예제 #1
func moveOutput(target *core.BuildTarget, tmpOutput, realOutput string, filegroup bool) (bool, error) {
	// hash the file
	newHash, err := pathHash(tmpOutput, false)
	if err != nil {
		return true, err
	realOutputExists := core.PathExists(realOutput)
	// If this is a filegroup we hardlink the outputs over and so the two files may actually be
	// the same file. If so don't do anything else and especially don't delete & recreate the
	// file because other things might be using it already (because more than one filegroup can
	// own the same file).
	if filegroup && realOutputExists && core.IsSameFile(tmpOutput, realOutput) {
		movePathHash(tmpOutput, realOutput, filegroup) // make sure this is updated regardless
		return false, nil
	if realOutputExists {
		if oldHash, err := pathHash(realOutput, false); err != nil {
			return true, err
		} else if bytes.Equal(oldHash, newHash) {
			// We already have the same file in the current location. Don't bother moving it.
			log.Debug("Checking %s vs. %s, hashes match", tmpOutput, realOutput)
			return false, nil
		if err := os.RemoveAll(realOutput); err != nil {
			return true, err
	movePathHash(tmpOutput, realOutput, filegroup)
	// Check if we need a directory for this output.
	dir := path.Dir(realOutput)
	if !core.PathExists(dir) {
		if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, core.DirPermissions); err != nil {
			return true, err
	// If the output file is in plz-out/tmp we can just move it to save time, otherwise we need
	// to copy so we don't move files from other directories.
	if strings.HasPrefix(tmpOutput, target.TmpDir()) {
		if err := os.Rename(tmpOutput, realOutput); err != nil {
			return true, err
	} else {
		if err := core.RecursiveCopyFile(tmpOutput, realOutput, target.OutMode(), filegroup, false); err != nil {
			if filegroup && os.IsExist(err) && core.IsSameFile(tmpOutput, realOutput) {
				// It's possible for two filegroups to race building simultaneously. In that
				// case one will fail with an ErrExist, which is OK as far as we're concerned
				// here as long as the file we tried to write really is the same as the input.
				return true, nil
			return true, err
	if target.IsBinary {
		if err := os.Chmod(realOutput, target.OutMode()); err != nil {
			return true, err
	return true, nil
예제 #2
// maybeFork will fork & detach if background is true. First it will rename the out and
// cache dirs so it's safe to run another plz in this repo, then fork & detach child
// processes to do the actual cleaning.
// The parent will then die quietly and the children will continue to actually remove the
// directories.
func maybeFork(outDir, cacheDir string, cleanCache bool) error {
	rm, err := exec.LookPath("rm")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if !core.PathExists(outDir) || !core.PathExists(cacheDir) {
		return nil
	newOutDir, err := moveDir(outDir)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	args := []string{rm, "-rf", newOutDir}
	if cleanCache {
		newCacheDir, err := moveDir(cacheDir)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		args = append(args, newCacheDir)
	// Note that we can't fork() directly and continue running Go code, but ForkExec() works okay.
	_, err = syscall.ForkExec(rm, args, nil)
	if err == nil {
		// Success if we get here.
		fmt.Println("Cleaning in background; you may continue to do pleasing things in this repo in the meantime.")
	return err
예제 #3
func createInitPy(dir string) {
	if core.PathExists(path.Join(dir, "__init__.py")) {
	if f, err := os.OpenFile(path.Join(dir, "__init__.py"), os.O_RDONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0444); err == nil {
	dir = path.Dir(dir)
	if dir != core.GenDir && dir != "." && !core.PathExists(path.Join(dir, "__init__.py")) {
예제 #4
func TestClean(t *testing.T) {
	filename := path.Join("src/cache/test_data", osName, "pkg/name/label_name")
	if core.PathExists(filename) {
		t.Errorf("File %s was not removed from cache.", filename)
예제 #5
// scan scans the directory tree for files.
func (cache *Cache) scan() {
	cache.cachedFiles = cmap.New()
	cache.totalSize = 0

	if !core.PathExists(cache.rootPath) {
		if err := os.MkdirAll(cache.rootPath, core.DirPermissions); err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Failed to create cache directory %s: %s", cache.rootPath, err)

	log.Info("Scanning cache directory %s...", cache.rootPath)
	filepath.Walk(cache.rootPath, func(name string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("%s", err)
		} else if !info.IsDir() { // We don't have directory entries.
			name = name[len(cache.rootPath)+1:]
			log.Debug("Found file %s", name)
			size := info.Size()
			cache.cachedFiles.Set(name, &cachedFile{
				lastReadTime: time.Unix(tools.AccessTime(info), 0),
				readCount:    0,
				size:         size,
			cache.totalSize += size
		return nil
	log.Info("Scan complete, found %d entries", cache.cachedFiles.Count())
예제 #6
// CheckAndUpdate checks whether we should update Please and does so if needed.
// If it requires an update it will never return, it will either die on failure or on success will exec the new Please.
// Conversely, if an update isn't required it will return. It may adjust the version in the configuration.
// updatesEnabled indicates whether updates are enabled (i.e. not run with --noupdate)
// updateCommand indicates whether an update is specifically requested (due to e.g. `plz update`)
// forceUpdate indicates whether the user passed --force on the command line, in which case we
// will always update even if the version exists.
func CheckAndUpdate(config *core.Configuration, updatesEnabled, updateCommand, forceUpdate bool) {
	if !forceUpdate && !shouldUpdate(config, updatesEnabled, updateCommand) {
	word := describe(config.Please.Version, core.PleaseVersion, true)
	log.Warning("%s to Please version %s (currently %s)", word, config.Please.Version, core.PleaseVersion)

	// Must lock here so that the update process doesn't race when running two instances
	// simultaneously.
	defer core.ReleaseRepoLock()

	// If the destination exists and the user passed --force, remove it to force a redownload.
	newDir := core.ExpandHomePath(path.Join(config.Please.Location, config.Please.Version.String()))
	log.Notice("%s", newDir)
	if forceUpdate && core.PathExists(newDir) {
		if err := os.RemoveAll(newDir); err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Failed to remove existing directory: %s", err)

	// Download it.
	newPlease := downloadAndLinkPlease(config)

	// Now run the new one.
	args := append([]string{newPlease}, os.Args[1:]...)
	log.Info("Executing %s", strings.Join(args, " "))
	if err := syscall.Exec(newPlease, args, os.Environ()); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to exec new Please version %s: %s", newPlease, err)
	// Shouldn't ever get here. We should have either exec'd or died above.
	panic("please update failed in an an unexpected and exciting way")
예제 #7
func (cache *dirCache) RetrieveExtra(target *core.BuildTarget, key []byte, out string) bool {
	outDir := path.Join(core.RepoRoot, target.OutDir())
	cacheDir := cache.getPath(target, key)
	cachedOut := path.Join(cacheDir, out)
	realOut := path.Join(outDir, out)
	if !core.PathExists(cachedOut) {
		log.Debug("%s: %s doesn't exist in dir cache", target.Label, cachedOut)
		return false
	log.Debug("Retrieving %s: %s from dir cache...", target.Label, cachedOut)
	if dir := path.Dir(realOut); dir != "." {
		if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, core.DirPermissions); err != nil {
			log.Warning("Failed to create output directory %s: %s", dir, err)
			return false
	// It seems to be quite important that we unlink the existing file first to avoid ETXTBSY errors
	// in cases where we're running an existing binary (as Please does during bootstrap, for example).
	if err := os.RemoveAll(realOut); err != nil {
		log.Warning("Failed to unlink existing output %s: %s", realOut, err)
		return false
	// Recursively hardlink files back out of the cache
	if err := core.RecursiveCopyFile(cachedOut, realOut, fileMode(target), true, true); err != nil {
		log.Warning("Failed to move cached file to output: %s -> %s: %s", cachedOut, realOut, err)
		return false
	log.Debug("Retrieved %s: %s from dir cache", target.Label, cachedOut)
	return true
예제 #8
func TestStore(t *testing.T) {
	httpcache.Store(target, []byte("test_key"))
	abs, _ := filepath.Abs(path.Join("src/cache/test_data", osName, "pkg/name", "label_name"))
	if !core.PathExists(abs) {
		t.Errorf("Test file %s was not stored in cache.", abs)
예제 #9
func TestDownloadNewPlease(t *testing.T) {
	c := makeConfig("downloadnewplease")
	// Should have written new file
	assert.True(t, core.PathExists(path.Join(c.Please.Location, c.Please.Version.String(), "please")))
	// Should not have written this yet though
	assert.False(t, core.PathExists(path.Join(c.Please.Location, "please")))
	// Panics because it's not a valid .tar.gz
	c.Please.Version = *semver.New("1.0.0")
	assert.Panics(t, func() { downloadPlease(c) })
	// Panics because it doesn't exist
	c.Please.Version = *semver.New("2.0.0")
	assert.Panics(t, func() { downloadPlease(c) })
	// Panics because invalid URL
	c.Please.DownloadLocation = "notaurl"
	assert.Panics(t, func() { downloadPlease(c) })
예제 #10
func clean(path string) {
	if core.PathExists(path) {
		log.Info("Cleaning path %s", path)
		if err := os.RemoveAll(path); err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Failed to clean path %s: %s", path, err)
예제 #11
func prepareDirectory(directory string, remove bool) error {
	if remove && core.PathExists(directory) {
		if err := os.RemoveAll(directory); err != nil {
			return err
	return os.MkdirAll(directory, core.DirPermissions) // drwxrwxr-x
예제 #12
func TestStore(t *testing.T) {
	target := core.NewBuildTarget(label)
	rpccache.Store(target, []byte("test_key"))
	expectedPath := path.Join("src/cache/test_data", osName, "pkg/name", "label_name", "dGVzdF9rZXk", target.Outputs()[0])
	if !core.PathExists(expectedPath) {
		t.Errorf("Test file %s was not stored in cache.", expectedPath)
예제 #13
func TestLinkNewFile(t *testing.T) {
	c := makeConfig("linknewfile")
	dir := path.Join(c.Please.Location, c.Please.Version.String())
	assert.NoError(t, os.MkdirAll(dir, core.DirPermissions))
	assert.NoError(t, ioutil.WriteFile(path.Join(dir, "please"), []byte("test"), 0775))
	linkNewFile(c, "please")
	assert.True(t, core.PathExists(path.Join(c.Please.Location, "please")))
	assert.NoError(t, ioutil.WriteFile(path.Join(c.Please.Location, "exists"), []byte("test"), 0775))
예제 #14
func (cache *dirCache) Retrieve(target *core.BuildTarget, key []byte) bool {
	cacheDir := cache.getPath(target, key)
	if !core.PathExists(cacheDir) {
		log.Debug("%s: %s doesn't exist in dir cache", target.Label, cacheDir)
		return false
	for out := range cacheArtifacts(target) {
		if !cache.RetrieveExtra(target, key, out) {
			return false
	return true
예제 #15
// downloadAndLinkPlease downloads a new Please version and links it into place, if needed.
// It returns the new location and dies on failure.
func downloadAndLinkPlease(config *core.Configuration) string {
	config.Please.Location = core.ExpandHomePath(config.Please.Location)
	newPlease := path.Join(config.Please.Location, config.Please.Version.String(), "please")

	if !core.PathExists(newPlease) {
	if !verifyNewPlease(newPlease, config.Please.Version.String()) {
		cleanDir(path.Join(config.Please.Location, config.Please.Version.String()))
		log.Fatalf("Not continuing.")
	return newPlease
예제 #16
func TestStoreAndRetrieve(t *testing.T) {
	target := core.NewBuildTarget(label)
	rpccache.Store(target, []byte("test_key"))
	// Remove the file so we can test retrieval correctly
	outPath := path.Join(target.OutDir(), target.Outputs()[0])
	if err := os.Remove(outPath); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Failed to remove artifact: %s", err)
	if !rpccache.Retrieve(target, []byte("test_key")) {
		t.Error("Artifact expected and not found.")
	} else if !core.PathExists(outPath) {
		t.Errorf("Artifact %s doesn't exist after alleged cache retrieval", outPath)
예제 #17
// Attempt to write a dummy coverage file to record that it's been done for a test.
func moveAndCacheOutputFile(state *core.BuildState, target *core.BuildTarget, hash []byte, from, to, filename, dummy string) error {
	if !core.PathExists(from) {
		if dummy == "" {
			return nil
		if err := ioutil.WriteFile(to, []byte(dummy), 0644); err != nil {
			return err
	} else if err := os.Rename(from, to); err != nil {
		return err
	if state.Cache != nil {
		(*state.Cache).StoreExtra(target, hash, filename)
	return nil
예제 #18
func initialiseInterpreterFrom(enginePath string) bool {
	if !core.PathExists(enginePath) {
		return false
	log.Debug("Attempting to load engine from %s", enginePath)
	cEnginePath := C.CString(enginePath)
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cEnginePath))
	result := C.InitialiseInterpreter(cEnginePath)
	if result != 0 {
		// Low level of logging because it's allowable to fail on libplease_parser_pypy, which we try first.
		log.Notice("Failed to initialise interpreter from %s: %s", enginePath, C.GoString(C.dlerror()))
		return false
	log.Info("Using parser engine from %s", enginePath)
	return true
예제 #19
func moveOutputs(state *core.BuildState, target *core.BuildTarget) ([]string, bool, error) {
	// Before we write any outputs, we must remove the old hash file to avoid it being
	// left in an inconsistent state.
	if err := os.RemoveAll(ruleHashFileName(target)); err != nil {
		return nil, true, err
	changed := false
	tmpDir := target.TmpDir()
	outDir := target.OutDir()
	for _, output := range target.Outputs() {
		tmpOutput := path.Join(tmpDir, output)
		realOutput := path.Join(outDir, output)
		if !core.PathExists(tmpOutput) {
			return nil, true, fmt.Errorf("Rule %s failed to create output %s", target.Label, tmpOutput)
		// If output is a symlink, dereference it. Otherwise, for efficiency,
		// we can just move it without a full copy (saves copying large .jar files etc).
		dereferencedPath, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(tmpOutput)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, true, err
		// NB. false -> not filegroup, we wouldn't be here if it was.
		outputChanged, err := moveOutput(target, dereferencedPath, realOutput, false)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, true, err
		changed = changed || outputChanged
	if changed {
		log.Debug("Outputs for %s have changed", target.Label)
	} else {
		log.Debug("Outputs for %s are unchanged", target.Label)
	// Optional outputs get moved but don't contribute to the hash or for incrementality.
	// Glob patterns are supported on these.
	extraOuts := []string{}
	for _, output := range core.Glob(tmpDir, target.OptionalOutputs, nil, nil, true) {
		log.Debug("Discovered optional output %s", output)
		tmpOutput := path.Join(tmpDir, output)
		realOutput := path.Join(outDir, output)
		if _, err := moveOutput(target, tmpOutput, realOutput, false); err != nil {
			return nil, changed, err
		extraOuts = append(extraOuts, output)
	return extraOuts, changed, nil
예제 #20
// Return true if the rule needs building, false if the existing outputs are OK.
func needsBuilding(state *core.BuildState, target *core.BuildTarget, postBuild bool) bool {
	// Check the dependencies first, because they don't need any disk I/O.
	if target.NeedsTransitiveDependencies {
		if anyDependencyHasChanged(target) {
			return true // one of the transitive deps has changed, need to rebuild
	} else {
		for _, dep := range target.Dependencies() {
			if dep.State() < core.Unchanged {
				log.Debug("Need to rebuild %s, %s has changed", target.Label, dep.Label)
				return true // dependency has just been rebuilt, do this too.
	oldRuleHash, oldConfigHash, oldSourceHash := readRuleHashFile(ruleHashFileName(target), postBuild)
	if !bytes.Equal(oldConfigHash, state.Hashes.Config) {
		if len(oldConfigHash) == 0 {
			// Small nicety to make it a bit clearer what's going on.
			log.Debug("Need to build %s, outputs aren't there", target.Label)
		} else {
			log.Debug("Need to rebuild %s, config has changed (was %s, need %s)", target.Label, b64(oldConfigHash), b64(state.Hashes.Config))
		return true
	newRuleHash := RuleHash(target, false, postBuild)
	if !bytes.Equal(oldRuleHash, newRuleHash) {
		log.Debug("Need to rebuild %s, rule has changed (was %s, need %s)", target.Label, b64(oldRuleHash), b64(newRuleHash))
		return true
	newSourceHash, err := sourceHash(state.Graph, target)
	if err != nil || !bytes.Equal(oldSourceHash, newSourceHash) {
		log.Debug("Need to rebuild %s, sources have changed (was %s, need %s)", target.Label, b64(oldSourceHash), b64(newSourceHash))
		return true
	// Check the outputs of this rule exist. This would only happen if the user had
	// removed them but it's incredibly aggravating if you remove an output and the
	// rule won't rebuild itself.
	for _, output := range target.Outputs() {
		realOutput := path.Join(target.OutDir(), output)
		if !core.PathExists(realOutput) {
			log.Debug("Output %s doesn't exist for rule %s; will rebuild.", realOutput, target.Label)
			return true
	// Maybe we've forced a rebuild. Do this last; might be interesting to see if it needed building anyway.
	return state.ForceRebuild && (state.IsOriginalTarget(target.Label) || state.IsOriginalTarget(target.Label.Parent()))
예제 #21
func parseTestResultsDir(target *core.BuildTarget, outputDir string) (core.TestResults, error) {
	results := core.TestResults{}
	if !core.PathExists(outputDir) {
		return results, fmt.Errorf("Didn't find any test results in %s", outputDir)
	err := filepath.Walk(outputDir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		if err != nil {
			return err
		} else if !info.IsDir() {
			fileResults, err := parseTestResultsImpl(target, path)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing %s: %s", path, err)
		return nil
	return results, err
예제 #22
// Prepares the output directories for a target
func prepareDirectories(target *core.BuildTarget) error {
	if err := prepareDirectory(target.TmpDir(), true); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := prepareDirectory(target.OutDir(), false); err != nil {
		return err
	// Nicety for the build rules: create any directories that it's
	// declared it'll create files in.
	for _, out := range target.Outputs() {
		if dir := path.Dir(out); dir != "." {
			outPath := path.Join(target.TmpDir(), dir)
			if !core.PathExists(outPath) {
				if err := os.MkdirAll(outPath, core.DirPermissions); err != nil {
					return err
	return nil
예제 #23
// parsePackage performs the initial parse of a package.
// It's assumed that the caller used firstToParse to ascertain that they only call this once per package.
func parsePackage(state *core.BuildState, label, dependor core.BuildLabel) *core.Package {
	packageName := label.PackageName
	pkg := core.NewPackage(packageName)
	if pkg.Filename = buildFileName(state, packageName); pkg.Filename == "" {
		exists := core.PathExists(packageName)
		// Handle quite a few cases to provide more obvious error messages.
		if dependor != core.OriginalTarget && exists {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s depends on %s, but there's no BUILD file in %s/", dependor, label, packageName))
		} else if dependor != core.OriginalTarget {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s depends on %s, but the directory %s doesn't exist", dependor, label, packageName))
		} else if exists {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("Can't build %s; there's no BUILD file in %s/", label, packageName))
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Can't build %s; the directory %s doesn't exist", label, packageName))

	if parsePackageFile(state, pkg.Filename, pkg) {
		return nil // Indicates deferral

	for _, target := range pkg.Targets {
		for _, out := range target.DeclaredOutputs() {
			pkg.MustRegisterOutput(out, target)
		for _, out := range target.TestOutputs {
			if !core.IsGlob(out) {
				pkg.MustRegisterOutput(out, target)
	// Do this in a separate loop so we get intra-package dependencies right now.
	for _, target := range pkg.Targets {
		for _, dep := range target.DeclaredDependencies() {
			state.Graph.AddDependency(target.Label, dep)
	state.Graph.AddPackage(pkg) // Calling this means nobody else will add entries to pendingTargets for this package.
	return pkg
예제 #24
func queryCompletionPackages(config *core.Configuration, query, repoRoot string) {
	root := path.Join(repoRoot, query)
	origRoot := root
	if !core.PathExists(root) {
		root = path.Dir(root)
	packages := []string{}
	for pkg := range utils.FindAllSubpackages(config, root, origRoot) {
		if strings.HasPrefix(pkg, origRoot) {
			packages = append(packages, pkg[len(repoRoot):])
	// If there's only one package, we know it has to be that, but we don't present
	// only one option otherwise bash completion will assume it's that.
	if len(packages) == 1 {
		fmt.Printf("/%s:\n", packages[0])
		fmt.Printf("/%s:all\n", packages[0])
	} else {
		for _, pkg := range packages {
			fmt.Printf("/%s\n", pkg)
	os.Exit(0) // Don't need to run a full-blown parse, get out now.
예제 #25
func TestOutputFolderExists(t *testing.T) {
	if !core.PathExists(cachePath) {
		t.Errorf("%s does not exist.", cachePath)
예제 #26
func TestDownloadAndLinkPleaseBadVersion(t *testing.T) {
	c := makeConfig("downloadandlink")
	assert.Panics(t, func() { downloadAndLinkPlease(c) })
	// Should have deleted the thing it downloaded.
	assert.False(t, core.PathExists(path.Join(c.Please.Location, c.Please.Version.String())))
예제 #27
func TestDownloadAndLinkPlease(t *testing.T) {
	c := makeConfig("downloadandlink")
	c.Please.Version = core.PleaseVersion
	newPlease := downloadAndLinkPlease(c)
	assert.True(t, core.PathExists(newPlease))
예제 #28
func test(tid int, state *core.BuildState, label core.BuildLabel, target *core.BuildTarget) {
	startTime := time.Now()
	hash, err := build.RuntimeHash(state, target)
	if err != nil {
		state.LogBuildError(tid, label, core.TargetTestFailed, err, "Failed to calculate target hash")
	// Check the cached output files if the target wasn't rebuilt.
	hash = core.CollapseHash(hash)
	hashStr := base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(hash)
	resultsFileName := fmt.Sprintf(".test_results_%s_%s", label.Name, hashStr)
	coverageFileName := fmt.Sprintf(".test_coverage_%s_%s", label.Name, hashStr)
	outputFile := path.Join(target.TestDir(), "test.results")
	coverageFile := path.Join(target.TestDir(), "test.coverage")
	cachedOutputFile := path.Join(target.OutDir(), resultsFileName)
	cachedCoverageFile := path.Join(target.OutDir(), coverageFileName)
	needCoverage := state.NeedCoverage && !target.NoTestOutput

	cachedTest := func() {
		log.Debug("Not re-running test %s; got cached results.", label)
		coverage := parseCoverageFile(target, cachedCoverageFile)
		results, err := parseTestResults(target, cachedOutputFile, true)
		target.Results.Duration = time.Since(startTime).Seconds()
		target.Results.Cached = true
		if err != nil {
			state.LogBuildError(tid, label, core.TargetTestFailed, err, "Failed to parse cached test file %s", cachedOutputFile)
		} else if results.Failed > 0 {
			panic("Test results with failures shouldn't be cached.")
		} else {
			logTestSuccess(state, tid, label, results, coverage)

	moveAndCacheOutputFiles := func(results core.TestResults, coverage core.TestCoverage) bool {
		// Never cache test results when given arguments; the results may be incomplete.
		if len(state.TestArgs) > 0 {
			log.Debug("Not caching results for %s, we passed it arguments", label)
			return true
		if err := moveAndCacheOutputFile(state, target, hash, outputFile, cachedOutputFile, resultsFileName, dummyOutput); err != nil {
			state.LogTestResult(tid, label, core.TargetTestFailed, results, coverage, err, "Failed to move test output file")
			return false
		if needCoverage || core.PathExists(coverageFile) {
			if err := moveAndCacheOutputFile(state, target, hash, coverageFile, cachedCoverageFile, coverageFileName, dummyCoverage); err != nil {
				state.LogTestResult(tid, label, core.TargetTestFailed, results, coverage, err, "Failed to move test coverage file")
				return false
		for _, output := range target.TestOutputs {
			tmpFile := path.Join(target.TestDir(), output)
			outFile := path.Join(target.OutDir(), output)
			if err := moveAndCacheOutputFile(state, target, hash, tmpFile, outFile, output, ""); err != nil {
				state.LogTestResult(tid, label, core.TargetTestFailed, results, coverage, err, "Failed to move test output file")
				return false
		return true

	needToRun := func() bool {
		if target.State() == core.Unchanged && core.PathExists(cachedOutputFile) {
			// Output file exists already and appears to be valid. We might still need to rerun though
			// if the coverage files aren't available.
			if needCoverage && !core.PathExists(cachedCoverageFile) {
				return true
			return false
		// Check the cache for these artifacts.
		if state.Cache == nil {
			return true
		cache := *state.Cache
		if !cache.RetrieveExtra(target, hash, resultsFileName) {
			return true
		if needCoverage && !cache.RetrieveExtra(target, hash, coverageFileName) {
			return true
		for _, output := range target.TestOutputs {
			if !cache.RetrieveExtra(target, hash, output) {
				return true
		return false

	// Don't cache when doing multiple runs, presumably the user explicitly wants to check it.
	if state.NumTestRuns <= 1 && !needToRun() {
	// Remove any cached test result file.
	if err := RemoveCachedTestFiles(target); err != nil {
		state.LogBuildError(tid, label, core.TargetTestFailed, err, "Failed to remove cached test files")
	numSucceeded := 0
	numFlakes := 0
	numRuns, successesRequired := calcNumRuns(state.NumTestRuns, target.Flakiness)
	var resultErr error
	resultMsg := ""
	var coverage core.TestCoverage
	for i := 0; i < numRuns && numSucceeded < successesRequired; i++ {
		if numRuns > 1 {
			state.LogBuildResult(tid, label, core.TargetTesting, fmt.Sprintf("Testing (%d of %d)...", i+1, numRuns))
		out, err := prepareAndRunTest(tid, state, target)
		duration := time.Since(startTime).Seconds()
		startTime = time.Now() // reset this for next time

		// This is all pretty involved; there are lots of different possibilities of what could happen.
		// The contract is that the test must return zero on success or non-zero on failure (Unix FTW).
		// If it's successful, it must produce a parseable file named "test.results" in its temp folder.
		// (alternatively, this can be a directory containing parseable files).
		// Tests can opt out of the file requirement individually, in which case they're judged only
		// by their return value.
		// But of course, we still have to consider all the alternatives here and handle them nicely.
		target.Results.Output = string(out)
		if err != nil && target.Results.Output == "" {
			target.Results.Output = err.Error()
		target.Results.TimedOut = err == context.DeadlineExceeded
		coverage = parseCoverageFile(target, coverageFile)
		target.Results.Duration += duration
		if !core.PathExists(outputFile) {
			if err == nil && target.NoTestOutput {
				target.Results.NumTests += 1
				target.Results.Passed += 1
			} else if err == nil {
				target.Results.Failures = append(target.Results.Failures, core.TestFailure{
					Name:   "Missing results",
					Stdout: string(out),
				resultErr = fmt.Errorf("Test failed to produce output results file")
				resultMsg = fmt.Sprintf("Test apparently succeeded but failed to produce %s. Output: %s", outputFile, string(out))
			} else {
				target.Results.Failures = append(target.Results.Failures, core.TestFailure{
					Name:   "Test failed with no results",
					Stdout: string(out),
				resultErr = err
				resultMsg = fmt.Sprintf("Test failed with no results. Output: %s", string(out))
		} else {
			results, err2 := parseTestResults(target, outputFile, false)
			if err2 != nil {
				resultErr = err2
				resultMsg = fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't parse test output file: %s. Stdout: %s", err2, string(out))
			} else if err != nil && results.Failed == 0 {
				// Add a failure result to the test so it shows up in the final aggregation.
				target.Results.Failed = 1
				target.Results.Failures = append(results.Failures, core.TestFailure{
					Name:   "Return value",
					Type:   fmt.Sprintf("%s", err),
					Stdout: string(out),
				resultErr = err
				resultMsg = fmt.Sprintf("Test returned nonzero but reported no errors: %s. Output: %s", err, string(out))
			} else if err == nil && results.Failed != 0 {
				resultErr = fmt.Errorf("Test returned 0 but still reported failures")
				resultMsg = fmt.Sprintf("Test returned 0 but still reported failures. Stdout: %s", string(out))
			} else if results.Failed != 0 {
				resultErr = fmt.Errorf("Tests failed")
				resultMsg = fmt.Sprintf("Tests failed. Stdout: %s", string(out))
			} else {
				if !state.ShowTestOutput {
					// Save a bit of memory, if we're not printing results on success we will never use them again.
					target.Results.Output = ""
	if numSucceeded >= successesRequired {
		target.Results.Failures = nil // Remove any failures, they don't count
		target.Results.Failed = 0     // (they'll be picked up as flakes below)
		if numSucceeded > 0 && numFlakes > 0 {
			target.Results.Flakes = numFlakes
		// Success, clean things up
		if moveAndCacheOutputFiles(target.Results, coverage) {
			logTestSuccess(state, tid, label, target.Results, coverage)
		// Clean up the test directory.
		if state.CleanWorkdirs {
			if err := os.RemoveAll(target.TestDir()); err != nil {
				log.Warning("Failed to remove test directory for %s: %s", target.Label, err)
	} else {
		state.LogTestResult(tid, label, core.TargetTestFailed, target.Results, coverage, resultErr, resultMsg)