예제 #1
// UploadFile uploads the contents of the file, as well as a file blob with
// filename for these contents. If the contents or the file blob are found on
// the server, they're not uploaded.
// Note: this method is still a work in progress, and might change to accomodate
// the needs of camput file.
func (cl *Client) UploadFile(filename string, contents io.Reader, opts *FileUploadOptions) (blob.Ref, error) {
	fileMap := schema.NewFileMap(filename)
	if opts != nil && opts.FileInfo != nil {
		fileMap = schema.NewCommonFileMap(filename, opts.FileInfo)
		modTime := opts.FileInfo.ModTime()
		if !modTime.IsZero() {

	var wholeRef blob.Ref
	if opts != nil && opts.WholeRef.Valid() {
		wholeRef = opts.WholeRef
	} else {
		var buf bytes.Buffer
		var err error
		wholeRef, err = cl.wholeRef(io.TeeReader(contents, &buf))
		if err != nil {
			return blob.Ref{}, err
		contents = io.MultiReader(&buf, contents)

	// TODO(mpl): should we consider the case (not covered by fileMapFromDuplicate)
	// where all the parts are there, but the file schema/blob does not exist? Can that
	// even happen ? I'm naively assuming it can't for now, since that's what camput file
	// does too.
	fileRef, err := cl.fileMapFromDuplicate(fileMap, wholeRef)
	if err != nil {
		return blob.Ref{}, err
	if fileRef.Valid() {
		return fileRef, nil

	return schema.WriteFileMap(cl, fileMap, contents)
예제 #2
func (up *Uploader) uploadNodeRegularFile(n *node) (*client.PutResult, error) {
	var filebb *schema.Builder
	if up.fileOpts.contentsOnly {
		filebb = schema.NewFileMap("")
	} else {
		filebb = schema.NewCommonFileMap(n.fullPath, n.fi)

	defer up.fdGate.Done()

	file, err := up.open(n.fullPath)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer file.Close()
	if !up.fileOpts.contentsOnly {
		if up.fileOpts.exifTime {
			ra, ok := file.(io.ReaderAt)
			if !ok {
				return nil, errors.New("Error asserting local file to io.ReaderAt")
			modtime, err := schema.FileTime(ra)
			if err != nil {
				log.Printf("warning: getting time from EXIF failed for %v: %v", n.fullPath, err)
			} else {
		if up.fileOpts.wantCapCtime() {

	var (
		size                           = n.fi.Size()
		fileContents io.Reader         = io.LimitReader(file, size)
		br           blob.Ref          // of file schemaref
		sum          string            // sha1 hashsum of the file to upload
		pr           *client.PutResult // of the final "file" schema blob

	const dupCheckThreshold = 256 << 10
	if size > dupCheckThreshold {
		sumRef, err := up.wholeFileDigest(n.fullPath)
		if err == nil {
			sum = sumRef.String()
			ok := false
			pr, ok = up.fileMapFromDuplicate(up.statReceiver(n), filebb, sum)
			if ok {
				br = pr.BlobRef
				android.NoteFileUploaded(n.fullPath, !pr.Skipped)
				if up.fileOpts.wantVivify() {
					// we can return early in that case, because the other options
					// are disallowed in the vivify case.
					return pr, nil

	if up.fileOpts.wantVivify() {
		// If vivify wasn't already done in fileMapFromDuplicate.
		err := schema.WriteFileChunks(up.noStatReceiver(up.statReceiver(n)), filebb, fileContents)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		json, err := filebb.JSON()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		br = blob.SHA1FromString(json)
		h := &client.UploadHandle{
			BlobRef:  br,
			Size:     uint32(len(json)),
			Contents: strings.NewReader(json),
			Vivify:   true,
		pr, err = up.Upload(h)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		android.NoteFileUploaded(n.fullPath, true)
		return pr, nil

	if !br.Valid() {
		// br still zero means fileMapFromDuplicate did not find the file on the server,
		// and the file has not just been uploaded subsequently to a vivify request.
		// So we do the full file + file schema upload here.
		if sum == "" && up.fileOpts.wantFilePermanode() {
			fileContents = &trackDigestReader{r: fileContents}
		br, err = schema.WriteFileMap(up.noStatReceiver(up.statReceiver(n)), filebb, fileContents)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	// The work for those planned permanodes (and the claims) is redone
	// everytime we get here (i.e past the stat cache). However, they're
	// caught by the have cache, so they won't be reuploaded for nothing
	// at least.
	if up.fileOpts.wantFilePermanode() {
		if td, ok := fileContents.(*trackDigestReader); ok {
			sum = td.Sum()
		// claimTime is both the time of the "claimDate" in the
		// JSON claim, as well as the date in the OpenPGP
		// header.
		// TODO(bradfitz): this is a little clumsy to do by hand.
		// There should probably be a method on *Uploader to do this
		// from an unsigned schema map. Maybe ditch the schema.Claimer
		// type and just have the Uploader override the claimDate.
		claimTime, ok := filebb.ModTime()
		if !ok {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't get modtime for file %v", n.fullPath)
		err = up.uploadFilePermanode(sum, br, claimTime)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error uploading permanode for node %v: %v", n, err)

	// TODO(bradfitz): faking a PutResult here to return
	// is kinda gross.  should instead make a
	// blobserver.Storage wrapper type (wrapping
	// statReceiver) that can track some of this?  or make
	// schemaWriteFileMap return it?
	json, _ := filebb.JSON()
	pr = &client.PutResult{BlobRef: br, Size: uint32(len(json)), Skipped: false}
	return pr, nil
예제 #3
// Populates the bs, and the index at the same time through the sync handler
func populate(b *testing.B, dbfile string,
	sortedProvider func(dbfile string) (sorted.KeyValue, error)) *index.Index {
	b.Logf("populating %v", dbfile)
	kv, err := sortedProvider(dbfile)
	if err != nil {
	bsRoot := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(dbfile), "bs")
	if err := os.MkdirAll(bsRoot, 0700); err != nil {
	dataDir, err := os.Open("testdata")
	if err != nil {
	fis, err := dataDir.Readdir(-1)
	if err != nil {
	if len(fis) == 0 {
		b.Fatalf("no files in %s dir", "testdata")

	ks := doKeyStuff(b)

	bs, err := localdisk.New(bsRoot)
	if err != nil {
	if _, err := blobserver.Receive(bs, ks.pubKeyRef, strings.NewReader(ks.pubKey)); err != nil {
	idx, err := index.New(kv)
	if err != nil {
	sh := server.NewSyncHandler("/bs/", "/index/", bs, idx, sorted.NewMemoryKeyValue())

	for _, v := range fis {
		f, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(dataDir.Name(), v.Name()))
		if err != nil {
		td := &trackDigestReader{r: f}
		fm := schema.NewFileMap(v.Name())
		fileRef, err := schema.WriteFileMap(bs, fm, td)
		if err != nil {

		unsigned := schema.NewPlannedPermanode(td.Sum())
		sr := &jsonsign.SignRequest{
			UnsignedJSON: unsigned.Blob().JSON(),
			// TODO(mpl): if we make a bs that discards, replace this with a memory bs that has only the pubkey
			Fetcher:       bs,
			EntityFetcher: ks.entityFetcher,
			SignatureTime: time.Unix(0, 0),
		signed, err := sr.Sign()
		if err != nil {
			b.Fatal("problem signing: " + err.Error())
		pn := blob.SHA1FromString(signed)
		// N.B: use blobserver.Receive so that the blob hub gets notified, and the blob gets enqueued into the index
		if _, err := blobserver.Receive(bs, pn, strings.NewReader(signed)); err != nil {

		contentAttr := schema.NewSetAttributeClaim(pn, "camliContent", fileRef.String())
		claimTime, ok := fm.ModTime()
		if !ok {
		sr = &jsonsign.SignRequest{
			UnsignedJSON: contentAttr.Blob().JSON(),
			// TODO(mpl): if we make a bs that discards, replace this with a memory bs that has only the pubkey
			Fetcher:       bs,
			EntityFetcher: ks.entityFetcher,
			SignatureTime: claimTime,
		signed, err = sr.Sign()
		if err != nil {
			b.Fatal("problem signing: " + err.Error())
		cl := blob.SHA1FromString(signed)
		if _, err := blobserver.Receive(bs, cl, strings.NewReader(signed)); err != nil {

	return idx
예제 #4
func (up *Uploader) uploadNodeRegularFile(n *node) (*client.PutResult, error) {
	// TODO(mpl): maybe break this func into more maintainable pieces?
	filebb := schema.NewCommonFileMap(n.fullPath, n.fi)
	file, err := up.open(n.fullPath)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer file.Close()
	if up.fileOpts.exifTime {
		ra, ok := file.(io.ReaderAt)
		if !ok {
			return nil, errors.New("Error asserting local file to io.ReaderAt")
		modtime, err := schema.FileTime(ra)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("warning: getting time from EXIF failed for %v: %v", n.fullPath, err)
		} else {

	var (
		size                           = n.fi.Size()
		fileContents io.Reader         = io.LimitReader(file, size)
		br           *blobref.BlobRef  // of file schemaref
		sum          string            // sha1 hashsum of the file to upload
		pr           *client.PutResult // of the final "file" schema blob

	const dupCheckThreshold = 256 << 10
	if size > dupCheckThreshold {
		sumRef, err := up.wholeFileDigest(n.fullPath)
		if err == nil {
			sum = sumRef.String()
			ok := false
			pr, ok = up.fileMapFromDuplicate(up.statReceiver(n), filebb, sum)
			if ok {
				br = pr.BlobRef
				noteFileUploaded(n.fullPath, !pr.Skipped)
				if up.fileOpts.wantVivify() {
					// we can return early in that case, because the other options
					// are disallowed in the vivify case.
					return pr, nil

	if up.fileOpts.wantVivify() {
		// If vivify wasn't already done in fileMapFromDuplicate.
		err := schema.WriteFileChunks(up.statReceiver(n), filebb, fileContents)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		json, err := filebb.JSON()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		br = blobref.SHA1FromString(json)
		h := &client.UploadHandle{
			BlobRef:  br,
			Size:     int64(len(json)),
			Contents: strings.NewReader(json),
			Vivify:   true,
		pr, err = up.Upload(h)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		noteFileUploaded(n.fullPath, true)
		return pr, nil

	if br == nil {
		// br still nil means fileMapFromDuplicate did not find the file on the server,
		// and the file has not just been uploaded subsequently to a vivify request.
		// So we do the full file + file schema upload here.
		if sum == "" && up.fileOpts.wantFilePermanode() {
			fileContents = &trackDigestReader{r: fileContents}
		br, err = schema.WriteFileMap(up.statReceiver(n), filebb, fileContents)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	// TODO(mpl): test that none of these claims get uploaded if they've already been done
	if up.fileOpts.wantFilePermanode() {
		if td, ok := fileContents.(*trackDigestReader); ok {
			sum = td.Sum()
		// Use a fixed time value for signing; not using modtime
		// so two identical files don't have different modtimes?
		// TODO(bradfitz): consider this more?
		permaNodeSigTime := time.Unix(0, 0)
		permaNode, err := up.UploadPlannedPermanode(sum, permaNodeSigTime)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error uploading permanode for node %v: %v", n, err)
		handleResult("node-permanode", permaNode, nil)

		// claimTime is both the time of the "claimDate" in the
		// JSON claim, as well as the date in the OpenPGP
		// header.
		// TODO(bradfitz): this is a little clumsy to do by hand.
		// There should probably be a method on *Uploader to do this
		// from an unsigned schema map. Maybe ditch the schema.Claimer
		// type and just have the Uploader override the claimDate.
		claimTime, ok := filebb.ModTime()
		if !ok {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't get modtime back for file %v", n.fullPath)
		contentAttr := schema.NewSetAttributeClaim(permaNode.BlobRef, "camliContent", br.String())
		signed, err := up.SignBlob(contentAttr, claimTime)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to sign content claim for node %v: %v", n, err)
		put, err := up.uploadString(signed)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error uploading permanode's attribute for node %v: %v", n, err)
		handleResult("node-permanode-contentattr", put, nil)
		if tags := up.fileOpts.tags(); len(tags) > 0 {
			errch := make(chan error)
			for _, tag := range tags {
				go func(tag string) {
					m := schema.NewAddAttributeClaim(permaNode.BlobRef, "tag", tag)
					signed, err := up.SignBlob(m, claimTime)
					if err != nil {
						errch <- fmt.Errorf("Failed to sign tag claim for node %v: %v", n, err)
					put, err := up.uploadString(signed)
					if err != nil {
						errch <- fmt.Errorf("Error uploading permanode's tag attribute %v for node %v: %v", tag, n, err)
					handleResult("node-permanode-tag", put, nil)
					errch <- nil

			for _ = range tags {
				if e := <-errch; e != nil && err == nil {
					err = e
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

	// TODO(bradfitz): faking a PutResult here to return
	// is kinda gross.  should instead make a
	// blobserver.Storage wrapper type (wrapping
	// statReceiver) that can track some of this?  or make
	// schemaWriteFileMap return it?
	json, _ := filebb.JSON()
	pr = &client.PutResult{BlobRef: br, Size: int64(len(json)), Skipped: false}
	return pr, nil
예제 #5
func (up *Uploader) uploadNodeRegularFile(n *node) (*client.PutResult, error) {
	m := schema.NewCommonFileMap(n.fullPath, n.fi)
	m["camliType"] = "file"
	file, err := up.open(n.fullPath)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer file.Close()

	size := n.fi.Size()

	var fileContents io.Reader = io.LimitReader(file, size)

	if up.fileOpts.wantVivify() {
		err := schema.WriteFileChunks(up.statReceiver(), m, fileContents)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		json, err := m.JSON()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		bref := blobref.SHA1FromString(json)
		h := &client.UploadHandle{
			BlobRef:  bref,
			Size:     int64(len(json)),
			Contents: strings.NewReader(json),
			Vivify:   true,
		return up.Upload(h)

	var (
		blobref *blobref.BlobRef // of file schemaref
		sum     string           // "sha1-xxxxx"

	const dupCheckThreshold = 256 << 10
	if size > dupCheckThreshold {
		sumRef, err := up.wholeFileDigest(n.fullPath)
		if err == nil {
			sum = sumRef.String()
			if ref, ok := up.fileMapFromDuplicate(up.statReceiver(), m, sum); ok {
				blobref = ref

	if blobref == nil {
		if sum == "" && up.fileOpts.wantFilePermanode() {
			fileContents = &trackDigestReader{r: fileContents}
		blobref, err = schema.WriteFileMap(up.statReceiver(), m, fileContents)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	// TODO(mpl): test that none of these claims get uploaded if they've already been done
	if up.fileOpts.wantFilePermanode() {
		if td, ok := fileContents.(*trackDigestReader); ok {
			sum = td.Sum()
		// Use a fixed time value for signing; not using modtime
		// so two identical files don't have different modtimes?
		// TODO(bradfitz): consider this more?
		permaNodeSigTime := time.Unix(0, 0)
		permaNode, err := up.UploadPlannedPermanode(sum, permaNodeSigTime)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error uploading permanode for node %v: %v", n, err)
		handleResult("node-permanode", permaNode, nil)

		// claimTime is both the time of the "claimDate" in the
		// JSON claim, as well as the date in the OpenPGP
		// header.
		// TODO(bradfitz): this is a little clumsy to do by hand.
		// There should probably be a method on *Uploader to do this
		// from an unsigned schema map. Maybe ditch the schema.Claimer
		// type and just have the Uploader override the claimDate.
		claimTime := n.fi.ModTime()

		contentAttr := schema.NewSetAttributeClaim(permaNode.BlobRef, "camliContent", blobref.String())
		signed, err := up.SignMap(contentAttr, claimTime)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to sign content claim for node %v: %v", n, err)
		put, err := up.uploadString(signed)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error uploading permanode's attribute for node %v: %v", n, err)
		handleResult("node-permanode-contentattr", put, nil)
		if tags := up.fileOpts.tags(); len(tags) > 0 {
			// TODO(mpl): do these claims concurrently, not in series
			for _, tag := range tags {
				m := schema.NewAddAttributeClaim(permaNode.BlobRef, "tag", tag)
				// TODO(mpl): verify that SetClaimDate does modify the GPG signature date of the claim
				signed, err := up.SignMap(m, claimTime)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to sign tag claim for node %v: %v", n, err)
				put, err := up.uploadString(signed)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error uploading permanode's tag attribute %v for node %v: %v", tag, n, err)
				handleResult("node-permanode-tag", put, nil)

	// TODO(bradfitz): faking a PutResult here to return
	// is kinda gross.  should instead make a
	// blobserver.Storage wrapper type (wrapping
	// statReceiver) that can track some of this?  or make
	// schemaWriteFileMap return it?
	json, _ := m.JSON()
	pr := &client.PutResult{BlobRef: blobref, Size: int64(len(json)), Skipped: false}
	return pr, nil