예제 #1
파일: web.go 프로젝트: robban/stockholm-ai
func allCSS(c common.Context) {
	c.SetContentType("text/css; charset=UTF-8", true)
	renderText(c, cssTemplates, "bootstrap.min.css")
	renderText(c, cssTemplates, "bootstrap-theme.min.css")
	renderText(c, cssTemplates, "bootstrap-multiselect.css")
	renderText(c, cssTemplates, "common.css")
예제 #2
파일: web.go 프로젝트: robban/stockholm-ai
func allJS(c common.Context) {
	c.SetContentType("application/javascript; charset=UTF-8", true)
	renderText(c, jsTemplates, "jquery-2.0.3.min.js")
	renderText(c, jsTemplates, "underscore-min.js")
	renderText(c, jsTemplates, "backbone-min.js")
	renderText(c, jsTemplates, "bootstrap.min.js")
	renderText(c, jsTemplates, "bootstrap-multiselect.js")
	renderText(c, jsTemplates, "viz.js")
	renderText(c, jsTemplates, "tinycolor.js")
	for _, templ := range jsModelTemplates.Templates() {
		if err := templ.Execute(c.Resp, c); err != nil {
	for _, templ := range jsCollectionTemplates.Templates() {
		if err := templ.Execute(c.Resp, c); err != nil {
	for _, templ := range jsViewTemplates.Templates() {
		if err := templ.Execute(c.Resp, c); err != nil {
	renderText(c, jsTemplates, "app.js")
예제 #3
파일: web.go 프로젝트: robban/stockholm-ai
func deleteAI(c common.Context) {
	if c.Authenticated() {
		if ai := models.GetAIById(c, common.MustDecodeKey(c.Vars["ai_id"])); ai != nil && ai.Owner == c.User.Email {
예제 #4
파일: web.go 프로젝트: robban/stockholm-ai
func getAIErrors(c common.Context) {
	if c.Authenticated() {
		if ai := models.GetAIById(c, common.MustDecodeKey(c.Vars["ai_id"])); ai != nil && ai.Owner == c.User.Email {
예제 #5
파일: web.go 프로젝트: robban/stockholm-ai
func createGame(c common.Context) {
	if c.Authenticated() {
		var game models.Game
		aiCommon.MustDecodeJSON(c.Req.Body, &game)
		if len(game.Players) > 0 {
예제 #6
파일: web.go 프로젝트: robban/stockholm-ai
func createAI(c common.Context) {
	if c.Authenticated() {
		var ai models.AI
		aiCommon.MustDecodeJSON(c.Req.Body, &ai)
		if ai.Name != "" && ai.URL != "" {
			ai.Owner = c.User.Email
			ai.Id = nil
예제 #7
파일: web.go 프로젝트: robban/stockholm-ai
func handler(f func(c common.Context)) http.HandlerFunc {
	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		c := common.Context{
			Context: appengine.NewContext(r),
			Req:     r,
			Resp:    w,
			Vars:    mux.Vars(r),
		c.User = user.Current(c)
		c.Version = appengine.VersionID(c.Context)
예제 #8
파일: ai.go 프로젝트: robban/stockholm-ai
func (self *AI) AddError(c common.Context, turnId *datastore.Key, err error) {
	_, e := datastore.Put(c, datastore.NewKey(c, AIErrorKind, "", 0, self.Id), &AIError{
		CreatedAt:         time.Now(),
		Turn:              turnId,
		ErrorBytes:        []byte(err.Error()),
		ErrorDetail1Bytes: []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%+v", err)),
		ErrorDetail2Bytes: []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%#v", err)),
	if e != nil {
		c.Errorf("Got %+v when trying to save a new error!", e)
	common.MemDel(c, aiErrorsKeyByParent(self.Id))
예제 #9
파일: game.go 프로젝트: robban/stockholm-ai
func nextTurn(cont appengine.Context, id *datastore.Key, playerNames []string) {
	con := common.Context{Context: cont}
	self := getGameById(con, id)
	self.PlayerNames = playerNames
	if self.Length > maxGameDuration {
		self.State = StateFinished
		con.Infof("Ended %v due to timeout", self.Id)
	errorSavers := []func(){}
	if err := common.Transaction(con, func(c common.Context) (err error) {
		lastTurn := GetLatestTurnByParent(c, self.Id)
		responses := make(chan orderResponse, len(self.Players))
		for _, playerId := range self.Players {
			orderResp := orderResponse{
				DatastorePlayerId: playerId,
				StatePlayerId:     state.PlayerId(playerId.Encode()),
			if foundAi := GetAIById(c, playerId); foundAi != nil {
				go func() {
					// Always deliver the order response
					defer func() {
						responses <- orderResp

					// create a request
					orderRequest := ai.OrderRequest{
						Me:     orderResp.StatePlayerId,
						State:  lastTurn.State,
						GameId: state.GameId(self.Id.Encode()),

					// encode it into a body, and remember its string representation
					sendBody := &bytes.Buffer{}
					aiCommon.MustEncodeJSON(sendBody, orderRequest)
					sendBodyString := sendBody.String()

					// get a client
					client := urlfetch.Client(c)

					// send the request to the ai
					req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", foundAi.URL, sendBody)
					var resp *http.Response
					if err == nil {
						req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8")
						resp, err = client.Do(req)

					recvBody := &bytes.Buffer{}
					recvBodyString := ""
					if err == nil {
						// check what we received
						_, err = io.Copy(recvBody, resp.Body)
						recvBodyString = recvBody.String()
					// if we have no other errors, but we got a non-200
					if err == nil && resp.StatusCode != 200 {
						err = orderError{
							Request:      req,
							RequestBody:  sendBodyString,
							Response:     resp,
							ResponseBody: recvBodyString,

					// lets try to unserialize
					if err == nil {
						err = json.Unmarshal(recvBody.Bytes(), &orderResp.Orders)

					// store the error, if any
					if err != nil {
						orderResp.Error = err
			} else {
				responses <- orderResp
		orderMap := map[state.PlayerId]state.Orders{}
		for _, _ = range self.Players {
			// wait for the responses
			orderResp := <-responses
			// store it
			orderMap[orderResp.StatePlayerId] = orderResp.Orders
			// if we got an error
			if orderResp.Error != nil {
				// make sure to save it later
				errorSavers = append(errorSavers, func() {
					if ai := GetAIById(con, orderResp.DatastorePlayerId); ai != nil {
						ai.AddError(con, lastTurn.Id, orderResp.Error)
		// execute the orders
		newTurn, winner := lastTurn.Next(c, orderMap)
		// save the new turn
		newTurn.Save(c, self.Id)
		// if we got a winner, end the game and store the winner
		if winner == nil {
			self.State = StatePlaying
		} else {
			self.Winner = common.MustDecodeKey(string(*winner))
			self.State = StateFinished
		// increase our length with the new turn
		self.Length += 1
		// save us
		// if we didn't end, queue the next turn
		if winner == nil {
			nextTurnFunc.Call(c, self.Id, playerNames)
		return nil
	}); err != nil {
	// run any error savers we got
	for _, saver := range errorSavers {
	// store the new stats in the players if we ended
	if self.State == StateFinished {
		for _, playerId := range self.Players {
			common.Transaction(con, func(c common.Context) error {
				if ai := GetAIById(c, playerId); ai != nil {
					if playerId.Equal(self.Winner) {
						ai.Wins += 1
					} else {
						ai.Losses += 1
				return nil
예제 #10
파일: web.go 프로젝트: robban/stockholm-ai
func getGame(c common.Context) {
	c.RenderJSON(models.GetGameById(c, common.MustDecodeKey(c.Vars["game_id"])))
예제 #11
파일: web.go 프로젝트: robban/stockholm-ai
func getGames(c common.Context) {
	limit := aiCommon.TryParseInt(c.Req.URL.Query().Get("limit"), 10)
	offset := aiCommon.TryParseInt(c.Req.URL.Query().Get("offset"), 0)
	c.RenderJSON(models.GetGamePage(c, offset, limit))
예제 #12
파일: web.go 프로젝트: robban/stockholm-ai
func getAIs(c common.Context) {
예제 #13
파일: web.go 프로젝트: robban/stockholm-ai
func getUser(c common.Context) {
예제 #14
파일: web.go 프로젝트: robban/stockholm-ai
func index(c common.Context) {
	c.SetContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8", false)
	renderText(c, htmlTemplates, "index.html")