.short(pair), C.short(fg), C.short(bg)) == C.ERR {
		return errors.New("Failed to init color pair")
	return nil
예제 #7
파일: curses.go 프로젝트: zennro/fzf
func PairFor(fg int, bg int) int {
	key := (fg << 8) + bg
	if found, prs := _colorMap[key]; prs {
		return found

	id := len(_colorMap) + ColUser
	C.init_pair(C.short(id), C.short(fg), C.short(bg))
	_colorMap[key] = id
	return id
예제 #8
파일: sem.go 프로젝트: jmptrader/go-sysvipc
// Decrement adds an operation that will decrease a semaphore's number.
func (so *SemOps) Decrement(num uint16, by int16, flags *SemOpFlags) error {
	if by <= 0 {
		return errors.New("sysvipc: by must be >0. use WaitZero or Increment")

	*so = append(*so, C.struct_sembuf{
		sem_num: C.ushort(num),
		sem_op:  C.short(-by),
		sem_flg: C.short(flags.flags()),
	return nil
예제 #9
func PairFor(fg Color, bg Color) ColorPair {
	// ncurses does not support 24-bit colors
	if fg.is24() || bg.is24() {
		return ColDefault
	key := (int(fg) << 8) + int(bg)
	if found, prs := _colorMap[key]; prs {
		return found

	id := ColorPair(len(_colorMap) + int(ColUser))
	C.init_pair(C.short(id), C.short(fg), C.short(bg))
	_colorMap[key] = id
	return id
예제 #10
파일: time.go 프로젝트: pebbe/novas
func (t *Time) update() {
	if t.Time.Equal(t.current) {
	t.current = t.Time
	t1 := t.current.UTC()
	t.jd_utc = float64(C.julian_date(
	t.jd_tt = t.jd_utc + (float64(Leap_secs)+32.184)/86400
	t.jd_ut1 = t.jd_utc + UT1_UTC/86400
	t.delta_t = 32.184 + float64(Leap_secs) - UT1_UTC
	t.jd_tdb = t.jd_tt /* Approximation good to 0.0017 seconds. */
예제 #11
파일: xmpp.go 프로젝트: ildus/jabber_bot
/* Opens jabber connection for client */
func (client *Client) Connect(pass string,
	host string, port uint16) error {

	jid_i := C.CString(client.Jid)
	pass_i := C.CString(pass)
	var host_i *C.char = nil

	log.Println("xmpp.Connect: ", client.Jid)

	if len(host) > 0 {
		host_i = C.CString(host)

	counter += 1

	client.ConnInfo = C.open_xmpp_conn(jid_i, pass_i, host_i,
		C.short(port), C.int(counter))

	if client.ConnInfo != nil {
		client.Id = counter
		clients[counter] = client
		return nil
	return errors.New("Connection error")
예제 #12
// PairContent returns the current foreground and background colours
// associated with the given pair
func PairContent(pair int16) (fg int16, bg int16, err error) {
	var f, b C.short
	if C.pair_content(C.short(pair), &f, &b) == C.ERR {
		return -1, -1, errors.New("Invalid color pair")
	return int16(f), int16(b), nil
예제 #13
파일: polling.go 프로젝트: pebbe/zmq3
// Update the events mask of a socket in the poller
// Replaces the Poller's bitmask for the specified id with the events parameter passed
// Returns the previous value, or ErrorNoSocket if the id was out of range
func (p *Poller) Update(id int, events State) (previous State, err error) {
	if id >= 0 && id < len(p.items) {
		previous = State(p.items[id].events)
		p.items[id].events = C.short(events)
		return previous, nil
	return 0, ErrorNoSocket
예제 #14
func initPairs(theme *ColorTheme) {
	C.assume_default_colors(C.int(theme.Fg), C.int(theme.Bg))
	initPair := func(group ColorPair, fg Color, bg Color) {
		C.init_pair(C.short(group), C.short(fg), C.short(bg))
	initPair(ColNormal, theme.Fg, theme.Bg)
	initPair(ColPrompt, theme.Prompt, theme.Bg)
	initPair(ColMatch, theme.Match, theme.Bg)
	initPair(ColCurrent, theme.Current, theme.DarkBg)
	initPair(ColCurrentMatch, theme.CurrentMatch, theme.DarkBg)
	initPair(ColSpinner, theme.Spinner, theme.Bg)
	initPair(ColInfo, theme.Info, theme.Bg)
	initPair(ColCursor, theme.Cursor, theme.DarkBg)
	initPair(ColSelected, theme.Selected, theme.DarkBg)
	initPair(ColHeader, theme.Header, theme.Bg)
	initPair(ColBorder, theme.Border, theme.Bg)
예제 #15
func (d *DSPMeteringInfo) toC() C.FMOD_DSP_METERING_INFO {
	cd.numsamples = C.int(d.Numsamples)
	//cd.peaklevel = C.float(d.Peaklevel)
	//cd.rmslevel = C.float(d.Rmslevel)
	cd.numchannels = C.short(d.Numchannels)
	return cd
예제 #16
파일: ncurses.go 프로젝트: junegunn/fzf
func initPairs(theme *ColorTheme) {
	C.assume_default_colors(C.int(theme.Fg), C.int(theme.Bg))
	for _, pair := range []ColorPair{
		ColBorder} {
		C.init_pair(C.short(pair.index()), C.short(pair.Fg()), C.short(pair.Bg()))
예제 #17
파일: ncurses.go 프로젝트: junegunn/fzf
func (w *CursesWindow) CFill(fg Color, bg Color, attr Attr, str string) FillReturn {
	index := ColorPair{fg, bg, -1}.index()
	C.wcolor_set(w.impl, C.short(index), nil)
	C.wattron(w.impl, C.int(attr))
	ret := w.Fill(str)
	C.wattroff(w.impl, C.int(attr))
	C.wcolor_set(w.impl, 0, nil)
	return ret
예제 #18
파일: hdfs_v1_0_3.go 프로젝트: xmzhao/hdfs
//path: the path to the file or directory.
//mode: the bitmask to set it to.
//Returns nil on success else error.
func (fs *Fs) Chmod(path string, mode int16) error {
	p := C.CString(path)
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(p))
	ret, err := C.hdfsChmod(fs.cptr, p, C.short(mode))
	if err != nil && ret == C.int(-1) {
		return err
	return nil
예제 #19
파일: zmq.go 프로젝트: miffa/gozero
func (p lzmqSocket) SetPollItem(pi *PollItem, revents int8) os.Error {
	if pi == nil {
		return os.EINVAL
	pi.socket = unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p))
	pi.revents = C.short(revents)
	pi.fd = 0
	return nil
예제 #20
func (w *Window) CFill(str string, fg Color, bg Color, attr Attr) bool {
	pair := PairFor(fg, bg)
	C.wcolor_set(w.win(), C.short(pair), nil)
	C.wattron(w.win(), C.int(attr))
	ret := w.Fill(str)
	C.wattroff(w.win(), C.int(attr))
	C.wcolor_set(w.win(), 0, nil)
	return ret
예제 #21
// Adds a Socket to the PollSet along with a set of events to monitor. Returns the index in the PollSet of the added socket.
func (p *PollSet) Socket(sock *Socket, events EventSet) (index int) {
	item := C.zmq_pollitem_t{
		socket: sock.sock,
		events: C.short(events),
	index = len(p.items)
	p.items = append(p.items, item)
예제 #22
// Adds a file descriptor to the PollSet along with a set of events to monitor. Returns the index in the PollSet of the
// added file.
func (p *PollSet) Fd(fd uintptr, events EventSet) (index int) {
	item := C.zmq_pollitem_t{
		fd:     C.int(fd),
		events: C.short(events),
	index = len(p.items)
	p.items = append(p.items, item)
예제 #23
파일: polling.go 프로젝트: JeremyOT/zmq4
// Add items to the poller
// Events is a bitwise OR of zmq.POLLIN and zmq.POLLOUT
func (p *Poller) Add(soc *Socket, events State) {
	var item C.zmq_pollitem_t
	item.socket = soc.soc
	item.fd = 0
	item.events = C.short(events)
	p.items = append(p.items, item)
	p.socks = append(p.socks, soc)
	p.size += 1
예제 #24
파일: polling.go 프로젝트: pebbe/zmq3
// Add items to the poller
// Events is a bitwise OR of zmq.POLLIN and zmq.POLLOUT
// Returns the id of the item, which can be used as a handle to
// (*Poller)Update and as an index into the result of (*Poller)PollAll
func (p *Poller) Add(soc *Socket, events State) int {
	var item C.zmq_pollitem_t
	item.socket = soc.soc
	item.fd = 0
	item.events = C.short(events)
	p.items = append(p.items, item)
	p.socks = append(p.socks, soc)
	return len(p.items) - 1
예제 #25
파일: hdfs_v1_0_3.go 프로젝트: xmzhao/hdfs
//Open a hdfs file in given mode.
//path: The full path to the file.
//flags: - an | of bits/fcntl.h file flags - supported flags are O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY (meaning create or overwrite i.e., implies O_TRUNCAT), O_WRONLY|O_APPEND. Other flags are generally ignored other than (O_RDWR || (O_EXCL & O_CREAT)) which return nil and set error equal ENOTSUP.
//bufferSize: Size of buffer for read/write - pass 0 if you want to use the default configured values.
//replication: Block replication - pass 0 if you want to use the default configured values.
//blocksize: Size of block - pass 0 if you want to use the default configured values.
//Returns the handle to the open file or nil on error.
func (fs *Fs) OpenFile(path string, flags int, buffersize int, replication int, blocksize uint32) (*File, error) {
	p := C.CString(path)
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(p))
	file, err := C.hdfsOpenFile(fs.cptr, p, C.int(flags), C.int(buffersize), C.short(replication), C.tSize(blocksize))
	if err != nil && file == (C.hdfsFile)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(0))) {
		return nil, err
	return &File{file, new(sync.RWMutex)}, nil
예제 #26
파일: polling.go 프로젝트: pebbe/zmq3
// Update the events mask of a socket in the poller
// Replaces the Poller's bitmask for the specified socket with the events parameter passed
// Returns the previous value, or ErrorNoSocket if the socket didn't match
func (p *Poller) UpdateBySocket(soc *Socket, events State) (previous State, err error) {
	for id, s := range p.socks {
		if s == soc {
			previous = State(p.items[id].events)
			p.items[id].events = C.short(events)
			return previous, nil
	return 0, ErrorNoSocket
예제 #27
func setRoute(ctl *os.File, dst ip.IP4Net, nextHopIP ip.IP4, nextHopPort int) {
	cmd := C.command{
		cmd:           C.CMD_SET_ROUTE,
		dest_net:      C.in_addr_t(dst.IP.NetworkOrder()),
		dest_net_len:  C.int(dst.PrefixLen),
		next_hop_ip:   C.in_addr_t(nextHopIP.NetworkOrder()),
		next_hop_port: C.short(nextHopPort),

	writeCommand(ctl, &cmd)
예제 #28
파일: ncurses.go 프로젝트: junegunn/fzf
func (p ColorPair) index() int16 {
	if p.id >= 0 {
		return p.id

	// ncurses does not support 24-bit colors
	if p.is24() {
		return ColDefault.index()

	key := p.key()
	if found, prs := _colorMap[key]; prs {
		return found

	id := int16(len(_colorMap)) + ColUser.id
	C.init_pair(C.short(id), C.short(p.Fg()), C.short(p.Bg()))
	_colorMap[key] = id
	return id
예제 #29
파일: imp.go 프로젝트: CaptainSoOmA/Uni
func PolygonFull(X, Y []int, n bool) {
	l := len(X)
	if len(Y) != l {
	p := make([]C.XPoint, l)
	for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
		p[i].x, p[i].y = C.short(X[i]), C.short(Y[i])
	if !n {
		C.XSetFunction(display, graphicsContext, C.GXcopyInverted)
	if !xxb {
		C.XFillPolygon(display, C.Drawable(window), graphicsContext, &p[0], C.int(l), C.Convex, C.CoordModeOrigin)
	C.XFillPolygon(display, C.Drawable(pixmap), graphicsContext, &p[0], C.int(l), C.Convex, C.CoordModeOrigin)
	if !n {
		C.XSetFunction(display, graphicsContext, C.GXcopy)
예제 #30
파일: database.go 프로젝트: mariuz/go-fb
func fbErrorCheckWarn(isc_status *[20]C.ISC_STATUS) error {
	var code C.short = C.short(C.isc_sqlcode(&isc_status[0]))
	if code != 0 {
		var buf [1024]C.ISC_SCHAR
		C.isc_sql_interprete(code, &buf[0], 1024)
		var msg bytes.Buffer
		for i := 0; buf[i] != 0; i++ {
		return &Error{int(code), msg.String()}
	return nil