예제 #1
func (s *Service) ProcessEntry(hostname *string) {
	var realtime C.uint64_t
	r := C.sd_journal_get_realtime_usec(s.Journal, &realtime)
	if r < 0 {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to get realtime timestamp: %s", C.strerror(-r)))

	var cursor *C.char
	r = C.sd_journal_get_cursor(s.Journal, &cursor)
	if r < 0 {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to get cursor: %s", C.strerror(-r)))

	row := make(map[string]interface{})

	timestamp := time.Unix(int64(realtime/1000000), int64(realtime%1000000)).UTC()

	row["ts"] = timestamp.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z")
	row["host"] = hostname

	message, _ := json.Marshal(row)
	indexName := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", s.Config.IndexPrefix, timestamp.Format("2006-01-02"))
	cursorId := C.GoString(cursor)

		indexName,       // index
		"journal",       // type
		cursorId,        // id
		"",              // ttl
		nil,             // date
		string(message), // content
		false)           // immediate index refresh
예제 #2
파일: read.go 프로젝트: CrocdileChan/docker
func (s *journald) followJournal(logWatcher *logger.LogWatcher, config logger.ReadConfig, j *C.sd_journal, pfd [2]C.int, cursor string) {
	s.readers.readers[logWatcher] = logWatcher
	go func() {
		// Keep copying journal data out until we're notified to stop
		// or we hit an error.
		status := C.wait_for_data_or_close(j, pfd[0])
		for status == 1 {
			cursor = s.drainJournal(logWatcher, config, j, cursor)
			status = C.wait_for_data_or_close(j, pfd[0])
		if status < 0 {
			cerrstr := C.strerror(C.int(-status))
			errstr := C.GoString(cerrstr)
			fmtstr := "error %q while attempting to follow journal for container %q"
			logrus.Errorf(fmtstr, errstr, s.vars["CONTAINER_ID_FULL"])
		// Clean up.
		delete(s.readers.readers, logWatcher)
	// Wait until we're told to stop.
	select {
	case <-logWatcher.WatchClose():
		// Notify the other goroutine that its work is done.
예제 #3
파일: tun.go 프로젝트: chzyer/osxtun
func OpenUTun() (*os.File, error) {
	fd := C.utun_open()
	if fd < 0 {
		return nil, errors.New(C.GoString(C.strerror(-fd)))
	return os.NewFile(uintptr(fd), "/dev/tun0"), nil
예제 #4
func mount(device, target, mType string, flag uintptr, data string) error {
	isNullFS := false

	xs := strings.Split(data, ",")
	for _, x := range xs {
		if x == "bind" {
			isNullFS = true

	options := []string{"fspath", target}
	if isNullFS {
		options = append(options, "fstype", "nullfs", "target", device)
	} else {
		options = append(options, "fstype", mType, "from", device)
	rawOptions := allocateIOVecs(options)
	for _, rawOption := range rawOptions {
		defer C.free(rawOption.iov_base)

	if errno := C.nmount(&rawOptions[0], C.uint(len(options)), C.int(flag)); errno != 0 {
		reason := C.GoString(C.strerror(*C.__error()))
		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to call nmount: %s", reason)
	return nil
예제 #5
// send writes an arbitrary event and sync through uinput, converting the
// return code into an appropriate error.
func (i linuxInputer) send(t C.uint, c C.uint, v C.int) error {
	var rc C.int
	if rc = C.libevdev_uinput_write_event(i.uidev, t, c, v); rc < 0 {
		e := C.strerror(rc)
		return fmt.Errorf("Error %d sending event: %s", rc, C.GoString(e))
	return nil
예제 #6
func (r *Rados) ClusterConnect() error {
	cerr := C.rados_connect(*r.cluster)
	if cerr < 0 {
		log.Println("error is", C.GoString(C.strerror(-cerr)))
		return errors.New("connect to ceph failed")

	return nil
예제 #7
func (s *Service) ProcessStream() {
	defer s.Indexer.Stop()

	for {
		r := C.sd_journal_next(s.Journal)
		if r < 0 {
			log.Fatalf("failed to iterate to next entry: %s\n", C.strerror(-r))
		if r == 0 {
			r = C.sd_journal_wait(s.Journal, 1000000)
			if r < 0 {
				log.Fatalf("failed to wait for changes: %s\n", C.strerror(-r))
예제 #8
func (s *Service) ProcessStream(hostname *string) {
	defer s.Indexer.Stop()

	for {
		r := C.sd_journal_next(s.Journal)
		if r < 0 {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to iterate to next entry: %s", C.strerror(-r)))
		if r == 0 {
			r = C.sd_journal_wait(s.Journal, 1000000)
			if r < 0 {
				panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to wait for changes: %s", C.strerror(-r)))
예제 #9
func (s *Service) InitJournal() {
	r := C.sd_journal_open(&s.Journal, C.SD_JOURNAL_LOCAL_ONLY)
	if r < 0 {
		log.Fatalf("failed to open journal: %s\n", C.strerror(-r))

	bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(s.Config.State)
	if err == nil {
		s.Cursor = string(bytes)

	if s.Cursor != "" {
		r = C.sd_journal_seek_cursor(s.Journal, C.CString(s.Cursor))
		if r < 0 {
			log.Fatalf("failed to seek journal: %s\n", C.strerror(-r))
		r = C.sd_journal_next_skip(s.Journal, 1)
		if r < 0 {
			log.Fatalf("failed to skip current journal entry: %s\n", C.strerror(-r))
예제 #10
func (s *Service) InitJournal() {
	r := C.sd_journal_open(&s.Journal, C.SD_JOURNAL_LOCAL_ONLY)
	if r < 0 {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to open journal: %s", C.strerror(-r)))

	bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*elasticCursorFile)
	if err == nil {
		s.Cursor = string(bytes)

	if s.Cursor != "" {
		r = C.sd_journal_seek_cursor(s.Journal, C.CString(s.Cursor))
		if r < 0 {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to seek journal: %s", C.strerror(-r)))
		r = C.sd_journal_next_skip(s.Journal, 1)
		if r < 0 {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to skip current journal entry: %s", C.strerror(-r)))
예제 #11
파일: rados_io.go 프로젝트: vuleetu/gorados
func (r *Rados) IoCtxCreate(poolname string) (*RadosIoCtx, error) {
	cpoolname := C.CString(poolname)
	defer func() {
	var ctx C.rados_ioctx_t
	cerr := C.rados_ioctx_create(*r.cluster, cpoolname, &ctx)
	if cerr < 0 {
		return nil, errors.New("create io contxt failed:" + C.GoString(C.strerror(-cerr)))

	return &RadosIoCtx{&ctx}, nil
예제 #12
// Run runs xhyve hypervisor.
func Run(params []string, newPtyCh chan string) error {
	newPty = newPtyCh

	argc := C.int(len(params))
	argv = make([]*C.char, argc)
	for i, arg := range params {
		argv[i] = C.CString(arg)

	// Runs xhyve and blocks.
	if err := C.run_xhyve(argc, &argv[0]); err != 0 {
		fmt.Printf("ERROR => %s\n", C.GoString(C.strerror(err)))
		return fmt.Errorf("Error initializing hypervisor")

	return nil
예제 #13
func strerror(i C.int) error {
	return errors.New(C.GoString(C.strerror(-i)))
예제 #14
파일: rados.go 프로젝트: Kimbsen/rados.go
// strerror is a utility wrapper around the libc strerror() function. It returns
// a Go string containing the text of the error.
func strerror(cerr C.int) string {
	return C.GoString(C.strerror(-cerr))
예제 #15
파일: rados.go 프로젝트: omnicube/go-ceph
func (e RadosError) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("rados: %s", C.GoString(C.strerror(C.int(-e))))
예제 #16
func NewInput(name string, flags FeatureFlag) (*linuxInputer, error) {
	var rc C.int
	var dev *C.struct_libevdev
	var uidev *C.struct_libevdev_uinput

	dev = C.libevdev_new()
	C.libevdev_set_name(dev, C.CString(name))

	// Build up some basic absolute axis defaults
	var abs C.struct_input_absinfo
	abs.value = 0
	abs.minimum = -100
	abs.maximum = 100
	abs.fuzz = 5
	abs.flat = 0
	abs.resolution = 1

	// Absolute axis (sticks)
	C.libevdev_enable_event_type(dev, C.EV_ABS)
	if flags&LeftAnalogStick == LeftAnalogStick {
		C.libevdev_enable_event_code(dev, C.EV_ABS, C.ABS_X, unsafe.Pointer(&abs))
		C.libevdev_enable_event_code(dev, C.EV_ABS, C.ABS_Y, unsafe.Pointer(&abs))
	if flags&RightAnalogStick == RightAnalogStick {
		C.libevdev_enable_event_code(dev, C.EV_ABS, C.ABS_RX, unsafe.Pointer(&abs))
		C.libevdev_enable_event_code(dev, C.EV_ABS, C.ABS_RY, unsafe.Pointer(&abs))

	// Face buttons
	C.libevdev_enable_event_type(dev, C.EV_KEY)
	if flags&StartButton == StartButton {
		C.libevdev_enable_event_code(dev, C.EV_KEY, C.BTN_START, nil)
	if flags&SelectButton == SelectButton {
		C.libevdev_enable_event_code(dev, C.EV_KEY, C.BTN_SELECT, nil)
	if flags&ABButtons == ABButtons {
		C.libevdev_enable_event_code(dev, C.EV_KEY, C.BTN_A, nil)
		C.libevdev_enable_event_code(dev, C.EV_KEY, C.BTN_B, nil)
	if flags&XYButtons == XYButtons {
		C.libevdev_enable_event_code(dev, C.EV_KEY, C.BTN_X, nil)
		C.libevdev_enable_event_code(dev, C.EV_KEY, C.BTN_Y, nil)
	if flags&DPad == DPad {
		C.libevdev_enable_event_code(dev, C.EV_KEY, C.BTN_DPAD_UP, nil)
		C.libevdev_enable_event_code(dev, C.EV_KEY, C.BTN_DPAD_DOWN, nil)
		C.libevdev_enable_event_code(dev, C.EV_KEY, C.BTN_DPAD_LEFT, nil)
		C.libevdev_enable_event_code(dev, C.EV_KEY, C.BTN_DPAD_RIGHT, nil)

	// Open uinput
	f, err := os.OpenFile("/dev/uinput", os.O_RDWR, 0660)
	if err != nil {
		e := C.strerror(rc)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error %d (%s) opening /dev/uinput : %s", rc, C.GoString(e), err)

	// Get file hanadle
	var fd C.int
	fd = C.int(f.Fd())

	// Create new uinput device
	rc = C.libevdev_uinput_create_from_device(dev, fd, &uidev)
	if rc < 0 {
		e := C.strerror(rc)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error %d creating uinput device: %s", rc, C.GoString(e))

	return &linuxInputer{
		uidev: uidev,
		f:     f,
	}, nil
예제 #17
파일: read.go 프로젝트: CrocdileChan/docker
func (s *journald) readLogs(logWatcher *logger.LogWatcher, config logger.ReadConfig) {
	var j *C.sd_journal
	var cmatch *C.char
	var stamp C.uint64_t
	var sinceUnixMicro uint64
	var pipes [2]C.int
	cursor := ""

	// Get a handle to the journal.
	rc := C.sd_journal_open(&j, C.int(0))
	if rc != 0 {
		logWatcher.Err <- fmt.Errorf("error opening journal")
	// If we end up following the log, we can set the journal context
	// pointer and the channel pointer to nil so that we won't close them
	// here, potentially while the goroutine that uses them is still
	// running.  Otherwise, close them when we return from this function.
	following := false
	defer func(pfollowing *bool) {
		if !*pfollowing {
	// Remove limits on the size of data items that we'll retrieve.
	rc = C.sd_journal_set_data_threshold(j, C.size_t(0))
	if rc != 0 {
		logWatcher.Err <- fmt.Errorf("error setting journal data threshold")
	// Add a match to have the library do the searching for us.
	cmatch = C.CString("CONTAINER_ID_FULL=" + s.vars["CONTAINER_ID_FULL"])
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cmatch))
	rc = C.sd_journal_add_match(j, unsafe.Pointer(cmatch), C.strlen(cmatch))
	if rc != 0 {
		logWatcher.Err <- fmt.Errorf("error setting journal match")
	// If we have a cutoff time, convert it to Unix time once.
	if !config.Since.IsZero() {
		nano := config.Since.UnixNano()
		sinceUnixMicro = uint64(nano / 1000)
	if config.Tail > 0 {
		lines := config.Tail
		// Start at the end of the journal.
		if C.sd_journal_seek_tail(j) < 0 {
			logWatcher.Err <- fmt.Errorf("error seeking to end of journal")
		if C.sd_journal_previous(j) < 0 {
			logWatcher.Err <- fmt.Errorf("error backtracking to previous journal entry")
		// Walk backward.
		for lines > 0 {
			// Stop if the entry time is before our cutoff.
			// We'll need the entry time if it isn't, so go
			// ahead and parse it now.
			if C.sd_journal_get_realtime_usec(j, &stamp) != 0 {
			} else {
				// Compare the timestamp on the entry
				// to our threshold value.
				if sinceUnixMicro != 0 && sinceUnixMicro > uint64(stamp) {
			// If we're at the start of the journal, or
			// don't need to back up past any more entries,
			// stop.
			if lines == 0 || C.sd_journal_previous(j) <= 0 {
	} else {
		// Start at the beginning of the journal.
		if C.sd_journal_seek_head(j) < 0 {
			logWatcher.Err <- fmt.Errorf("error seeking to start of journal")
		// If we have a cutoff date, fast-forward to it.
		if sinceUnixMicro != 0 && C.sd_journal_seek_realtime_usec(j, C.uint64_t(sinceUnixMicro)) != 0 {
			logWatcher.Err <- fmt.Errorf("error seeking to start time in journal")
		if C.sd_journal_next(j) < 0 {
			logWatcher.Err <- fmt.Errorf("error skipping to next journal entry")
	cursor = s.drainJournal(logWatcher, config, j, "")
	if config.Follow {
		// Allocate a descriptor for following the journal, if we'll
		// need one.  Do it here so that we can report if it fails.
		if fd := C.sd_journal_get_fd(j); fd < C.int(0) {
			logWatcher.Err <- fmt.Errorf("error opening journald follow descriptor: %q", C.GoString(C.strerror(-fd)))
		} else {
			// Create a pipe that we can poll at the same time as
			// the journald descriptor.
			if C.pipe(&pipes[0]) == C.int(-1) {
				logWatcher.Err <- fmt.Errorf("error opening journald close notification pipe")
			} else {
				s.followJournal(logWatcher, config, j, pipes, cursor)
				// Let followJournal handle freeing the journal context
				// object and closing the channel.
				following = true