예제 #1
파일: apialbum.go 프로젝트: olragon/dna
// ToSeconds returns total seconds from the time format "01:02:03"
func ToSeconds(str dna.String) dna.Int {
	if str == "" {
		return 0
	} else {
		intervals := dna.IntArray(str.Split(":").Map(func(val dna.String, idx dna.Int) dna.Int {
			return val.ToInt()
		switch intervals.Length() {
		case 3:
			return intervals[0]*3600 + intervals[1]*60 + intervals[2]
		case 2:
			return intervals[0]*60 + intervals[1]
		case 1:
			return intervals[0]
			return 0
예제 #2
파일: apialbum.go 프로젝트: olragon/dna
// getAPIAlbumSimilars fetches album's similars
// with the following url format:
// http://www.allmusic.com/album/google-bot-mw0002585207/similar/mobile
func getAPIAlbumSimilars(album *APIAlbum) <-chan bool {
	channel := make(chan bool, 1)
	go func() {
		link := "http://www.allmusic.com/album/google-bot-mw" + album.Id.ToFormattedString(10, true) + "/similar/mobile"
		result, err := http.Get(link)
		if err == nil {
			data := &result.Data
			idsArr := data.FindAllString(`<a href=".+`, -1)
			ids := dna.IntArray(idsArr.Map(func(val dna.String, idx dna.Int) dna.Int {
				idArr := val.FindAllStringSubmatch(`mw([0-9]+)`, -1)
				if len(idArr) > 0 {
					return idArr[0][1].ToInt()
				} else {
					return 0
			}).([]dna.Int)).Filter(func(val dna.Int, idx dna.Int) dna.Bool {
				if val > 0 {
					return true
				} else {
					return false

			if ids.Length() > 0 {
				album.Similars = ids

		channel <- true
	return channel

예제 #3
파일: func.go 프로젝트: olragon/dna
// SelectMissingIds accepts a table name as an input and a list of ids as a source.
// It returns a new list of ids that does not exist in the destination table
// 	* tblName : a table name
// 	* srcIds : a source ids
// 	* db : a pointer to connected databased
// 	* Returns a new list of ids which are not from the specified table
// The format of sql statement is:
// 	WITH dna (id) AS (VALUES (5),(6),(7),(8),(9))
// 	(SELECT 1 from ziartists WHERE id=dna.id)
func SelectMissingIds(tblName dna.String, srcIds *dna.IntArray, db *sqlpg.DB) (*dna.IntArray, error) {

	if srcIds.Length() > 0 {

		val := dna.StringArray(srcIds.Map(func(val dna.Int, idx dna.Int) dna.String {
			return "(" + val.ToString() + ")"
		selectStmt := "with dna (id) as (values " + val.Join(",") + ") \n"
		selectStmt += "SELECT id FROM dna WHERE NOT EXISTS\n (SELECT 1 from " + tblName + "  WHERE id=dna.id)"
		ids := &[]dna.Int{}
		err := db.Select(ids, selectStmt)
		switch {
		case err != nil:
			return nil, err
		case err == nil && ids != nil:
			slice := dna.IntArray(*ids)
			return &slice, nil
		case err == nil && ids == nil:
			return &dna.IntArray{}, nil
			panic("Default case triggered. Case is not expected. Cannot select non existed ids")
	} else {
		return nil, errors.New("Empty input array")

예제 #4
// UpdateSongFreaks gets lastest songs,albums,artists and videos from songfreaks.com
// The update process goes through 4 steps:
// 	Step 1: Initalizing db connection, loading site config and state handler.
// 	Step 2: Finding new songs, insert new albums,artists and videos if found.
// 	Step 3: Updating found new albums in Step 2.
// 	Step 4: Recovering failed sql statements in Step 2.
func UpdateSongFreaks() {
	db, err := sqlpg.Connect(sqlpg.NewSQLConfig(SqlConfigPath))
	siteConf, err := LoadSiteConfig("sf", SiteConfigPath)
	siteConf.NConcurrent = 20

	// Update new songs
	state := NewStateHandler(new(sf.APISongFreaksTrack), siteConf, db)
	state.TableName = "sfsongs"

	// Update "ratings", "songids", "review_author", "review" of song
	ids := &[]dna.Int{}
	query := dna.Sprintf("SELECT id FROM sfalbums where checktime > '%v' AND array_length(songids, 1) is NULL", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02"))
	// dna.Log(query)
	err = db.Select(ids, query)
	if err != nil {
	idsSlice := dna.IntArray(*ids)
	if idsSlice.Length() > 0 {
		state = NewStateHandlerWithExtSlice(new(sf.APISongFreaksAlbum), &idsSlice, siteConf, db)

	} else {
		dna.Log("No new albums found")

	// Recover failed sql statements
	RecoverErrorQueries(SqlErrorLogPath, db)

	CountDown(3*time.Second, QuittingMessage, EndingMessage)
예제 #5
파일: ns.go 프로젝트: olragon/dna
// This function will decode a cipher string into id.
func Decrypt(cipher dna.String) dna.Int {
	arr := dna.StringArray{cipher[0:2], cipher[2:3], cipher[3:4], cipher[4:6], cipher[6:7], cipher[7:8], cipher[8:10]}.Filter(
		func(value dna.String, index dna.Int) dna.Bool {
			return value != ""
	return dna.IntArray(arr.Map(func(v dna.String, i dna.Int) dna.Int {
		return ns[6-i].IndexOf(v)
예제 #6
// updateEmptyTitles returns an error if there is no missing titles
// of songs or videos.
func updateEmptyTitles(db *sqlpg.DB, siteConf *SiteConfig, lastId dna.Int) bool {
	var queryPat dna.String = "select id from %v where id > %v and title = ''"

	songids := &[]dna.Int{}
	songQuery := dna.Sprintf(queryPat, "csnsongs", lastId)
	db.Select(songids, songQuery)

	videoQuery := dna.Sprintf(queryPat, "csnvideos", lastId)
	videoids := &[]dna.Int{}
	db.Select(videoids, videoQuery)

	ids := dna.IntArray(*songids).Concat(dna.IntArray(*videoids))
	if ids.Length() > 0 {
		state := NewStateHandlerWithExtSlice(new(csn.SongVideoUpdater), &ids, siteConf, db)
		RecoverErrorQueries(SqlErrorLogPath, db)
		return false
	} else {
		// dna.Log("No record needs to be updated.")
		return true
	// return donec
예제 #7
파일: user.go 프로젝트: olragon/dna
func GetUsersWithInitialId(initialId dna.Int) (*Users, error) {
	rids := rand.Perm(UsersMagnitude)
	ids := dna.NewIntArray(rids)
	ids = dna.IntArray(ids.Map(func(val dna.Int, idx dna.Int) dna.Int {
		return val + initialId*dna.Int(UsersMagnitude)
	// dna.Log(ids)
	apiUsers, err := GetAPIUsers(ids)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	} else {
		var users []*User
		for _, apiUser := range apiUsers {
			user := NewUser()
			users = append(users, user)
		return &Users{initialId, users}, nil
예제 #8
파일: func.go 프로젝트: olragon/dna
// SelectMissingIds accepts a table name as an input and a range as a source.
// It returns a new list of ids that does not exist in the destination table
// 	* tblName : a table name
// 	* head, tail : first and last number defines a range
// 	* db : a pointer to connected databased
// 	* Returns a new list of ids which are not from the specified table
// The format of sql statement is:
// 	SELECT id FROM generate_series(5,9) id
// 	WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 from ziartists where id = id.id)
func SelectMissingIdsWithRange(tblName dna.String, head, tail dna.Int, db *sqlpg.DB) (*dna.IntArray, error) {

	if head > tail {
		panic("Cannot create range: head has to be less than tail")

	selectStmt := dna.Sprintf("SELECT id FROM generate_series(%v,%v) id \n", head, tail)
	selectStmt += "WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 from " + tblName + " where id = id.id)"
	ids := &[]dna.Int{}
	err := db.Select(ids, selectStmt)
	switch {
	case err != nil:
		return nil, err
	case err == nil && ids != nil:
		slice := dna.IntArray(*ids)
		return &slice, nil
	case err == nil && ids == nil:
		return &dna.IntArray{}, nil
		panic("Default case triggered. Case is not expected. Cannot select non existed ids")

예제 #9
파일: apialbum.go 프로젝트: olragon/dna
// getAPIAlbumFromMainPage returns album from main page
func getAPIAlbumFromMainPage(album *APIAlbum) <-chan bool {
	channel := make(chan bool, 1)
	go func() {
		link := "http://www.allmusic.com/album/google-bot-mw" + album.Id.ToFormattedString(10, true)
		// dna.Log(link)
		result, err := http.Get(link)
		if err == nil {
			data := &result.Data
			artistsArr := data.FindAllString(`(?mis)<h3 class="album-artist".+?</h3>`, 1)
			if artistsArr.Length() > 0 {
				// Getting Artists
				album.Artists = artistsArr[0].RemoveHtmlTags("").Trim().Split(" / ")

				// Getting Artistids
				idsArr := artistsArr[0].FindAllString(`mn[0-9]+`, -1)
				album.Artistids = dna.IntArray(idsArr.Map(func(val dna.String, idx dna.Int) dna.Int {
					idArr := val.FindAllStringSubmatch(`mn([0-9]+)`, -1)
					if len(idArr) > 0 {
						return idArr[0][1].ToInt()
					} else {
						return 0

			coverartArr := data.FindAllString(`<meta name="image".+`, 1)
			if coverartArr.Length() > 0 {
				album.Coverart = coverartArr[0].GetTagAttributes("content").Trim()

			// Getting Title
			titleArr := data.FindAllString(`(?mis)<h2 class="album-title".+?</h2>`, 1)
			if titleArr.Length() > 0 {
				album.Title = titleArr[0].RemoveHtmlTags("").Trim().DecodeHTML()

			// Getting Review
			reviewArr := data.FindAllStringSubmatch(`(?mis)<div class="text" itemprop="reviewBody">(.+?)</div>`, 1)
			if len(reviewArr) > 0 {
				album.Review = reviewArr[0][1].Trim().ReplaceWithRegexp(`^<p>`, ``).ReplaceWithRegexp(`</p>$`, ``).Trim().ReplaceWithRegexp(`^<div class="text" itemprop="reviewBody">`, "").ReplaceWithRegexp(`</div>$`, "").Trim().ReplaceWithRegexp(`^<p>`, "").ReplaceWithRegexp(`</p>$`, "").Trim()

			// Getting site rating
			ratingArr := data.FindAllStringSubmatch(`<div class="allmusic-rating.+([0-9]+)"`, 1)
			if len(ratingArr) > 0 {
				siteRating := ratingArr[0][1].ToInt()
				if siteRating > 0 {
					album.Ratings[0] = siteRating + 1

			// Getting Duration
			durationArr := data.FindAllStringSubmatch(`(?mis)<h4>Duration</h4>.+?<span>(.+?)</span>`, 1)
			if len(durationArr) > 0 {
				album.Duration = ToSeconds(durationArr[0][1])

			// Getting DateReleased
			dateReleasedArr := data.FindAllStringSubmatch(`(?mis)<h4>Release Date</h4>.+?<span>(.+?)</span>`, 1)
			if len(dateReleasedArr) > 0 {
				// dna.Log(dateReleasedArr[0][1].String())
				if dateReleasedArr[0][1].Trim().Match(`^[0-9]{4}$`) == true {

					album.DateReleased, _ = time.Parse(`2006`, dateReleasedArr[0][1].String())
				} else {
					// dna.Log(dateReleasedArr[0][1])
					album.DateReleased, _ = time.Parse(`January 02, 2006`, dateReleasedArr[0][1].String())


				if album.DateReleased.IsZero() == true {
					album.DateReleased, _ = time.Parse(`January 2, 2006`, dateReleasedArr[0][1].String())

				// dna.Log(dna.Sprintf("%v", album.DateReleased))

			// Getting Discographies
			discoArr := data.FindAllString(`(?mis)<li class="album">.+?</li>`, -1)
			discos := discoArr.Map(func(val dna.String, idx dna.Int) APIDiscography {
				var id dna.Int
				var title dna.String
				titleArr := val.FindAllStringSubmatch(`title="(.+?)" style="`, 1)
				if len(titleArr) > 0 {
					title = titleArr[0][1].Trim()

				href := val.GetTagAttributes("href")
				coverart := val.GetTagAttributes("src")
				idArr := href.FindAllStringSubmatch(`mw([0-9]+)`, 1)
				if len(idArr) > 0 {
					id = idArr[0][1].ToInt()
				} else {
					id = 0
				return APIDiscography{id, title, coverart}
			if len(discos) > 0 {
				bDisco, err := json.Marshal(discos)
				if err == nil {
					album.Discographies = dna.String(string(bDisco))

			// Getting Genres, Moods, Styles and Themes
			album.Genres = getTSGM(data, "genres")
			album.Moods = getTSGM(data, "moods")
			album.Styles = getTSGM(data, "styles")
			album.Themes = getTSGM(data, "themes")

			// Getting Songs
			songTitleArr := data.FindAllString(`(?mis)<tr class="track.+?</tr>`, -1)
			songs := songTitleArr.Map(func(track dna.String, idx dna.Int) APISong {
				var id, songDuration dna.Int = 0, 0
				var title dna.String = ""
				var composers, performers = []Person{}, []Person{}

				// Getting song's title and id
				titleArr := track.FindAllString(`(?mis)<div class="title" itemprop="name">.+?</div>`, 1)
				if titleArr.Length() > 0 {
					title = titleArr[0].RemoveHtmlTags("").Trim().DecodeHTML()
					idArr := titleArr[0].FindAllStringSubmatch(`m[a-z]([0-9]+)`, 1)
					if len(idArr) > 0 {
						id = idArr[0][1].ToInt()

				// Getting song's duration
				durationArr := track.FindAllString(`(?mis)<td class="time">.+?</td>`, 1)
				if durationArr.Length() > 0 {
					songDuration = ToSeconds(durationArr[0].RemoveHtmlTags("").Trim())

				// Getting composers
				composerArr := track.FindAllString(`(?mis)<div class="composer">.+?</div>`, 1)
				if composerArr.Length() > 0 {
					composers = composerArr[0].Split(" / ").Map(func(val dna.String, idx dna.Int) Person {
						var cid dna.Int = 0
						name := val.RemoveHtmlTags("").Trim()

						performerIdArr := val.FindAllStringSubmatch(`mn([0-9]+)`, 1)
						if len(performerIdArr) > 0 {
							cid = performerIdArr[0][1].ToInt()
						return Person{cid, name}

				// Getting artists
				performerArr := track.FindAllString(`(?mis)<td class="performer".+?</td>`, 1)
				if performerArr.Length() > 0 {
					perList := performerArr[0].FindAllString(`<a href=.+?</a>`, -1)
					if perList.Length() > 0 {
						performers = perList.Map(func(val dna.String, idx dna.Int) Person {
							var cid dna.Int = 0
							/// performer name
							/// does not handle feat: seperator
							/// LOOK at Unmarshal song
							// panic("LOOK AGAIN!!!!!!!!! :(")
							name := val.RemoveHtmlTags("").Trim()
							artistIdArr := val.FindAllStringSubmatch(`mn([0-9]+)`, 1)
							if len(artistIdArr) > 0 {
								cid = artistIdArr[0][1].ToInt()
							return Person{cid, name}


				return APISong{id, title, performers, composers, songDuration}

			if len(songs) > 0 {
				bSongs, derr := json.Marshal(songs)
				if derr == nil {
					album.Songs = dna.String(string(bSongs))

			// Getting Ratings

		channel <- true
	return channel
예제 #10
파일: movie.go 프로젝트: olragon/dna
func getMovieFromPage(movie *Movie) <-chan bool {
	channel := make(chan bool, 1)
	go func() {
		link := "http://mmovie.hdviet.com/hdviet." + movie.Id.ToString() + ".html"
		result, err := http.Get(link)
		if err == nil {
			if AccessTokenKeyRenewable == false {
				keyArr := result.Data.FindAllString(`_strLinkPlay.+`, 1)
				if keyArr.Length() > 0 {
					ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY = keyArr[0].Replace(`';`, "").ReplaceWithRegexp(`^.+;`, "").String()
					if len(ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY) != 32 {
						panic("Wrong ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY: Length has to be 32")
				AccessTokenKeyRenewable = true

			// Finding main data
			mainDat := result.Data.FindAllString(`(?mis)<div class="main_decs">.+?<div class="clear">`, 1)
			if len(mainDat) > 0 {
				main := mainDat[0]
				if main.GetTags("h4").Length() > 0 {
					movie.Title = main.GetTags("h4")[0].RemoveHtmlTags("").DecodeHTML().Trim()
					switch movie.Title.Split(" - ").Length() {
					case 2:
						movie.ForeignTitle = movie.Title.Split(" - ")[0]
						movie.VnTitle = movie.Title.Split(" - ")[1]
					case 3:
						movie.ForeignTitle = movie.Title.Split(" - ")[0]
						movie.VnTitle = movie.Title.Split(" - ")[1]
						third := movie.Title.Split(" - ")[2]
						if third.Match(`Tập`) == true {
							movie.IsSeries = true
							movie.CurrentEps = third.Replace("Tập", "").Trim().Split("/")[0].ToInt()
							movie.MaxEp = third.Replace("Tập", "").Trim().Split("/")[1].ToInt()
							seasonArr := movie.VnTitle.FindAllStringSubmatch(`Phần ([0-9]+)`, 1)
							if len(seasonArr) > 0 {
								movie.SeasonId = seasonArr[0][1].ToInt()

					movie.Topics = getNames(main, "Danh mục:", "Diễn viên")
					movie.Actors = getNames(main, "Diễn viên:", "Đạo diễn")
					movie.Directors = getNames(main, "Đạo diễn:", "<p>Quốc gia")
					movie.Countries = getNames(main, "<p>Quốc gia:", "Năm khởi chiếu")

					descArr := main.FindAllStringSubmatch(`(?mis)</h4>(.+?)Danh mục:`, 1)
					if len(descArr) > 0 {
						movie.Description = descArr[0][1].RemoveHtmlTags("").DecodeHTML().Trim()

					yearArr := main.FindAllStringSubmatch(`(?mis)Năm khởi chiếu:(.+?)</p>`, 1)
					if len(yearArr) > 0 {
						movie.YearReleased = yearArr[0][1].RemoveHtmlTags("").DecodeHTML().Trim().ToInt()

					ratingArr := main.FindAllStringSubmatch(`(?mis)Đánh giá IMDB:(.+?)<p>`, 1)
					if len(ratingArr) > 0 {
						if ratingArr[0][1].GetTags("span").Length() > 0 {
							rating := ratingArr[0][1].GetTags("span")[0].RemoveHtmlTags("").Replace(".", "").ToInt()
						nvotes := ratingArr[0][1].FindAllStringSubmatch(`\((.+) phiếu bình chọn`, 1)
						if len(nvotes) > 0 {
							movie.IMDBRating.Push(nvotes[0][1].Replace(",", "").ToInt())

			seasonsArr := result.Data.FindAllStringSubmatch(`(?mis)Season:(.+?)<div class="main_decs">`, 1)

			if len(seasonsArr) > 0 {
				movie.Seasons = dna.IntArray(seasonsArr[0][1].Split(`</li>`).Map(func(val dna.String, idx dna.Int) dna.Int {
					idArr := val.GetTagAttributes("href").FindAllStringSubmatch(`/hdviet\.(.+)\.html`, 1)
					if len(idArr) > 0 {
						return idArr[0][1].ToInt()
					} else {
						return 0
				}).([]dna.Int)).Filter(func(val dna.Int, idx dna.Int) dna.Bool {
					if val != 0 {
						return true
					} else {
						return false

			anotherTitleArr := result.Data.FindAllStringSubmatch(`var _moviename = '(.+)'`, 1)
			if len(anotherTitleArr) > 0 {
				movie.AnotherTitle = anotherTitleArr[0][1].Trim()

			similarDat := result.Data.FindAllStringSubmatch(`(?mis)<div class="other-films">(.+?)</div>`, 1)
			if len(similarDat) > 0 {
				movie.Similars = dna.IntArray(similarDat[0][1].FindAllString(`<a.+</a>`, -1).Map(func(val dna.String, idx dna.Int) dna.Int {
					href := val.GetTagAttributes("href")
					midArr := href.FindAllStringSubmatch(`\.([0-9]+)\.html`, 1)
					if len(midArr) > 0 {
						return midArr[0][1].ToInt()
					} else {
						return 0

			thumbArr := result.Data.FindAllString(`<div class="fd-poster">[\n\t\r]+.+`, 1)
			if thumbArr.Length() > 0 {
				movie.Thumbnail = thumbArr[0].GetTagAttributes("src")

			if result.Data.Match(`http://mmovie.hdviet.com/images/720.png`) == true {
				movie.MaxResolution = 720
			if result.Data.Match(`http://mmovie.hdviet.com/images/1080.png`) == true {
				movie.MaxResolution = 1080

		channel <- true

	return channel
예제 #11
파일: album.go 프로젝트: olragon/dna
// getSongFromMainPage returns album from main page
func getAlbumFromMainPage(album *Album) <-chan bool {

	channel := make(chan bool, 1)
	go func() {
		link := "http://mp3.zing.vn/album/google-bot/" + album.Key + ".html"
		result, err := http.Get(link)
		// Log(link)
		// Log(result.Data)
		if err == nil {
			data := &result.Data

			encodedKeyArr := data.FindAllStringSubmatch(`xmlURL=http://mp3.zing.vn/xml/album-xml/(.+)&amp;`, -1)
			if len(encodedKeyArr) > 0 {
				album.EncodedKey = encodedKeyArr[0][1]

			// playsArr := data.FindAllStringSubmatch(`Lượt nghe:</span>(.+)</p>`, -1)
			// if len(playsArr) > 0 {
			// 	album.Plays = playsArr[0][1].Trim().Replace(".", "").ToInt()
			// }

			// yearsArr := data.FindAllStringSubmatch(`Năm phát hành:</span>(.+)</p>`, -1)
			// if len(yearsArr) > 0 {
			// 	album.YearReleased = yearsArr[0][1].Trim()
			// }

			nsongsArr := data.FindAllStringSubmatch(`Số bài hát:</span>(.+)</p>`, -1)
			if len(nsongsArr) > 0 {
				album.Nsongs = nsongsArr[0][1].Trim().ToInt()

			// topicsArr := data.FindAllStringSubmatch(`Thể loại:(.+)`, -1)
			// if len(topicsArr) > 0 {
			// 	album.Topics = topicsArr[0][1].RemoveHtmlTags("").Trim().Split(", ").SplitWithRegexp(` / `).Unique()
			// }

			// descArr := data.FindAllStringSubmatch(`(?mis)(<p id="_albumIntro" class="rows2".+#_albumIntro">)Xem toàn bộ</a>`, -1)
			// if len(descArr) > 0 {
			// 	album.Description = descArr[0][1].RemoveHtmlTags("").Trim()
			// }

			// titleArr := data.FindAllStringSubmatch(`<h1 class="detail-title">(.+) - <a.+`, -1)
			// if len(titleArr) > 0 {
			// 	album.Title = titleArr[0][1].RemoveHtmlTags("").Trim()
			// }

			// artistsArr := data.FindAllStringSubmatch(`<h1 class="detail-title">.+(<a.+)`, -1)
			// if len(artistsArr) > 0 {
			// 	album.Artists = dna.StringArray(artistsArr[0][1].RemoveHtmlTags("").Trim().Split(" ft. ").Unique().Map(func(val dna.String, idx dna.Int) dna.String {
			// 		return val.Trim()
			// 	}).([]String))
			// }

			covertArr := data.FindAllStringSubmatch(`<span class="album-detail-img">(.+)`, -1)
			if len(covertArr) > 0 {
				album.Coverart = covertArr[0][1].GetTagAttributes("src")
				datecreatedArr := album.Coverart.FindAllStringSubmatch(`_([0-9]+)\..+$`, -1)
				if len(datecreatedArr) > 0 {
					// Log(int64(datecreatedArr[0][1].ToInt()))
					album.DateCreated = time.Unix(int64(datecreatedArr[0][1].ToInt()), 0)

			songidsArr := data.FindAllString(`id="_divPlsLite.+?"`, -1)
			if songidsArr.Length() > 0 {
				album.Songids = dna.IntArray(songidsArr.Map(func(val dna.String, idx dna.Int) dna.Int {
					return GetId(val.FindAllStringSubmatch(`id="_divPlsLite(.+)"`, -1)[0][1])

		channel <- true

	return channel